alcarenka · 3 days
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Sexy, hot, crush, my boyfriend 😳🧎‍♀️💖
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alcarenka · 3 days
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Carlitos and Flavio in tuxedos (and also being besties) 😮‍💨😳💗
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alcarenka · 11 days
Not untrue at all… :/
I remember after Wimbledon, there was a rumour (I think at deuxmoi blog) that a tennis player didn’t like all the attention that another tennis player was having because he just won two Grand Slams and everybody on tw knew (or assumed) that it was Jannik with Carlos. I didn’t want to believe it but these past few weeks really made me open my eyes.
I can understand that it’s your moment and you want the attention for you only but I few words wouldn’t hurt anybody especially for someone who always makes time to congratulate you.
Hi anon!!!
I highlight everything you say in the last paragraph of the response and what that tweet says.
As for the Wimbledon rumour, if I remember correctly it was Deuxmoi, anyway everything Deuxmoi puts out I give them the benefit of the doubt. But I do think the social networks are not wrong in referring to them both. Everything that was said coincided perfectly with everything that was happening between them. Besides, who would write a rumour about rivals who are, for example, 30 or 50 in the world? It is more interesting to write about a bad feeling or friendship between the two most important rivals in tennis today and in the future.
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alcarenka · 11 days
Oh yeah that kiss was so weird, Jannik clearly looked uncomfortable. I showed it to a psychologist and he said it felt forced. She wasn't going to miss the chance to have a few minutes of fame in front of so many celebrities. And she posted the kiss on Instagram lol she's so nasty I can't
Hi anon!!!
Yeah, the kiss was soooo weird and soooo forced, i do not know why people are trying to make that kiss seem like a very nice and cute thing. But please, it's very obvious that everything is forced and that Jannik didn't feel comfortable and if you push me, I can say that it wasn't a consensual kiss. If your own psychologist tells you after watching the video of that moment that everything seems forced and uncomfortable, I believe it more tbh. Psychologists know more than a normal person about issues of this nature, that's why I believe this whole idea more (thanks for corroborating it for me).
As I said in previous answers, all of this is calculated down to the last detail by her. She knew very well that if she kissed the USOPEN winner (her "boyfriend") in front of a packed stadium, with screens and cameras focused on them and with millions of people watching, she was not going to miss the opportunity to do it and earn her minute of fame and attention and then upload it to social media before congratulating her boyfriend (wow surprise, it's been two days and she still hasn't done it). Also, this is a perfect move to gain followers, and look, before the kiss she had 381 thousand followers and after that move, she has 391 thousand followers and counting.
Nobody can deny that she is not in love with him, she is in love with the idea that she is with one of the most famous athletes in the world and that with that, she will gain covers, interviews, followers and fame and therefore, the money. For example, if I were the girlfriend of an athlete, the first and most logical thing I would do would be to congratulate my partner, like Morgan did with Fritz. With this action of Morgan, true love is shown, with the action that Anna did only shows that she is with him for fame and pr and money and that she cares more about that than her tennis career.
In short, I'm getting a lot of criticism now, but with everything I'm saying, time will prove me right 💋
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alcarenka · 11 days
Hello Girl !!
Since we are now in “gossip era” I was wondering if you know anything about Andrey ?
I adore him sm , aaand I just found out that he is married ! I was so shocked , honestly 😅
He’s so adorable I Can’t - 🫠
Hello anon!!!
Unfortunately, I do not know anything about Andrey's gossip or private life... sorry :(
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alcarenka · 12 days
Omg thank you so much!!! (For the ‘usted’ doubt and for the Italian/German thing I’m the same anon ahahahahah)
gracias por enseñarme todo esto!!!! 💕💖
De nadaa. Para cualquier duda o pregunta, no dudes en escribirme o mandarme una pregunta en anónimo , obviamente la responderé 💗💗
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alcarenka · 12 days
Every other tweet on my timeline rn being a clip of jannik and Anna sharing the worlds most awkward kiss like please spare me 💀
Seriously I am soooo fed up with all the kiss photos. To begin with, I was sooo uncomfortable to watch because you can CLEARLY see that the pro Russian Anna forced jannik to give her a kiss and all the stadium and millions of people around the world can see it.
But here in this account let's uncover the clear strategy that the pro-Russian has and that very few people realize it. To begin with, I was already expecting that the pro-Russian was going to kiss Jannik in front of a packed stadium and all the cameras looking at them (even I told the same to my friend when jannik was in the begging of the third set). When it happened, I have to say that I didn't expect it to be so awkward and so clear in seeking minutes of attention from her.
The pro-Russian had more than calculated this move because she knew that if the kiss happened, everyone would talk about it and the kiss would go viral. Wow, right now, the kiss is going viral and has even appeared on Vogue USA pages like Insta. She knows very well that she is with one of the most famous and influential athletes in the world today, so she knows that if she kisses him in front of a stadium full of 23,000 people and in front of the cameras that transmit the content to millions of people and stadium, that means that she is also going to be famous. It should also be noted that Jannik is the protagonist at that moment and with that kiss she has stolen the spotlight that should have been Jannik's at that moment. I am not the only person who clearly sees that if she is not the center of attention, she will do whatever it takes to be so.
With this public kiss that has been seen by so many people, it benefits her because all of this is a PR move, to have more minutes of fame and attention and therefore obviously to earn money and followers. With this calculated move and that she knew its repercussion, she can win covers and exclusives with magazines, interviews or contracts with brands. With this, she continues to earn money, followers and fame and she also knows that she will gain more fame because the kiss will appear in all the magazines (of the gossip for example), in all the news of the world, in newspapers and in all the digital or physical portals of the world.
Also, what a coincidence that the pro-Russian Anna only uploads a repost to her best friend's story recording Anna and Jannik's kiss on her Instagram stories. Don't you find it strange that she does that first before congratulating her boyfriend on social media for his second Grand Slam? For me, coincidences don't exist, and I repeat to myself that she does all this for PR, fame, money and followers.
Also, we have to say that this kiss will feed the “power couple” or “couple goals” narrative towards them, which I repeat, makes her gain more popularity and more followers. In my opinion, I don’t believe any of the power couple or couple goals narratives because we live in a world where we like to pretend things or post things about our lives that aren’t true. Well, the same thing happens with this narrative, they try to sell us a couple with a perfect life and two “good” and “perfect” people, and then we start to idolize that couple. Then, when they break up is when we realize the reality of the matter, that the couple’s private life was not as idyllic as they constantly sold us or that the two people in the couple are not perfect people either. And also for those reasons, when they break up we say things like “I don’t believe in love anymore” because we have idolized famous couples so much that we try to replicate them.
I keep saying that she is not in love with Jannik, she is only in love with the fame and money that all this can bring her. And by the way, Anna's friends, family and team (including Anna) are going to make the most of this. They are going to try to live off Jannik as much as possible because he is the goose that lays the golden eggs. And with everything I have said and the evidence I have, I put my hand out and I don't get burned. I know what I'm talking about because I've seen these PR strategies to gain money and followers in a lot of famous couples in my country and that many media outlets (traditional or non-traditional) have uncovered and have ended up being reality.
Anna, you are not fooling me and time will prove me right 😘💋
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alcarenka · 12 days
Can you explain to me the german/italian thing with Jannik?
Because when I first learned that he was Italian I was « « shocked » » because he doesn’t « « look » » Italian (and his parents neither) so like are they German but they just immigrate to Italy or something ?
Hi anon!!!
Well… I am not Italian, I am Spanish but fortunately, I can explain you all this issue (if there are mistakes in the explanation, I am sorry and you can correct me).
Jannik was born in San Candido, a little town from the Bolzano-South Tyrol autonomous province and located on the Italian dolomites (border with austria). In this Italian autonomous province, the 70% of their population speak a dialect of German (south-tyrolean dialect), Italian is also spoken (23% of the population) and in a much minor way, they speak Ladin (4% of the population).
Furthermore, people born in this region have physical features (or even some personality traits) that are very different from Italians from the south of this region. As it borders a German-speaking country and has a Germanic past, they are people with whiter skin, lighter eyes and blond or red hair (traits more typical in central-northern Europe). On the other hand, Italians from outside this region share more typical Mediterranean traits (darker skin, dark hair, brown eyes, more extroverted people, etc.). Therefore, Italians outside south tyrol share more common traits from the southern regions of Europe (Spain or Greece, both ballads by the Mediterranean Sea).
In addition, in terms of personality, the climate has a great impact. In the South Tyrol region, the climate is colder and rainier or even snowy, which is why it affects people who have a more closed or reserved personality. Therefore, it is a personality that is often seen in countries such as Germany or Austria. On the other hand, in Mediterranean countries such as Italy or Spain, we have a very sunny climate and we can go outside at many times of the year, therefore, we tend to have a more open and extroverted personality, so to speak.
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alcarenka · 12 days
Okay so sorry if this is a stupid question…😔
About the use of « usted » and the third person for someone : I was taught that you use it for someone you don’t know as it is something very formal but I watch a novela right now and they are using it all the time (even a mom to her daughter, brother and sisters,…) so I wanted to know how often it is really used ?
Don’t worry it is not a stupid question, you are learning Spanish and every doubt is not silly seriously.
The use of “usted” varies a lot. In Spain, it has several meanings. The first is “usted” which is used for the “tú” in a formal way to address, for example, older teachers, politicians or elderly people (also as you said, people that you do not know, frequently people older than you). Then there is the frequent use of “usted” in the region of Andalusia (southern Spain), they use “usted” more than “tú” in areas of Seville, Cordoba or Huelva. Finally, there is “usted” which is used in Latin America. People from Latin American countries only use “usted” (they almost never use “tú”), the only country where this does not happen is Argentina where they use “vos”
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alcarenka · 13 days
Obviously I don't know these athletes at all so *shrugs*. But I saw your blog and was like omg someone I can talk to. Like I said, don't know Sinner at all. And like only recently got into tennis. But looking through the past few months of tennis history, he seems a bit two-faced? Flaky?
Not him, Alcaraz and their coaches saying they are friends and then for him to turn around and be like "nope not friends, hardly know this guy." And then suddenly he's this close with Draper? I wonder what he'll be like with Draper if Draper starts winning against him.
I mean maybe it is really hard to stay friends/friendly with people when you're both athletes at this top level. What do I know? I'm just at my corporate job trying my best. But it still leaves a bit of a bad taste when you look at Alcaraz and he seems genuinely so happy for all his other competitors if they win.
Hi anon!!!!
In my case, I also do not know them personally, only because I interacted with some of them thanks to attending Barcelona open and mutua madrid open. But yeah, the narrative of jannik and Carlitos’ friendship has changed a lot if u ask me. As you said, it is a little bit flaky because a while ago jannik said that he and carlos were friends even he went to ferrero’s academy to train with Carlos. Secondly, Ferrero said that carlos and jannik had a good friendship and got along well. Also Darren said that they (jannik and Carlos) complemented each other on and off the tennis court and even got along very well as rivals off the court.
Anyway, I always feel that this friendship was/is unidirectional because Carlos always said good things to him (at least publicly) but carlos never received good things from jannik. For example, carlos always congratulated jannik on his victories and titles but for example this year, jannik has never congratulated Carlos on his victories in Indian well, Roland Garros or Wimbledon. This is one of the much examples that show that this friendship is unidirectional. And also I have to say I do not believe in the excuse of “Jannik is introverted, he does not do these things bla bla bla” because I am introvert too and I congratulate people on their success, this is a matter of education and respect, not because personality.
And all the friendship with draper, I think jannik is a good friend with jack because draper cannot win jannik in this moment. In the case draper starts to beat jannik, I will not be sure that the friendship will last. As we said in Spain for this situation, “otro gallo cantaría” that means “things would be different”. I mean a lot of people say that jannik is not longer carlos’ friend because carlos is one of the few players that can beat him and rumours said that jannik is kinda jealous with Carlos’ success.
Finally, I also feel very sorry for Carlitos because he is a very good boy who has good intentions, he behaves very well with everyone and is happy about the good things in others (or he worries if something bad has happened to another person). He does not deserve this “contempt” because the poor guy always give but never receive good things in return. Like, I feel u bro because the same thing happened to me when I was little…
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alcarenka · 13 days
Heyyy just wanted to tell you that I’ve asked you several questions these past few days and I find so sweet and kind in your answers ahahahhah 💕💖
Estoy intentado de mejorar mi español por el momento pero pudeo decirte que eres muy monaaaaaaa 🤭 (omg I have a question about spanish btw can I ask you it?)
Hi anon!!!!
Muchas gracias por estas palabras, se agradecen tras estos días contestando a varias respuestas y preguntas 🥹❤️‍🩹
Es la primera vez que contesto a una respuesta anónima en español si te soy sincera, y obvio que puedes preguntarme cualquier cosa del español 💗
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alcarenka · 14 days
Hi !!
Can I ask you what was the “necklace issue “ ?
I just read it , and I was a bit curious after yesterday’s match if you know about Anna having some relationship with Rolex now that she is dating Jannik.
I believe (I may be mistaken) that she was wearing a Rolex Oyster with gold and aluminum , and since Jannik is the main face of Rolex , it may be related …idk.
I know she could have bought that or he just gave her as gift but Rolex usually sponsors players so I would make more sense to not wear it for free like that .
Hi anon!!!!
All the drama about the necklace came from a photo posted by a fan of Jannik's in May who found it in Monte Carlo in April. Then people on social media noticed that jannik was carrying a Van Cleef & Arpels gift bag (a jewellery brand that has become very famous among celebrities). Then a lot of people on social media were already saying that this gift was for anna because she appeared with a necklace of this jewellery brand at the mutua madrid open. Besides that, the half confirmation that they were together was by another photo in May of Jannik with another fan in which Jannik's mobile phone showed an incoming call with the name ‘Anna’ plus an emoji of a hammer.
And talking about if she has a rolex beacuse of jannik, being honest I do not have any idea of that term. It may be related to jannik ngl but in my case, I do not know that because I don't pay as much attention to that pr and marketing relationship any more.
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alcarenka · 14 days
Honestly I'm very disappointed for what I read from you here on tumblr, since theorically I'm one of your moot on twitter. All these freaky theories about Jannik amaze me. You don't know him. And I don't know him too.
No one pretends to say that Jannik is a saint, but this treatment he is receiving is so stupid. If you don't like him, ignore him. Simple as that. Many sinneristi will eventually write ugly things about Carlos, that doesn't mean that every sinnerista is bad. Many of us like Carlos, a lot.
So stop with this no sense, because it's getting ridiculous.
Ok I do not mind about that, it is my opinion and I am not gonna change this idea. If you do not like what I am saying, go and silence my account or unfollow me. Anyway on twitter I have been posting tweets implying that I have stopped supporting jannik or that, for example, I don't like his relationship with anna and her too. As you said there in the response, you could do the same and ignore me like you told me to ignore jannik and I have been doing that in the last weeks.
I do not know him too (well I met and interacted with him at the mutua madrid open) but like it or not, I have my reasons why I have been disenchanted with him and his game and therefore stopped supporting him, for example on twitter. Concerning the "freaky theories" as you said, for me it is not freaky theories because jannik gives his statements or does many actions just for the pr and to give a good image, and none of you can deny that to me (and if you do, you are blind). Also, you can see that he tells a lot of contradictory things and is kinda a hypocrite. Like you can go and check his statements about keeping his relationships private when he was with maria and now you see that with anna, his relationship is public. In my opinion, his radical changes are just a movement of pr and marketing because I see all those same movements in multiple famous people in my country that in the end, all these movements were only for pr, winning followers and money, and keeping a clean image.
Of course, jannik is not a saint but your fandom is treating him like a god because for example, you are not capable to recognise his errors and if anyone does it, you start sending hints or posting tweets throwing messages ‘twisting’ reality just because you don't recognise his mistakes. I say all this because that happened to me when the failed discourse in the final of halle open. Or even no one can talk to your fandom because every opinion that goes against him does not sit well with you. That's why I express my honest opinion on tumblr because I know 100% that if I state my honest opinion on twitter I will end up cancelled, with my account suspended, persona non grata in italy or many citations insulting me or with hate just for having a different opinion than others.
And about "sinneristas writing bad things about carlos", it is bad that these kinds of people write only bad things about him, like insulting him because of acne or teeth or even inventing doping allegations when he is the one who has not tested positive in anti-doping tests. I KNOW that all sinneristas are not like that. And I tell the same thing to some carlos' fans who do the same thing with jannik, but please don't let your fandom generalise all fans with those bad people as you say that all sinneristas are that way.
Finally, unfortunately for you, I'm not gonna stop with my opinion, for me, is not nonsense, I only ask for respect for my opinion as I respect other opinions different from mine. In my country, we have a proverb which is quite right and fits this situation… it says “piensa mal y acertarás” (“think the worst and you will not be far wrong”). Anyway, what's really ridiculous is that your fandom bases its personality on the partner of your favourite player (or even endorse her) and, on top of that, idolises a woman who is pro-russian 🙊​🤷​
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alcarenka · 14 days
I am also a sinnerskaya hater (I love Maria and the timeline of the whole thing also makes me uncomfortable!!!) but I missed this thing with Carlos following and then unfollowing her???
(And yes when she was unfollowing and refollowing Jannik, especially in the week following the announcement when he needed public shows of support, I was like… girl…)
Hi anon!!!! Also, my tl on twitter is so unbearable sometimes like yesterday :/ ngl.
For me, all the drama with carlos following and unfollowing her is iconic coming from carlos. Like, he followed her a while ago even though he liked some posts from her from last year (you can check it). And he unfollowed her in June-July, right after jannik confirmed his romantic relationship with anna. Even some gossip pages like deuxmoi and the anonymous messages of deuxmoi noticed that.
And yeah, all the continuous follows and unfollows in less than a month I was reacting the same way as you and I see all those movements kinda a very toxic behaviour and trying to catch our attention and talk about that.
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alcarenka · 14 days
have to say I agree everything you posted about anna. This relationship between jannik and her made me uncomfortable from the beginning and I quickly realized it. I cannot say for sure whether it's pr or something, but in japanese there's a word "business smell", and that's my image of this relationship. I'm just so tired of these fuss on social media around them. idk I hope I was wrong but somehow I just have this feeling that these abnormal attitudes of jannik probably have something to do with the doping problem lol because I think at least both of them are getting some benefits from this hypocritical relationship
also, anna liked carlitos' post…??? I knew that carlos unfollowed her on someday after AO but like she had never followed carlos right…? like what the hell
anyway thank you for sharing your opinion so that I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like this relationship. English is not my mother tongue I'm sorry if I had made any mistakes x
As i said before, sorry for the late response 🙏🏼
First of all, you don’t have to say sorry because English is not your mother tongue, in my case it is the same because my mother tongue is Spanish and I also make mistakes. So you don’t have to say sorry, I understand you perfectly 🫶🏼
I’m glad that I am not the only one who is not a fan of their romantic relationship or even see that this couple doesn't suit at all. To begin with, since all the discovery of the relationship it made me uncomfortable too (for example all the photos of the mobile phone or all the issue of that necklace, and the confirmation of the relationship too tbf).
For me, it is CLEARLY a pr and marketing movement (I mean I see a lot of gossip programs and read some gossip magazines and I know when a couple is together only because of the pr and when not). In this case, for example anna started as kyrgios’ gf when he was in his most popular moment in tennis; and now, anna is with jannik when he is at his peak of world tennis popularity. It can be a coincidence, but I have to say that I do not believe in coincidences in this world. And talking about the changes related to the doping issue, for me it is clear that his changes in his attitude and actions have been influenced by the doping positive test (he confirms it in some press conferences) and by Anna too…
And I have to confess that my favourite moment from this year tennis is Carlos unfollowing Anna (sorry I need to confess it). Yeah, Carlitos followed her until June-July (if I am not mistaken) with the iconic unfollow. All the Anna’s likes to some Carlitos’ insta posts happened last month when she was unfollowing and following jannik continuously. I think (and I believe that I am not misguided) that she did all of that only to create jealousy on jannik and also to have her minutes of attention and fame. As we said in Spain, she did that only for “fastidiar/joder” or “estaba yendo/ir con mala leche” (in english both expressions mean that “she goes with bad intentions”). However, I am relieved that Carlitos did not care about those likes and the toxic situation of continuous unfollows and follows in less than a month and attempts to create jealousy using him.
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alcarenka · 14 days
Thank you very much!!!!!!!
…there’s literally no signs of acknowledgment of each other except the end omg and people on tw apparently ship that waw
I understand the feeling of seeing your fav and not really understanding the way they suddenly move/behave, I understand you Admin!!
Anyway I won’t be too negative on your account but thank you I didn’t see anything 🫶🏾
Sorry for the late response but today I was out of my house all day and I’ve barely used the phone today 🙏🏼
I mean yeah, his fans are trying to force somethings that in reality I did not happen. For example, now that jannik’s match ended, I saw a post from an user saying that Anna was emotional after jannik’s interview and this user also added a photo of Anna standing and having no expression on the face. And I was like, gurl pls don’t lie and don't force a narrative that is clearly not seen in the photo... for your Disney fantasies you already have ao3 or wattpad.
Yeah, in my life I did not feel this situation of seeing all the changes of my fav in a radical manner tbh. Even I am seeing (or we are seeing) multiple BAD changes on him and changes that I think in the end or a nearly future they will not benefit him. Also with this changes we are seeing a jannik a little bit contradictory and hypocrite because if you compare his previous statements on his private life and now his present actions on his personal life, we can CLEARLY see contradictions (like always :/)
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alcarenka · 15 days
Anna dated Kyrgios?????? (Im sorry if your account is not a gossip acc)
HSHSHSHSHSHSH don’t worry, maryna in real life is an huge gossip person ngl.
And yes, Anna dated kyrgios between 2019 until mid 2020. You can research it on the internet, you will see for example photos of both together
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