alezanderbo · 2 years
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as the man stood in the long line to get a table at the diner he had looked over to a smaller female who had also looked as if she was waiting. maybe she was waiting on her food to go, hell he didnt know. regardless they both seem to be waiting on something so the man figured he pass the time by being polite and striking up a conversation with the stranger. “the wait always this long at this place?” he asked curious looking over to her.
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alezanderbo · 2 years
@rwstarters​ open to anyone really any place, go crazy
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“cuse’ me.” the gentleman turned a little on his heels only to softly nudge the person who was behind them. “i hate to bother you.” zan admitted, “and i hate to even admit this.” he chuckled more so to himself softly as he finally gotten to the point. “i have seem to have gotten lost.” making a face a little. “i was just trying to find a good place to get a cup of herbal tea and some dinner?” he asked. “i can’t even remember the name of the place i was headed to which makes finding it even harder.. you wouldn’t be free to help me out quickly?” he asked curiously.
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alezanderbo · 2 years
alexa, play ain’t no rest for the wicked by cage the elephant
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Is that (ALEZANDER BOVAR) that I see over there? You know they have quite the reputation of being the (NARCISSIST) around town. The (33) year old has been around these parts for (BRAND NEW (ONE WEEK?)) and within that timeframe has landed themselves a job as a/an (INVESTMENT BANKER IN STOCKS) while living in (MAGNOLIA ESTATES) I overheard that they can be quite (MANIPULATIVE) but their saving grace is that they are (ENDEARING). They remind me of (giorgio armani suits, designer anything, trips around the world, ) but you’ll have to decide that for yourself.
zander grew up in pretty poor household back in london. from the time zan could remember his mother was out lying and stealing and doing whatever it took to put food on the table and the small roof over him and his three other siblings head. over the years he had seen his mother cheat, lie, steal and even beg at times. it was tough to watch but it was something that helped shap zander into being the man he was. following effortlessly in his mothers shoes. the only difference is that the man had learn to be more sneaky and cover his tracks. any time he would be quick to get caught he found the perfect scapegoat to throw under the bus. lying and manipulating those around him because like second nature to him the older he had gotten.
life had seem to be getting good in the town he had lived in. he had moved his mother into a much bigger house by the time he was twenty-five  when he had gotten into the banking and stock market world. learning to embezzle money was far too easy for the man that was until he had slipped up around his thirty-second birthday. when he had found out that he was fixing to go under investigation through his bank he made quick to skip town and go on the road. over the last year zan had moved from town to town before moving to the states and moving town to town there. finally when the man had decided that he wanted to settle down and plant his roots someplace instead of traveling so much he caught wind of ravenswood. reading through a magazine at a shop he came across an ad for some shop out that way.   here is where his story is now. he just arrived at ravenswood where he had signed and bought a house in magnolia estates . it is a home far too nice and big for the man but coming from nothing zan didnt feel guilty for his big purchase. right now he is still playing the stockmarkets though mostly under his brothers name and is looking to land working at the local bank.  alezander can be very charming and likable given the situation. he knows how manipulate situations and people most of the time to get the things he wants and needs. on the surface he looks like a wonderful man however there is a LOT of skeletons in his closet.
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alezanderbo · 2 years
tag drops chats: alezander zander && muse && zander text && zander face && zander event chats: alezander
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alezanderbo · 2 years
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REGÉ-JEAN PAGE |  2022 Venice International Film Festival
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