New Zealand, 29, female, lesbian. Header image and avatar by Konako.
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Just wanted to say, your Steven universe fics have gotten me through some hard times, especially the family drabbles and From out beyond your star. Thank you, truly =)
I'm glad you've enjoyed them, and that they could help. I hope things are going better now though.
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That's ... really sweet actually, and lovely to hear.
I do, but I change the name sometimes and forget to change the link on here.
In case you want it :)
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Loving the enthusiasm you've got going on there. And yes, I do.
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i havent posted since 2020 but have this video i made in 2018 and never uploaded. its long but worth it imo
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Comments: This is such a good fic, I can’t wait to see where it goes!
The writer:
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Did you see Blue's solo?!?!
I haven't actually watched the movie, or Future. I don’t have sky so it’s hard to legally watch in NZ, and I do so like to try. Doesn’t help that I usually watch SU with one particular friend, and we’ve both been very busy with various things. Now that we have time, we can’t see each other because, ya know, sticking to my bubble.
I do know the song however, and it’s so Disney Princess-esque, and I adore that. Pun intended.
I do love happy(ish) Diamond family, with all their terrible ideas of functioning.
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Yuuuup. But shhh, it’s a secret. I mean, not really, but let’s pretend like I have some air of mystery to myself.
I think, that like quite a few people, boredom has gotten the better of me while in lock down and here I am.
I do periodically come back to tumblr, but usually it’s just to browse, and stare a some of my mutuals art.
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jennifer’s body not realistic bc if i had a demon friend who killed dumb ass men for sustenance i would let her like we can work that out
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The Gallows
For the first day of Bellow week, Reunited. Don't expect any other stories, but I got this one done. :D Pirate Yellow Diamond and Anthropomorphic personification of one of the seven seas Blue Diamond. Cause that’s not complicated at all....
Yellow jerked her neck to the side, cracking it and shaking out some of the stiffness. It took much more effort that it should of. She had been in this damn cell for three weeks and she could tell it was starting to show. Her body ached from where she was forced to sit with her head bowed and her legs folded just to fit in the small cell. Her wrists and ankles weighed down with heavy chains. It was cruel, but she was a pirate and it was almost excepted. Still, Yellow had hoped that being a woman would at least get her a bigger cell. Then again, she may have been disappointed if they didn’t take her seriously. The Yellow Devil was a ship to be feared after all.
There wasn’t a single pirate more feared than Yellow. There had been, once upon a time, and Yellow had even served on board Homeworld. But White had retired years ago after one too many close calls and one last big heist. Yellow had been doing a pretty good job of surpassing her former captain's legacy too, if she did say so herself. But White had never been once capture, and now Yellow sat in this cramped cell both hoping for a rescue from her crew and hoping that they’d do as she damn well told them and stay away.
Yellow jolted with surprise when her cell door was suddenly wrenched open. She hadn’t exactly been well fed over the past three weeks, you couldn’t blame her for zoning out in order to try and ignore the gnawing pain in her stomach. Two large men stood outside the cell, obviously waiting for something. If they expected her to stand they would be waiting for a long time.
Eventually, either bored of waiting, or finally realising that Yellow was not going to be standing of her own accord the two men picked her up. With one man on either side of her, they dragged her out of the cell and out of the small dungeon. Even her feet refused to move.
Slowly, as blood rushed back to her limbs Yellow was able to start taking steps. Each one was agonising, but she was able to move under her own power so it was worth it.
They lead her to the gallows. There was to be no trial, everyone knew her crimes and that she was guilty. Yellow also hadn't denied any of them when the magistrate came to ask for her confession. She probably should of, since she wasn't responsible for every act of piracy out there, but if it meant that one of her crew received a lighter sentencing later on, she'd do it.
There was a crowd around the gallows, and it parted smoothly as she was led through them. They booed and yelled at her, though some were eerily quiet. It made it easy to pick out her crew members. There were nods from her crew and Yellow couldn’t help but smirk. Her eyes met Peridot’s and she shook her head ever so slightly. Peridot’s eyes widened and she started to move through the crowd. Soon all of Yellow’s crew were gone, hopefully to their ship. She didn’t need her crew to save her this time.
Yellow must of blacked out briefly, either from the heat of the sun, or from lack of food, because the next things she saw was the rope being lowered over her head and the edge of the cliff she was now standing upon. Below her was nothing but dark and vicious water. Waves splashed at the bottom of the cliff, and specks of salt water flew into the air, landing on Yellow’s face. Waves crashed closer, though no one else seemed to realise that the tides were rising.
��Any last words, pirate?” Grunted Yellow’s executioner.
Yellow just sneered at him. “Better luck next time.”
Both Yellow and the executioner were swallowed by a large wave. Rumours would last for years that it had been distracting shaped like a woman draped in a cloak.
Upon opening her eyes, all Yellow saw were blight orbs of light. The shifted in front of her, wobbling and slowly floating away. She blinked a few times and darkness seeped in, surrounding the orbs. She stared at the orbs for what seemed like an eternity before reaslistion crashed around her. She was underwater.
Yellow kicked her feet, and began to swim. Her heavy coat and thick leather boots weren’t designed to help her swim, rather they stopped the spray of the ocean from chilling her to the bone. She broke the surface and gasped in a lungful of air before looking around and finding The Yellow Devil a short swim away. Peridot was a smart one after all. Not that Yellow would say that to her, the navigator had a huge ego on the best of days. Just as Yellow started towards her ship something wrapped around her ankle and with a violent jerk she was once again pulled beneath the waves.
There, waiting for her was Blue. Blue was tall, and almost looked human, even with light blue skin. But where her hooded dress should of ended in feet, instead there was nothing but water. If Yellow didn’t concentrate hard enough, sometimes Blue just faded from vision, though she was always there. This was her sea after all.
Yellow scowled at her.
“You could of just tapped my shoulder you know?”
It was still weird being able to talk underwater, but there were even weirder parts to their relationship.
Blue smiled gently and pulled Yellow towards her.
“You’d think saving your life would warrant more thankfulness that.”
Yellow rolled her eyes. “You could've stopped me from being captured in the first place.”
“What would my sister seas say about that? Besides, you would of hated it if I had interfered.”
Yellow huffed and pressed her lips to Blue’s in a quick kiss. “Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you have to be so arrogant about it.”
Blue wrapped her arms around Yellow and pressed their bodies together. “You need to go. Your ship, your crew needs you. Watch out for that first officer of yours though, she’d happily take your crew and your ship.”
Yellow sighed. “Can you still wait for me? While I do … what I do?”
Blue kissed Yellow gently. “I have an eternity, Yellow. You do not. You go and live your life, and once you’ve decided you’ve had enough of being such a dashing pirate, I’ll be here. I’ll take whatever time you can give me, and it will be precious and beloved. I’ll always wait for you, just don’t take too long between visits.”
Blue shoved Yellow upwards, and unlike last time Yellow’s coat didn’t seem to slow her down at all. Once again she breached the surface, this time right by the edge of her ship and the ladder she needed to get aboard.
Soaking wet, Yellow climbed aboard and vaulted over the railing.
“Look alive you glorious bastards, we have places to be!” Yellow yelled.
Everyone on deck jumped into action and Yellow made her way, boots still full of water, up to Peridot at the helm. Blue was right, Jasper looked, if anything, put out that Yellow was back mostly unscathed while everyone else smiled at her.
“Where to Captain?”
“Tortuga. Let’s get some distance between us and those idiots who thought I could be so easily killed.”
Aye, Captain. Tortuga it is.” Peridot said as she pulled out her compass.
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How you eat salt an vinegar chips while you’re alone is truly the judge of your character, I say as I lick all the salt and vinegar or each chip, one at a time as if I were some sort of ungraceful anteater.
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Gotta love it when someone starts randomly liking all your stuff. Where did you come from friend? His much have you read? What bought you to this little cave of mine?
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What type of books does Afina write?
This ask went unanswered for a long time and you have my apology for that.Now, Afina mostly write crime/murder mystery. Much to Zarina's annoyance because it ends up with Afina asking a lot of awkward questions at random times, and with Afina meeting suspicious people so she can get a better idea of what she's writing.She's also a very prolific children's novelist, though she didn't publish anything until Pearl was in her late teens because she originally wrote the stories for her daughters. They encouraged her to take them to her publisher during a period when all her other ideas were being rejected.
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Having a bad day? Have a look at this happy kitty. His name is Sebastian and was found in a mattress when he was a kitten. He can't meow, and chirps/squeaks instead.
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Even they're in a polyamorous marriage and relationship, when danger happens, they all gravitate to a certain wife. Ginny=Lienna, and then her sun and Moon. Zarina=first her moon, then her North Star, and then Lienna Afina=first her sun, then her North Star, and Lienna Lienna: is too busy helping other escape to think about herself.
Ginny grew up looking out for Linnea so its a really in built habit. Zarina, having spent so much time in law enforcement just sort of fills in the holes and tends towards looking after Afina. Afina and Linnea on the other hand have would have trouble picking who to help. Luckily Afina tends to see trouble coming and can prepare for it, while Linnea is a bit of a loose cannon and tends to go for explosive results that somehow still work.
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if u are sad 2day
please remember the aardwolf
thank u and i hope u have a good day
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