alexsescape · 6 months
FYI… The Australian Museum has capitulated to pressure from the Zionist lobby group (Australian Jewish Association) who campaign to erase, by any means, Palestine and Palestinians—the museum is removing "non-historical geographical references" to Palestine. Basically erasing Palestine from their exhibition.
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Source: APAN (screenshot was posted by AJA themselves on their social media)
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TAKE ACTION NOW | contact australia museum on all platforms now!
institutions who are willing to engage in censorship and erasure this way should be boycotted and publicly condemned on all platforms.
publicly tweet @/ausmus, email them, send letters, DM them, write reviews. demand they keep mentions of palestine in their ramses exhibition and condemn their complicity in cultural genocide.
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alexsescape · 6 months
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I get really nostalgic around the holidays and start listening to these guys again as background noise
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alexsescape · 6 months
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NOT IN MY NAME its breaking my heart
Context: x, x
click for higher quality IDs in alt other versions under cut
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alexsescape · 8 months
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my partner & i recently transitioned to being best friend platonic partners and romantically separated (due to some simple romantic incompatibilities) - we're both very happy with and excited about this change and most importantly we think it is VERY funny and gay to continue doing everything together and living together as exes
(she wrote the first comic!)
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alexsescape · 8 months
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my partner & i recently transitioned to being best friend platonic partners and romantically separated (due to some simple romantic incompatibilities) - we're both very happy with and excited about this change and most importantly we think it is VERY funny and gay to continue doing everything together and living together as exes
(she wrote the first comic!)
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alexsescape · 8 months
“sex/romance/empathy makes us human,” they say. awful. pathetic. what makes us human is the urge to set things on fire
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alexsescape · 8 months
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shit the western media won't show you
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alexsescape · 8 months
Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.
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alexsescape · 8 months
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Lazytown Command Central Presents:
A group of children must fight against the evil dictator of Cyber land. Including trippy visuals, horrible dubbing, and a great time.
You're in for a wild ride either way.
Join and leave after the party if you'd like! I hope to see a few people there.
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alexsescape · 2 years
Graweedy Falls
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alexsescape · 2 years
Graweedy Falls
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alexsescape · 3 years
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alexsescape · 3 years
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alexsescape · 3 years
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alexsescape · 4 years
Gift Exchange for LT Fandom!
Hello! I am hosting a Lazytown Secret Gift Exchange this year for the whole fandom! I really do believe that even if you don’t celebrate any winter holidays, this time of year is great to be reminded that nice things can happen. Seeing as this year has been a disaster, I want to open our community up for some fun gift giving opportunities! I am going to link < The form you need to fill out. Please include a way for me to contact you! Thanks so much!
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alexsescape · 4 years
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I think about Tommy & Mr. Coolatta lore every single day of my life
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alexsescape · 4 years
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a little autobiographical piece about the internet
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