L e x i M a r l o w
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Professor Alexandrea Marlow | 124 | Vampire | Art Department Head/ Professor at The Institute | NSFW | Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect | Claim: Levi MatthewsArchive blog - 05/07/2023
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
What do you dislike most about being in a claim?
What's there to dislike? I'm claimed by a beautiful woman and I'm happy. I could have it a lot worse.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Top 5 people who should slide into your DM's right now and one person who should do it cause you don't know them well.
Well, anyone can really! I'm always open to talking to anyone. But I'll say:
Leib of course @leibxedelman
Leslie @lesliestedeman
Jason @professor-shaw
Ava @ava-montgomery
Elijah @elijahxxwilson
And to know them better: Lexi @alexandreamarlow
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Friends = Family
Levi doesn’t allow himself to get close to people on the daily basis. So when he does let down those walls, those friends become more like family to him. He has countless friends now, who he wouldn’t trade for the world if he was being honest with himself. 
He knows that he can count on them. Qhuinn, Skyler and Alexandrea are the ones he trusted the most from the beginning and they will always hold a dear spot in his heart and he knows that they’ll be there for him no matter what.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Levi despises being told what to do. He doesn’t cave to just anyone and he’s not submissive at all by nature. When he does submit and give in to orders with people, it’s because he greatly respects them. For him, control has to be earned; it’s not freely given. 
At the end of the day, he craves being able to give over to someone. Even if he doesn’t give it willingly, when he finds someone, it means something. He takes his loyalties to Alexandrea very seriously, and he definitely doesn’t go around willy nilly, giving it up to just anyone.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Wade & Alexandrea
Who asks the other on dates: WadeWho is the bigger cuddler: AlexandreaWho initiates holding hands more often: AlexandreaWho remembers anniversaries: BothWho is more possessive: WadeWho gets more jealous: WadeWho is more protective: AlexandreaWho is more likely to cheat: NeitherWho initiates sexy times the most: WadeWho dislikes PDA the most: WadeWho kills the spider: WadeWho asks the the other to marry them: WadeWho buys the other flowers or gifts: BothWho would bring up possibly having kids: NeitherWho is more nervous to meet the parents: AlexandreaWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: WadeWho tries to make up first after arguments: WadeWho tells the other they love them more often: Alexandrea
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Levi and Alexandrea
Who asks the other on dates: LeviWho is the bigger cuddler: LeviWho initiates holding hands more often: AlexandreaWho remembers anniversaries: Both doWho is more possessive: Both areWho gets more jealous: LeviWho is more protective: AlexandreaWho is more likely to cheat: NeitherWho initiates sexy times the most: Both doWho dislikes PDA the most: NeitherWho kills the spider: LeviWho asks the the other to marry them: AlexandreaWho buys the other flowers or gifts: Both doWho would bring up possibly having kids: Neither wouldWho is more nervous to meet the parents: AlexandreaWho sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: LeviWho tries to make up first after arguments: LeviWho tells the other they love them more often: Both equally
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
🌟: of our muses (platonic)
🌟: of our muses (platonic)
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There are two things a girl can never have too many of: Good friends and good shoes
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
🌟: of our muses (platonic)
🌟: of our muses (platonic)
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Ah, mate. My soul loves yours. It does.
Molly Ringle, Immortal's Spring
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Just Pretend | Self Para
​From the moment the guards turned up unannounced at her door Lex knew something was very very wrong as they pried Levi away from her. Witnessing the struggle made Lexi soon realise that she’d been an absolute fool to think that a claim could protect Levi from the Institute’s cruelty. 
Hands trembled at her sides as a familiar creeping numbness enveloped the vampire as stillness and silence swallowed her home. Left with only her deafening thoughts. Was she a coward for not retaliating? Had Dante and the administration finally managed to extinguish that disobedience within her? More unsettlingly, was she now deemed as a cruel mistress? So adverse to returning to those cells had she lost herself in the process.  
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Bile coiled in her gut as she swiftly approached the main campus, hands clawed at her sides. This wasn’t the first mass punishment she had attended and doubted it would be her last. There had been a shift at the school in these past few months, she sensed that something bad was on the horizon. The professor knew that she was expected to participate in the torture as her absence would have surely been noted. Torture had come second nature to Alexandrea at one stage in her long life following her Sire’s teachings. Perhaps it would serve its purpose here. 
Quickly she surveyed the vast line up of slaves and ‘soft’ masters and mistresses. She didn’t allow herself to linger long enough to recognise any of their faces, to dwell on what she intended to do before she collected the smooth handle of a whip from a guard nearby. 
She was promised complete anonymity. 
All it took was for one familiar heart wrenching cry to reach her to break her steely composure. The vampire soon saw red drawing her wrist back.  
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Text Tessa: I waited too long to say this but... Can I join your course next semester? Text: If the offer still stands...?
Text Professor Marlow: Of course, the offer still stands, Tessa.
Text Professor Marlow: I'm very much looking forward to seeing you in class next semester. Please feel free to drop by my office for a quick chat if you have any questions in the meantime.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
An Aesthetic a Day
Send in any of the following symbols to receive moodboards connected to them! If sent to a multi-muse blog please specify the muse(s).
★: of my muse ✦: of your muse 🌟: of our muses (platonic) ✨: of our muses (romantic) ✪: of our muses (rivals/enemies)
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Wade’s brows furrowed at her words. “I hate this so much,” he murmured. “I hate having my mind messed with. He furrowed his brow a little bit. “I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered. “Don’t leave me, yeah?” he murmured softly. He stepped closer to her, just needing the nearness of a friend. That’s all he wanted, right now. He wanted to be near her. To touch her. 
“Can we…just go anywhere?’ he whispered. “I just want to get away. I want to just be.” He looked at her, his eyebrows raised. He took her hands in his own, without even thinking about it, giving them a gentle squeeze. “I just…i need to be with someone who understands…someone like me.”
He smiled wryly at her. “Let’s see where we end up,” he whispered.
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“Me too...” Lex sighed heavily, the island’s recent antics leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. “I’m glad I’m here with you and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” The vampiress assured him gently with a soft smile as he stepped closer. 
“Of course.” She responded without hesitation, squeezing his hands gently. Lex recognised the need for closeness and understanding something she often sought after. She longed for the sensation of familiarity and comfort being in the presence of someone just like her. “Just be... sounds pretty good right about now.” She whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the back of his hand before she led him to her parked car.
“Let’s drive and see.” She agreed smiling softly as she turned on the ignition. “There’s a flask of whiskey in the glovebox... if you fancy it. Might take the edge off.” 
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Happy Valentine’s!
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
A gift for you…I’ll never stop spoiling you…
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
As the vampiress approached him, Levi felt a wave of relief. He shook his head at her words and he moved closer to her. He took one of her hands in his and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her hand. He took his free arm and wrapped it around her, tugging her closer to him. He buried his face against her neck and inhaled sharply. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” he whispered. “Don’t hate me…don’t leave me…” he whispered. He wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her tighter up against his body, inhaling sharply as he did so.
“Everything is right here,” he whispered. “Bubbling over. I’ve been moody and snappy. I feel everything,” he said, emphasizing the word ‘feel.’ He looked up at her, his eyes pleading. “Are you okay? Have you been affected?” he asked her, swallowing hard. “What the hell is going on?”
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A sudden wave of relief washed over the vampiress as Levi pulled her in closer. The concern on her face slowly softened as a sigh of relief escaped her as he buried his face against her neck. Her hand soon lifted up to gently stroke his hair inhaling deeply as she listened to him. “I could never hate you nor leave you... you know that.” She whispered pressing a tender kiss to his head, instinctively pulling him in closer. “I’m here for you no matter what. The good days, the bad... all of it.” She breathed and hoped he knew she meant every word. 
As Levi expressed how he felt, the pleading in his eyes. Lexi soon suspected that perhaps this wasn’t her doing nor someone else’s but something else entirely. Most of the island’s inhabitants had been acting rather strange recently including herself. “I’m fine... I don’t think I’m currently affected but there was a moment. Vampires have a nautral allure to humans but this... this was magnified like a love potion or pheromones.” She tried her best to explain, recalling a day or so back where she’d never felt so desired by strangers. “I’m not sure but I think the islands witches have something to do with this... wouldn’t be the first time.” She confessed. “I’m just glad you’re home. Safe here with me...” She whispered against his dark cropped locks.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day!
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