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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 7: The Reason Why
Sungjae bore his eyes into Sooyoung's. Then darted to her lips. It was quiet and he can feel his heart racing.
Am I not too fast? Is it okay to kiss her now?
He thought of those as he was slowly leaning closer to her, he was waiting for a reaction. And then he saw her closing her eyes.
He examined her features as he got closer. Her skin is so smooth; eyes are pretty even when closed. And her pink lips are so inviting.
His breath is now fanning her lips
"Uh- chogiyo, sorry to interrupt but the planetarium will be closing in 10 mins"
A guy in a security guard uniform said and they quickly pulled away and went out of the big room.
They got out of the building quietly. It was already late at night. It was colder and the falling snow seems a lot more than the previous nights.
There was an awkward silence for a while and when their eyes met, they burst in laughter
"Sooyoung-ah, it's getting colder. I'll take you home." He held Sooyoung's hand and they walked in the cold side by side.
Sungjae left his near the park. They just walked all day since the places they went to were just near to each other. And it's better because they talked a lot and got to know each other better.
When they got to his car, he opened the door in the passenger's seat for her. She told her where her apartment is and drove her there.
He pulled in front of the building and they got out of the car.
"Thank you for today. I really enjoyed and it was a mission success. You made me happy." She said smiling from ear to ear
"I'm glad you're happy." He smiled back "Go on inside, you might catch a cold." He gestured her to go inside
"Arasseo, you drive safely okay? Text me when you get home." She reminded him
"Yes ma'am" Sungjae replied in a formal way that made Sooyong stifle a laugh
He waved and turned his back when she called him "Sungjae oppa"
He turned around "Yes?"
"It'll be Christmas eve tomorrow. We have an early dinner party at eomma's house. Do you want to come?" She asked hoping he'll say yes.
"Sure, I'll come." He replied "Just text me the time and address. Now go in, the snow is falling harder." He was worried Sooyoung might catch a cold and insisting her to go inside
She nodded and turned to the building entrance.
She was about to step forward when she remembered something.
He called Sungjae and walked up to him.
"Thank you again." She tiptoed and gave a peck on his cheek "Take care and goodnight" then Sooyoung ran to the building.
Sungjae stood frozen in front of his car. His hand touched his cheek and smiled to himself.
Goodnight Sooyoung-ah.
"Sooyoung-ah, can you cut the vegetables please?"
"Ne, eomma. I'm just gonna put this fruit salad in the freezer"
It was a warm Christmas eve at the Park's. It'll only be a few hours before the dinner party and they are now preparing the food for later.
It smells nice in the kitchen. Her eomma is cooking slow braised ribs with carrots and potatoes. They will also bave oxbone soup, kimchi stew for the main course hotteok, bunggeopang for the snacks and fruit salad, creme brulee, and white chocolate cake for dessert.
When they were done preparing, Sooyoung showered and prepped for the mini gathering.
They were putting the food on the table when the doorbell rang. Her mother opened it, it was Young Joon, her father.
"Soomin-ah. Sooyoung-ah. Merry Christmas" he smiled at them as he entered the door. The last time they saw each other, Sooyoung was not in a good mood. But now, she felt a little lighter
"Hello Appa. Come in, Merry Christmas!" She hugged him. His father was teary-eyed when he was returning the hug.
"You're the first guest, maybe they'll start coming here now." Sooyoung's eomma said and motioned him to a seat.
After a few minutes the doorbell rang again, it was Sooyoung's turn to open the door
"KYAAAH! MERRY CHRISTMAS SOOYOUNG AH" "WE MISSED YOU!" two girls were jumping up and down when they saw her. The older ome was very pretty and has small features. And her sister has cat-like eyes and disappears when she smiles
"JOOHYUN EONNIE! SEULGI EONNIE!" she screamed as they hugged each other.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Korea? I should've visited you" Sooyoung folded her arms and pouted
"Aigoo, we wanted to surprise you! We asked your eomma not to tell you and surpise!" Seulgi said and Sooyoung glared at her eomme who just said sorry and laughed.
"Maja! We missed last year's Christmas eve party and we got a chance to come here so we grabbed the opportunity. Besides, we're the only ones here. Eomma and Appa are still in Taiwan." Joohyun agreed with Seulgi
Joohyun and Seulgi are sisters. They are Sooyoung's cousin. They moved to Taiwan years ago when their parents started their business there and decided to stay there. Sooyoung only sees them a few times a year so she was really glad they were able to attend tonight's dinner.
They were in the middle of catching up when another ring of the doorbell was heard
"Merry Christmas eonnie!" Yeri kissed Sooyoung on the cheek " Merry Christmas Sooyoungie! Can we eat now?" Seungwan asked her.
"Merry Christmas! Seungwan eonnie, you hadn't come in the house yet and you already asked for food?" She laughed and led them to the living room where Seulgi and Joohyun was.
When they saw the two, they did the same thing when they first saw Sooyoung "KYAAAH! EONNIES YOU'RE HERE!" Yeri hugged them both "SEULGI-AH! JOOHYUN EONNIE!" Seungwan joined them and soon they were all hugging including Sooyoung.
"ASA! Red Velvet is complete!" they became friends through Sooyoung. When they were introduced to each other, they just clicked and became the best of friends.
They always get together in the KTV to sing and dance till they drop. Yeri decided that they need a group name like they're idols and they agreed on the name 'Red Velvet'
"Woah Joohyun eonnie, it's just 2 years since I saw you but why do you look a lot older now? Yeri teased the eldest
"Watch what you say Yeri-ah." She jokingly glared at her
Yeri acted scared and they laughed "Arasso eonnie! Mianhe" she put up two fingers to form a peace sign
"Hey Seulgi-ah. Where is the guy you said you met a few months ago? Are you dating him?" Seungwan nudged Seulgi
Seulgi blushed "Aniya. We just got each other's contact number. He stayed in Taiwan for a week because their school orchestra was invited to play for the event of Appa's company. He is the coordinator and we just kinda talked and eat out, then he came back here. I didn't see him since then but we keep in touch"
"Well tell him you're here! So you can see each other again." Sooyoung said happily
"Yeah and you can stop talking about how you miss seeing his cute eye smile" Joohyun chuckled and Seulgi hit her arm "Eonnie!"
"How about you Joohyun eonnie? Isn't Ilhoon oppa coming?" Sooyoung asked facing Joohyun
"He said he'll be a little bit late, Eunkwang oppa asked him a favor to go somewhere so they'll be here later."
More people came in. Soomin's two bestfriends also came and Sooyoung greeted them.
"Sooyoung-ah! Girls! Dinner time." Her mom called them in the dining room.
When Sooyoung was about to sit down, she received a text message and it was from Sungjae then she heard the doorbell rang
"I'll get it" she said, thinking it was Sungjae even before reading the text message.
But when she opened it "Sooyoungie Merry Chirstmas!" Two gorgeous men were standing outside the door
"Ilhoon oppa, Eunkwang oppa Merry Christmas! Come in. You came at the right time, we were just about to eat" she said letting them come in while hiding the slight disappointment in her voice
Why hasn't he come yet?
"Jagiya!" Ilhoon gave his girlfriend Joohyun a kiss on the cheek. She just slapped his arm lightly "You're late" she replied coldly
"It was Eunkwang hyung's fault!" He pointed at his older brother "Arasso! Mianhe, it's my fault." Eunkwang admitted and turned to greet the others and sat beside Seungwan "Annyeong Seungwan-ssi" he shyly waved at her "Annyeong" returning his greeting with a small smile
Yeri and Seulgi looked at each other and stifled little coughing sounds. They know that Seungwan has a crush on Eunkwang and so is Eunkwang. They won't just admit it.
Ilhoon and Joohyun were still bickering when Sooyoung opened Sungjae's message
:Sooyoung-ah. My appa said he has something to say important to us at dinner. I'm sorry I don't think I can make it in time. 🙁 But I promise I'll try to come! Enjoy dinner and Merry Christmas!
She was saddened by the message. She was really hoping he would come
"Eonnie, isn't Sungjae coming yet?" Yeri asked Sooyoung who was sitting next to her "Who's Sungjae?" Seulgi asked "Eonnie's boyfriend" Sooyoung glared at Yeri when she said that
"What?! You already have a boyfriend?" Seulgi exclaimed
"Boyfriend? You?"
"Who's the lucky guy?"
"Sooyoung-ah, when did you started dating?"
"Is he coming here tonight?"
As soon as they heared Seulgi the started asking questions with no breaks "Relax guys! Yeri was exaggerating. He is not my boyfriend. I just went out with him once a few days ago. And no, he just texted that he can't make it." She answered them all at once
"Wow. Park Sooyoung finally agreed to go out with a guy" Ilhoon said while slowly holding Joohyun's hand "If he's a great guy like me, then you found the right one, right Jagiya?"
"Stop being cheesy! I'm still mad at you" she yanked her hand away from him. Wendy and Eunkwang were laughing at them.
"We have got to meet him before we go back to Taiwan Sooyoung-ah" Seulgi's eyes were shining when she said that
Sooyoung nodded happily "Eoh eonnie, let's eat out after the new year"
When they were settled they started thanking for the meal and ate. All of them loved the food Sooyoung and her eomma cooked "Yeoksi Mrs. Park, your cooking is the best!" Eunwkang holding the fork with ribs sticked on it looking like his doing a 'thumbs up'
"Thank you Eunkwang-ah." Her eomma laughed "eat well and enjoy the dinner everybody!"
They finished eating and they chat for a while, exchanged gifts then one by one they went home to celebrate Christmas with their own families.
Sooyoung and her mom were cleaning the dining table when she saw a purse on the seat Seungwan was, she typed a message to her to saying that she left her purse at the house
And the doorbell rang. Before sending it, she rushed to the door "Seungwan eonnie, you-"
She stopped when she saw a man standing at the door, with a paper bag in his hand "Merry Christmas Sooyoung-ah" he handed her the gift and flashed a warm smile
She was still in a surprised state while receiving the gift "You're here."
"I told you I'll try to come. Here I am" he said putting his hands in his pockets
"Oh you must be cold, come inside."
Her eomma and her appa called her "Sooyoung-ah, who's at the door?"
Sooyoung let the man inside. She looked at him and then to her parents
"Eomma, Appa, this is Yook Sungjae."
She can't hide the smile on her face while introducing him to her parents. She never introduced anyone besides her first boyfriend and it was such a long long time ago.
She is happy
and she never felt this kind of happy for quite a long while
And this man beside her,
The one she's introducing to her eomma and appa
He is mostly the reason why
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 6: First Date
"Sooyoung-ah, you've been staring at that piece of tissue for forever" her eomma laughed.
She and Ddori will be sleeping at her mother's house tonight. They went shopping for Christmas gifts and it was already 10 p.m. when they got home.
She remembered the note Sungjae left and was contemplating whether to message him or not.
Sooyoung folded the tissue and placed it on the small table in front of her "It's nothing, eomma" she said laughing back.
"Why don't you text him?" Her eomma asked as she take out the gifts from the shopping bag
Her daughter was surprised "Eotteoke arasseo eomma?" She didn't tell her about Sungjae, how did she know that?
"Mianhe, I overheard your talk with the girls. Not that I was eavesdropping but I just couldn't help but hear it." She said, now fixing Ddori's bed, right next the fireplace. She looked at Sooyoung "So why don't you say yes? He seems like a nice guy and he is handsome" she said with a wink.
She's right. Sungjae is kind and easy to be with. She felt safe when she was crying in his arms and he comforted her. She felt happy whenever she sees him but she's scared"But eomma, na museowo." She answered pouting slightly.
"What are you so scared of? It's not like he's gonna bite or something" her mother joked.
"Eomma, I'm serious. What if what the psychic said was not true? And if it is, what if he's not the one?" She slouched on the sofa and her eomma sighed and sat next to her.
Sooyoung looked at her with a wrinkled forehead but her mother just smiled "Do you remember when you were little and your father and I taught you how to ride the bike?"
Sooyoung smiled at the thought of her childhood. Since she was an only child, she was spoiled by her parents but she was very strong and independent. "Ne eomma, I remember when I was getting the hang of it and I suddenly lost balance and fell hard." She chuckled at the embarrasing memory.
"You got big scratches on your legs because you fell exactly on the rocks. I'll never forget that because you cried so hard and it was your birthday party in a few days. You wore a dress with your legs scabbed on your birthday." Sooyoung laughed with her mom, it was indeed just a funny memory now for her. "But do you remember what you did after I treated your wounds?"
She nodded "I rode the bike right after you finished, I think it's because I was getting competitive and I want to ride it with no problems" she paused "and it was fun."
"Yes. The time you learned to ride a bike was one of the times that I've seen you the happiest" her mother now took her daughter's hand in hers.
"You see, ever since you were young, you never let anyone or anything hinder you from doing what you love."
"You were invincible."
Her eyes looked at her mother's with a soft expression "So don't be afraid anymore. Love is not always perfect and the timing might not be always right.
You fall down and get back up.
You got hurt and then try it again.
You love.
Then you get hurt and broken.
But most importantly…" she took the folded napkin on the table and put it in Sooyoung's hand
"You love again."
Sooyoung toss and turn wearing her pajamas in bed. She checked the time
"11:40 p.m."
She thought of what her eomma said to her and after several minutes she decided to take and unfold the tissue next to the night lamp and began typing on her phone
:Not really a fan of coffee but anything would be fine, how about Friday? -Sooyoung
She pressed send. Thinking that he might already be asleep, he put her phone under her pillow and then closed her eyes.
After a few seconds, she heard her message tone.
:You have a café but you don't like coffee? Friday sounds good :D
She blushed as she typed her reply
:Not every café owner likes coffee you know and I like tea more, compared to coffee 😁
:Jinja? I only know a few who likes tea over coffee and one is my halmeoni. You have quite a taste of an oldie. Or are you really old and your face age is like half of your real age? 😰
:Yah! I'm only 29 😤 I'm not that old.
:Oh. I'm your oppa then.
:For real? How old are you?
:30 😅
She laughed in bed as she read his reply
:What? You're just a year older
:So? I'm really your oppa. Haha
:Whatever 😛 oh it's already past midnight. Aren't you going to sleep? 
:I was about to sleep but your message erupted it.
:Just kidding 😂
:I was actually waiting for you
Sooyoung's heart beat wildly at his last message and she repeatedly read it, thinking of what to reply.
:Now you know my answer 😊 uhm, I think I better sleep now. Got a busy day tomorrow. You should sleep too.
:Okay Sooyoung-ah. See you on Friday. Good night! Jalja~ 😊
:Jalja! See you, oppa~
Sungjae rubbed his eyes and read her message again. Did she just called him 'oppa'?
It was only one word but he was flustered. It's a good thing no one can see him. He buried his blushing face in his pillow and wriggle in his body like a worm.
He slept with a big smile, hoping he'll be dreaming of her.
Friday came.
Sooyoung's eomma said she shall free her whole day and her mother will take care of the café. She is hesitant to leave her mother because Seungwan is already on her vacation but her mother insisted. She decided to go with it.
Sooyoung didn't bother to look for something different to wear for her date today. She just dressed as usual.
She wore a nude pink knitsweater, put on a white scarf, black tights and boots that reaches just below her knees. She put on light make-up then carried her brown bag and went out.
Sungjae and her agreed to meet at the playground at the park at 4.
When she got there, a man wearing grey inner polo with grayish blue sweater and black coat and denim pants was sitting on the swing. He was waiting for her
He saw her and he waved. Sooyoung walked up to him and he stood up. She looked at her watch it's 5 minutes before 4 p.m.  "I thought i'd be the first one here, but wow you're early"
"Of course! I wouldn't want that you'll be the one to wait." He said as he began to lead the way
"Where are we going?" She asked. They were walking side by side and she can feel him towering over her. She's tall for a girl but Sungjae is really tall.
His smile melts her "You'll see"
"neol hyanghan seolleimeul
oneulbuteo urineun
kkumkkumyeo gidohaneun
oneulbuteo urineun
jeo barame noeul bit nae mameul
sireo bonaelge
geuriun maeumi moyeoseo naerineun
Me gustas tu gustas tu
sutuduru johahaeyo
Gustas tu suturu sutu~ru~"
   Sungjae got hooked when she sang the first verse. She sang it while looking straight at him and his red ears didn't fail to show. He was enjoying her singing till the las note. Oh how beautiful her voice is.
He took her at a karaoke room. She said she likes singing but does not have the confidence. Sungjae insisted she tries it. She sang, unknowingly making the other person fall for her voice
"I told you, I'm not confident. Singing is not my thing" she said when she noticed that Sungjae was just staring at her
He snapped. It was like he was under a spell when she was singing "Sooyoung-ah. Are you kidding me? I think your cover of me gustas tu is my favorite! You have a beautiful voice" He said in an exciting tone and his eyes are like shooting hearts.
Her cheeks redden at his confession. She tried to change the topic "now it's your turn to sing!" She sat down and he is the one standing now.
"Okay! Annyeonghaseyo Yorobun! This song is dedicated to this lovely woman right here." He said like he is the emcee of an event.
"Wooh! Go oppa! Wooh!" She laughed and screamed like a fangirl would when she's watching her bias group.
"na oneul gobaeghal geoya
geureonikka nal jom dowajwo
meoributeo balkkeutkkaji isanghan ge
issna jom bwajwo
syeocheuga an eoullimyeon niteuro
bakkwo ibgo olkka
eotteohge malhamyeon joheulkka
nega meonjeo deureojwo~"
   He began singing. He has a deep throaty voice.
 He sings so manly. Even his singing voice is handsome, Sooyoung thought to herself
"Just like you girl Just like you girl neo
malgo tto nuga issgesseo
Girl Just like you girl nega animyeon
an doegesseo
Girl Just like you girl I like you girl
only you girl~.
He bowed like a prince as he finished the song and Sooyoung clapped proudly
"Waah! Bravo! Bravo! Jal haesseoyo" she gave him two thumbs up.
They sing more songs Sungjae even sang Frozen and imitated Anna, they did duets like all for you and marry you   
They dance, sing, laugh and have fun together.
Sooyoung plopped on the couch of the karaoke room, Sungjae sat next to her
"I'm hungry, Sooyoung-ah" he whined like a child and
"Nado, I'm hungry" she imitated him and they laughed
They went to a nearby restaurant and ordered teokkbokki, kimchi rice and oxbone soup.
They talk as they ate. About their childhood, families and their careers. When their stomachs were satisfied, they decided to walk.
People are hyped for the Christmas Season. Some are Christmas shopping. Vendors selling hot street foods fill the sidewalks, it's perfect for the winter season. Different colors of lights were dancing as they walked along the pavement.
Sooyoung saw a cute hairpin in one of the vendors selling there. She put it in her hair and turned to Sungjae "How do I look?" She smiled prettily.
"You're always pretty whatever you wear." He said and tucked her hair behind her ear then he turned to the vendor "We'll take this." then paid for it.
Sooyoung is still flustered with what he did. All she can say is "Gomawo" while hiding her pink cheeks.
They continued walking, the back of their hands bumping with each other. "Sooyoung-ah, I want to show you something."
With that, he took her hand in his and they walked a few more until they stopped in front of a building with a big globe on top.
"Planetarium?" She asked unaware that they're still holding hands.
Sungjae nodded "Let's go inside."
Sooyoung was awestuck with what's inside. Models of planets were hanged and there are trivias and facts flashing on several screens.
Information about space, galaxies, and other astronomical bodies are found everywhere. There are also models of spacecrafts and satellites
"Daebak!" She said her eyes popping out. Her hand left his when she touched the models.
Seeing her happy made Sungjae's heart dance "I know you'd say that. Come this is not the only thing I want to show you."
She led her to a big room, more like a function hall. The ceiling was speherical. She guessed that they were inside the globe she saw from outside. There are seats and they are slightly leaned upwards.
There are only a few people inside. It looks like a show will start soon because the ceiling has a screen on it. They sat and someone with a microphone said "Settle down ladies and gentlemen. We are about to start in 2 minutes."
After the said time, the screen on the ceiling lit up. It showed moving pictures of the universe. It's like you are actually in space.
The crowd 'ooh'-ed and 'aah'-ed with amazement. Sungjae looked at Sooyoung. Her eyes were shining, and he knows it's not just because of the reflection of the light.
When the show finished, people started going out of the room but the two stayed.
"You had fun?" He asked looking at her, but she is still looking at the screen. Stars are now displayed, they're twinkling and shimmering. She can see different constellations forming. "It's beautiful. This day is one of the best days of my life." She now looked at him "Thank you, oppa"
He grinned "Whenever I came here, I like to stay here and look at those stars. It's not always visible outside, in the real sky. But I can always see it here." He said looking at the stars
"My halmeoni was one of my favorite people in this world and before she was gone she told me 'if you miss me, just look at the stars and I'll be there, looking back at you, shining and shimmering' and whenever I'm sad, I go here." Sooyoung was touched by what he told her
"I took you to some of my favorite places today. These are my sadness and stress relievers." They are now looking at each other
"When I saw you cry, I've got the feeling that I want to make you smile, just like how you smiled today."
She was speechless. She thought that Sungjae is more than just a pretty face. He is kind and a loving son to his parents and a caring owner to his cat, he is a gentleman and he is her savior.
"Thank you. I am really happy today. Not just because of the places took me to, but because you went to those places with me. I am more than happy right now." Her eyes are almost teary with happiness
He tucked her hair behind her ear, just like what he did earlier
They were holding each other's gaze when Sungjae swallowed and was slowly moving closer to her.
Sooyoung was in a state of shock. Her heart was beating so fast. She prays that he doesn't hear it because the hall is so silent for they were the only ones there.
Their faces are only inches apart now.
Her mind was still debating on what to do until she decided to give in Sooyoung closed her eyes
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 5: Coffee with me?
Sungjae continuously  played with the retractable pen in his hand. He is reading the contract of transfer his father gave him. It states there that Yook Sungjae will temporarily be the CEO of 6JS Real Estate Co.  until his parents come back, all it needs is just his signature and that's it. The company name came from the combination of his parents names Yook Jae Rim and Shin Se Young. And the '6' indicates the 'Yook' family because 6 in Korean is Yook.
His mind is in a push and pull situation, still undecided. He leaned back to his swivel chair and looked up. He has so many things running through his mind and the thoughts ended with a picture of a girl with a reddish nose eating ice cream. He suddenly thought about her. Is Sooyoung okay now? Does she also think about him? When will he see her again?
He didn't realize he was smiling, staring at the ceiling "Wow. One second you look so problematic and then the next you're smiling like a fool."
Sungjae jolted and sat straight then looked at the door. There were his colleagues who are also his Changsub hyung's bestfriends from college.
"Ai- Minhyuk hyung! You scared me." Sungjae said with an annoyed look to the shorter handsome guy.
"What were you thinking about anyway? We thought you were going crazy when you suddenly smiled. The door was open and you didn't even see us here." The cute guy said laughing, his eyes are disappering into thin lines.
"Aniya, Hyunsik hyung, I just remembered something." He cleared his throat "what brings you here?"
"It's break time Sungjae-ah. Let's go grab something to eat." Minhyuk said folding his arms leaning at the door frame
Sungjae agreed, snatched his maroon coat on the chair and went out of the school with his two hyungs.
Lee Minhyuk is a P.E. teacher and also the school Sports Head Coordinator while Im Hyunsik is a music teacher and he owns a music shop right across the school.
They're both college friends of his Changsub hyung and he eventually became friends with them since they see each other everyday at school and eat together at breaks.
They crossed the street, now looking for a place to eat. "So, have you signed the papers yet?" Hyunsik asked
He shook his head "Not yet, hyung. I just can't leave SGHS you know, it's like half of my life is there. I love what I'm doing, it's what I've always wanted to do. It'll be different once I'll manage the company."
"Aigoo, just say you'll miss us!" Minhyuk bumped his shoulder to Sungjae's
"Aniya hyung!" He replied doing the same thing to Minhyuk
"Don't worry Sungjae-ah, we'll visit you there along with the guys. We'll cheer you up, SaJangnim. Right Minhyuk hyung?" He wrapped his right arm around Sungjae's shoulder and the other on Minhyuk's
"Right!" The three grown up men laughed and teased one another like kids.
"Where are we going anyway? 20 space?" Hyunsik asked them. It's the café they usually go to.
"Nah, we're always there. How about we find something new?" Minhyuk suggested and they walked a few more blocks when something catched Sungjae's attention
"Joy Café" he was thinking out loud. He thought of the name he called Sooyoung.
"That looks like a nice place." They stood in front of Joy Café
"Let’s go!" Minhyuk said leading the way
They entered the place and was struck with amazement. It was really nice and had happy vibes written all over it. They saw the mini playpen, some people are reading books while drinking coffee and others are playing board games.
"Welco-" someone said as he turned his head to see who greeted and was surprised. He smiled from ear to ear.
"Annyeong Sooyoung-ah. I didn't expect to see you so soon." He walked towards her. She was with two ladies. One blonde and had a wide smile, he assumes she is working behind the counter because of the uniform and apron. The other one has short hazelnut brown hair. They are all pretty, Sungjae thought. But she is the prettiest.
She was staring at him for a while until she came back to her senses "O-oh Sungjae-ssi! W-welcome! What will you three have?" She handed them the menu. She was palpitating and her voice made her nervousness show.
"Uhm, I'll have an espresso machiato single and blueberry cheesecake please" Sungjae said then looked at her
"Okay, how about you sir?" She asked Minhyuk and Hyunsik
"I'll have a caffé latté tall and uhm 1 slice of chocolate cake please" Minhyuk said
"For me a Cappucino grande, a banana muffin, 1 slice of red velvet cheesecake and a yogurt & granola parfait" Hyunsik giggled and all of them looked at him "What are you all looking at? I'm hungry."
They all laughed and Sooyoung motioned them to a near empty table "I'll be back with your orders in a while" she smiled and left.
As soon as she left, Minhyuk leaned closer to Sungjae "Woah there boy, where did you meet that fine lady? I thought you said you aren't going on meeting girls anymore?"
"Yeah and the last time I checked, you were still not over your childhood friend." Hyunsik teased
"We just met by accident hyung. I really stopped on meeting girls or going on dates or whatever you call them, a long time ago."
"Really? Well I can tell there is something by the way you looked at each other."
Sungjae shrugged "Aniya, I just saw her the third time today and all I know is her name and now I know that she works here"
"Well why don't you get to know her better? It wouldn't hurt to ask her out you know"
"That's right!" Hyunsik agreed to Minhyuk.
"Uh- what if she doesn't like me? What if she says 'no'? What if she already has a boyfriend? Or worse what if she's married!" Sungjae has a worried look on his face.
Minhyuk tapped his back "That's why you must get to know her better to know the answers to your questions pabo-ya. You're already 30 but you act like a high schooler about to ask a girl to be his prom date."
Sungjae suddenly felt nervous. It was a long time since he asked someone out, not to mention a girl he really likes. He just does flings to make him get over So Rim. But this time, its's different.
Wait, does he like her already? They barely had a conversation. All he knows is his warm feeling when he sees her and the feeling of longing when he doesn't.
Hyunsik rested his chin on his hand, he was thinking of something then his small eyes widened. "I've got an idea! You've got a pen with you?"
"Thank you and please come again!" Sooyoung bowed at the three when they left.
Sungjae was the last to exit when he looked at Sooyoung "Thank you too. We will definitely come back." He said and then closed the door.
Sooyoung thought, did he just winked at me?
She held her chest like something was about to jump out of it. What is wrong with her today? She stuttered and was palpitating the whole time they were here. She noticed Sungjae kept stealing glances at her. But it was really nice seeing him again.
"Sooyoung-ah! What was that? That handsome tall guy was obviously flirting with you!" Seungwan giddily said
"And I heard you said his name. Is he an old friend?" Yeri added
She looked at them both "eonnie, yeri-ah." She began "He was the guy I met at the park and at Han River. I saw him the third time today."
Seungwan and Yeri looked at each other then to Sooyoung and back to each other
"KYAAAAAH!" they both squealed causing some of the customers to look at their direction
Sooyoung bowed apologetically "I'm sorry." The she turned to the girls "Don't be too loud! You might drive the customers away." She shushed them
"But eonnie, isn't it like destiny? You saw him 3 times!" Yeri exclaimed "And you didn't have each other's contact number which makes it more amazing!"
"What are you talking about? It's just a coincidence, that's all." She shrugged
"You should've gotten his number, eonnie"
"Why would she? He is the guy he should make a move first!" The oldest opposed Yeri as she walked to the table, where Sungjae and his friends was, to clean it.
"Ah molla!" Sooyoung sighed and sat down "Maybe I'll just wait for the day we'll see each other again."
Seungwan walked back to them, holding a table napkin "Girls, the problem is solved!" She put the napkin down the counter table.
Yeri and Sooyoung looked at her, puzzled and they saw a cute handwriting on the tissue
To: Park Sooyoung Coffee? With me? Sometime? :) 010-222-8981 -6SJ
Sungjae can't sleep
He was pacing back and forth in his condo and kept checking his phone for calls or messages.
It's now 11:40 p.m. and she hasn't messaged him yet.
Hyunsik suggested that he write a message and his number on the table napkin. His reason is that it'll be less awkward if she rejects him through text than in personal. If she didn't text/call him, then the answer is a no.
Now he is anxious thinking about what if she doesn't text/call him. He looked at his handphone again "Aish- Molla!" He threw it on his bed, he was about to go out of his room when
~meokgo jago tto dwicheogidaga
ne saenggage nunmuri nayo
dapdaphae unjeoneul hadaga
heulleonaoneun eumage
He reached for his phone.
It was an unregistered number.
He swallowed hard
"Yoboseyo?" His ringtone stopped as he answered the call. He was waiting for the other person on the line to speak
"Sungjae-ah. Naya, Donggeun. I lost my phone so I got a new one. This is my new number. Save it"
Sungjae's heart sank "Eoh, hyung."
"Hey, don't forget my photo exhibit on Christmas Day, arasseo?"
"Of course hyung! All of the guys will be there. You need to treat us after though" he jokingly said. He almost forgot his Donggeun hyung's first photo exhibit.
At least there is something he'll look forward too.
They said goodbye to each other then he ended the call. He sighed as he went to bed and decided to sleep with a sad feeling
He was getting drowsy when his phone vibrated
Buzz Buzz Buzz
He opened the message, again from an unregistered number.
He smiled as he read it. Maybe Donggeun's photo exhibit won't be the only thing he'll look forward to after all.
Not really a fan of coffee but anything would be fine, how about Friday? :) -Sooyoung
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 4: Sungjae
"I'm Yook Sungjae. I hope to see you again, Sooyoung-ah."
Sooyoung smiled thinking about what had happened a while ago as she was slowly walking on the sidewalk. He took away all of her sadness and resentment for a while.
Remembering the reason why she ran outside made her think again. It's true that she resented her father but reminiscing the days when she was young made her miss him.
Every night before she goes to bed her appa will sit beside her in the bed and ask how was her day and she will tell him everything like when she got a perfect score on the test or funny stories like when she tripped over a few steps on the school stairs or unlucky days like spilled chocolate drink on her uniform. They laughed together and her father will give him something to keep in mind. One time, he said to 'Always begin with the end in mind' He means that she must think of what the result would be before she starts doing or deciding on something.
It became their routine.
But he changed one day. It was after he went to a 1-week business trip outside the country. When he came back from the trip, his aura changed. That's when it all started.
She lifted her head up and stare at the familiar place. She took a deep breath and went inside the café.
When she entered, there was no sign of her father nor her mother on the table. She looked at Seungwan with a questioning look "She went back to the kitchen" she mouthed. Sooyoung nodded and went past the counter to the kitchen.
She saw her mother arranging eggs on th egg shelf. She went up to her and helped her "Nam Woo samcheon came here?" She asked her mother emptying the egg carton "Eoh, he delivered these a while ago."
Lee Nam Woo is their supplier of eggs and milk. They've been doing business since the café first opened. He helped them a lot on strategizing and giving suggestions for their café to be successful. Nam Woo is not a hard person to be comfortable with, it didn't take her long to call him her uncle and he really treats Sooyoung like a real niece.
"Oh okay." She replied to her mother "Eomma" she called her "hmm?" She replied not turning around to face her. Sooyoung wrapped her arms on her from behind. "Mianhe. I was rude for acting like that a while ago. I was too angry to see appa after all these years that he left us. I just can't forgive him now. Maybe I just need a little more time." She is now crying and her mother turned to her and hugged her back "It's okay nae ttal, I understand." She said wiping her daughter's tears and continued "There something I didn't tell you."
"Ne eomma?"
"We've met before today. About a week ago. He came to the house one night. He said that he went to our old house and we weren't there so he searched for us." She swallowed then sit on a chair and Sooyoung sit next to her facing her mother.
"He told me the whole story. The week when he went to the business trip, they had a mini party and got drunk. Something happened between him and his colleague." Her mother sighed "I know that something was up when he was coming home from work late at night and he started to be cold. That's when I had a hunch that he has another woman." She saw her mother's eyes water and felt her own eyes was too. That day when her appa left them is when her eomma confronted him and he didn't deny it. And even told that he loves her and got her pregnant. Yes. He left them for a woman with his baby.
"When he came to me he told me that his colleague left work after finding out she was pregnant and they lived together but she had a miscarriage. They still continued their relationship but it didn't work out and she left him. That's when he regreted everything. He said he was wasted everynight. Got fired from his job. And also went homeless. He said that one day he decided to fix his self and find us."
"After that, he cried. Sooyoung-ah, he went down on his knees and cried hard that night, he said he was sorry and that he regret everything. I was angry at him too. But what he did just broke my heart. I can't not forgive him. Whatever he may have become, it does not change the fact that we have loved each other. And I realize that even if things will not go back to the way it was, he will always have a special place in my heart." Tears are now wetting her cheeks.
"Oh eomma" crying, she leaned and hugged her mother tight "I love appa too, eomma. Even if you turn the world upside down, he is still my father. My heart just needs time."
"We've got everything on the cart that's here on the list except for the ingredients of the cake, eomma."
Days have passed after her heart-to-heart talk with her mother and Christmas Day is nearing. Sooyoung and eomma is grocery shopping for the party at their house on Christmas Eve. Every year, they prepare gifts and a dinner party for their close friends and relatives.
When they finished, Sooyoung drove her mother back home and unloaded the groceries. They started putting up the christmas decorations. Sooyoung attached garlands with silver and gold glittered stars on the walls of the house. She hung Christmas socks embroidered with Santa Clause's face and a snowman on the corners of the fireplace, and in between the socks she put a banner with a 'Merry Christmas' written in fancy letters printed with tiny reindeers and sleighs. And last but not the least, she helped her eomma put up the Christmas tree and hang Christmas balls of red, green, pink, silver and gold then wrapped a metallic pink garland around the tree. They put ornaments in the shape of candy canes, angels, poinsettias and hearts. When she put a big golden shining star on top, they stared at the tree in awe.
"Wow" her mother exclaimed
She agrees "It's perfect."
"Oh my gosh Eonnie! He might be TL!" Yeri sqeauled
Seungwan have a puzzled look on her face "TL? What's TL?
Sooyoung covered Yeri's mouth with her hand "Yeri! Lower it down, there are other customers here."
Yeri is at Joy Café now and Sooyoung told her and Seungwan about the guy she met at the park and also the one who ate ice cream with her at the Han river.
"TL stands for True Love. I made a codename of eonnie's prince charming" Yeri giddily answered Seungwan's question
"Ooh. The one that fortune teller saw in your future?"
Sooyoung nodded "But I don't know if he is TL. I don't even know if the fortune teller said was true." She took the empty cups and saucers on the table and tidied up.
"Sooyoung-ah, give it a try anyway. Do you have his number? Do you keep in touch?" Seungwan rested her head in her clasped hands
"Aniya eonnie, I only know his name. That's all. And I don't think I want to be attached to him. What if he'll only break my heart? What if he is not TL?"
"But what if he is?" Yeri said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone
"I- I don't know."
Sooyoung was debating herself in her mind. Here she goes again, doubting the feeling. Yes she felt happy and safe when she was with him. And why wouldn't she? He already saved her two times!
But is she ready for this?
She doesn't even know when will she see him again.
As if on cue, the door of the café opened revealing three gentlemen.
One has black hair, he seemed shorter than the other two but he's extremely good-looking. He was wearing striped inner polo and brown coat. The second guy has his hair covering his forehead leaving only a peek of it at the middle, he has a cool aura. He has a bonnet and and cross-shapes dangling earrings. He smiled at the three ladies. Oh that eye smile.
"Welco-" Sooyoung was greeting the people entering when she saw the tallest of them, wearing a maroon blazer on top of a black shirt. He met her gaze and she saw that familiar heart-fluttering smile.
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 3: Joy
Sooyoung is looking down at her boots clanking its outsoles with each other. She is seated next to her mother and her appa in front of them. It's still early so there are only a few customers and they decided to talk there. She felt her eomma's hand squeezed hers for comfort. She lifted up her gaze and saw her mother with a calm expression and then faced his father.
"Soomin-ah, Sooyoung-ah. I'm sorry." His father looked each of them in the eyes as he said their names. It was sincere.
"I know 'sorry' is not enough to compensate all the things that I have done to you in the past. And I know even if I say it a hundred times, it will never be enough. God knows how much I regret every single bad thing I've done to you." Sooyoung's father closed his eyes for a moment, wanting to eradicate all the things he shouldn't have done, before opening it again and continue "All these years that have passed, there is not a single day that you were not on my mind. I was so foolish. I don't think that word is even enough to describe what I am. It took me this long to fix myself and come here in front of you. I know things will never get back to the way it was. But if it's not too much, I only ask for forgiveness." He reached for their hands as he finished.
"Young Joon-ah" Soomin softly said
Sooyoung pulled her hand away from her Appa's then she turned to her mother "Eomma mianhe, I just need some air and time to think." Her voice was shaking, struggling to not let her tears fall then she rushed for the door letting neither of her parents speak.
She ran.
She ran with no definite destination. The tears that she was fighting a while ago are now streaming down her face.
She was angry at her father. For everything he did. That day when she almost lost her will to live, she looked at her mother, crying. Her mother who was always happy and strong is now crying and weak in her arms. That day, she decided to be strong for her eomma. And not let anything or anyone hurt them again.
It was the turning point of her life.
But now that she saw the person who made her mother like that, it made her heart harden.
Sungjae let out a sigh as he got out of the school building. He walked slowly thinking about what his father said to him before he left his parents' house this morning.
"Sungjae, you know I just can't leave the company at that state. It was the first business that your mother and I started together. Can't you just give me this one, please?"
His parents started a real estate company in America, Sungjae was still young then.  He was born and raised there, although his parents speak to him in Korean while growing up, so he is fluent in that languange. After he finished high school they went to Korea and decided to stay permanently. Sungjae went to college and continued studying in Sungkyungkwan University earning a Masteral degree of Social Science Major in Child Psychology and Education. And he is now a guidance counselor in Seoul Global High School.
He wanted to learn about family culture and relationship. He was brought up having a mother, two fathers and a half brother. He always thought it is a normal thing but as he grew older he realized that there are families who have only a mother or only a father, some families fight with each other. It made him curious and led him in studying it.
He now gives counseling to students having problems with either at school, their peers or at home. He feels happy whenever he gives hope and encouragement to people because he was always filled with love and care while growing up. Her parents and Changsub's biological father are in very good terms. He is close to his hyung's father and even call him 'appa' and so is Changsub to Sungjae's father. Their family really is an epitome of a one happy family.
Now that their real estate business in America is not in good shape, his father wants to go back there with her mother and asked Sungjae to take over their branch here in Korea while his parents are abroad.
It's not that he didn't want to handle it but how can he leave the students? Being in this school molded a big part of him into a person he is now. He wants to think about it through and through.
He stopped to looked around and realize he is walking along the han river. It was a quiet cold morning. It's not snowing today, he thought to himself. He fixed his eyes forward to continue walking but he saw someone running towards him. He doesn't know if the person sees him. As the running figure got closer, he noticed it was a girl.
She looks like she's crying.
Instead of moving to the side to let her pass, his arms automatically opened to catch her.
His long muscular arms caught the lady in baby blue knitsweater, her head in his chest and his hands lightly tapping his back "It's okay" he said in a soothing voice "Just let it out." He rubbed her back lightly. He can't help but smell her hair that was just under his nose. She smells of strawberries and his heart swells as her uncontrollable sobs got louder.
Sooyoung was running and didn't bother to know where she was going nor does she care if people saw her like this. She ran until she was stopped by someone, at the back of her mind she wanted pull away but her heart was warm with the person's hold "It's okay. Just let it out." His voice was calming and convincing that she didn't have any seconds thoughts and cried her heart out. The hand at her back was easing her feeling as she cries. She felt her raging insides calm down.
When she stopped sobbing she was still in the stranger's embrace. Looking down she slowly left his arms "I'm sorry to bother you." She said wiping her tears away and then looked up and was surprised to see a familiar face.
When their eyes met his jaw dropped and felt a small kick-like feeling inside his chest.
It's her.
She saw the angel again. The lady whose eyes are smiling the first time they met are now puffy and watery. Her nose is reddish from crying and the cold.
She is still beautiful even when she cries.
"It's you."
"It's you."
They said in chorus. Sooyoung shyly averted her eyes away. And Sungjae smiled to himself. How can she be that cute?
Sungjae cleared his throat "come, let's sit. You must be tired." She led her to a bench. They were quiet for a while when he spoke "Wait here, okay? I'll be back in a sec" the girl looked at him and nodded slightly.
Not more than 2 minutes later he came back with two vanilla ice creams in his hands. He handed one to her "When you're sad, ice cream is always the answer." He smiled. It was warm enough to make her smile back "thank you" she said.
They were both quietly eating while looking at the river when Sungjae broke the silence "You know when I was a kid, there was a time when I was so down because I had a fight with my friends. My older brother came to me and gave me ice cream and said 'This always helps. Don't worry, you'll eventually make up with your friends soon' he sat next to me, ate ice cream with me and I did feel a lot better" he paused for a moment to eat then looked at her "and I realize it's his company that's making me feel better, the ice cream was just a bonus."
Sooyoung was softened with his words. She thought he was right. Him being by her side really makes her feel a lot better. He does not feel like a stranger at all. It's like she had know him for a long time.
After they finished eating they decided to walk, there was silence again but it was not awkward. It was a comfortable one.
"I guess I'll be going this way. Thank you for earlier." she pointed to the left as they stopped at the end of the path they were walking.
"My way is here." Sungjae pointed on the right "So" he began and put his hands in his pockets "I guess, I'll see you around? I hope the next time I see you, you won't be crying in my arms anymore." He teased her and she laughed hitting his arm "that's more like it. Smile often, okay?"
She blushed as she took a step "Thank you again. I owe you one. I'll be going then." She smiled and waved at him. She turned around and walked a few steps before she heard him call
She turned to him again
"Uh- Sorry, I wanted to call you but I don't know your name and 'Joy' was the first word I could think of." He smiled coyly while scratching his head
"Sooyoung" she said chuckling
“My name is Park Sooyoung"
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 2: She's An Angel
"Hyung, I'm telling you. I think I saw an angel."
"Yah Yook Sungjae. You already said that 5 times! I'm not deaf you know" this hyung thumped his dongsaeng's forehead.
Sungjae is at his half-brother's penthouse. And he kept blabbering about a lady he saved from falling at the park yesterday.  When him and Sami got home, the girl was still on his mind. It was driving him crazy.
"Jinja? But she really does look like an angel. Her skin is milky white. Her big eyes are captivatingly beautiful. Not to mention her smile. It's the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!" Sungjae said with a big grin and a dreamy look in his eyes.
"Woah there.  This is amazing. A girl? Caught your attention? And we're talking about a stranger here.  She's a girl other than your bestfriend slash first love slash first heartbreak." He said emphasizing on every slash.
Sungjae's expression suddenly changed to a serious one "Hyung don't drag So Rim here. She has someone else now. And she- she's married" his voice almost faded at the last word.
"That's right. Your bestfriend whom you've been inlove with for almost 15 years just got married to another man 2 years ago. And you still stayed by her side as your bestfriend even though you know it hurts to be just that."
His hyungs words are like bullet piercing through his chest. It's all true. Yoon So Rim is his bestfriend/first love and first heartbreak.
He had never loved any other girl besides her. He was his everything. He was afraid that they'd lose they friendship if he confesses. But he was still determined to say it to her.
On the day that So Rim was coming home to Korea from the US, was the day he planned to confess to her. But it turned out that he was the one who will be surprised.
Sungjae held the boquet of stargazers tight as he saw the figure of a woman whom he loved for years run towards him with open arms.
"Sungjae! I've missed you pabo!" Sungjae smiled at the girl after they pulled away from the hug "Nado, So Rim-ah. Here." He gave the flowers to So Rim whose eyes were filled with delight "Gomawo! You always know my faves.  Yeokshi.  You're the best bestfriend ever!"
Sungjae nervously gulped as he continued his plan thinking that it's now or never. "So Rim-ah, I have something to tell you." He began
"Eoh? What is it Sungjae-ah?"
"I- I like-"
"So Rim-ah!" just as Sungjae was confessing to her. A guy came rushing and calling for her. And the what happened next  is something he didn't expect.
The guy gave a peck on So Rim's lips.
He wanted to smack the guy with the luggage he is holding until So Rim spoke "Oh Sungjae-ah. I want you to meet my fiancé, Han Gyeol.  You know, the workmate I told you about." Han Gyeol held out his hand "Hi Sungjae-ssi. So Rim has told me a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you."
Fiancé? Workmate? The last time they talked about this workmate there was nothing romantic happening. He didn't know they got intimate with each other. He wanted to scream and punch the guy named Han Gyeol and run out of the airport. But he kept his cool and meet his hand with Han Gyeol's.
He forced a smile and clenched his other hand in a fist "Nice to meet you too."
Later on he learned that So Rim wanted to Surprise Sungjae with the news. And damn was he really surprised. Being a man he should be, he just congratulated them and be a bestfriend to his first love who is also now his first heartbreak.
Yes, it hurts. He knows it. And he still chose to be hurt rather than losing her.
It has been two years and Sungjae doesn't know if he still feels the same way about her.
For as long as he knows, she loved So Rim almost all of his life but for her, he is just the most loyal bestfriend she could ever have.
He tried looking for other girls. He went onto blind dates and even clubs. But none catched his attention the way So Rim did.
Not one, until yesterday. The girl with the beige beret and pretty eyes didn't left his mind.
"But you know" his hyung continued snapping him back into reality. "I like the idea of that 'angel' you were talking about. It's just a pity you didn't get to know her name. I haven't seen your dreamy eyes in a long time" he teased him as he copied the way Sungjae looked when he was describing the girl.
"Lee Changsub! Are you mocking me?" Sungjae playfully pounced at his hyung pinning him to the floor wrestling him.
"YAH don't you 'Lee Changsub' me! I'm 4 years older than you pabo ya" he pushed Sungjae with force and until they're now reversed. Sungjae is now beneath him. "Ha! Take that!"
"Aish- hyung! That hurts!" He winced rubbing the back of his head "you asked for it!" Sungjae said as he lifted his head sticking his tongue out reaching Changsub's face. It made Changsub stand up
"YOU'RE DISGUSTING!" He shouted as Sungjae stood up "Want me to do that again?" He teased his hyung before immediately running away
"Seungwan eonnie, is eomma here yet?" Sooyoung asked the pretty girl with ash blonde hair. Seungwan is their full-time worker in the café. They treat her like she's part of the family
Seungwan smiled and nodded "Eoh, she's in the kitchen."
"Gomawo eonnie. Let's eat lunch together later?"
"Sure Sooyoung-ah. I know a new place not far from here. Let's eat there." Seungwan said as she was cleaning the counter.
Sooyoung giggled and made an 'OK' sign then walked inside the kitchen and saw her mother baking. Ever since her Appa left, her mother started baking bread and other pastries to earn a living. Since she was a housewife before and doesn't have any job and Sooyoung is only in high school back then, she thought of selling goods to support Sooyoung's studies and their everyday lives.
Sooyoung sells them door to door and because her mother is a great baker, they got loyal customers and soon they have enough money to fund a small café that is up and running for years and counting.
The place has a warm blissful ambiance. You can read books stacked on the shelves attached to the walls and read it there at their couches or as you eat on your table. Their is a corner for board games like chess, scrabble and monoply. And they put on a mini playpen with toys and children's books for the café to be child friendly. Walls are decorated with colorful happy faces and positive sayings.
The place really lives up to its name Joy Café
"Aigoo uri Sooyoungie, what are you doing here?" Her eomma asked as soon as she hugged her mother from behind
"Eomma, it's winter break remember? I'll be here to help you full time. And since I'm here, Seungwan eonnie can take a vacation." Sooyoung said as she put on an apron and tied a hairnet on her bun.
"Arasso. Oh could you take out the trash first? I forgot to take it out"
"Ne eomma" Sooyoung emptied the trash bin and went outside to find the nearest garbage disposal area and throw it. She went back to the café and stopped on her tracks as she saw a man wearing a dark blue coat and black pants standing in front of the café
The man faced Sooyoung whose eyes are widened and her mouth slightly opened
"Sooyoung-ah" the man was trembling as he spoke in a hoarse voice
Sooyoung closed her mouth and clenched her fists. There are all sorts of emotions going on inside her.
Even if she was shaking inside she mustered her courage to reply in a clear firm tone
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
Chapter 1: Meeting You
"Advanced Merry Christmas kids! Enjoy the holidays and spend your break warmly with your family" Sooyoung bid goodbye to her middle school students
"Ne seonsaengnim! Merry Christmas!" They excitedly replied in chorus
Sooyoung walked back to the faculty, greeted her colleagues and went to her table. She was fixing her things on her table when some tickled her on her sides "Eonnie!" "Haha! Yeri-ah! Hahaha! Stop- it- haha!"
Yeri is Sooyoung's co-teacher and bestfriend. Even though she is 3 years younger than her, Sooyoung is comfortable and gets along with Yeri the most. "Kim Yerim hajima!" Sooyoung held both of Yeri's hands to stop her "Arasso eonnie, you can let go now" they both laughed then Yeri also fixed her things on her table next to Sooyoung's
"Ah Eonnie, any sign of TL yet?"
It has been a week since her visit to the fortune teller and she told Yeri what the psychic said about a man sweeping her off of her feet. TL stands for 'True Love'. It was Yeri's idea to give the guy a nickname.
She's been busy these past few days because of the kids' final examinations and she has to organize things and finalized their grades before the winter break. She always have been hardworking and passionate. And had no time to find a lovelife or even let the love of her life find her.
"Eopseo, I'm not looking for him and I don't know if I want this or even ready to have a relationship" she shrugged "But eonnie, it's been years since your break-up. Men aren't all the same, is it that or haven't you moved on from him yet?"
Sooyoung was taken aback. Hasn't she moved on from Tae Kwang? It's true that they ended in a bad note. Heck they don't even have a closure. The last time she saw him was before their high school graduation, he was happy.
Holding hands.
And the girl was not her.
That day she came home crying but what she saw as she opened the door was her angry father, with a suitcase, storming out of the house not even looking at her. She heard her mother inside the house screaming and crying.
"Eonnie?" Yeri waved her hand in front of Sooyoung's face. Sooyoung snapped back into reality she shook her head "Aniya Yeri-ah, it was a long time ago. I just don't know if I want to have another important someone in my life. Besides, I have eomma, Ddori and you" Sooyoung clinged on to Yeri's arm as she included her in her sentence. Yeri yanked her arm "Ew. Don't be cheesy!" They both laughed and went out of the school together.
The next morning Sooyoung decided to walk Ddori at the park. Ddori is her pet golden retriever. The weather forecast says it will be snowing lightly today. She wore a beige beret then put on a white sweater and dark brown coat matching the color of her medium length hair. Put on light brown pants and cream colored velvet boots.
Before they go out of the house, she put booties on Ddori's paws to prevent him from getting frostbite and wrapped around a red knit scarf on him.
Ddori keeps her company, since she got out of her mother's house after she got a job. She adopted him 3 years ago from an abandoned dog center. Sooyoung volunteers at the center for almost 5 years and up to now she still goes there at least twice a month.
There is something about Ddori that made her adopt him and bringing him home was one of her best decisions in life.
They started marching along the streets of Seoul. It was a Saturday morning, there were less people on the streets compared on weekdays. Even though the snowfall was not heavy, it was very cold.
They reached the park and she let Ddori run around the playground. She saw him playing with the children who were blowing bubbles. Sooyoung smiled, she always thought of Ddori as her kid. She was already contented with him. But seeing all the children playing with him made Sooyoung imagine having a family with 2 kids playing in the playground with Ddori and having a picnic near the river. It'll be such a beautiful scene.
Sooyoung was lost in thoughts then here eyes darted back where Ddori was playing but he was nowhere to be found.
Panick rose inside her, her eyes searched for him while she brisk walk. Not far from where she was, a running cat caught her eye, it was being followed by a dog.
"Ddori!" Sooyoung shouted her eyes widened and was filled with gladness as she saw the cat, who was chased by the dog, running towards her direction. The cat and Ddori run around Sooyoung in circles.
She was following them with her gaze until she felt dizzy.
She heard someone cried. She turned around to see who it was but she got out of balance and fell head first. She closed her eyes, ready for the cold ground to touch her back but instead felt two strong arms holding her. One hand on the back and another on her arm. Preventing her from falling any further.
"Gwenchanayo?" The person asked her in a low husky voice.
Sooyoung opened her eyes. A pair of fox-like eyes stare into hers. He has brunette wavy hair, pointed nose, and pinkish lips.
He is handsome
She hadn't realize that she was examining his features for too long until he spoke again "Miss, are you okay?"
With her pulse racing, he quickly stood up on her own feet, pulling away from his cradle "N-Ne, gwenchana. Thank you." She shyly said and brushed her hair with her fingers
"I'm sorry, I lost hold of Sami here." He carried the snow bengal cat named Sami in his arms who was now tired with all the running.
"I think she was playing with your dog for she was attracted to his scarf and kind of caused all of this." he pointed at Ddori's scarf "Sami likes scarfs and also the color red" The man smiles then he chuckled. Oh Sooyoung thought he's more handsome when he smiles.
She erased the thought as she felt Ddori brushing her leg. "It's okay. I guess they just want to play." her lips curving up to a smile as she struggled to make a sentence resisting to look at his kissable pink lips that was so near hers earlier when he was holding her.
Oh. My. God. What was she thinking?
She can't think straight. She was foreign to what she's feeling right now. Her palms were sweating and she felt heat spreading on her cheeks. She just wants to get out of there.
"Wha-" "Oh no! Look at the time" Sooyoung looked at her wristwatch and cut him off before he could say anything "I'm sorry, we must go, we're running late on our appointment" Sooyoung said as she motioned Ddori to go. She made an excuse to leave but it was not all a lie. Ddori has an appointment at the vet but it'll be two hours from now.
"Sure, go ahead. See you around then?" The man with the long coat and nice smile waved at them. Sooyoung nodded "See you around. Thanks again." She bowed, flashed a small smile and then turned around.
Sooyoung and Ddori reached the apartment. She was spacing out for a moment until it registered in her mind that she was infront of her door.
She can't get that man out of her mind, and she didn't even know his name. She sighed and sat on the couch as Ddori sit next to her. She looked at her golden retriever. She thought of the first time she saw this dog at the center and the connection they had when they looked at each other's eyes.
It's like the same feeling she had when the guy at the park looked into her eyes.
But somehow different.
The thought of him makes her wonder.
Maybe. Just maybe.
She wants to see him again.
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
Twin Flames & True Love
"Sooyoung-ah, ppali wa"
Sooyoung picks up her pace to match it with her eomma. Her mother was taking her to a fortune teller which one of her mother's friends recommended, saying that the psychic is good. It was weeks of consistent pursuasion before Sooyoung finally agreed to come.
The girl quietly sighed as they entered the shop. The lights were a mix of pink and yellow. Patterns of daisies and small butterflies were painted on the walls. The floor matched the wall design. Shelves are filled with books, there are also cute figurines in a table.
The room was not that big nor was it too small. It was not the kind of palm reader shop Sooyoung was expecting, it was more like a café.
There is another table at the corner where a woman on her 40s was smiling at them as they entered.
"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome!" The woman with brownish highlights and sun kissed skin bowed. Sooyoung and her mother greeted her back "My friend recommended you to me" her mother said
"Yes, I was expecting you. You want to know about your beautiful daughter's luck in love right?" the woman said as she motioned them to sit.
The girl and her mother was shocked for only for a moment after remembering that they're talking to a psychic.
"Yes, you see, my daughter Sooyoung is turning 30 next year and I want to know if a man will come to her life anytime sooner" her mother looked at Sooyoung sincerely and the girl just flashed a small smile.
"Sooyoung-ssi, can you hold out both of your palms?" Sooyoung opened her hands to the fortune teller. The woman looked at her right palm first and then the left. Sooyoung can't tell whether the woman's expression was good or bad.
"Your right palm shows your future and your left shows the past. I can see a young man in your past, you had good times but ended in a bad one. It's young love" The psychic traced the lines in her left palm as she speaks.
Sooyoung nodded and got chills running down her spine. "I see now, that something is holding you back, maybe fear? You closed your heart to men. Sometimes you tried. But none worked out." the woman continued concentrating on her palms again as Sooyoung faced her mother who were as surprised as she was.
"Your right palm shows more of a good news. A man with a very kind but broken spirit is just around the corner. There will be ups and downs. But once you find him, never let him go"
Sooyoung fiddles with the pen on her hand. She is now in her apartment making a lesson plan for the next day. She teaches English in Shine Academy.
It has been her job as soon as she graduated, she had always dreamed of being a teacher, imparting her knowledge to students. Sooyoung never dropped from the honor roll as a student and became attached to the school, the students and teachers that she decided to spend the rest of her life in school.
When she had finished, she plopped herself on bed thinking about what the fortune teller said earlier. The thought of opening her heart again fully to a man has never crossed her mind.
For more than a decade now, she didn't have a boyfriend. Even if she starts to like someone and the guy courts her, she holds her feelings back and reject them.
She had been like this because of two men that were once a big part of her life. Her father and her ex-boyfriend, Gong Tae Kwang.
It's not that she's dwelling in the past, but the impact from those two in her life was big and left her a scar. She just can't shake it off even after all these years.
If the fortune teller said was true, if a knight in shining armor will come and rescue a damsel in distress, will Sooyoung let her feelings out this time? Or will she suppress it again?
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
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aleakimbtob-blog · 7 years ago
5:06 pm
Hana sipped on her latté as she looked outside the glass walls of the coffee shop hoping to find the person she was looking for
The sun has set, people here and there come out of tall buildings as office hours were over and it was a Friday, meaning, party night.
A family strolled by, the daddy carried the little girl on her shoulder while holding hands with her mommy, a bright red aura surrounded them.
Hana smiled at the sight.
In this world, she can easily see different colors of aura like red, pink, purple and green. She started seeing these colors three years ago when she turned 20.
And speaking of green, she spotted one going in the coffee shop. A girl with a floral skirt and yellow blouse had her eyes glued on her phone while waiting in line.
Found ya.
Hana shifted her gaze to the guy in plaid shirt eating a slice of blueberry cheesecake while reading a book on his left hand in the table next to hers.
He has the same aura color as the girl.
Okay, let's do this.
She searched for vacant chairs and the only ones left were hers and the guy with the green aura.
The girl was coming towards her table as she think of a plan.
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" The girl flashed a big smile at Hana, she had bangs and her brown curls rested on her shoulders.
"Yes, I am waiting for someone, sorry" she lied as part of her plan "I think the guy over there is alone" Hana pointed to the one in plaid shirt.
"Oh okay, thanks"
She asked the same question to him, the guy shook his head and gestured her to sit.
Hana saw their colors were almost changing but not quite, she has to do something.
The girl was busy on the phone while the guy was still reading.
Hana's eyes fell on the floor and you saw a white handkerchief with flower patterns
Bingo! This is definitely hers.
Without hesitating, Hana stood up and picked up the handkerchief, she passed by her target and secretly dropped it near the guy's foot and quickly headed to the door
"Miss, I think you dropped this" the guy caught up with Hana, handing her the handkerchief
She shook her head "That's not mine"
The guy scratched his head "are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure that's not mine" she held up hers, showing it to him and pointed to the girl in his table "Have you tried asking her?"
"I see, okay then." he nodded and went back to his table.
She saw him ask the girl he shared the table with, she nodded and he gave it to her.
"Thank you! I didn't even notice I dropped it. Mom will kill me if I lose another one." She giggled.
"Your welcome and woah, I never thought I would save someone's life today" he kiddingly said making the girl laugh and thought that it was the most beautiful sound he heard all day.
As Hana stood outside the shop, she could see the sparkle in their eyes as they converse more and finally, Hana’s smile was from ear to ear when both of their green-colored auras turned into red ones.
"Mission accomplished, huh?" Someone whispered beside Hana, making her jump back a little.
"Eunkwang! You're going to give me a heart attack" she said as she saw who the culprit was.
Eunkwang chuckled "Congrats anyway, for a job well done."
"Thanks, it's my couple number 3 this day" she proudly held up three fingers and raised her brows "How about you? How many matches did you make today?" She asked as they walked side by side
Eunkwang rubbed the back of his neck "Nothing much, just uh- 7 I think?" He shyly said
She bumped her shoulder against his "Wow Mr. MVP, you really are the best!"
"Hey, stop calling me that."
"Nope." She teased and kept chanting the nickname
"Okay! Okay, I get it. You want me to treat you dinner." he surrendered
Hana clasped her hands in delight "Eunkwangie, you know me all to well!" She laughed and linked her arm with his.
"Ahh really, what do I do with you?"
Eunkwang and Hana were bestfriends for as long as they can remember, every childhood memory she has, Eunkwang was there and vice versa.
The day everything around her started to change, Eunkwang explained to her in detail what she must know and do.
Eunkwang nodded "Yes."
"And you are one too?"
"I am" he proudly smiled
"And it is our job to make a match?" Hana's brain can't seem to process everything what her bestfriend had told her.
He chuckled "Yeah, something like that."
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