aleckeira · 3 years ago
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Best* *Adult* *game 2021. More* 1 990 963 Sexy* *girls* .Online. ->
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aleckeira · 3 years ago
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.Best*Adult_*game. *2021. More 1 159 802 *HOT girls Online* ->
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aleckeira · 4 years ago
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Protective bean. 
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
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aleckeira · 5 years ago
Watching twilight on a poorly hung projector. (x)
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
Okay I have to say, the general advice I have just happened across (in an open fandom context) of ‘if your fic isn’t getting enough feedback’ maybe investigate what’s popular is…not my recommendation.
PLEASE write what makes you happy. Please, please do that. I’ve been in fandom for a stupid number of years and writing towards an audience has made me the most miserable, because the only thing I have to measure my ‘success’ on is statistics. I check the stats. I get emo over my fic versus other fics. I wonder why something I poured my heart an soul into doesn’t get the kudos other stuff might. WE ALL HAVE THIS. 
Writing to an audience never works, because then all you have to go on is reception. Write for an audience of one, if you like someone to write towards. Revel in your ideas, cherish your creativity. Take risks. PLEASE take risks. Write your fucking hearts out. Kill off half of the main ship if you want to, make them feel pain, make them love, make them come out from the other side. Be fluffy, be flippant, be controversial, and let your own voice shine through in your stories instead of trying to adapt to a formula that’s been successful in the past. Please, don’t agonise too much over where writing what’s in your heart gets you, because it could be the story you tell hits one person right in the feels and it changes things for them.
If your entire writing process is feedback oriented, it’s bloody miserable and it leads to a bunch of fics that all have a similar focus. Write what you love. Please. I’m not just imparting worldly knowledge from a lecture theatre, because I have to tell myself this every single day, when I’m chasing a nebulous dream of trying to be a bright star. I have not always got this right, but I promise you, one hundred percent, those fics that I wrote for myself are the ones that, ultimately, made me the happiest. 
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
Does anyone else get those random rushes of motivation like, “I’m gonna be so fucking successful dammit, watch me”
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
listen, au where harry falls in love with draco first but it’s not requited. harry kisses draco under the london street lights while walking late back from the leaky. draco pushes harry gently and tells him he doesn’t feel the same. harry blames it on firewhiskey and laughs it off.
harry distances himself for a while but it doesn’t last because before he fell for draco, he was his friend first (well second, arch nemesis first). and avoiding someone is hard when you’re auror partners.
harry is proud for himself for separating his own emotions from his work. it’s effective for a while but it gets hard when he sees draco going out on dates. draco has been nothing but supportive of harry’s endeavors albeit with a bit of pissing and mocking and harry thinks, he owes draco the same.
draco starts becoming weird after a botched auror raid. aurors meant being prone to danger but harry doesn’t understand why draco gets angry if harry needs to be sent to st.mungo’s to be patched up. draco took a sudden attention to his health and eating habits. harry still gets nightmares and draco always knows when he does and comforts him. it confuses harry so much that he tells his heart to stop having its hopes high.
fear of breaking his own heart again, harry tries to start dating people. it fails, of course. nobody really wants to sleep with him because he’s harry but because he’s potter. he instead met a muggle bloke he danced with and talk to all night who he shared his same love problems. they talked their hearts out, voices hoarse until they’re drunk and not capable of going home themselves.
harry wakes up with draco hovering above him, lips hidden, probably trying to hide his disgust, harry thinks. he’s being hauled at his feet before he knows it and draco is carrying him outside of the club. the last thing he sees is charles, the muggle bloke waving goodbye and mouthing good luck.
they apparate to grimmauld place and draco drops harry on his bed. he goes downstairs and comes back with a glass of water, helping harry to drink it. it’s quiet for few minutes. draco is removing harry’s boots and socks and harry can’t stand the silence. draco is far from anything but silence.
“are you mad at me?” harry croaks out. draco stills and second later he replies, “no. i’m not mad at you.”
“but you are mad.”
“i’m not ” draco stands up and refills the glass.
“why are you mad?”
“go to sleep harry.”
“please don’t be mad at me.” draco pauses behind the door and turns around. “i’m not - you’re drunk harry. you’re reading things.”
harry knows he’s drunk but he’s hurting and he doesn’t know how to stop it. the alcohol in his system is breaking the cage he made to lock his emotions in. he releases a sob he didn’t know he’s holding back and draco strides inside the room in three steps, dropping beside harry and putting both of his long thin hands to harry’s face.
“what’s wrong?” panic lodges inside draco’s throat.
“are you hurt?” harry continues to cry and he wants the ground to eat him up. shame is crawling up on his skin and draco is witnessing his breakdown.
“is it because i like blokes? are you disgusted?”
draco looks at him in shock and harry’s stomach gets heavier. draco notices the change of his expression and pulls him into a hug. “i’m not. i’m not disgusted. i don’t care if you like blokes.”
harry grips hard on draco’s shoulders, burrying his face on it. “then why?”
“i’m mad at myself.”
“what - ”
“i’m mad at myself. because i lost my chance. i’m mad at myself because i want to be a better friend but i don’t know how to. you deserve someone better,” draco pauses and looks harry in the eye, “the muggle-”
“he’s nothing.” harry replies fast. he stares widely at draco, processing the words he has heard.
“am i too late?” he whispers it so small harry thought he’s imagining it. draco’s face is open with honesty and fear.
harry throws himself to draco and kisses him. draco holds him tightly, carding his fingers through harry’s hair and touching his neck until he’s craddling harry’s jaws. they separate to take a breath and harry rests his forehead to draco’s shoulder.
“you’re a dickhead. how long were you going to make me wait for you?”
“i’m sorry. i like you. i wasn’t before but i can say it back now, i like you harry.”
harry looks up, “i like you too. please stay?”
and they sleep together, harry tucked to draco’s side. harry will wake up with seemingly incurable hangover but he will remember all the details of what happened last night. he will wake up not alone and draco waiting for him to open his eyes. he will wake up to draco malfoy dragging him down in the kitchen for breakfast and they will talk. harry will wake up and for the first time for a long while, he will feel light and he will look forward to mornings of waking up to the face of one person beside him.
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
Tony puts on the Gauntlet.
And in that moment infinity is laid out before him.
He sees everything that is, everything that was, everything that could be.
If he just willed it so, used the power of the Stones to make it so.
He sees all of those lost before return to their family and friends.
He sees Earth, vibrantly blue and green and already healing from all of the damage man has done to her.
He sees a universe bouncing back from all of Thanos’ destruction.
Keep reading
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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*insert chris’s ears burning in the background*
this was funnier in my head
based on (x)
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
Okay first off- I love your art so much gosh, I constantly have a tab of your Climbing Class art open so in the morning when I open my laptop to see those cuties. Secondly- now whenever I see those romantic "bro" posts I think of CC. Like I just saw the one "*holds ur hand* bro… u look so pretty tonight" and like... me hart, me sole
ヽ(;▽;)ノ what!! this….is so sweet and amazing wow… thank you so much!! i thought so much about this ask i thought i answered it already lmao pls…just take this: 
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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“You’re a worthy opponent, Mr. Chris the snowball king.” “Okay, that sounds vaguely dirty.”
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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― J.R.R. Tolkien
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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‘Yeah, you know, with the climbing up the rope’
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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aleckeira · 6 years ago
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Bromeo, Bromeo, wherefore art thou Bromeo…! (no seriously–Bromeo? that’s terrible)
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