alexrelic · 3 years
blasting gay music through my speakers
habing a party fir myself 😼
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alexrelic · 3 years
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my first attempts at bw photography, a lot of these give me inspiration for horror screenplays and stuff.
cant wait to try and use it again
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alexrelic · 3 years
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new single by drek bell 👍
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alexrelic · 3 years
being brutal about how you percieve and judge yourself is the wrong way to do things..
but i still do it.
i know im not accomplishing anything, but constantly comparing myself to great writers, directors, actors et cetera is still a daily thing
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alexrelic · 3 years
this but also..
cat and frog relajted
Anyone who has a video essay about something film, something gay, or something gay film related, I will watch the ever loving shit out of it
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alexrelic · 3 years
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alexrelic · 3 years
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Just in time for Aromantic Awareness Week!  I think mantises should be associatiated with aromantic, like frogs. Proof: - green - this pun
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alexrelic · 3 years
not wanting to be
part of the herd
manipulated by the media
is why so many people died of the corona virus. sometimes, the herd is right. not believing something just because people who you deem sheep are doing it, and in turn listening to people who are NOT EDUCATED IN THE SUBJECT IS HARMFUL
form your own opinion, instead of jumping to the easiest option.
ur not smart. ur putting yourself and others in danger.
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alexrelic · 3 years
yeah but krist novoselić is tal l
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i feel called out lmao
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alexrelic · 3 years
sometimes i just gaze into my boyfriend’s eyes and think..
“i get to date this person? i dont deserve him”
he has pretty eyes
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alexrelic · 3 years
jerry :)
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alexrelic · 3 years
shower thought:
ow too hot >:(
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alexrelic · 3 years
jusr finished rhe final draft of my screen play and oh boy,,
i feel empty
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