alchiest · 6 months
My Mother's Love: A Portrait in Expressions
In the quiet of dawn, her face emerges—a canvas etched with love's brushstrokes. Her eyes, deep pools of tenderness, cradle a universe of hopes and dreams. Let us decipher this sacred language, the facial recognition of my mother's love. Her brow, unlined by worry, arcs like a crescent moon. It is the cradle where we find solace the soft curve that absorbs our tears and whispers, "You are safe." Her lips, like rose petals kissed by morning dew, curve upward. In that smile, she weaves magic conjuring laughter, healing wounds, and stitching broken moments into a tapestry of joy.
Her eyes, those ancient storytellers reveal secrets. When she gazes upon us, they shimmer with pride, forgiveness, and unwavering devotion. They hold galaxies of memories, each star a cherished chapter. Life's storms leave their mark. Her brow, etched with furrows, maps the battles she fought on our behalf. It crinkles when she worries, when she prays for our well-being. Each line whispers, "I carry you."
Her fingertips, weathered yet tender, trace constellations on our cheeks. They wipe away tears, brush tangled hair, and linger a silent promise that she'll never let go. Lean close, and you'll catch it the fragrance of her love. It smells of warm bread, fresh laundry, and bedtime stories. It lingers in the folds of her neck, an invisible cloak that wraps us in security.
Her jaw, set in determination, hums lullabies even when words fail. It cradles our fears, rocks them to sleep, and sings of resilience. It says, "I'll fight for you, always." Around her eyes, laughter etches delicate lines. They map the joyous moments the picnics, scraped knees, and whispered secrets. Each crease is a testament: "Life is beautiful because of you." Sometimes, her cheeks bear the weight of unshed tears. They glisten in moonlight, reflecting our pain. But they also mirror hope the promise that love endures beyond loss.
Her chin, lifted in grace, holds whispered prayers. She prays for our happiness, our safety, our dreams. Her jawline is a bridge between earth and heaven a plea for blessings. And so, in the contours of her face, we find the epic saga of my mother's love, a symphony played on skin, a masterpiece painted with wrinkles and grace.
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alchiest · 6 months
In Loving Memory of Alcher John Kho
With a heart weighed down by sorrow, I reflect on my journey, a melody that has touched the lives of those I've been blessed to encounter. As a student by day and a musician by night, my love for life and musical instruments has woven a legacy that will echo through time.
Born into a family that held music and education in high esteem, I quickly embraced the language of melodies and rhythms. The violin, piano, and guitar were not just instruments to me; they were extensions of my soul. The sounds of strumming, bowing, and pressing keys were the soundtrack of my life, each note a piece of my heart dedicated to the art of music.
My academic path was marked by excellence, not only in my studies but also in my musical pursuits. I was a Renaissance person in spirit, driven by an insatiable curiosity that led me to delve into genres from classical to contemporary, each one broadening my horizon and enriching my being.
I was often seen as a beacon of positivity by my peers, my enthusiasm and energy lifting the spirits of all around me. My teachers saw in me a relentless drive for perfection and a commitment to mastering my craft. For the younger students, I was a mentor, an embodiment of the idea that passion, coupled with diligence, can move mountains.
Outside the classroom and music room, I was a loyal friend and a beloved member of my family. My kindness, empathy, and humor made me a cornerstone of my community, always there to offer support or a listening ear.
Now, as I bid farewell to this extraordinary life, I am reminded of the lasting impression I've left on the hearts of many. The melodies I've crafted will continue to resonate in the spaces I once filled, a testament to my talent and the beauty I've added to the world.
Though I am no longer present in body, my spirit endures through the music I've created, which will keep inspiring, consoling, and delighting all who hear it. In remembering me, Alcher John Kho, it's not just my achievements that are celebrated, but the profound influence I've had on those fortunate enough to have been part of my story.
Rest in peace, dear friends. My memory will forever be a melody in your hearts.
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alchiest · 6 months
Awakened: The Day I Was Born Again
The day I was born again didn't come with a grand sunrise or a choir of heavenly voices, but with a gentle whisper that echoed in the depths of my soul. It was an ordinary Sunday, the kind where the sun played hide and seek behind the clouds and the church pews were filled with the usual faces. Yet, within the ordinariness, I found the extraordinary.
I sat there, a silent spectator to the rituals I had witnessed countless times before. The hymns were sung, the prayers were recited, and the sermon was delivered with the same fervor as always. But that day, the words didn't just flow through me; they took root.
The pastor spoke of redemption, of being lost and then found, of dying to the old self and awakening to a new life. His words were familiar, but it was as if I was hearing them for the first time. A surge of clarity washed over me, and in that moment, I felt the weight of my past burdens lift. I was no longer the sum of my mistakes but a canvas of grace and new beginnings.
As I walked to the altar, each step was a release, a step away from who I was and a step towards who I could become. The act of being baptized was symbolic, yet the water felt like a tangible sign of my cleansing. I emerged not just with a sense of purity but with a profound sense of purpose.
In the days that followed, my transformation was not marked by a drastic change in my outward life, but by a subtle shift in my inner world. I found joy in the small acts of kindness, peace in moments of solitude, and strength in the scriptures that I now understood with my heart.
My rebirth was not an end but a beginning, a journey of constant growth and learning. It was a promise to myself and to the divine that each day would be lived with intention and gratitude. I was born again, not just in spirit, but in the way I chose to walk through the world.
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alchiest · 6 months
Whispers of Jimalalud: A Glimpse into Rural Serenity
In the rural heartland of Jimalalud, Negros Oriental, the air is filled with the scent of the earth and the sound of the sea. This coastal municipality, home to over 32,000 souls, is a tapestry of green fields and blue waters, where life moves to the rhythm of nature's cycles¹.
The sun rises over the Tañon Strait, casting its golden light on fishermen as they prepare their nets for the day's catch. Their boats, painted with the bright colors of hope, bob gently on the waves, ready to embrace the bounty of the sea.
In the fields, farmers tend to their crops, their hands telling stories of toil and triumph. The sugarcane sways in the breeze, a dance of green against the sky, while the rice paddies, a patchwork of verdant squares, await the harvest.
Jimalalud's history is etched in the lines of the elders' faces, survivors of wars and witnesses to change. The town, once razed to the ground during World War II, has risen from the ashes, its people resilient and proud.
The annual Hambalalud Festival brings the community together in a celebration of life and culture. The streets come alive with the beat of drums and the swirl of dancers, their movements a tribute to the town's spirit and heritage.
This is a place where stories are woven from the simple threads of daily life, where each sunrise brings a new chapter, and every sunset closes another page. Jimalalud, with its rustic charm and quiet strength, is a reminder of the enduring beauty of the Philippine countryside.
This piece of literary journalism aims to capture the essence of rural life in Jimalalud, highlighting the natural beauty, cultural richness, and the resilient spirit of its people. It's a snapshot of a day in the life of this rural community, told with a focus on vivid imagery and human interest..
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alchiest · 6 months
Hermit Mountain: A Tranquil Escape in Binalbagan, Negros Oriental
As I ascend the winding trails of Hermit Mountain, the air grows crisper, and the scent of pine envelops me. The path is lined with ancient trees, their branches reaching out like guardians of secrets. The journey is not arduous; it's a gentle invitation to leave behind the noise of daily life and reconnect with the earth.
At the hilltop, the world unfolds before me a panorama of rolling hills, lush forests, and distant valleys. The sun paints the landscape in warm hues, and I feel like the sole witness to this natural masterpiece. The horizon stretches endlessly, and I realize that sometimes, the most profound beauty lies in simplicity. What makes Hermit Mountain even more attractive is its accessibility. Thanks to a concrete highway, you can reach this hilltop haven by bicycle, motorbike, or car. No need for strenuous hikes just a full tank of gas and a sense of adventure.
Legend has it that a hermit once sought refuge on this mountain, seeking solace in its quietude. His tiny hut, now weathered and moss covered, still stands as a testament to his solitude. As I sit on the same rocks where he once meditated, I understand the allure the peace that comes from being one with the land.
I listen closely the rustle of leaves, the distant call of birds, the soft hum of insects. Hermit Mountain orchestrates a symphony of sounds, inviting me to pause, breathe, and absorb. The world beyond these slopes seems insignificant; here, I am part of something ancient and eternal.
As the sun dips below the horizon, leaving streaks of gold and pink, I realize that Hermit Mountain is not just a place, it's a state of mind.
Are you yearning for an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life? Look no further than Hermit Mountain in Binalbagan, Negros Oriental. Let this travelogue paint a picture for you, a serene hilltop retreat where time slows down, and the world fades away.
So, dear traveler, let your worries dissolve in the mountain breeze. Pack your curiosity, your camera, and your sense of wonder. Hermit Mountain awaits a tranquil escape where time stands still and nature whispers its secrets.
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alchiest · 6 months
Navigating Through Our Parting
The end of 'us' came not with a bang but with a whisper a quiet culmination of unspoken words and unmet expectations. As I sit in the stillness of our shared memories, I reflect on the journey that has led to this solitary crossroad.
In the beginning, 'we' was a universe of two, orbiting each other in perfect synchrony. Our dreams and desires intertwined, creating a tapestry of shared experiences. Yet, over time, the threads began to fray, and the colors that once seemed so vibrant began to fade.
The silence left in your absence became a canvas for introspection. It was in the quiet moments of solitude that I began to hear my own voice again. The breakup, though shrouded in pain, became a mirror reflecting the parts of me that had been overshadowed by 'us.'
Each day apart was a lesson in self-sufficiency. I learned to find comfort in my own company and strength in my own resolve. The relationship, once a harbor, had become a lighthouse—guiding me back to myself.
Despite the pain, I find a well of gratitude for the moments we shared. For every smile, every tear, and every tender word, I am thankful. They are the mosaic pieces of a chapter now closed, yet cherished for the beauty it added to the story of my life.
As I look towards the horizon, I see not an ending but a beginning. The breakup has been a crucible, forging a new sense of self. I step forward with a hopeful heart, carrying the wisdom of the past and the openness to embrace whatever comes next.
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alchiest · 6 months
As she reflects on her life's journey, she sees it as a winding path, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. These moments have shaped her into the person she is today—a resilient soul, fueled by growth and an unwavering quest for self-discovery.
in her Childhood Roots, Growing up in the embrace of her father's side in Baguer Libungan Cotabato, she felt the warmth of family bonds and the simplicity of rural life. Her parents, hardworking and steadfast, instilled in her the values of diligence and perseverance from an early age.
As she embraces her changes and growth, she knows that challenges will continue to knock on her door. But she faces them head-on, drawing strength from the journey that has brought her here. And so, with an open heart, she steps into the unknown, ready to create her own constellation of triumphs and discoveries.
As Adolescence swept into her life, it carried with it a tempest of change. Doubts, like stealthy shadows, crept across her path, and challenges loomed like distant mountains. In this vast world, she grappled with the elusive quest for her true identity. Yet, paradoxically, these very struggles—like fertile soil—nourished her personal growth. They whispered to her, urging exploration, inviting her to embrace the unknown, and compelling her to uncover the hidden facets of her being.
High school marked a pivotal juncture—a crossroads where destiny beckoned. It was there, amidst the flames of a firefighter training project, that she witnessed compassion’s alchemical magic. The urgency of the moment ignited a fire within her not merely to combat physical blazes, but to wield her passion as a torch for social justice and community well-being. This transformative experience etched indelible aspirations onto the canvas of her future.
Her academic journey unfolded like a well worn map, each lesson absorbed a stepping stone toward enlightenment. Challenges, once daunting, became catalysts for her determination. She discovered that learning transcended mere textbooks; it was about deciphering life’s intricate patterns and weaving her own narrative into the grand tapestry of existence.
Life, generous yet enigmatic, presented her with myriad opportunities. Each choice—a diverging path held the promise of molding her destiny. Through these experiences, she connected with fellow travelers, listening to their stories, sharing laughter and tears. Today, at the threshold of a new chapter, she stands adorned with the armor of integrity, the mantle of compassion, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence.
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Ysa Delos Reyes personal narrative entitled "Embracing Her Changes and Growth"
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alchiest · 6 months
Life, they say, is a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow. My own journey has been no exception a symphony of challenges and triumphs that have shaped the person I am today.
As a child, I grappled with a learning disability. Words danced on the page, elusive and slippery. While my peers breezed through textbooks, I stumbled, my frustration mounting. But within that struggle lay a seed of determination. I refused to be defined by my limitations. Instead, I embraced the challenge, seeking unconventional paths to understanding. Slowly, painstakingly, I unraveled the mysteries of language, and in doing so, discovered my own resilience.
Life's canvas shifted again when adversity knocked at my door. A sudden my love departing too soon left me adrift in a sea of grief. The darkness threatened to engulf me, but I clung to memories like lifebuoys. Each tear shed became a testament to love's enduring power. And as I navigated the storm, I found solace in creativity. Words became my refuge, sentences my lighthouses. I penned letters to the departed, releasing emotions into ink. Through writing, I stitched together fragments of my shattered heart, weaving a narrative of healing.
But perhaps the most formidable obstacle was the battle within. Anxiety, that relentless adversary, whispered doubts in my ear. It cast shadows over my dreams, convincing me that failure was inevitable. Yet, I stood my ground. I sought therapy, learning to wield mindfulness like a sword. I confronted irrational fears, one step at a time. And slowly, the shadows receded. I discovered that courage wasn't the absence of fear, it was the audacity to move forward despite it.
In the crucible of life, I forged resilience. I learned that setbacks were stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. Each obstacle became a chapter in my personal narrative a testament to my capacity for growth. And so, I choose to be the author of my story. I paint with bold strokes, infusing my canvas with hues of hope and determination.
As I stand here today, I see the mountains I've climbed their peaks kissed by both sunlight and storm. I carry scars, yes, but they are badges of honor. They remind me that life's challenges are invitations to rise, to transform, to become.
So, fellow traveler, embrace your obstacles. Let them mold you, not break you. For within their rugged contours lies the promise of resilience a force that can turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
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A Journey of Resilience
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alchiest · 6 months
There was a boy who always wonders that he could strive his dreams. He's Vincent Estilloro, born in Iloilo City, Guimaras. He was a Lola's and Lolo's boy, a precious pearl in their eyes. He was the youngest of three siblings, a trio of different fates. He grew up in a broken family, a shattered mirror of his parents' love. His father was an alcoholic, a slave to the bottle. His mother was a worker, a slave to the city. His sister and brother stayed with their father, a pair of lost souls. He stayed with his grandmother, a ray of hope.
He had many good memories, like flowers in a garden. He also had some bad ones, like weeds among the roses. He moved to Manila when he was three, a new world of noise and lights awaits for him. He started school when he was five, a new world of books and friends. But soon he returned to Bacolod, a familiar world of peace and green. He continued his studies there, from grade 2 to grade 4.
In grade 4, his grandfather fell ill, a foot infection that spread like fire. Soon after, he passed away, at the age of 73. They mourned his loss, like a storm in their hearts. He neglected his studies, like a bird with broken wings. But his grandmother encouraged him, like a gentle breeze. She told him that he had to strive, like a seed that grows into a tree. He listened to her words, like a song that lifts his spirit. He focused on his studies, in honor of his grandfather. He finished grade 4, like a milestone in his journey.
On April 17, his mother called his grandmother, a voice from afar. She asked them to come back to Manila, a place where she had a home. He agreed to go with her, a chance to start anew. He finished his elementary education there, a step closer to his dreams. Fast forward to the year 2018, that's when he reunited with his siblings, a long-awaited reunion.
In 2023, they faced family problems, like waves that rocked their boat. His sister Efril got pregnant early, like a flower that bloomed too soon. His brother Reggie neglected his studies, like a fish that swam away from the school. On June 24, his beloved grandmother's 66th birthday, an important day in his life, she made a birthday wish for him, a gift from her heart. She said: "I hope to see you finish high school and college, and I wish for you to have a long life." He cried as she said this to him, a tear of gratitude and love. On June 27, his grandmother went back to their province, to fix their house where his grandfather and grandmother lived, a place of memories and history. And that's where his story ended.
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Broken Wings, Healing Breeze
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alchiest · 6 months
I am Alcher John Kho. born in Pasay City on January 24, 2005. grew up in the city of Imus province of Cavite, I am 19 years of age. I'm currently grade 12 student that took academic track strand of HUMSS at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High (GPGSHS). My parents are Alcher Kho and Emily Baydo, my father works at Air21 as an driver courier and my mother works at Kinghome supermarket as an Lady Guard to provide a financial support for us with my 5 siblings. We are all 7 siblings, I am the second, only 6 of us are studying because the eldest got married early.
There's a lot of things that I like and a few things that I don't like. I like having fun with and friends sometimes and going to somewhere with them but mostly I like to stroll alone nearby. Sometimes I also prefer to stay at home and watched some movies with my family while eating a bunch of salty foods. I also love watching anime such as Demon slayer, Jujutsu kaisen, and so on, YouTube. The thing that I don’t like the most is when someone bothers me and I’m doing an important paper works for school that’s the thing that really gets me mad. I can say that our family is in good condition and I’m lucky to have a complete family. We have experienced many difficulties in life but we never let them to break our family.
I first attend school at the age of 6 and my mother enrolled me as a nursery at the Day Care Center near at our barangay year 2010. When I was a kid, I was forcing my parents to enroll me in a school because when I saw my elder sister everyday before and after going to school I imagine that school is just like a playground that makes everybody happy where you can also gain more knowledge and friends. But as the time goes by I have experienced and encountered a lot of things in school, until now. I started making memories with my classmates, teachers and friends or should I say my second family and they never failed me to have the best memories and unforgettable moments with them every year, the best section I have before is when I was Grade 11 HUMSS HERA. I just found myself in school that is why I love going to schooleveryday even sometimes it makes me so tired. I do have a lot of dreams in life and Istart working of it because I really want to make my dreams comes true.
I remember when I experience the first greatest love though I have only one ex before. When I first saw her walking in the hallway, damn she looks so beautiful. I started to tell myself "even if we're not together, I want to love her unconditionally". I don't believe in love at first sight but why did I feel this way?. I thought she was in the other room but I was surprised that she was behind my chair, I felt mixed emotion that time. fast-forward, as days goes by, my feelings towards her has become deeper to the point I sacrifices all things for her but, one day, everything has change. I broke, I literally broke. I've been depressed for what happened and was cannot believe for it. I never thought I would experience it again but here it is.
When I thought about what happened, I realized a lot. I can't even put everything here but I know because of the realization I thought, it will help me be more careful about love. For now, I love being free, free doing such things like, playing, eat whatever I want, do what ever I want, go somewhere else and lastly focusing to my acads. I realized that my academic performance lately is at the bottom, after noticing my performance, me myself got dismayed and the I know in what way I increase my performance. So I started focusing putting more dedications and perseverance to it. I don't want others who believes in me to be dismayed and disappointed so I keep moving forward, focusing on my goals. I remember when my pastor said "don't be distracted by the voice of your surroundings, whenever you are focusing to your goals they can't distract you, they'll never be".
Before I end my autobiography, I would like to share my motto in life, "Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable." it reflects me of what steve job's said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it".
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My Journey Through this Life
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