alessiofierro · 3 years
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alessiofierro · 6 years
My home will be a home with no loud anger, no explosive rage, no slamming doors or breaking glass, no name calling, shaming or blackmail. My home will be gentle, it will be warm. It will keep my loved ones safe. No fear, no hurt and no worries. I may come from a broken and twisted place but I will build something whole and safe. I’ll sing in the shower again, cook with a smile and dance in all the rooms. I will heal.
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alessiofierro · 6 years
“And maybe love isn’t always a kiss on a forehead but rather a hug and a kiss that say’s “I’m sorry let’s not fight” than spilling words out to each other in the heat of the moment that you would regret later. Maybe it isn’t about buy her diamond ring’s and lace underwear excepting her to wear it for you later that night. Maybe it’s leaving her pill bottle next to her phone with a glass of water as a reminder that thing’s can get better with a little help. Maybe love isn’t about giving fifty fifty each way, maybe it’s about giving 100 when that person greatest demons come to visit for the day. Maybe love isn’t about writing about how beautiful her body was the first time you saw it and how you’d have never seen anything more raw and natural. Maybe it’s about writing how she makes your soul dance in the rain of sunshine and how it also makes your heart ache from time to time when both sides are being stubborn. Maybe it’s not about a vow that you both swear to keep but a understanding that sometimes things don’t work out and sometimes they do. Maybe it’s not about saying I love you every second of every day but showing that love in the simplest of ways like “call me when you get home so I know you’re safe.” Maybe, just maybe you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places and maybe even the wrong people. Maybe the kind of love that you are so hell bound on searching for is taking your pills without no one reminding you or dying your hair the color of the sky because that’s the only time when you feel closest to your real self. Maybe the kind of love that you are searching for in another person is already right in front of you when you look in the mirror. Maybe that’s where you’ll find your one true love. Maybe it isn’t a her or him or someone but a you, maybe just maybe you can find the love that you long for in yourself and maybe just maybe if you’re lucky enough you’ll also meet a person who makes your heart dance in the rain. Maybe that’s what love is, loving yourself or maybe it’s not. I don’t know but when I do I’ll let you know.”
— Deeply Feeling Series
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alessiofierro · 6 years
“Have you ever felt a potential love for someone? Like, you don’t actually love them and you know you don’t, but you know you could. You realise that you could easily fall in love with them. It’s almost like the bud of a flower, ready to blossom but it’s just not quite there yet. And you like them a lot, you really do. You think about them often, but you don’t love them. You could, though. You know you could.”
— W.J. (via poesietanz)
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alessiofierro · 6 years
“One day, a little girl asked me if I believed in monsters. I smiled. I then grabbed the truth by its collar, I wrestled it to the ground, tucked it deep underneath my arm and I said, “Love, you know monsters aren’t real.” And it’s times like this, where I wish that my sentences came with receipts so I could take back my words. I wasn’t being completely honest. When I spoke to her I almost choked on a secret that has been stapled to the inside of my throat for longer than I can remember. Not only do I believe in monsters, but I’ve seen them whisper themselves into existence. I heard they carve nightmares into the eyelids of the innocent and linger in dark corners preying on the unsuspecting. Somehow, they’ve figured how to crawl through 8 millimeter film and walk backwards into the dreams of those who’ve never been afraid to sleep. I believe in monsters the same way I believe in oxygen. So how big is your closet? How much space is underneath the beds you shake in the middle of the night? You are a vampire. A werewolf in sheep’s clothing. You swallow halos and spit out nooses. How can I not believe in monsters, when I see men like you, walking with your knuckles scraping against the concrete? You stand perched on the screams of assaulted women and squeeze into costumes that fool the public into thinking you’re human. How dare you have the audacity to impersonate me? How dare you pretend as though there isn’t a woman out there scrubbing the inside of her thights until they turn stop sign red trying to erase your fingerprints from her skin? How dare you believe your blood is just as blue as mine? When you speak I can small Dante’s Inferno on your breath. I’ve spent the last three months trying to figure out how you escaped from hell and wasted too many nights thinking of painful ways I can send you back. I carved galaxies in the back of my throat just to make your world easier for me to swallow but I can’t stand the taste of your behavior. Every time you cross my path I get the urge to tie you to a chair, cover you in gasoline and set your body on fire. I am no Van Helsing but I’ve seen enough horror movies to know how to get rid of you. But I know even if I killed you, there are still millions of monsters out there. Pretending to be men.”
— Rudy Francisco, “Monster” (via fuckyeahrudyfrancisco)
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alessiofierro · 6 years
You can survive without someone else.
There’s so much to smile about.
Live without apologies.
Drink water.
You need you more than you need anyone else.
Not everything is about a relationship.
Surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
If you like it, wear it.
Learn to say ‘no’ without explaining yourself.
Never forget who was with you when you had nothing.
Find what you’d die for and live for it.
Don’t go to sleep with makeup on.
Dress like you’re going to meet your ex-boyfriend.
Focus on the people who choose to grow with you.
Self care isn’t luxury.
Don’t give up.
You deserve to be treated well. Just because you aren’t being treated well doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be.
You can miss someone but still understand you deserve better.
Don’t forget about karma.
Remember who the fuck are you. Love yourself.
Love who you are and what you do.
Do whatever the fuck you want.
Don’t hurt people.
Do whatever if it takes to make you feel real.
It is possible to be single and happy.
Walk away anything that give you bad vibes.
There is no need to explain or make sense of it.
Stop being friends with people you don’t really like.
Everything will be okay in the end.
Eat that.
If a girl wants to look good it’s for her, not for you.
No one can fuck with you. Don’t let anybody fuck with you.
You’re a damn queen.
Stop being unhappy with yourself.
Don’t depend your happiness to others.
You may not feel pretty every day, but someone out there loves you and thinks you’re beautiful in every way.
Be yourself, you look beautiful like that.
Fall in love when you are ready not when you’re lonley.
Bro’s before hoes, not bro’s over your gf.
You are not a failure.
Girls can do whatever the fuck they want.
It’s okay to be sad sometimes.
Remember when you prayed for things you have now.
If you could belive the Santa for 8 years, you can belive in yourself for 5 minutes.
One day someone will look at you the same way you look at the moon.
The Sun will rise and we will try again.
You didn’t lose him. He lost you.
Do what you like. Like what you do.
Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won’t make you cry.
Date a girl who makes it harder to go to seep but easier to get up every morning.
Turn the lights on and open the window.
You were a princess before him and you’re a princess after him.
Move on. Move on. Move on.
The time to get skinny is now. Not tomorrow.
Never look back.
Don’t text your ex.
A real man only lies to his woman when he’s suprising her.
Only give yourself to people who would fight for you.
Go to sleep at 10pm.
Moving forward is the only way to survive.
Stop failing and you won’t have to start over.
Relationships aren’t always a fairy tale.
3 sleeps can fix almost anything.
Take risks.
Make yourself proud.
No one is going to come pick up your broken pieces off the floor for you.
You live. You can try again everyday.
There ain’t nothing beautiful about shaky hand holding a cigarette.
You don’t look like you did in 6th grade. Be grateful.
Only you can save yourself.
If it doesn’t make you happy, let it go.
If you lose someone but find yourself, you won.
Don’t beg anyone to stay.
Strong is the new pretty.
You have only one dick. You need only one girl.
A year from now, everything you’re stressing about won’t mean shit.
If you have family that loves you, food on your table, roof over your head, you’re richer than you think.
Don’t continue watering a dead flower.
You don’t have to be pretty like her. You can be pretty like you.
Today is the chance to change yourself for the better.
He is not the Sun. You are.
Never feel bad for putting yourself first and doing what is right for you.
Self care is not selfish.
It’s okay to cry.
Distance means so little when someone means so much.
You were always enough.
Do it for you and not for them.
You have enough time.
The best project you’ll ever work on is you.
It’s okay to not know what you want.
The world is full of boys but there is only one of you.
Remember why you started.
You are strong. You are good enough.
When you get something good, please don’t go looking for something better.
Some girls are made of sarcasm and wine and everything is fine.
You must realise that there is nothing to be sad about.
True friends don’t judge each other. They judge other people together.
You’ve made it so far, kid.
You are still here. Still breathing.
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alessiofierro · 6 years
“I think too much. I think ahead. I think behind. I think sideways. I think it all. If it exists, I’ve fucking thought of it.”
— Winona Ryder (via everyday-islike-sunday)
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alessiofierro · 6 years
so uhhhh I made another meme instead of sleeping this guy’s dancing goes with any song
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alessiofierro · 6 years
“He says ‘I don’t get it how have you never been in love?’ I look at his small bedroom. ‘You look like someone who would fall in love with everything.’ I think about my ex-boyfriend and how he broke three of my ribs. I don’t think that’s love. ‘If you stay with me we’ll fall in love.’ I don’t answer. I think about how my best friend once walked into her boyfriend’s apartment and a girl from her school and him were having sex. ‘Does it scare you? People run away from stuff that scares them. Are you gonna run away from me?’ He laughs too loud. He has a perfect smile. I think about how my sister’s boyfriend once smiled at me like that. ‘It’s okay to not love people. It’s just weird.’ I ask him how old he was when he first fell in love. 'We were both 16.’ He breaths for a really long time. I think about how my brother cried for three nights when his girlfriend broke up with him. 'We were so young. I don’t know if it was love. It probably felt like it. She crashed her dad’s Mercedes and we drank a lot. Probably too much.’ He looks at me and I look at his perfect smile. 'I bet if I saw her tomorrow I’d still love her.’ We never talked again. I think about how he said you run away from the things that scare you.”
— And for once, I wasn’t scared.
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alessiofierro · 6 years
This girl at the liquor store just said “my liver can handle what my heart can’t” and if that’s not the fuckin mood idk what is
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alessiofierro · 6 years
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alessiofierro · 6 years
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alessiofierro · 6 years
Perry and Heinz
Here’s a short list of the things they’ve done: - Danced together on New Year’s Eve - Held hands on multiple occasions. - Doof claiming that Perry is the “one relationship that turned out pretty well,” and that Perry is “his rock.” - Doof shooting Perry with a ray that put a dress on him, and being unable to stop complimenting Perry on how he looks in said dress. - A short scene where they fight in bride and groom outfits. - Doof being seen with Agent P boxer shorts, and with an arts and crafts project of him as well.  - Perry stopping Dr. D from being converted completely evil by showing him pictures in his own wallet THAT FEATURE THEM BEING HAPPY TOGETHER. - When Vanessa was secretly dating a human agent behind her father’s back, she calls him a friend. Then she sees Perry entering the building and says, “Speaking of friends, you have a guest.”  - When Doof was kidnapped and Perry was informed, he did not hesitate to go to his building, look at the evidence with worrisome scenarios in his head, then FLY ALL THE WAY TO SEATTLE to rescue him on the same day. - Became agents together in O.W.C.A. Files. - Still meet up with one another in the future episode after Heinz becomes good and becomes a high school science teacher. 
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alessiofierro · 6 years
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alessiofierro · 6 years
Do you ever start a song again because your mind didn’t process the beginning exactly the way you wanted it to
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alessiofierro · 6 years
When your listening to a song and you get so happy that your heart starts hurting and feeling that it’s just about to explode with joy and love for the band and the song your listening to
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alessiofierro · 6 years
things I love about phineas and ferb
main stream representation of a blended family that all loves each other very much with no drama over the fact that technically, they are step-siblings
Ferb is largely non-verbal and does a lot of his communication through non-verbal means and literally no one ever makes fun of him for that, like it’s acknowledged but not shamed
Perry also does a lot of non-verbal communication, but he is a platypus
the use of Doof’s tragic backstories to highlight the fact that they explain but not excuse his actions. they are told in a way that you feel bad for Kid Doof, but that doesn’t make it okay to try to mind control the entire tri-state area
the play on all of the repeative actions, there’s a formula to the show and by the later seasons, the characters have acknowledged that and a lot of the humor comes from that
almost all of the main characters (minus I think Phineas and Candace) have a cultural background that is acknowledged and explored, and even shared among the group. 
the acknowledgement that Isabella is Jewish during the Christmas episodes, but also that she doesn’t celebrate Christmas and still wants to help her friends save something that is important to them 
Buford and Baljeet seem to have some sort of understand and boundaries that only they understand which is like vaguely problematic, but obviously they care about each other
there is a crime fighting platypus
that even though it’s a kid’s show, it demonstrates a lot of common frustrations that kids have. Candace is always frustrated that her mother doesn’t believe her. Carl is upset with Major Monogram for never thanking him.
Candance and Jermey’s relationship ends up being a really awesome one, because he knows exactly what she’s like, and unlike some of the other people in her life (her mother, Stacy and Jenny), he doesn’t mind at all. in fact, he plans for her running off to bust her brothers. almost always. he’s just 100% okay with it and content to bring thier date along on her busting plans. 
just the can do spirit that Phineas and Ferb have. almost nothing ever stops them. and like… they obviously put a lot of thought into how things work but like they just wanna have fun 
the giant floating baby head
Vanessa and everything about her 
actually, the friendship between Vanessa and Candace that we watch as they meet and it ends up growing until eventually they are actually friends who hang out even tough they are drastically different people from drastically different friend groups with so many different interests 
that they have an episode entirely devoted to aglets. I fucking love aglets man. 
the fact that Phineas and Ferb meet aliens and immediately make friends with them. because that’s just who they are
that Lawrence 100% knows that the boys do all this crazy shit every day and has absolutely no objects and literally never says anything despite the fact that he could easily tell his wife that Candace is right
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