alexcalligan · 8 years
Working with knives was never really Alex’s forte. Being out in the world again, she still didn’t like to use them. After what happened all those years ago, it brought back too much pain. Though, she knew she had to learn to handle them some day. Ammunition was limited. As much as she wanted to, she couldn’t solve all her problems with bullets.
With a knife uncomfortably positioned in her hand she started her routine. Alex practiced fighting daily. It helped her stay fit. Stay fast. The new addition proved to fuck with things a bit, but she knew she had to push herself. The knife was flailing in all directions when she turned around to see someone standing a little over two feet away from her. “Jesus,” she exclaimed. “I could have killed you.” She took a breath, sheathing the knife awkwardly in her belt. In the future she’d stay further from the camp. People were already on edge about her. She didn’t need to make it worse.
“I’m going to get more firewood,” she said as she turned away. While it wasn’t an invitation, Alex knew it was always best to travel in packs. She hoped the request was implied.
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alexcalligan · 8 years
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“the criminal”
name: alexandra calligan
age: 32
fc: evangeline lilly
good lord give me peace from life long of pain and greed, but not yet, i’m not done payin’ for my crimes
Alexandra was born in the lap of luxury. Her rich Virginian parents spoiled her with gifts and clothes as a way to ease their own guilt of never being around for their daughter. Alex knew her parents loved her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t hate them all the same. All throughout her childhood her father and his friends would always look at her like she was a piece of candy. When she would join on business trips a few would stare when she wore her swimsuit. Her entire life she was ogled by rich men who were used to getting whatever they wanted. Though, all that changed when she was thirteen years old. Her father lost all his money and was charged and convicted for fraud. Her mother couldn’t handle working for a living and eventually turned to pills to cope. It was a year later when Alex found her mother dead on the couch; she overdosed on oxy.
Without any extended family to take her in, Alex was put into the system. The foster system was just as bad as Alex imagined it would be. If the adults weren’t abusive, her foster siblings were. She was living the same life she’d always had; used and abused by those around her. Except now, she didn’t have her parents money to help ease it all. Sick of being pushed around and treated like trash, Alex ran away. Sixteen at the time, without a penny to her name, she sold the only thing she had left of her old life. A necklace her mother gave her when she finished primary school. The diamond was worth more than what she got for it, but she was desperate. She bought a bus ticket and headed to Atlanta. She got a shitty waitressing job in the city, and after a few months of living on the street, she saved up enough cash to get an apartment. Life wasn’t completely ideal, but it was better than being in the system.
She had a small group of friends and wore fishnets and smoked cigarettes. She was the biggest cliche she’d ever seen but she didn’t care. Alex was living on her own terms. The way she wanted to live. Of course, she still had her troubles with men who liked to lay hands on her without her permission. Especially after she traded in her job as a waitress for bartending. One night after her shift she was walking down the streets of Atlanta she was approached by a man she served a few hours ago. He was drunk, absolutely shitfaced. It would be a problem. That much, Alex knew. It started with flirting, and then came the groping. She was used to it. She could deal with it. When he pulled a knife after she rejected his advances, Alex found herself in unfamiliar territory.
With a blade piercing her neck, feeling hands travel up her body, she acted on instinct. Somehow, she managed to grab the knife and turn it on her attacker. She stabbed him five times before she felt the life leave his body. Stunned, scared and alone, Alex dropped knife and ran. The next day, she was greeted by two cops at her door. Her fingerprints on the murder weapon led them directly to her. With the evidence against her and her minor criminal history of shoplifting and bar fights, the didn’t both listening to her side of the story. Convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Figured.
Prison was a whole new world for Alex. She’d spent her fair share of time in jail, a few weeks at the most, but nothing compared to max. She felt like Alice in a fucked up version of Wonderland. She fell down the rabbit hole and there was no escape in sight. Alex mostly kept to herself, though she did make a few friends. Though, people often got in the way of the strict routine she kept for herself. All she did was eat, sleep and work out. She wanted to be strong. She never wanted to feel the same fear she felt the night before she was arrested, even if she’d never be on the streets again. She didn’t want to be sloppy. She wanted to be powerful.
Alex often found herself getting into fights in prison. The time came where she wasn’t going to put up with the crap people threw at her. Though, when word started getting out about the sickness that was plaguing the world, Alex stopped getting into fights and started watching the news. Eventually, cable and the power cut out and the prison went to shit. Ten years spent locked up, Alex was finally free. However, the outside world was a new prison entirely.
The walkers that roamed were everywhere. Fighting one on her own was fine, but when the swarms ambushed her, she was better off hiding until they passed by and moved on. Being alone was terrifying. She’d never admit it, but then again, she didn’t have anyone to admit it to. When The Leader came into her life, she almost blew off his head. After the group took her in, she almost wishes she had. Despite being accepted, Alex knew she was an outsider. People were scared of her or just didn’t understand her. They just knew her as the murderer. They kept her around because she had a skill set they needed; she wasn’t afraid of doing what it took to stay alive. Still, it was better than being out in the world alone. She’d keep her group safe and prove herself worthy of their trust. No matter what it took. Alex lived her whole life by herself and looking out for herself. She didn’t want to live that way anymore. Not when the world was coming to an end.
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“the visionary”: as someone who was never able to carry a child herself, the young girl with the swollen tummy really stuck out to her. to bring a baby into this world seems like the worst thing they could ever do, but she’s hoping maybe - just maybe, it’ll be a blessing in disguise. she’ll do anything to keep the young mother to be and her unborn baby safe.
“the leader”: they are almost always bumping heads and can never agree on a single damn thing. sometimes she wonders if he does it on purpose; she could say the damn sky is blue and he’d fight her until his last breath that it’s not. she understands he doesn’t trust her and she doesn’t blame him, the jury didn’t either. she’s just hoping with time, she can change his mind.
“the liar”: birds of a feather flock together, right? he, just like her, was almost outcast from the start - but they were eventually, slowly - accepted into the family. despite everyone else finding it hard to trust him, she’s found it easy. she grew up around liars and thieves her whole life, this one just happens to also be one of the good guys.
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