aliandsammy-blog · 4 years
Princess to Painter (A Once Upon A Time Reader Insert) Chapter One
Description: Y/N is the little sister of Prince Charming at 17 years old. Bur from the curse cast by the Evil Queen, she is known as Calpernya, a well-known teenage painter in Storybrooke, and Henry’s friend. If there was a painting in someone’s house, it was most likely painted by Calpernya. But when Henry’s birth mother arrives, things start changing...
It’s kind of late. Maybe 9 something at night? You don’t know. Your art room doesn’t have a clock. Your phone is in the room, but it’s on the other side to keep paint from getting all over it. You’ve been painting since 4 in the afternoon. 
You’ve gotten some of the painting finished. The walls, the floor, some cabinets. You don’t know exactly what you are painting. All you know is that the idea felt like a memory. 
You decide that you are done painting for the day. After all, it’s been 5 hours. You set your brush and palette down and you walk to the other side of the room to the sink. You turn on the faucet and water comes rushing out. You rinse your hands until the paint is gone. You grab a paper towel and dry your hands. You pick up your phone and you check the time. 9:53. Granny’s is probably closed. But you could use some fresh air. 
You look at your clothes. There is paint all over them. If you want to go on a walk, then you should at least change. 
You walk out of the art room and into the bedroom. The nice thing about living alone. You can paint as late as you want without bothering anyone. You open your closet door and you take a plain grey t-shirt and a pair of leggings. You throw off the dirty clothes and put on the new ones. You take your hair out of the ponytail and you brush through it to get rid of any tangles. 
You put on your plain white tennis shoes and you head out of the door with your keys between your fingers. Just in case. 
You walk around until you see a yellow car that you don’t recognize. Henry comes out of said car. 
After a minute, you decide to say something. “Henry. What are you doing here?” You walk closer to the car. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m fine, Y/N,” Henry replies. 
“Your name’s Y/N?” a blonde woman asks.
“According to Henry’s book it is. It’s Calpernya here.” The woman nods. “Who are you?”
“Just someone trying to give him a ride home.”
“She’s my mom,” Henry replies. 
“Do you know where he lives?” the woman asks.
“Yeah. Right up on Mifflin Street. The mayor’s house is the biggest one on that block.”
you answer. 
“You’re the mayor’s kid?” she asks Henry.
Henry hangs his head down. “Maybe.”
“Henry, your mom is going to be pissed. Maybe even at me. Apparently, you told her that you were coming to my place to paint with me,” you tell him. 
“Did she call you asking if I was there?”
“Yes. Now go home. It’s getting late.”
“Yeah. I should be getting him home.” the woman says.
“Yes. Good night, Henry. You can come over and see what I’m working on tomorrow.”
Henry smiles as you walk away. You begin to walk home.
*Flash to Enchanted Forest*
David slammed his hand on the table. “I say we fight!”
“Fighting is a bad idea,” Jiminy said. “Giving in to one’s dark side never accomplishes anything.” 
“And how many wars has a clear conscience won? We need to take the queen out before she can inflict her curse,” your brother replied. You rolled your eyes at his rudeness. 
“Can we even trust Rumplestiltskin?” Doc asked. 
“I’ve sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the queen’s plan. This is going to happen unless we do something.” 
“There’s no point. The future is written.” Snow said. 
“No. I refuse to believe that. Good can’t just lose.”
“Maybe it can.” 
“No. No. Not as long as we have each other. If you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our child. She will be the Savior.” 
A door opened very loudly. Everyone looked to where the sound came from. 
“What the hell is this?” David asked. 
Some knights and the Blue Fairy came closer to the table. “Our only hope of saving that child.” 
“A tree?” Grumpy asked. “Our fate rests on a tree? Let’s get back to the fighting thing.”
“The tree is enchanted,” Blue started. “If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse. Geppetto, can you build such a thing?” 
“Me and my boy, we can do it,” Geppetto replied.
Blue turned to face Snow and David. “This will work. We all must have faith.” Snow took David’s hand and nodded at him. “There is, however, a catch. The enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits. And this tree can protect only one.”
Snow and David look at each other.
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aliandsammy-blog · 4 years
Princess to Painter (A Once Upon A Time Reader Insert) Prologue
Description: Y/N is the little sister of Prince Charming at 17 years old. But from the curse cast by the Evil Queen, she is known as Calpernya, a well-known teenage painter in Storybrooke, and Henry’s friend. If there was a painting in someone’s house, it was most likely painted by Calpernya. But when Henry’s birth monther arrives, things start changing...
Once upon time, there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day, they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our World. 
This is how it happened…
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