alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
Too Long Without Her {Nicolek}
"Hey, hey....Nick look at me...." Alek said, leaning in and taking his best friend's face between his soft hands. "Nick, relax....Nico....Look at me...." he whispered to her, then caught her gaze as she continued to cry, her voice borderline hysterical. "Nico..." he said sadly, then, seeing no other side to calming her down, leaned in and kissed her quickly. "Shush...." he whispered. 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
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Older....And yeah...No home....Mom died early, dad left us on the doorestep of an orphanage...
You know what's cool?
Ah, well….I have no family, spare my brother who’s completely fallen off the face of the earth, and I’ve never had anywhere to stay really…so….Not so ‘homey’. 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
Ah, well....I have no family, spare my brother who's completely fallen off the face of the earth, and I've never had anywhere to stay really...so....Not so 'homey'. 
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You know what's cool?
A….Homey guy? 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
A....Homey guy? 
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You know what's cool?
You’re a drifter. I know how that feels. *nods, then smiles slightly* 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
Alek had left the little grey house on the corner in search of something to do. He'd been cooped up all day, exhausted and completely restless all at once, and even after dealing with Charlotte all day over the phone, he still felt empty inside. Once he'd left, he'd started for the bar, and sat at a table in the corner, shivering a little every time anyone would open the door.
Looking up from his drink, he spotted his usually chipper best friend, Nico stumbling for the door with a bottle in her hand. That's strange, Alek thought, I didn't know Nico drank. He waved the bartender over, but by the time the man got over, Nico was nowhere in sight. He payed for his drinks and went on his way.
Stepping into the cold night air, he was almost unhappy that he had forgotten a coat, and hugged his arms, following the rapidly retreating dark haired figure to the park where he waited and watched as she sat on the swing. 
He walked around the playground, stuffing his hands into his pockets, and smiled slightly at her comment. "Wasn't trying to sneak up on you." he said, smiling up at her lightly, then taking the swing beside her. "yeah, actually." he said, taking the bottle and tipping it upside down behind him. "Think you've had enough, kiddo....What's got you drinkin?"
No Escape From Reality || Nico and Alek
Three years. That’s all it had taken for her life to be shot to hell and back. For some odd reason of sentimentality that was really quite morbid, Nico found herself all alone at the bar. Again. She wasn’t really in a mood because she was alone - hell, she’d spent most of her life basically alone, but it was just the day. It was the day she’d been sent to live with her uncle because her parents didn’t feel like keeping up with their dysfunctional child. Or at least that’s how she saw it in her mind.  After about forty five minutes of sitting at the bar, she took a look around at the almost empty place and wrinkled her nose, suddenly feeling too cramped. Flagging down the bartender - who she’d conveniently made very good friends with - she grabbed a bottle of whiskey from behind the counter, paid, and walked out the door, opening it as she did so. Even though it was rather cold outside, it didn’t bother her at all. Hell, it wasn’t as if she could actually catch a cold or die from freezing to death - not that she could in this weather, but she always had been a tad dramatic. After walking around for a little bit, she finally went to the park - which of course was empty seeing it was well into the night - and took her bottle with her before sitting on one of the swings, swinging slowly as she sighed, regretting even agreeing to come to this town. But hey, it was an easy decision, after all, it wasn’t as if she actually made the choice. She rolled her eyes at her own inner monologue, but that’s when she heard footsteps behind her. Sighing, she glanced over her shoulder to see who had intruded her peace. “You are very bad at sneaking up on people, you know tha?” she slurred slightly, the alcohol obviously taking effect. “Unless ya weren’ tryin’ ta sneak up on me.” she said. She smiled up at Alek, holding out the bottle. “Wan’ some?” she asked, smiling as if she didn’t have a care in the world.  
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
You're a drifter. I know how that feels. *nods, then smiles slightly* 
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You know what's cool?
Ex girlfriend, unfortunately. Or, Ex-Love interest. *shrugging* Kinda a job offer as well, I suppose, but enough about that. What brings you to this sleepy little town? 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
Ex girlfriend, unfortunately. Or, Ex-Love interest. *shrugging* Kinda a job offer as well, I suppose, but enough about that. What brings you to this sleepy little town? 
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You know what's cool?
It’s fire on a stick…I guess it’s pretty handy. Alek, nice to meet you. 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
It's fire on a stick...I guess it's pretty handy. Alek, nice to meet you. 
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You know what's cool?
Matches? Really now? 
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alekxandermason-blog · 11 years
Matches? Really now? 
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You know what's cool?
Matches. I swear they’re made of magic.
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
M!A: Be the perfect man to Charlotte, then when you finally make love, dagger her ass.
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
He watched her as she talked, halfway waiting for her to push him back and tell him what he'd been fearing since the beautiful red head walked up to him and said hello that very first day. He dreaded that he would end up having to chase after her again, but this time it wouldn't be for the right reasons. But as her words started to sink in a little better, he watched her eyes to make sure she was serious, gently prying her fingers from over his lips. 
He wanted to speak. He did, he wanted to say something romantic and stupid and hope she turned and told him she needed him too, but instead...he took her wrists that he had a hold of and gave them a gentle tug, pulling her into his arms. His eyes found hers, just an instant before he was pressing his lips against hers, his hand sliding up her back to curl into her hair gently. This was it. This was what the years of pain, and anger and hatred had led up to. This perfect moment right here. 
As his lips brushed hers, his heart sped in his chest, his arm pulling her tighter to his chest, as if he were afraid this were all a dream. After what seemed like an eternity, he pulled away, and rested his forehead against hers. "You will never be alone if you give me a chance." he whispered, the movement of his lips causing them to brush over hers again.
Is It Over {Alek and Charlotte}
He forced himself to stay silent as she said what she did, feeling each word as another nail to his heart. His eyes remained forward, but as she spoke, they slowly, very slowly, filled with unshed tears. He wouldn’t forget her He couldn’t….Why would she want him to do that… As she pulled away, he kept his face blank, containing a whimper, but just barely. “Goodbye….” he whimpered mentally, his hands curling into fists. 
“No.” he said firmly, chasing after her. “I’m not letting you get away from me. You make me happy, Charlotte. YOU. Not some petite blonde human brat who cares more about her nailbeds than her life. How can you try and make me forget? Do you want away from me that bad?” His voice broke, and he captured her wrist, turning her to face him. “Look at me…”
He caught her gaze again, his mind still a little foggy.  ”Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t want me around.” he said, putting his hand against her cheek. “Tell me that you hate me, and you want me away from you and I’ll turn around and walk right back into that house, and never come after you again as a friendly gesture. We can return to the twisted game of cat and mouse, and you can be alone.” he met her gaze again. “tell me-“
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
M!A; ask Charlotte to turn you into a vampire
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
Human... *grins* You're human? 
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Do I want to leave my house tonight.. people might think I'm dead..
*smiles slightly, sliding his hands down to hers* Now? There’s this great place around the corner… 
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
He forced himself to stay silent as she said what she did, feeling each word as another nail to his heart. His eyes remained forward, but as she spoke, they slowly, very slowly, filled with unshed tears. He wouldn't forget her He couldn't....Why would she want him to do that... As she pulled away, he kept his face blank, containing a whimper, but just barely. "Goodbye...." he whimpered mentally, his hands curling into fists. 
"No." he said firmly, chasing after her. "I'm not letting you get away from me. You make me happy, Charlotte. YOU. Not some petite blonde human brat who cares more about her nailbeds than her life. How can you try and make me forget? Do you want away from me that bad?" His voice broke, and he captured her wrist, turning her to face him. "Look at me..."
He caught her gaze again, his mind still a little foggy.  "Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want me around." he said, putting his hand against her cheek. "Tell me that you hate me, and you want me away from you and I'll turn around and walk right back into that house, and never come after you again as a friendly gesture. We can return to the twisted game of cat and mouse, and you can be alone." he met her gaze again. "tell me-"
Is It Over {Alek and Charlotte}
He watched her sadly, his lower lip between his teeth. “Oh, Lottie…” he said softly, frowning as she figited and drew her hand from his. “It means everything to me, and you have…” he said, watching as she moved up and away from him, starting to pace back and forth in front of him like a frightened, uncomfortable animal in a cage. “Char, it’s okay, sit down, come on…” he said before standing to join her, sighing as she moved to lean on the porch rail. 
“Charlotte, look at me.” he said, and there was no anger, no remorse or sadness in his voice, just…tenderness. “You can’t. It’s the past, Charlotte, but that’s what makes it better. It’s the past. That is never, EVER coming back to us ever again. I…We don’t have to fight, not anymore…You don’t have to push me away, Char…” he turned her to face him, and lightly took her hands. “So don’t…” he whispered almost weakly. “Don’t walk away from me anymore, Lottie…” he said quietly, his hand coming up to caress her cheek, featherlight and affectionate, but the gesture seeming to mean everything.
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
*Grins, and kisses her cheek* 
Char, your cheeks they're... 
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Do I want to leave my house tonight.. people might think I'm dead..
*smiles slightly, sliding his hands down to hers* Now? There’s this great place around the corner… 
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alekxandermason-blog · 12 years
"Yes, Yes you can, Charlot---" I can help you... her words echoed in his head like a whisper from the devil, and made his insides churn. "No. No Charlotte don't...." he whimpered weakly, trying to pull her hands away and take her face in his own, to kiss her and make her forget what she was trying to do. "Charlotte don't do this." he said in a small panic, trying to pull away from her. 
"Please..." he whimpered weakly, before she finally caught his gaze, and he felt his mind snagged, like a sweater on the end of a jagged nail. He watched her eyes as her pupils dialated, almost in fascination. The vervain burned in his system, but still, a trace of the compulsion lied, but not enough for what she was saying to take effect. He stayed silent, keeping his eyes on hers, letting his hands fall limply back to his sides. She wanted away from him so badly that she was willing to let him forget her completely...
Is It Over {Alek and Charlotte}
He watched her sadly, his lower lip between his teeth. “Oh, Lottie…” he said softly, frowning as she figited and drew her hand from his. “It means everything to me, and you have…” he said, watching as she moved up and away from him, starting to pace back and forth in front of him like a frightened, uncomfortable animal in a cage. “Char, it’s okay, sit down, come on…” he said before standing to join her, sighing as she moved to lean on the porch rail. 
“Charlotte, look at me.” he said, and there was no anger, no remorse or sadness in his voice, just…tenderness. “You can’t. It’s the past, Charlotte, but that’s what makes it better. It’s the past. That is never, EVER coming back to us ever again. I…We don’t have to fight, not anymore…You don’t have to push me away, Char…” he turned her to face him, and lightly took her hands. “So don’t…” he whispered almost weakly. “Don’t walk away from me anymore, Lottie…” he said quietly, his hand coming up to caress her cheek, featherlight and affectionate, but the gesture seeming to mean everything.
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