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By combining our senses we are able to experience multiple emotions. But what if we are only limited to one sense? Does this change the way our mind thinks and works? Does it change what we see? My concept was 'ways of seeing'. I went about this assessment in the way we see through some of our senses; sight, touch and taste. Through a series of experimentations I came up with three outcomes from each three senses and with further exploration I created three final works. Ways of tasting through visualisation, portraying individuals reactions and emotions to a variety of foods. Your taste influences you visual status on and how you perceive items. Capturing these images I learnt that you see through what you taste and experience. Through only visualising something you do not take with it the full emotion and energy it produces. By using physical features of your body you are able to see it with a new life, and take a further understanding of what it actually is. Ways of seeing the same light. This final experiment was based on touching something without actually touching it. Just by holding the candle you could immediately get a feeling of warmth and associated emotion. Through visualising it you just see a plain candle, but by getting amongst it and touching it, really connecting with it you see and feel much more. Touch is an important sense when interacting with perceiving or viewing something. By glancing at an object you just see it, but through holding, feeling and touching, it transforms into something totally new. Everyone's eyesight varies. This final work focuses on the deterioration of sight and how it plays a vital role in the way we see things. Sight allows one to visually interact with something just by looking at it. Using your sight sense you get a greater understanding of what you are looking at. But as it deteriorates you have to adapt and control your other senses along with your emotions to be able to connect with your surroundings. I was looking at how our senses are used individually, if one is unusable how your body interacts and adapts to control another sense to fill in the space. I learnt how important our senses are in perceiving and seeing different images or objects.
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Everyone’s eyesight varies. This is a concept of a person with deteriorating eye sight and how they see an image. By taking a series of photos and changing the settings on the camera it reflects a worsening eye sight. Sight plays a vital role in the way we as individuals view things. You can see the image gets blurrier and blurrier as it progresses. What you once saw has completely changed and diminished from the initial starting point.
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Ways of seeing the same light. Through heat and light I was able to feel the warmth of the candle radiating onto my hands. This final experiment was based on touching something without actually touching it. The idea of radiating heat and light through a single candle. How something so small can portray and give so much warmth. The one candle transformed into a multiple series through mirror reflection. Just by holding the candle you could immediately get a feeling of warmth and associated emotion. Through visualising it you just see a plain candle, but by getting amongst it and touching it, really connecting with it you see and feel much more.
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FINAL WORK - Ways of tasting through visualisation, my models tasted a variety of foods ranging from sweet, sour, spicy, hot and cold These images show how reactions differ from each individual. The photographs show the intense emotion experienced by my models and their differentiating, yet similar facial expressions. The tongue is very sensitive as well as muscular, packed with both taste buds and nerves. Placing something on your tongue ignites immense emotion and flavour. Your taste influences your visual impact and how you perceive a particular item. Capturing this moment I have learnt that you see through what you taste and experience, it is forever changing.
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EXPERIMENT 1 My first experiment shows a variety of foods, from muesli, pasta, pavlova and cake. I asked my two models to tell me there thoughts, feelings and if they would want to eat these foods.
The muesli gave him a different feeling, 'ooo...intresting'. He liked the strawberries sitting on the white yoghurt. This made the red pop out and made it appealing. The pasta reminded him of worms, he wasn't sure if it was the lighting but it did not look appealing to him. The pavlova was very interesting and what he loved was the height and variety of fruits on the top providing a spectrum of colours. My first model was definitely interested in the cake 'yum, I would eat it!'. He first noticed the dark chocolate swirl on the bottom which ignited his tastebuds. Then the tall cake rising above with the multiple layers. MODEL 2 -
The muesli image attracted her 'healthy side', she was immediately engaged and pictured herself on a hot summers day at the beach in a bikini. Looking at the pasta, she actually noticed the crust of the pizza in the background which enganged her senses and she immediately felt the desire for a pizza. The pavlova reminded her of stories in a building, she was interested in the unique layers and all the fruit and colour incorporated on the top. My second model looked at the cake and said 'yuuuumm'. She said the first thing she noticed and what captured her attention was the middle chocolate section.
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Seeing through touch. What you see when you look at a hand and how a hand sees the world. I took a photograph of two hands, one old that's experienced holding and touching many things and a younger hand that is still yet to experience many things. Hands aid in an individual's ways of seeing and connection to the world.
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My first experiment allowed my models to touch and feel 3 different surfaces whilst blindfolded; plastic water bottle, soft blanket, leather boots, foot roller. Their reactions were;
water bottle - smooth with little ribs, little bit sticky soft blanket - soft, warm, cuddly leather boots - smooth, hard, tough foot roller - rolls, hard, pointy
water bottle - warm, plastic, empty but hard soft blanket - warm, fluffy, soft leather boots - dirty, cold, smooth foot roller - spiky, hard, rough
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For this experiment I took an image and produced one in colour and one in black and white. I asked my models what they thought in each. Colour changes the perception of the viewer.
MODEL 1 - colour image - peaceful, resting black and white image - dreaming and saddness
MODEL 2 - colour image - cute, serenity black and white image - deep in thought, snug
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For this experiment I explored the use of colours connected with vision. I asked my models (separately) to yell out three words when they saw the various colours black, blue, yellow, red, green, white.
BLACK - dark, midnight, void BLUE - sea breeze, ocean, calm GREEN - beauty, fresh, crisp YELLOW - happy, sun, bright RED - hot, angry, blood WHITE - clean, fresh, spacious
BLACK - dark, cold, alone BLUE - calm, peaceful, water GREEN - grass, open, envy YELLOW - canary, happy, sun RED - anger, hot, fiery WHITE - bright, intense, bland
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WAYS OF SEEING can be influenced by factors such as…
· Age
· Gender
· Technology
· Socioeconomic status
· Personality (of ourselves and of others)
· Taste & personal preferences
· Opinions of your own and others
· Fashion
· Trends – how easily we can be swayed by other opinions
· Media & social media
· Advertising & marketing
· Physical context and view
· Culture & background
· Our upbringing and relationships
· Our own or others experiences – relationships, interactions
· Education/exposure to ideas and further knowledge or information
· Combination of different lenses, or several layers. There are layers to our ways of seeing. It cannot be described or defined by any ONE thing
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Bar or Far illusion
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Experiment 4 “Ways Of Seeing”
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Experiment 3 “Ways Of Seeing”
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Experiment 2 “Ways Of Seeing”
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Experiment 1 “Ways Of Seeing”
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Final Experiment
My final box was based on the progress and development of my first three experiments. My first experiment "Gaoled" was too structured and it needed to be taken to the next level in transformation. My Second box "Industrialised" uses metal features to represent the advancement of technology in our world today but I needed to use the actual 'box' more. My third experiment "The Ring" combined industrialised features and the constraint of the ropes but was still not utilising all the characteristics.
My final box uses wire and the natural form of the box to convey its transformation. The natural features of the box itself stands out. By deconstructing the box it became weaker, as evident when cutting out spiral motions. The industrial wire acts as a base to hold the spiral up. This subtle yet constructive piece of equipment is necessary for the box to be created. The meaning behind this box is showing a different form of constraint and a feeling of being trapped. My experiments all have a theme of advancement, enclosure and hope. My final box represents a different level of confinement. Being trapped in a space going up and still not being able to escape. The use of light exemplifies the simple nature of the box but the complex designs it can create. The different shadows created represents a spiral of emotion in the shape of a cyclone. This symbolises a feeling of distress, despair and futility. The fear of being confined and trapped.
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Experiment 3
Using a ordinary rectangular box, I crushed it down to form a base. I used materials such as big, bold screws(industrialised) with string tied around it to create a feeling of enclosure. It represents a boxing ring. Although a simple concept, there is still a feeling of enclosure and sense of entrapment where you have to 'fight for freedom'. From experiment 2, I have tried to combine a less industrialised concept with a theme of being fenced in. The blackness inside the ring symbolises confinement accentuated by the shadows of the ropes.
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