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Wish i could adopt you...but momma said NO😭......#wannabe ummu hurairah all over again
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Theres no friendship between non mahram...remember that ya ukhtiess....
Looking for Love?
Sisters (/brothers) drift apart, things get weird.
Relationships break.
Marriages collapse.
Friendship? That was a joke.
And then they realise it was never really for the sake of Allah ﷻ.
If it was for His sake, then… how can something based purely on the love of Allah end? Or even deteriorate? It only grows stronger.
[Indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds Ar-Rahman Shall grant them love] Maryam:96
The word for love here is wudd, (hubb also translates to love). But wudd is a more sincere and pure form of love.
Those who believe and do righteous deeds, The Most Merciful, will grant them an unbreakable and sincere love. That’s what you need.
DISCLAIMER: Love only exists within the boundaries that Allah the Almighty has legislated. There is absolutely no love outside of these boundaries because that is merely an illusion created by shayṭān to get people to transgress the commands of Allah. When I mention love here, or in any of my other posts, I am STRICTLY referring to the only love that exists: the Halal kind. Additionally, friendship between non-Maḥrams is another illusion of Shayṭān; there is no friendship - there cannot be one. Barak Allahu feekum and may Allah reward the sister who pointed out that this could be misinterpreted x
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Another things which never been mentioned before to be reflect upon from favourite chapter about prophet musa as.
How to: A Fine Gentleman
When Mūsā ʿalayhis salām entered the land of Madyan, after barely just escaping wrongful persecution from Firʿawn et al., he comes across a body of water surrounded by herders and their cattle.
Nearby, but still at a distance, he spots two young women struggling with their herd.
He approaches them and asks,
ما خطبكما؟
❝What is your circumstance?❞
(Or if we were to look at my favourite translation of this verse: “What aileth you?”)
From just two words in a single āyah, scholars derive innumerable lessons in the etiquettes of male-female interaction.
He could have offered a warm greeting, so as not to frighten them. He could have offered words of support. He could have prodded more into their very strange circumstance (– WHAT was aileth-ing them?! It wasn’t normal for women to be carrying out hard labour exclusive to the realm of men, but here they were.)
Instead he limits his interaction to two words: ما خطبكما
Absolutely no other comment or remark is offered.
Receiving a reply just as reserved,
They said, we do not water until the shepherds dispatch [their flocks]; and our father is an old man. – al-Qaṣaṣ:23
Content with their reply, he finds no need to extend the conversation further and does what is only obvious,
So he watered (their flocks) for them. – al-Qaṣaṣ:24
And instead of waiting for a word of thanks, an appreciation, or even to ask if any further help was needed, he leaves.
These stories in the Qurʾān are not (just) meant to be made a part of children’s Islāmic school syllabus’, or bed time stories, or themes for fun, entertaining but overpriced Islāmic events.
More than anything, they are meant to be lessons for us, examples of real life implementation of etiquettes and laws that please Allāh subḥāneh wa tʿālā.
As Allāh the Most Exalted says in the Qurʾān, ﴾Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding…﴿ Yūsuf:111
و لكن يا أسفى؛ قل من يعتبر
And here we are far, far removed from implementing even an iota worth of Qurʾānic mannerism our society desperately needs in order to function well. Great changes do not and cannot happen overnight, it’s in these small considerations (note: it’s always the finer details that reflect who we are) – the most basic of all: how we carry ourselves, interact and converse with those around us in public and private – which eventually will oversee some form of betterment on a larger scale.
And never forget, Allāh does not belittle an act of goodness. Be it an ounce of taqwa in our hearts restraining our actions and speech to a small, kind gesture (such as the one demonstrated by Prophet Mūsā), He ﷻ sees, and He rewards by opening doors of goodness. Look at the sort of doors that He opened for Mūsā alayhis salām! :)
(Not done yet), though centuries have passed and vast changes have taken place in the way we live our lives, function, communicate,… (you’re not going to come across two maidens trying to water their herd, know what I mean?) but these lessons are universal, especially in the ease of their applicability, if we only but tried.
What do you say? :)
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Allah is the best controllers of our affairs,,even without us realizing....
“Why isn’t Allāh doing anything?!”
If you read the story of Aṣḥāb al-Kahf (the Companions of the Cave), you will learn an incredible amount about Allāh.
You will learn what He can do for you, how He can take care of you, how He is never distant from His obedient slaves. You will learn that when you are in Allāh’s Mercy, He doesn’t just care for the ‘bigger picture’ but He ﷻ looks after the finest most details in your life too.
Right from the beginning of the story, almost every āyah tells us about what Allāh did for Aṣḥāb al-Kahf, and in effect, we learn what He can do for us too.
فضربنا على آذانهم So We cast [a cover of sleep] over their ears…
ثم بعثناهم لنعلم Then We awakened them that We might show…
نحن نقص عليك نبأهم It is We who relate to you, their story in truth…
وزدناهم هدى and We increased them in guidance..
وربطنا على قلوبهم And We made firm their hearts when they stood up and said…
On and on, and on.
To the untrained heart, it might seem that Allāh intervened and brought relief only at the end, but the truth is that all along Allāh was caring for them. Just as He does for you and I.
When a person is faced with a problem, one complaint the ignorant amongst us have is, “Why isn’t Allāh doing anything?!”
But if we stopped being so self-absorbed for a second and opened our eyes, we’ll see just what He does for us – not only in response to our duʿāʾ but also in response to the īmān in our hearts. We’ll see just how magnificently Allāh cares for us throughout the problem.
Allāh is always with us, those who lack knowledge about Allāh fail to see this.
Originally Posted Here
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اللهم إني ظلمت نفسي ظلما كثيرا ولا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت فاغفر لي مغفرة من عندك وارحمني إنك أنت الغفور الرحيم (via iiislam)
One of favourite dua
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*Targeting Imanan wahtisaban...*
✔Ust. Abdul Aziz Ar Rouf Lc. ⌚Malam 21 Ramadhan 1437 H ✈🕌Mesjid Habiburahman "Man shoma Ramadhana imanan wahtisaban ghufira lahu ma taqaddama min zambihi. Barangsiapa yang melaksanakan puasa karena iman dan ikhlas, niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu." ▶🌒imanan wahtisaban a/ Dasar iman dan yakin akan balasan dari Allah.. ▶🌒Bagaimana beribadah sepanjang ramadhan hanya karna cinta,rindu,dan harapan kepada Allah,,,nyaris bukan karena Ramadhan & Lailatul qadrnya ▶Meski akan dihitung menghidupkan malam lailatul qadr akan berbeda hanya termotivasi karna ramadhannya atau lailatul qadrnya,,,bgtu lebaran tiba bisa2 kita sudah tidak ketemu lagi al quran,tilawah, qiyamul lail, Allah tidak menjadi Zat yang kita kejar u/ dpat bersamaNya ▶Sering kita lupa bahwa Allah yg ada di malam ganjil dan Allah yg ada di malam genap,,itu ya Allah jg,,,jgn salah pandang dlm beribadah ▶🌒jdikan imanan wahtisaban sebagai target,,,Allah lah yg pling kita rindukan dalam setiap amal2 ini,,maka amalan kita InsyaAllah terjaga sepanjang tahun atau bahkan sampai kita dipanggil oleh Allah swt. ▶Jangan sampai iman kita hanya bergantung dengan Ramadhan,,,harus tersibgah (terwarnai) aqidahnya dibulan2 lain,,,ketika 1 syawal sudah harus berfikir agendakan jam brapa saya baca qur'an,,jam brapa saya qiyamul lail?,,,bukan iman temporal tapi sepanjang hidup ▶Qs. Maryam ayat 39..yaumal hasrah... 10 hri yg pasti semua menyesal,,yg paling soleh sekalipun menyesal kenapa tidak lebih meningkatkan ibadah ▶Saat manusia itu menyesal wajahnya tertunduk di hadapan Allah swt. ▶Qs. Al Mu'minun ayat 112 Allah bertanya berapa lama manusia tinggal di bumi,,dan manusia menjawab sehari atau setengah hari 1 hri akhirat = 1000 tahun dunia ketika manusia usiany 60 tahun hasilnya Skitar 1,5 jam saja di akhirat ▶Apa yg bisa diandalkan u/ menyelamatkan kita dri api neraka ▶warahmati wa siat kulla syai,,al araf 156 ,,,rahmatKu ini meliputi segala sesuatu,,,dari situ Allah syariatkan malam Lailatul Qadr ▶Lailatul qadr adalah hadiah Allah kepada umat nabi Muhammad saw..1 malam saja seperti 83 tahun ibadah full total ▶Seharusnya mustahil orang2 beriman menyia-nyiakan hadiah Allah berupa malam lailatul qadr yg sifatnya khairum min alfi syahr lebih baik dri seribu bulan ▶Qs. Ad dukhan:3 Inna anzalna hufi lailatin mubarakah,,,turun pd malam yg berkah, disebut kita mubarakah,,amalan sebentar 1 juz ,,30-40 mnit tpi subhanallah kalau kita tahu pahalanya ▶Secara bahasa,, kerja sedikit tapi hasilnya besar,, secara syariat hanya Allah yang menentukan ganjaran ▶Jadikan kehidupan kita tdk boleh lepas dari keberkahan,,, doa nabi nuh as...Rabbi anzilni munzallan mubarakah,, tempatkanlah aku pada tempat yg diberkahi,, qs al mu'minun 29 ▶3 Makna Al- Qadr 1⃣ *Kemuliaan* Wamaa qadarullah haqqo qodrih...qs azzumar 67 ▶Org yg sirik kepada Allah ,,tidak memuliakan dan menghargai Allah dgn sesungguhnya... 2⃣ *Sempit* Qs. At talaq :7 Waman qodiru alihi rizquhu falyunfiqu mimma atahullah ▶Barangsiapa yg rezekinya terbatas/sempit,,,mengajarkan flexibel dalam kehidupan rumah tangga,, Dan alam semesta ini sempit,saat lailatul qadr ,,malaikat semua turun mendoakan manusia2 yg beribadah kepada Allah swt...bahagialah kita berada di sela-sela malaikat,,, 3⃣ *Takdir* Wa kholaqo kulla syai'in faqodarohu taqdira ..qs al furqan:2 ▶Jgn sampai semua penetapan di malam lailatul qadr ini tidak kita dapatkan ▶Qs ad dukhan :4 pada malam itu dijelaskan segala urusan yg penuh hikmah,,,semua sudah ditetapkan bergantung amalan di malam itu ▶Ilmu kita tidak mengamalkannya bahaya,,lebih musibah kita tidak mengetahuinya 🌒Harus merasa punya utang kepada Allah... ▶Ayat shiyam dimulai dari 183 ...diawali dengan akhir ayat laalakum tattaqun,,dan ayat 187 laalahum yattaqun ▶dalam bukaan lembaran yg sama perintah shaum bersanding dengan perintah qisas,,,kenapa harus dibedakan tidak dipahami,,awal ayat dan akhir sama,,, laalakum tattakun Setiap kita punya utang kepada ayat ini ▶Umar bin Khattab ra.. ketika satu hukum saja dilupakan oleh manusia maka beliau sangat ketakutan bila ada satu ayat yg terlupa... -Wallahu a'lam bishawab-
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That moment when ust abdul azis ar rouf finish reciting an-nas and continue doa khatmil quran...he then starts from alif lam mim again,,even only 5 minutes left to pray before sahur time...he never loosen up even a bit when it comes to worshiping Allah....
So even ramadhan already departs....we must continue what we gain,,what we reach in ramadhan,,seek excellence of worship not only in Ramadhan...
Allahummarzuqna istiqamata ba'dal ramadhan
The End?
Over this weekend Ḥuffādh across the globe reached the final verse of the Qurʾān, and with a heavy heart concluded with: min al jinnatī wan-nās.
Even though this is the final chapter of the Qurʾān it is recited in the penultimate unit of Tarāwīḥ, not the final. In the final unit after the Fātiḥah, the Imām starts from the beginning, “Alif Lām Mīm…” this shows that even though the recitation has finished, that the Qurʾān never truly ends, it continues. There is a reminder, that the words many of us recite and reflect on deeply are not confined to the month of Ramaḍān. The Book is not supposed to gather dust on our shelves, or merely decorate our homes – but should be read consistently. We need to foster an attachment to the words of Allāh, a permanent bond.
Imām Suyūṭī states, “Everything is based on the Qurʾān.” From theology to grammar, it all stems from the Qurʾān, a revelation revealed to the Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) via the archangel Jibrāʾīl, it is timeless. The Qurʾān leads to transformation - it breaks hearts, it gives openings - just like it did for Sayyidina ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, a man that set out to kill the Prophet (ﷺ) but now rests besides him (ﷺ).
If you want Allāh to open your heart, you need to open His Book. We ask Allāh, Glorious and Majestic is He, to aid us in striking a covenant with the Qurʾān. We thank Allāh for the immense blessing of Ramaḍān and for all that He has enabled us to do in this blessed month. We pray He accepts all our efforts, and overlooks our many flaws.
Do not forget to pay Zakāt al-Fiṭr, and do make these final few days count.
And Allāh alone knows best.
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Found this note again....alhamdulillah such great reminder
Guys find girls pretty. It’s no secret.
They will find you pretty, they will find your friend pretty, they will find their friends girl pretty, they will find their sisters friends pretty, their neighbour pretty. All average guys are like that, They find pretty girls pretty. Period.
They will like your selfie + other girls too + day dream about celebrities. They are just wired that way. If Guys are smart, you need to be smarter. Average people are passion/desire centric, extra ordinary people are Allah centric.
If you want to dress up in a certain way for them, you’re at loss. Because, they will always be looking everywhere nomatter how good looking you may be. Looking at you while noticing other girls even if they’re “committed” to you.
If your self esteem thrives on attention from the opposite gender then be prepared to be an insecure person your entire life. You’ll be running from person to person inorder to feel better about yourself. Islam empowers you. If Allah finds you obedient you don’t need anyone to call you beautiful.
If your worth is with Allah it will reflect in the way you carry yourself. There are many beautiful women in the world. It’s a never ending list. So many beautiful faces around, what makes you different? What should make you stand out?
Your commitment to Allah. 20 years from now for young girls that’s all that will matter. Your legacy is not in your beauty but the way you impart Islam to your children & the positive effect you bring into people’s lives.
A thousand guys can find you pretty but if Allah finds you disobedient, your at loss. Men can’t really give you anything.
Pleasing human beings is a time consuming & soul consuming task but pleasing Allah is easy & fulfilling. Think of pleasing Allah. Have a big goal,Be a woman of Jannah. The average shouldnt excite an extra ordinary girl.
It’s okay to have slipped but you need to stand up straight, you may have slipped into mud once but dont try to swim there. Ours is a religion of coming back to Allah.
Also, not all men are like that. Men who fear Allah & apply knowledge of the deen aren’t like that. They are good men. But that’s rare, so be wise. “Good men are for good women”
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Laylat Al-Qadr - The Night of Power
**Notes are derived from the Qur'an Weekly video by Shaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda. You can download Laylat al-Qadr notes here from Dropbox.
**Shaykh Omar Suleiman of Bayyinnah Institute also did a lecture video on the Virtues of Laylat al-Qadr. You can download those notes here.**
– Sidratul Muntaha is the highest spot in the heavens before entering into the realm of the Arsh of Allah
On the night of Al Isra Wal Mi’raj (the journey at night to Jerusalem & the ascension to the heavens), Jibril took the Prophet (saw) to the point of Sidratul Muntaha & told the Prophet to proceed forward because Jibril couldn’t do so
Sidratul Muntaha is the highest spot in the seven heavens that the angels could go to
– All the angels gather at the place of Sidratul Muntaha
There are very specific angels that are reserved exclusively for the place of Sidratul Muntaha, & these are the most noble of angels – Malaaikatul Muqarrabin
They are the angels closest to Allah
At Sidratul Muntaha, some of the angels are in ruku’, some in sujood, some say Alhamdulillah, some say Subhanallah, some say Allahu Akbar
They are all engaged in the praise & glorification of Allah
– Standing in the middle of these angels in the position of a leader & a coordinator is none other than Jibril (Gabriel)
– On Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power), when the sun fully sets (because night begins after sunset), Jibril descends down from Sidratul Muntaha through the 7 heavens & through the sam’a (sky of the dunya) & descends upon the earth
Jibril has two wings that are green in color. He only opens those two wings on Laylat al-Qadr
Along with Jibril, all the angels also start coming down to the earth in waves
All the angels that are there at the place of Sidratul Muntaha are beyond our ability to count, & they all descend down in waves upon waves upon waves, assembling around Jibril
Angels from Sidratul Muntaha continue to descend in such numbers so much so that there are more angels than the entire number of pebbles or rocks on the entire face of this earth – beyond our ability to count
These are not even all the angels that Allah has created
These angels are just the ones that are stationed at Sidratul Muntaha, the ones closest to Allah in their position
Only Allah knows how large His assembly & army of angels is
– The Prophet said, “The Heavens, the sky is creaking. It’s breaking under the pressure of how many angels are in the sky.”
On the night of Al Isra Wal Mi’raj, the Prophet saw that there are so many angels in the heavens & in the sky, that there is not a single place in the sky that doesn’t have an angel worshipping, praising, glorifying, & prostrating before Allah
The entire skies are covered & blanketed with these angels
The Prophet also told us from the journey of Al Isra Wal Mi’raj about Baytul Ma’mur, which is the Ka’bah of the Heavens
It is directly aligned on top of the Ka’bah
– Every single day, 70,000 unique angels perform tawaaf in Baytul Ma’mur
Once an angel does tawaaf of Baytul Ma’mur one day, then that angel will never have the opportunity to do tawaaf every again
They only get one opportunity in their entire lives
Since the beginning of time til the end of time, 70,000 unique & new angels do tawaaf every single day
– Once the malaaikat muqarrabin descends down waves upon waves on the earth on Laylat al-Qadr, Jibril starts to deploy the angels all over the earth. Weak narrations mention that the place Jibril descends down to is the Ka’bah in Makkah
Jibril, the imam of all the angels, deploys the angels in all different directions. Jibril instructs the angels, “Go to every single home on the face of this earth where there is someone worshipping & praising Allah.”
The angels then begin to enter in every home
– The only places that the angels avoid are places where there might be idols, filth, najasa, or something impure or unclean
Specifically, the angels enter into every single place except for a place that might have intoxicants & alcohol. This is more motivation & reason for us to cleanse our homes
Shaykh Abdul is not talking about what sin you might commit or not commit (that’s between you & Allah), but he’s talking about ridding your home of those types of things/filth, because the angels will not walk through your doors & enter your homes on the Night of Qadr if there is any type of intoxicant within your home
Aside from homes that have idols, filth, or intoxicants, the angels go into every single home where there is someone praising, glorifying, & worshipping Allah
– Jibril tells his army of angels to do a couple of things
He says, “When you go into their homes, & you find people making dua, say ‘ameen’ to their dua’s.”
So the angels go into these homes, & they say ameen to every single dua that every single person is making on that night
Jibril also tells the angels, “Look for people that are praying & worshipping tonight. Make dua for them. Make dua that Allah forgives them. Make dua that Allah blesses them. Make dua that Allah sends peace & tranquility upon them.”
The angels go around looking for homes, people, & masajid, where people are praying & worshipping, and these angels make dua, “O Allah, forgive these people. Have mercy upon these people.”
– One beautiful narration mentions that Jibril also tells his army of angels, “Go and look for people who are worshipping & praying, & shake their hands. Give them salaams.”
The angels & Jibril go around giving salaam to people who are worshipping on the Night of Qadr
Imagine the angels saying salaam to you, embracing you, shaking your hand, & hugging you, & making dua for you, & saying ameen to your duas
This goes on all night long. The angels move about the earth embracing the earth, saying salaam to people, & saying ameen to people who are worshipping on the blessed night
– When Fajr time comes near, all the angels gather back to Jibril. Jibril reassembles all the angels, & from there, Jibril ascends up into the sky but he doesn’t leave this dunya
He ascends up to the sky & he suspends himself in the air in between the sky & the earth, where the sun is. All the angels gather up & they start to ascend up into the sky, & they all gather around Jibril
The angels stay there, suspended between the sky & the earth, until the sun rises
– There’s a Hadith from the Prophet who told us, “Do not worship while the sun is rising.” We are not supposed to pray when the sun is rising; we pray Fajr before the sunrise
Once the sun has fully risen, then you can pray the shurooq prayer & Ishraq prayer
– Special Prayers
Shurooq prayer
Ishraq & Duha prayers
– We don’t pray while the sun is actually rising, because the Prophet said that Shaytan aligns himself with the horizon on the east where the sun rises
The Prophet said, “The sun rises between the horns of Shaytan. Shaytan aligns himself there on the horizon so that the people who worship the sun at the time of sunrise actually end up worshipping Shaytan.”
– On the morning following Laylat al-Qadr, Shaytan is not allowed to align himself where the sun is rising, so that morning is the only time of the year where the sun rises without Shaytan trying to position himself at the eastern horizon
One of the signs of Laylat al-Qadr is that when the sun rises on the following morning, it doesn’t have sharp rays shooting out of it. Instead, the sun has a general glow
The Prophet said, “The sun is almost like a plate or a dish that is completely round & has a round haze/glow around it. The sun doesn’t have rays shooting out of it.”
The explanation for this is that when all the angels align themselves in the sky during Fajr time, their presence in the sky shields the rays of the sun, so when we look at the sun that morning, we are looking at it through an angelic filter
– After the sun rises, Jibril & all the angels travel up to all the levels of the sky
Every level of the sky of this dunya (& every place in the universe for that matter) has angels
The angels in the sky witness the army of malaaikat muqarrabin (the closest angels to Allah) led & guided by Jibril coming up
When the angels of the skies see the army of malaaikat muqarrabin, they ask them, “How was the Night of Power?”
Jibril & his army of angels reply, “MashAllah, it went very well, Alhamdulillah. It was excellent.”
The angels of the sky ask, “Who was worshipping? Who was praying?”
Jibril & his army of angels mention every single person who was worshipping on the Night of Power. They mention all the names of the individuals who worshipped that night & they brag about these individuals. “So-and-so, & the son of so-and-so, & such-and-such woman, the daughter of so-and-so, these people were worshipping on this night.”
Jibril & his army brag about these worshippers & praise them to the angels of the skies
– After this conversation takes place, Jibril & the rest of the malaaikat muqarrabin ascend up to the 1st Heaven
Again, the angels of the 1st Heaven ask Jibril & his army, “You are coming from the Night of Power. Tell us how it went.”
Jibril & the rest of his army mention the names of every single person who worshipped on Laylat al Qadr & brag about them
This conversation takes place in every level of the sky as Jibril & his army continues their ascension into the heavens. They keep bragging about the worshippers & mentioning these worshippers by name who were worshipping on the Night of Power
– This continues until Jibril & his army finally reach the point of Sidratul Muntaha where they started from, the place that is nearest to the Arsh (throne) of Allah
The angels stand before Allah & deliver their report
Allah knows, sees, & hears everything, but the angels deliver their report to Allah
In delivering their report, the angels say, “Ya Allah, our Raab, we are coming back from Laylat al Qadr, & we found many of Your slaves in Your worship. We found so-and-so, the son of so-and-so. We found such-and-such woman, the daughter of so-and-so.”
The angels mention each & every single person by name in front of Allah
– It’s usually translated as “Night of Power,” but what does that actually mean?
– Laylat al Qadr is two words
First word is laylat, which means “night of”
This is a genitive construction (shows relations between two nouns), so it means the “night of al-Qadr”
Second word is “al-Qadr”
This has several meanings according to different narrations
– The scholars mention that al-Qadr in the Arabic language means “reverence, respect, greatness, awesomeness”
First reason that this night is called “Laylat al Qadr” is that this is the night that Allah, who is Al-Qadir (The All Powerful), gives HIs reward by the means of the greatest of His angels who is Jibril
How great is Jibril (as)?
The Prophet saw Jibril in his true original form twice. The Prophet descried Jibril to have his feet on the ground & his head in the clouds. The angel was the size of a skyscraper (very huge)
The Prophet also described Jibril’s wings to be so huge that when the angel opened his wings, they covered the entire distance from the east to the west; the wings covered the entire horizon. The Prophet narrated, “I couldn’t see anything past Jibril’s wings.” Jibril has 600 such wings
The Prophet also mentioned that Jibril moves at the speed of light. On the night of Al-Isra Wal Mi’raj, Buraq (the animal that the Prophet was riding) moved at the speed of light; its first step was as far as the eye could see, & Jibril was flying right by the side of the animal the entire time – he never got left behind. Jibril could fly that quick
On the Night of Greatness, Allah (who is the Greatest) sends the greatest of His angels (Jibril) with the greatest of His mercy, His forgiveness, & His blessings down upon the slaves in the greatest of the months & in the greatest of the nights
This is a night of total & absolute greatness
– Another explanation of why this is called the Night of Greatness is that the Qur’an was revealed on this night. There are 3 opinions on this:
The 1st opinion is that Allah commanded the Pen to write the Qur’an in the Protected Tablet
The Protected Tablet (Al-Lawh al-Mahfudh) is where Allah has written the Qur’an, where He has written all the Revelations, where He has written all the destiny of all of mankind, the entire world, & in the entire universe. Everything in existence, basically
It was on the night of Laylat al-Qadr, long, long ago, that Allah commanded the divine pen to write the Qur’an in the Protected Tablet
The 2nd opinion is that this is the night on which Allah had Jibril transfer the Qur’an from the Protected Tablet to the sky of this world, in a place that is aligned on top of the Ka’bah, called Baytul ‘Izza (the House of Honor, Dignity, & Might)
Allah had Jibril transfer the Qur’an from Al-Lawh al-Mahfudh to Baytul Izza so that it could be revealed from there piece by piece, ayah by ayah, surah by surah, portion by portion to the Prophet
The 3rd opinion is that on this night, the greatest of the angels brought from Allah the greatest of revelation upon the greatest of mankind & the greatest of messengers of all time, and that is Prophet Muhammad
One thing we can say for certain is that on this night of Laylat al Qadr, great & remarkable things have, will always, & will continue to happen on this night. Great things have occurred on this night, great things happen on this night, & great things will always continue to occur on this night. That’s why it’s called Laylat al-Qadr
– The 2nd reason that this night is called Laylat al-Qadr is that whoever worships Allah on this night becomes great in the eyes & Sight of Allah
Not only is this night inherently great, but this night has the ability to make someone great
All you have to do is worship Allah, stand before Allah, pray before Allah on this night, and you will be granted greatness by Allah Himself on this night-
– The 3rd reason that this night is called Laylat al-Qadr is that one of the meanings of the word Qadr is for something to become tight, restricted, or constricted
When you’re traveling & you have a carry-on bag that you stuff so much, & when you try to close the bag, then at that time, you can’t close the bag, you can’t zip it shut because you’ve stuffed the bag too much
Part of the meaning of qadr is for something to be so amazing & so full of greatness, that it can’t contain it
The night is called Laylat al Qadr because so many angels come down upon the earth that the entire world is not able to contain the greatness that is that night. The angels are overflowing out of this dunya on this night
– The last reason that this night is called Laylat al-Qadr is that part of the meaning of the world al-Qadr is “predestination” (from the word “taqdir”)
This night is also called the Night of Predestination as mentioned in Sura Dukhan, “Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, we were to warn mankind. On that night is made distinct every precise matter” [44:3-4]
In that Night, every single command from Allah is distributed & handed out. On Laylat al Qadr, Allah assigns to the angels what they need to carry out & what they need to do for the coming year
Allah has already predestined everything about 50,000 years before He created the heavens & the earth; He had already written the predestination of mankind, but on Laylat al Qadr, Allah instructs the angels on the tasks that they will be carrying out for the coming year – about who will be born & who will die, who will be fed, how much they will be fed, etc.
– All of the above reasons are why this blessed night is called Laylat al-Qadr. All of those things occur on the Night of Power
– In Surat al-Qadr, Allah talks about the amazingness of Laylat al-Qadr
“Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit (Jibril) descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” [97:1-5]
Allah mentions this night as being better than a thousand months. This can have 2 meanings:
– When Allah used the terms “thousand months,” it was possibly meant literally. A thousand months is equal to 83 years & 4 months
It’s okay to understand it as literally a thousand months because in Imam Malik’s Muwatta (X) it’s mentioned that the Prophet told his Sahaba, “I was shown the ages of the followers of the prophets before me. I was informed by Allah about how long the followers of the previous prophets used to live. They used to live for hundreds of years. I was very sad that the average age of my followers will be between 60 and 70, & they will not live very, very long. I felt bad that my ummah will not be able to worship like the people that came before, like the followers of the prophets before me. To console me, Allah has revealed this surah about the Night of Power, that the reward of worshipping on the Night of Power is greater than a thousand months.”
Another narration mentioned that the Prophet was telling his Sahaba about some of the great people that lived in the ummahs that came before us. The Prophet specifically mentioned specific individuals who were given very long lifespans, but at the same time they were so dedicated, that they worshipped Allah for 80 years continuously
When we have a 2-hour or a 3-hour prayer session, on a really special night like in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, we might stand up & join in qiyam prayer of taraweeh prayer for 2 nights straight. At this time, we don’t use the restroom or eat food or drink anything; we just stand up & pray for 2 hours straight
Keeping this in mind, there were some followers of previous prophets who had 80-year long worship sessions. Imagine praying for 80 years straight.
Another narration mentions that the Prophet talked about some pious people in the past who fought in battle for 80 years nonstop, in jihad fisabilillah. They strove in the path of Allah for 80 years nonstop
When the Sahaba heard this, they felt a little sad. They felt like they didn’t have the same opportunities as the previous followers of the previous prophets did
The Prophet told them, “Allah is consoling you. Allah has revealed Surat al-Qadr, in which He says that ‘We have given you the Night of Power, and it is better than a thousand months.’ “
This is one meaning of the “thousand months” term, the literal meaning
When we worship on that single night of Laylat al-Qadr, the night that is greater than a thousand months, it is equivalent to worshipping Allah for 83 years continuously. Imagine the reward we will get for worshipping for 83+ years nonstop. We get even a better reward because we worship on that night of Laylat al-Qadr
– The second meaning for the term “thousand months”
In the Arabic language, there are certain expressions that are used like there are in any language
In English, when we say that there is a lot of something, we use the expression “dozens and dozens”. When we want to say that there is a lot more of something, we say “hundreds and hundreds”. If you want to paint a picture of an even bigger number, we use the term “thousands and thousands.”
When you try to say that there were so many people that you couldn’t even count the number, you say “there were millions and millions of people”; you don’t literally mean that there were exactly 2 million or 5 million people there, but what you mean is that there were more people than you could count
A similar expression in Arabic is the world alf/alaaf, which translates to “thousands,” & that is English equivalent to “millions & millions”
When Allah says that the reward of worshipping on the Night of Power is better than a thousand months, it means that it’s better than worshipping for all of eternity
It is like worshipping for you entire life. imagine a person being granted the ability to worship from the minute you are born into this world to the second you left this world to – an entire lifespan filled with worship
Worshipping on that one night is more rewarding & better than worshiping your entire lifetime (khayroun min alfi shahr)
– In the next ayah, Allah says, “The angels and the Spirit (Jibril) descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter” [97:4]
– In the last ayah, Allah says, “Peace it is until the emergence of dawn” [97:5]. This has 3 meanings:
That night is peaceful
That night is safe. Allah protects you from Shaytan & distractions on that night
The angels go around saying “Salaam” to everyone who is worshipping Allah on that night
– The Prophet said, “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan while believing in Allah & hoping for a reward from Allah, all of the sins of that person will be forgiven. Whoever worships on the Night of Power believing in Allah & hoping for a reward, Allah will forgive all of the previous sins of that person.”
– The Prophet also talked about how Shaytan is not allowed to align himself with the sun as it is rising on that day
– In another narration, the Prophet said, “The angels descend down on the Night of Power with the mercy of Allah & with the blessings from Allah, bringing peace & tranquility from Allah.”
– The Prophet said, “The angels come down on this night saying salaam to everyone who worships Allah on this particular night.”
– When the month of Ramadan came, the Prophet talked about Laylat al Qadr at the beginning of the month so that people would be ready for it. He said, “The month of Ramadan has come upon you. Allah has made fasting obligatory during this month. The gates of Paradise have been opened during this month. The doors of the Fire of Hell have been locked during this month. The shayatin (the devils, the troublemakers) have been chained up & locked up during this month. There is a night that is better than a thousand months. Whosoever was deprived of worship during this night, that person is deprived of everything good.”
– In another narration, the Prophet said, “There is a night in the month of Ramadan that is better than a thousand months. Whoever was deprived of worshipping Allah this month, the person is deprived of everything good in existence. Nobody is deprived of the good of Laylat al Qadr except for someone who is truly, truly deprived of everything good in this life & the next.”
– Based off the Prophet’s descriptions of the signs of Laylat al-Qadr, the Sahaba had different opinions about when Laylat al-Qadr can be
Abu Sayid al Khudri claimed that Laylat al Qadr is on the 21st night of Ramadan
Other companions of the Prophet said that Laylat al Qadr is on the 23rd night of Ramadan
Yet other Sahaba have claimed that Laylat al Qadr is on the 24th night of Ramadan
This is a weaker opinion, based on weak narrations that state that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet ton the 24th night
Some of the Sahaba also say that Laylat al Qadr is on the 25th night of Ramadan
There were a large group of Sahaba who mention the authentic narration that Laylat al Qadr is on the 27th night of Ramadan
This is specifically based off the fact that the Prophet said that there is a bit of light rain on the night of Laylat al Qadr
Ubay bin Ka’ab went into the masjid & saw a bit of water trickling down through the roof of Masjid al Nabawi. When the Prophet got up from his prayer, his clothes, hands, & also his forehead had a bit of moisture & a little bit of dirt because of the moisture that made the dirt cling to his body
Yet other narrations point out that Laylat al Qadr is on the 29thnight of Ramadan
This is because of narrations from the Prophet who said that Laylat al Qadr is on the “night that remains”
Weaker narrations say that the Prophet said, “The last night of Ramadan is Laylat al Qadr,” & this refers to the 29th night of that particular year
– These are all the varying opinions of when Laylat al Qadr is, ranging from 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, & 29th nights of Ramadan
The Prophet specifically said, “It is one of the odd-numbered nights from the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan.”
That means it is not the 21st, or the 23rd, or the 25th, or the 27th, or the 29th
It means that is 21st AND possibly the 23rd, AND the 25th, AND the 27th, AND the 29th , meaning it could be ANY one of these. It is not certain exactly which particular one of those nights is Laylat al Qadr
Yet in another narration found in Bukhari & Muslim, the Prophet said, “Seek out the Night of Power during the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan,” and he did NOT specify the odd-numbered nights
– The understanding of this if someone is willing to take less of a chance, they could take a chance on any one of those odd-numbered nights
But if someone is not willing to take a chance on achieving on such an unbelievable & remarkable reward from Allah, then s/he would worship on all of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan
– Based off of all of this, some of the Tabi’un (the students of the Sahaba) concluded that Laylat al-Qadr could be any one of the last ten nights
The reason the Sahaba observed Laylat al-Qadr on different nights because the night would change year after year (after all, the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle)
So one year, Laylat al-Qadr would be on the 21st, & the next year it would be on the 27th, then the next year on the 23rd, then on the 29th. It rotates around every year, so the Night could be on any of the last ten nights of Ramadan
– So to answer the question, when is Laylat al Qadr? Yes, we have all these hadith & narrations telling us the possibilities, but what is the bottom-line answer? When is exactly Laylat al-Qadr? What day should I take off from work? What night should I buckle down to worship?
An authentic narration tells us that one time, the Prophet went to the Masjid al Nabawi, & there were two Sahaba who were arguing with each other
They were calling each other names; it was a very intense argument. When the Prophet came upon them, the two people of course stopped arguing, & the Prophet paused for a second. Everyone noticed a look on the Prophet’s face, who was thinking deeply. They ask him, ��Ya Rasulallah, what’s going on?”
The Prophet replied, “I was given the knowledge by Allah of when exactly is Laylat al Qadr, & I came out to tell everyone. I saw two people who were arguing, & because of their argument, I was made to forget when is Laylat al-Qadr. Seek it & find it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. In the last third of Ramadan, make sure you seek out the night. This is what is better for you.”
To answer the question of when Laylat al Qadr is, we don’t know. It could be on any of the last ten nights of Ramadan, & the Prophet said that it was better for us this way
– First, we have to understand the objective of the month of Ramadan
Think of Ramadan as a school, the Madrasa of Ramadan. Normally, throughout the rest of the year, Allah has made certain things haram & impermissible, & we’re supposed to stay away from those things. We also know that a lot of us struggle to stay away from the haraam.
During the month of Ramadan, Allah tells us that from the hours of dawn til dusk, from Fajr to Maghrib, from the beginning of the fast til the end of the fast, we are now to stay away from those things that are haraam, but we are also supposed to stay away from those things that are halaal. What that does is teach us willpower & give us spiritual, mental, emotional, & physical strength. It will give us the ability to resist temptation.
When you’re fasting, a lot of people have it harder than you do. Places like Norway, Muslims fast for about 20-21 hours out of 24 hours a day. In Texas, it’s not that long – fast is about 16-17 hours in 100-degree weather. Burning, scorching hot. When you don’t even drink water for 16-17 hours in such burning weather & you can survive, you develop p such an ability to be able to resist anything & everything . it makes you stronger as a person. That’s what Ramadan teaches us.
Worshipping during the night takes us to a whole new level. In Ramadan, we take things to a whole new level. We don’t even do things that we’re allowed to do, but we’re allowed to do those things at night again. We can eat, drink, and engage in intimacy with the spouse, etc. at nighttime.
But when you’re worshipping exclusively during the last ten nights of Ramadan, now you’re not even doing those halaal things in the nighttime. You’re spending most of your time praying, worshipping, reading Qur’an, & making dua. So this takes your Ramadan training to a whole new level
Imagine how amazing of a person we all would be if we not only fasted throughout the month of Ramadan, but also worshipped every single night in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Imagine where we will be in terms of our spiritual peak by the end of Ramadan. We’ll be ready to tackle the rest of the year, Insha’Allah.
So that’s the first benefit in not telling us when is Laylat al Qadr, so that we spend the whole ten nights trying to get it
– The second benefit to not knowing when Laylat al Qadr relates to forming a close relationship with Allah
If you’ve ever gone on a vacation or a road trip or traveled with a friend for ten days straight, where you’re driving all morning long, sightseeing all afternoon, & in the evening sleeping in the same place, and eating & touring – you’re doing everything together for ten days, 24 hours a day you’re with this other person
Think about how close you become to that person, how accustomed you become to having that person around you all the time, how comfortable you become talking to that person
Then on the 11th day, you come back home & that person goes back to their city, and you’re separated from that person, how much do you miss that person? You think of a joke & you look around immediately to tell that person, & they’re not there. You remember something & you want to share it, but when you turn to tell that person, they’re not there. you text that person all day long, you talk to that person for hours that 11th day, because you honestly & sincerely miss that person
Similarly, apply this exampled to us spending the last ten days & nights of the month of Ramadan in worship
During the day, we pray 5 times, we read Qur’an, & we fast all day long. During the night in the last ten nights of Ramadan we spend our time praying & talking with Allah all night long.
Think about how beloved Allah will become to you, & how much you would love talking to Allah, & how comfortable you would become in worshipping, praying, & talking with Allah.
When the 11th day comes, the day of Eid, how much are you going to miss talking to Allah that day?
Normally, imams all across the country remind people on the day of Eid to remember to pray Dhur, Asr, Maghrib, & Isha
If you spend the last ten days & nights worshipping & praying to Allah, then you won’t have to be reminded to pray on the day of Eid – you’ll yearn to pray. You’ll be looking at your watch, thinking, “When is Dhur time going to come? Because I need to stop & pray to Allah.” You’ll be waiting around looking at your watch waiting for the adhan, waiting for your phone app to notify you of the prayer time, because you’ll get to talk to Allah again. You’ll look around & see your friends & family chilling around, eating food, with everyone just hanging out, & you’ll be like, “Hey guys, it’s Dhur time. Wanna go to the masjid?” Everyone kinda gives you a look like, “Uh, go to the masjid? You know it’s Eid, right? We’re not supposed to go the masjid.”
No, that’s false, you are supposed to go the masjid. But you’ll feel like going to the masjid because you spent the last ten days & nights with Allah, & you’ll miss Allah. You missed talking to Allah. This is a very beautiful thing
– Lastly, Imam Razi in his tafseer said, “Anything that is valuable, Allah never discloses its exact precise knowledge, location, or time to us. But Allah always made us look for it.”
Which actions are pleasurable to Allah? We don’t know
We’re just told to “do good deeds”. Which deed will finally get us over the hump of the pleasure of Allah? We don’t know, but we just keep doing good deeds nonstop
Allah warned us about the fact that sins can earn us the anger of Allah, but which sin will finally bring the punishment of Allah?
We don’t know. That just means stay away from all sins as much as possible
When exactly are duas accepted? The Prophet told us that there is a time on Friday when duas are accepted. But what is that exact hour? The exact time?
We don’t know, so we spend the whole day of Friday making dua as much as possible
The Prophet told us about the great name of Allah, but the Prophet didn’t tell us exactly which name of Allah it is.
So then you learn all the names & attributes of Allah, & you mentioned all those names & attributes as much as possible in hopes of getting it
In the Qur’an, Allah said, “Guard the prayers and middle prayer, the best prayer.” Allah didn’t tell us which prayer was the middle prayer or the best prayer
That’s why there are different opinions – it’s Asr, or it’s Dhur, or it’s this prayer, or it’s that prayer.
We don’t know, so we treat every prayer like it’s the middle prayer or the best prayer
Allah told us, “When death comes, you don’t get a second more or a second less.” But when will death come?
We don’t know, so we live every moment like it’s your last
The Prophet used to tell the Sahaba, “Pray like it’s your last prayer.”
– Anything that is of significance & value, Allah has made us work for it a little bit
Laylat al-Qadr is a very beautiful, blessed, & remarkable opportunity, and Allah is going to make us work for it, He’s going to make us search for it
The reward corresponds to the effort that is put in the deed, so the harder we work, the greater the reward will be
So always remember, the juice is worth the squeeze
We just have to keep looking & working, & inshAllah exert ourselves to the best of our ability during the last ten nights of Ramadan
– The Prophet said, “The night will be very serene & calm. It’ll be almost like a storage serenity & calmness in the night.”
– The night won’t be hot nor will it be frigid cold
If Ramadan is during the summer, then Laylat al Qadr will be a bit cooler than expected. If Ramadan is during the winter time, then that night will not be freezing cold as you might have normally expected
– There will also be some light drizzle or some moisture on that night
– The following morning’s sunrise will not have sharp rays shooting out of it, but it will have a very soft haze & glow about it
– Starting at the very bare minimum, pray the Isha salaah in congregation in the masjid on the last ten nights
Ramadan is also a time when we reunite with family & friends & build a community. This is recommended, but not at the expense of your worship
Everyone might get on their Iftar party on the last ten nights of Ramadan. This is not impermissible; go to somebody’s house for Iftar, especially to that of family, friend, or neighbors
But, eat quickly & moderately, and leave in time to be able to pray Isha in the masjid in congregation
Leave on time – that’s the most important thing. That way, you honor the invitation, but you still get the reward of Laylat al-Qadr
You got Isha down
– Now, pray Fajr every single morning for the last ten days of Ramadan in the masjid in congregation
Again, everyone wakes up for suhoor. There is no reason & no justification for waking up to eat suhoor & then not praying Fajr
Up the stakes a bit, that you wake up not only for suhoor, but you stay awake to pray Fajr
Don’t pray Fajr in your pajamas at home, but go to the masjid & pray in congregation (not in your PJs)
There is a hadith in which the Prophet said, “Whoever prays Isha in congregation & whoever prays Fajr in congregation, that person gets a reward of worshipping the entire night.”
– Level 3: Have a little bit of qiyam
Worship a little extra at night. Taraweeh is a great opportunity for that
Pray Isha in masjid, stay for taraweeh prayers, & then make sure you make it back to the masjid in time for Fajr prayer. That’s level 3
– Level 4: Worship a little bit extra during the night. The recommended form of worship is to read Qur’an, offer Nawafil prayer, or make dua
Making dua is especially recommended
Imam Al-Shafi’I mentioned, “Making dua during the last ten nights of Ramadan is more preferable to me than offering extra salaah, even though prayer is the best form of worship. But after someone has offered their taraweeh prayers, & they want to worship some more during the last ten nights, I prefer sitting & making dua. Ask Allah for his forgiveness & mercy, & make dua that Allah makes this world a better place to live in. Make dua that Allah provides peace & justice to all the people who are suffering all throughout the world.”
To sum up level 4: Isha in masjid, taraweeh, extra dua, & Fajr in masjid
– Level 5: I’tikaaf, which is to spend the whole last ten days & nights of Ramadan straight in the masjid
This is a Sunnah of the Prophet. He used to exclusively dedicate himself to the masjid & to Allah during the last ten days & nights of Ramadan
In the last year of his life, he observed I’tikaaf for 20 days straight
What if you have work or have family obligations, & you can’t do 10 days straight?
There is an interesting principle in Islam that when you’re talking about a good deed, & you’re not able to do all of it, then don’t give up a part of it
If you can’t read the whole Qur’an, but you can read a third of it, then read a third of it. If you can’t give $1000 in charity but can only give $500, then give the $500
The Prophet said, “Save yourself from the Fire of Hell, even if it’s with half a date.”
If you can’t do I’tikaaf for 10 days & 10 nights, then observe however much you are able to, whether 1 day, 3 days, etc.
Do however much you are capable of doing, just take out time for Allah. Dedicate your entire time to Allah for the time of I’tikaaf that you’re able to observe
– Go up the levels based on how near & dear you want to be to Allah & how much closer you want to be to the pleasure of Allah
– A’isha (ra) was the beloved wife of the Prophet & the daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. She was not just one of the most remarkable women, but she’s also one of the most remarkable human beings who has ever walked this earth
She once asked the Prophet, her husband, “Ya Rasulallah, if I am able to worship Allah on Laylat al-Qadr, what do you recommend I do on that night? What do you recommend I say on that night? What dua would you recommend to me, your beloved wife?”
The Prophet taught her the following dua:
Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhib al-‘afwa fa’affu ‘anni
O Allah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me
– In depth meaning of the dua
“O Allah”
It’s a way to call out to Allah that is unique only to Allah
When you say Allahumma, it has a great sense of urgency & it’s very powerful
“Most definitely, You are, without a shred of doubt”
“One who lets something go, One who excuses, One who gives you chance after chance, One who gives you opportunity after opportunity. One who disregards, One who forgives everything wrong we have ever done”
Comes from the word “al afwu”, which means to look away, to turn away, to ignore, to let something go
Tuhib al-‘afwa
“You love letting our sins go. You love overlooking our sins. You love giving us another opportunity, another chance. You love giving us chance after chance.”
Fa’affu ‘anni
“Based off of the fact that You are the One who wipes away sins, & You love overlooking our mistakes & wiping away sins, I beg you, I plead with you, I ask you, ya Allah, please give me another chance, & wipe me away my sins. Give me another opportunity.”
– The Prophet advised us to make this dua over & over again
In this dua, the Prophet mentioned the act of overlooking mistakes & wiping way sins & giving opportunity 3 times in 3 different ways
The eloquence of the Prophet is such that in the 3 times & the 3 different ways, he mentioned the same things
The 1st time about Allah
The 2nd time about the act
The 3rd time about ourselves
This represents the quantity & the diversity of sins we have committed
What we’re saying through these words is that O Allah, I’ve made more mistakes than I care to have made. I’ve made dozens, & hundreds, & thousands of different types of mistakes. But on this night, what brings me comfort & solace O Allah is that You can forgive, & You are the One who forgives, so please give me another chance. Give me another opportunity, O Allah
– Ten-point plan for Night of Qadr
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Khadija...ruziqtu hubbaha...♡
Coolness of your eyes..
💕 The love story of Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) and Khadijah (radiyallāhu anha) always blows me away..
• Four years after the death of Khadijah, he recognized a necklace that she once wore. When he saw it, he remembered her and began to cry and mourn. He said, “I recognize this necklace. It belongs to my Khadijah.” His love for her never died, so much so, that his later wife A’ishah became jealous of her. Once A'isah asked the Prophet (pbuh) if Khadijah had been the only woman worthy of his love. The Prophet (pbuh) replied: “She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand.”
“God gave me her love from the heavens.” - sweet words of Prophet Muhammad sallallāhu alayhi wasallam
Indeed, when you love someone for the sake of Allah subhānahu wa taāla, it will last forever. 💙 Maa Shaa Allah!
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Very truthfull and beautifully said... May Allah makes me one pious spouse in front of Allah n for my right one...aameeeen....
Marriage is a true blessing, alhamdu lillaah. It’s a blessing in that you have someone living with you and sharing their life with you/you with them. At one point they know you like the back of their hands and you know them like the back of your hands. They help you dig out parts of you that you never even knew were there and how much of an affect/effect they had on you. But, there’s one thing that your spouse themselves do not do for you; and that is change you. You will not change by simply getting married and trying to put your past self behind you. After Allaah’s Will, it takes one person to change you; and that is you. Your spouse can encourage you and help you as much as possible, but they will not change you. Certainly, their help and support is vital, but they will not make you happier. Nor will they make you anything else you can think of–good or bad. So put the credit where it belongs; have faith in Allaah and count on him only. Work hard to purify your soul, for your own sake. Help those around you. Help your spouse. Take their advice. Appreciate their encouragement. But also be realistic and realize that your happiness is not in their hands, and their happiness is not in yours.
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Ladies Day- 8th Batch ...Highlight Andalan Biar GLOWY
♥Teh Haneen 📆 18 Juni 2016/13 Ramadhan 1437 🚶Mesjid Al Lathiif 💎Look glowy bukan hanya u/ kaum hawa ternyata Rasulullah saw tampak bersinar,,beliau tidak pernah meninggalkan u/ membuka cahaya di 3 kehidupan ... Kehidupan dunia,kubur,dan hisab 1⃣Al Hasanah Segala jenis kebaikan baik yg terkecil akan mendatangkan 5 manfaat -dhiyatan fil wajhi -> pancaran di wajah -Nuuran fil qolbi -> cahaya di hati -Ziyatan fir rizq -> menambah rezeki -quwatan fil jism/badani -> stamina tubuh -mahabbatan bainal khalq -> menambah daya pikat makhluq فَمَنْ يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ .. qs. Az-Zalzalah sekecil apapun pasti ada efeknya ,,bgtu pun keburukan ada efeknya dzulma fil qalb - suram di hati,,wahnan fil badani- melemah,, qurhan bainal kalq - dibenci,, 💎kerjakan segala jenis kebaikan,,,aura itu fakta bukan sesuatu yg dibuat-buat 💎Setiap kita memiliki yg namanya listrik jiwa atau sinar hati,,,sinar itu sudah Allah berikan ada yg makin hari meredup atau kebalikannya 💎Sungguh membuka aura diri,,,memperoleh cahaya harus kita usahakan 💎segala sesuatu pasti ada puncaknya dan ablagh hasana,,puncak kebaikan ketika mengucapkan "La ilaha illallah wahdahu la syarikalah" Ringan tapi agung,,mudah dan sangat besar kebaikannya 💎ada org yg klo kita ga ketemu bikin kangen,,,,itu Allah yg berikan lewat segala amal kebaikannya,,,cinta sesama mukmin,satu frekeuensi dan Allah tautkan hati2nya... 2⃣Menyampaikan hadits 💎Rasul pernah berdoa u/ kita ,,,dan masih mengalir berkah doa itu hingga hari ini "Semoga Allah memberikan cahaya u/ orang yang mendengar sesuatu dariku dan kemudian dia sampaikan" 💎 kita harus punya kontribusi menyampaikan ajaran rasul,,agar memperoleh berkah doa tsb 3⃣Mencintai sujud سِيمَاهُمْ فِي وُج��وهِهِمْ مِنْ أَثَرِ السُّجُودِ َۚ [Surat Al-Fath 29] 💎Sungguh terdapat bekas atau tanda sebuah cahaya yg dimiliki org2 yg mencintai sujud 💎sujud hakikatnya a/ selalu merendahkan diri, merasa kurang, tdk sempurna, dihadapan Allah swt 💎Semakin menghinakan diri semakin Allah muliakan,,,tidak berhenti merasa butuh kepada Allah saja,, 4⃣Qiyamul Lail Menghidupkan malam dengan beribadah baik shalat, dzikir, puncaknya doa 💎Sering2 lah bercengkrama dengan Allah swt maka akan diberikan pakaian cahaya (hasan al basri) 5⃣Doa Doa memohon cahaya,,,sehingga dibukakan titik aura satu persatu doa dari hadits “Allahummaj’al fii qolbii nuura, wa fii sam'i nuura, wa fii bashari nuura, wa ‘an yamiinii nuura, wa ‘an syimaalii nuura, wa fauqii nuura, wa tahtii nuura, waj'al lii nuura, waj'alni nuura" (Ya Allah jadikanlah cahaya dalam hatiku, cahaya dalam pendengaranku, cahaya dalam penglihatanku, dan sebelah kananku cahaya, dan sebelah kiriku cahaya, dan atasku cahaya, dan dari bawahku cahaya, dan jadikanlah untukku cahaya, dan jadikanlah aku cahaya” 💎Rasul tidak pernah meninggalkan doa tsb saat sujud dan saat keluar menuju mesjid,,, Sungguh kita perlu cahaya dan amalkan doa ini agar kehidupan kita bisa dilalui dengan mudah Doa dari Al-quran رَبَّنَا أَتْمِمْ لَنَا نُورَنَا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌَ [Surat At-Tahrim 8] "Ya Rabb kami, sempurnakanlah bagi kami cahaya kami dan ampunilah kami; Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu". 💎Qs. Al hadid ayat 12 - 13..menceritakan beratnya menuju shiraat dan membutuhkan cahaya...ada org yg di akhirat selama 50rb tahun memiliki lentera tapi ketika akan melewati shiraat lentera itu padam,,dan tidak ada tolong menolong lagi ,,,perjuangkan cahaya kita dri skarang 6⃣ Wudhu Pembuka cahaya paling menyegarkan,, Yg tidak dimiliki umat2 lain,umat nabi2 sebelumnya 💎Gurran muhajjalina min atsaril wudhu,,,bercahaya karena bekas wudhu,,,Rasulullah saw akan mengenali umatnya dri bekas wudhu 7⃣Qur'an 8⃣Sabar Addition: Pohon Zaitun Syajarah mubarakah -> pohon penuh berkah Allah titipkan sedikit cahaya Allah ke buah zaitun,,,pastinya Allah lebih berkehendak titipkan cahayaNya kepada hamba2 yg mendekat dan bahagia bersama Allah -wallahu a'lam bishawab-
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SubhanAllah....exactly what ive been feeling too...getting to know the true,,the real me...😭 many things need to fix here and there...bismillah...
While preparing for iftar today, I was listening to via my phone at the kitchen… It was Ustaz Muhammad bin Abdullah a.k.a Ustaz Amin’s programme discussing about Ramadan. He mentioned about how Shaytan are being handcuffed and chained during Ramadan…so whatever we do bad in Ramadan, it shows who we truly are.
I remember I used to feel sad about that- knowing my inner self. I get depressed because of it.
But you know what? Ustaz Amin continued again and said, “It’s actually good for us. It’s good that we know who we really are- the good and particularly the bad. It’s good that Shaytan are kept far, far away from us so that we would not be distracted by his presence and temptations. It’s good that whatever we do bad, we know that it comes from our own selves. So we could work on our weaknesses, so we could improve ourselves and become better muslims.”
SubhanAllah! That very statement made my day.
That just shows that Allah loves us to the point that He gifted us the month of Ramadan so we could seriously work on ourselves without any temptations from Shaytan. What is more, Ramadan isn’t just Shaytan-free but it is full of Barakah - whatever good deed we do will be amplified to more than we can imagine! SubhanAllah, Allah knows best.
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OQR (Outdoor Quran Reading) 2nd Batch
🎀Teh Kiki Nur ⏰ 11 Juni 2016/ 06 Ramadhan 1437 @TAMAN INKLUSI ☘Sudah di hari ke 6 Ramadhan,,,jika bacaan quran kita sampai hari ini kurang dri 6 juz,,maka kita org yg lalai ☘Al-Quran itu mukjizat yang diturunkan kepada nabi Muhammad SAW secara mutawatir...berangsur-angsur ☘Bismillah = 19 huruf Dihari biasa 1 huruf= 10 kebaikan... Dan akan berlipat di Bulan Ramadhan ☘Interaksi Al-Quran dengan... - Tilawah - Tadabur - Menghafal - Mengamalkan ☘Surat Al fatihah mesti harus wajib sudah dipahami dan ditadaburi,,,biar saat shalat minimal pikiran gak kemana2.. ☘Menghafal ayat,,minimal berusaha di juz 30,,jgn sampai berkutat di 3 kul.. ☘Bacalah Al-Quran,,posisi kita di surga sebanyak bacaan hafalan quran kita,, ☘QS.Zukhruf 67 yang bertakwa tidak akan saling bermusuhan "Ya Allah,,kuatkan hubungan ini sampai bertemu di akhirat" Nanti teman yg satu akan saling menanyakan temann lainnya,,semoga diantara kita ini ada yg bisa menjadi syafaat ,,,tapi jangan mau jadi yg ditolong,,berlomba u/ menjadi yg menolong ☘Jangan sampai satu hari kosong dengan Al-quran ☘Kelebihan Al-quran -dari bacaannya -dari tulisannya -dari pahalanya adakah agama lain yg lomba menulis kitabnya( kaligrafi),,lomba membaca kitabnya,,, ☘keindahan Al-quran hingga ayat2 yg mengandung nikmat,,rahmat,,pasti bacaannya mudah ,,ngageleser... Sedangkan kalo sudah ttg azab,,,bacaanya beratt,,harus didorong ☘Baca Al-quran sesuai kaidahnya,,,bisa tidaknya gak wajib,,yang penting wajib belajar Al-quran ☘doa bulan Ramadhan di 10 malam terakhir _Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun karim tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu’anna_ Ya Allah, Engkau Maha Pemaaf dan Engkau mencintai orang yang meminta maaf, karenanya maafkanlah aku Mentadaburi Al-fatihah ☘Kalau ada yg memuji,,,alhamdulillahnya kepada Allah saja atau kita mengambil secuil,,,? Alhamdulillah hadza min fadli rabbi,,,ini semua karena Allah Fasabih bihamdi rabbika wastagfir,,,setelah dipuji cepat2 istighfar ☘iyya-ka na'budu wa iyya-ka nasta'in, kita kalau ada masalah curhatnya kemana dulu,,cari org dulu atau Allah dulu? Ketika sudah mengadu ke Allah,,Allah akan tunjukkan mana yang jadi jalan perantara urusan kita ☘ ihdina s-sirata l- mustaqim....hadir disini insyaAllah sudah jadi kondisi jalan yang lurus ☘Doa duduk antara 2 sujud,, rabbigfirli....ampuni aku -> dosa besar wa'fu anni...maafkan aku -> dosa2 kecil ☘Berbakti kepada kedua org tua setelah meninggal... - mendoakan - melaksanakan wasiat2nya - silaturahim dengan keluarga dan teman2nya - sedekah atas namanya ☘Yg durhaka kepada org tua,,,siap2 punya anak durhaka pada kita,,tidak ada istilah hukum karma,,itu balasan dri Allah,,,yg pernah menyakiti ibunya lekas2 minta maaf jgn tunggu lebaran.. ☘Ada yg diantara kita,,,bru tau ngaji sendiri,,smoga Allah jadikan kita wasilah menolong keluarga kita ☘Selama Ramadhan belajar jangan sampai ada waktu terbuang sia-sia,,,minimal 1x khatam yg belum pernah khatam,,, ☘Mumpung belum ada anak,,suami,,maksimalkan masa sendiri,,,Alhamdulillah jika setelah menikah diberikan pasangan satu visi misi,,,jika tidak perjuangan lebih berat,,,dari sekarang mintakan ☘Syukur bukan karena bahagia,,,Bahagia itu karena bersyukur Kondisi apapun tetap bersyukur... ☘Tolong sampai akhir hayat dipertahankan hijabnya,,,Diberi hidayah menutup aurat sudah merupakan kelebihan,,,al iman yazid wa yanqus: iman naik tpi kita seringnya turun Kenali siapa mahram kita,,,kakak/adik ipar bukan mahram,,dirumah pun harus bisa menjaga aurat ☘standar hijab - Tutup sampai ke dada - Tidak Transparan - Tidak ketat ☘Ilmu itu bagaikan kuda liar,,jika ilmu itu tidak diikat maka lepaslah dia,, ☘Senandung Doa bulan Ramadhan _Allahumma salimna li ramadhan,,wa salim ramadhana lana,,waj'alhu minna mutaqabbala_ "Ya Allah selamatkan amal ibadah kami di bulan Ramadhan ini,,Ya Allah terimalah amal ibadah ku ini" OQR pun ditutup dengan munajat doa Robithoh....(doa pengikat hati) -wallahu a'lam bishawab-
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MasyaAllah....i just tought about this ayah...n i found it first glance in tumblr...😍
As we get ready for the Holy Month of Ramadhan, I wish to use this platform to offer some advice from personal experience. I pray that we use this month to become the true companions of the Holy Qur'an.
Dedicate a portion of your time every single day to recite a few verses. There are many who set out ambitious goals to complete the recitation of the entire Qur'an from cover to cover but they easily burn themselves out. Especially if throughout the rest of the 11 months there is no preparation for it. Or you find some who do complete the entire Qur'an every single Ramadhan, but few reflect upon its content. It all becomes a series of lip movements just to finish up this page and on to the next. How about we take one Surah or a portion of verses to ponder on? Allah (swt) even says in Surah Muhammad, verse 24:
أَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?
Use this month to build a relationship with the Qur’an, one that will last even after this blessed month is over. Sure we can recite as much as we can in order to reap in the rewards which Allah will grant us. But are we just after rewards? Or do we hope for a spark in this month which will last for the rest of our lives. I have seen way too many scenarios of myself, friends and other notable figures who have taken a step to make the Holy Qur'an their companion. And Allah (swt) has opened doors in such a manner that one cannot even describe.
Insha Allah we can hold on to both weighty things firmly, the Book of Allah (swt), and the Ahlulbayt (as). Ramadhan Mubarak to all of my dear friends, may it be a month in which we can achieve spiritual progression in our lives!
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Ramadhan,,,best time to repent....
Black and White Mushaf Photo Showing Quran 71:10
فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا
and I said: “‘Ask your Lord to forgive you your sins - for, verily, He is all-forgiving.” (Quran 71:10)
Originally found on: destny-a
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