alcoholisticwriter · 2 days
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My heart is like a haunted house There's things in there that scream and shout They make their music in the night Wish I could find a way to let them out
Florence + the Machine – Haunted House
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alcoholisticwriter · 2 days
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Fatimah Asghar, How’d Your Parents Die Again?/There’s a Ghost in This House, Oliver Jeffers | insp.
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alcoholisticwriter · 2 days
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(insp.) (insp.)
They have been forced together — they’re family, and husband and wife, mother and father to two children — and none of this was their decision, their choice. We have come from very different angles and tried to find some kind of connection, some sort of electricity that goes between each other. — Tom Glynn-Carney
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alcoholisticwriter · 2 months
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THE IDEA OF YOU (2024) | Soléne & Hayes
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alcoholisticwriter · 2 months
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Modern Everlark AU (Real)
Babe wake up, a new draw your ship just drop.
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
it became much better when i found out the darius x previous golden guard ship
i beg swifty fans of owl house stop for a sec and think of how good “is it over now?” suits aladarius
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
i like to think that Darius has always messed with Raine (i prefer russian word подъебывать, but let it be)about their looooooong situationship with Eda only to accidentally show up his on-going crash on Alador once
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
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Finally finished the big drawing idea I had ;w; I wanted to draw a timeline-lineup of the boys and certain points in their life. Feel like I could have added a bit more but I think this works out for the most part.
(Click for better quality)
Close-ups under the read more
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever, ah *
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*Lover by Taylor Swift
p.s. Gadge is the love of my life and despite the fact that it’s not canon ship (but who knows really) I will always include them in this kind of posts ♥️
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
i beg swifty fans of owl house stop for a sec and think of how good “is it over now?” suits aladarius
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
Hagside Squad headcanons
Darius probably didn't have that great of a relationship with his parents growing up. Considering how close he was with Alador and how much he meant to him, he probably preferred to be away from his home more than being around his own parents.
Darius was made at a young age to be the strongest abomination witch to join the Emperor's Coven. Despite his grades being high, his parents noticed that his grades began to slip as he started spending more time with Alador. He was told to stop seeing him and focus on his magic instead of playing around with Alador. Sometimes, even when he's studying, he'd playfully tease Alador behind the adults' backs as a stress reliever.
Perry tried asking for advice on how to make different hairstyles from Darius. Darius didn't really know how his mother did it since she was the one who did it the most, but they experimented with different styles. Some came out okay while others...weren't as great.
Darius' friendship-to-crush on Alador came from a time when he was in desperate need of help with his magic. Before meeting him, he had no one to contest against as an abomination witch with already powerful magic for his age. When he met Alador, however, he met someone that he could finally see as a possible equal in magic duels. They sparred when Darius dared Alador to a duel and hung out as a couple of teasing, friendly rivals. Overtime, they grew to have mutual respect and platonic feelings towards each other as the got to know each other. Darius grew romantic feelings for Alador when he became a teenager. Something about his fun personality and rebellious nature sparked something in Darius that he hadn't felt in anyone else.
Alador was the one neurodivergent kid in the friend group that was prone to doing stuff with little to no self control whatsoever. If he felt like doing something, even if it could get him possibly hurt or killed, he would do it in the name of science. Darius and Odalia were his two braincells who were trying to keep him from doing so.
Odalia was never a real member of the original hexside squad. She was only an "honorable" member, but, even then, Eda, Raine, and everyone else didn't really like her all that much. The true honorable member that's actually included into the club becomes Eberwolf due to his relationship with Darius.
Perry worked as the school's news anchor to give important info revolving around upcoming events such as sports events and even Grom. His love for the news is what made him become a real news anchor for BBN-HXN later in life.
Eda and Raine were likely the type of couple who'd tease Darius about his crush on Alador. Occasionally, Lilith would, too. Darius, even to this day, gets flustered and defensive about his feelings towards him.
Despite Lilith's special interest in history and Perry's in the news, they got along quite nicely. When they went their seperate ways as teens, however, they became distant much like everyone else did. It was sad for both of them, but they try to make up for lost time after Belos' death.
Darius and Lilith remained close, even after the hagside squad's falling out. He didn't wanna leave one of his closest friends, even after what had happened, so he and Lilith tried out to enter on the Emperor's Coven together.
The braincell wielder in the squad was mainly either Perry, Lilith, or Darius. Everyone else was fucking feral.
Perry and Lilith were probably the most innocent people in the squad. Darius was one to be the bratty asshole that got grossed out easily despite his abomination powers, Alador was the feral, teenage scientist who had no self control, and Eda × Raine were the power couple that could literally destroy or rule the school if they wanted to.
Eda and Alador have likely committed arson at least once as an experiment related to fire. What experiment? Neither of them quite remember it, but Eda definitely had fun doing so.
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
More aladarius headcanons because I can't get enough old man yaoi
Alador's love languages are physical touch and acts of service. Whenever he notices Darius getting cold, he'll get him a blanket, use his abomination powers to make him mittens, or get him anything he needs to keep him warm. Alador is, also, not against giving Darius hugs and kisses if he feels like doing so.
Darius' love language is quality time. He sometimes invites Alador to come and chill with him alone with cucumbers over their eyes, either silently laying down or having a long and deep conversation about Alador's latest projects. He's not much of a hugger, but he does like to lean onto Alador with his hands over Al's chest or on his face whenever they're cuddling or making out.
Alador is a blunt person. He doesn't want to keep ANY secrets from Darius, especially after everything they've been through. Due to this, he tries his best to keep communicating with him about everything, from his problems to his feelings on certain topics. Darius usually sits by and listens to him share about these things, occasionally giving his input on certain topics when Alador asks for his response.
At the beginning of their somewhat rekindled friendship, when Darius was being sarcastic, Alador wouldn't always pick up on the comments as jokes. He was so used to Odalia's manipulation that sometimes he'd have a hard time picking up whether Darius means what he says or not. Overtime, Alador notices more and more what Darius says sarcastically. There are times where he still doesn't get certain sarcastic comments, though.
Eberwolf is their number one shipper. He sometimes acts as Darius' wing man for him asking Alador out on dates.
Alador learns how to speak to beasts from Edric just to impress Darius. Although his beast talk is rusty, he tries having conversations with Eberwolf as a way to bond with him. Darius finds it adorable that he's trying to learn new things and make new friends.
Alador takes a lot of time to process what he thinks he needs in a romantic relationship. A supportive person who'll help him in his projects is a start. He'd also prefer being with a friend who understands him as a person rather than uses him as a tool, so his feelings don't go noticed immediately when he starts catching feelings for Darius. Later on in their relationship, though, he starts getting a bit more bashful towards Darius and occasionally even showing some signs of flirting.
Darius might not usually be a touchy-feely type of person, but he will show a lot of affection towards Alador if he notices him in distress, being anxious, or feeling sad. He'll reassure him with words that he's okay and he can take a break if he's put into a stressful situation. When Alador feels lonely, he'll sit with him just to make sure that he's not alone (after making sure that he's okay to sit with him of course).
Darius needs time to process that the boy he liked in high school isn't the same exact person as he is in their current age. Unlike the tiny, energetic, curious spirit that Alador once was, he's now become tall, tired, and a bit of an introvert over time. Due to this, Darius tries to get to know what Alador went through with his ex-wife, how he can help with certain things, and what to respect him for. Darius later notices that, despite missing his friend's old spark, he still loves and cares for Alador no matter what. Not out of pity as he's not one to pity anyone, but instead out of respect to his boyfriend/husband by making him feel seen, heard, and loved.
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
where are all the 200k word post-day of unity fics where alador is going through a nasty and increasingly messy divorce and trying to help rebuild the boiling isles and also fixing his relationship with his kids but he's also struggling with having his own autonomy again and his own guilt over not being an actual father to his kids and he doesnt know who is outside of his responsibilities of work/family bcus he never had actual friends once he left school and once upon a time alador was the one to show darius there's more to life than what you can do for other people and now darius has the opportunity to help alador relearn the same thing and maybe together they can both rediscover what real love feels like again after years of bitterness
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
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“you used to love me. I knew even then that you you’d have done something. Probably suggested running away, I think, and I would have done it too, if you’d asked.”
This scene from @polyhexians fic “Lament” lives in my head rent free
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
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What if,,,,,,,,,
Thinking about puppet alador,,, thx bc a tiktok mutual
Alador puppet,,, wearing his lab coat, as a cute doll dress,,,,,,,,,,
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
alador blight and Darius it would be fun if they go out together after which episode of today it would be obvious
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alcoholisticwriter · 4 months
I forgot posting this here ahhh-
✨Love is stored in hands✨
They have the coven sigils on opposing arms and realizing that made my brainrot go brrrrrr 😭✋
Darius and Alador will always have my heart-
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