albedo05 · 4 months
You know you're in bad when you have nightmares of breaking your fast ♡
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albedo05 · 4 months
You know you're in bad when you have nightmares of breaking your fast ♡
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albedo05 · 5 months
April 19, 2024.
I am 1kg down from yesterday! Man this is why I love water fasting so much. Sure, I feel like crap and my stamina is significantly worse during fasts, but it's all worth it.
I'm gonna speed run getting back to my lw and continue even further. So excited 😻
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albedo05 · 5 months
April 18, 2024.
Totally didn't skip over yesterday 😭 . Anyways, life is good and fasting is even better.
Or well, life kinda sucks because I have to get up super fucking early to go and feed the horses. I love them but I can barely get up when I'm far enough into my fasts. Luckily it's not bad rn but it still sucks sometimes. Atleast I get to see my favorite horses.
I have nothing more to say today tbh. Will update tomorrow xx😻
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albedo05 · 5 months
I'm not going to become skinny if I keep eating like I'm fat
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albedo05 · 5 months
Daily reminder to start sucking it up so you wont have to suck it in<3
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albedo05 · 5 months
I hate how much I rely on food. I hate that I have to have food. I hate how much I need food to survive. I hate food.
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albedo05 · 5 months
April 16, 2024.
I just woke up from my sleep and getting ready to go out to the stables and feed the horses again. This is the first day of my long fast. Not entirely sure of how long it'll be, but atleast a week.
I absolutely hate consuming food, so if I REALLY need something, I'll just drink a bit of juice. I also take my vitamins and electrolytes so I should be fine until May 11 hopefully. If not, I can always go and buy an apple at the grocery store or something.
This also marks the day where I stop consuming dairy products, sugary sweets, and you know, stuff like that. I'm sick and tired of how they make me feel, and they're high in calories so it doesn't really matter. Will also try to cut out meat, but it's hard at home so I'll either just eat a tiny bit or make it so that I have eaten more than I actually have. Kinda hard since they always look out for me but I'll still do it. And make excuses not to eat, but that's when I get back home. For now, it's starving time.
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albedo05 · 5 months
50 reasons to lose weight ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
so your s/o can pick you up effortlessly
free piggy back rides from your friends
so you don't have to worry about being too heavy when you sit in someone's lap
so people will lend you their clothes (and they'll be too big on you)
when people buy you clothes, they'll get the smallest size (and worry that a size S might be too big)
someone from a k-beauty youtube video said "losing weight makes you 10x prettier"
to fit into petite and aesthetic clothes (eg brandy melville)
so you don't have the gross feeling of your skin touching (thighs rubbing together, stomach rolls, etc)
to look effortlessly beautiful doing anything
you'll sweat less
to look good in tight clothes
to be able to wear revealing outfits and still look cute
you'll look cute and small in oversized clothes, instead of looking bigger
so you can wear a bikini
to feel more confident
people will treat you better
if you stick to it and work hard to lose the weight, then you'll be better than everyone who has failed to do so. you're willpower and self-control will be admired and envied by your peers
people will pay more attention to you
people will worry and care about you more
for the skinny/pretty privilege
to make people jealous of you
to prove that you can
to look good wearing anything, even if it isn't a good outfit
so you won't be anxious about being weighed at the doctor's
to look prettier in pictures
so you can go clothes shopping without being insecure
no more dressing room breakdowns
so your s/o can fit their fingers around your wrists and their hands around your thighs (or so you can do it yourself)
for the thigh gap (duh)
to be small enough to use your s/o as a bed
so your s/o can easily lift you with one hand
so your sh scars (if you have any) look more "aesthetic" (idrk how to explain it, but scars always look prettier on thinner limbs
to be desirable
you'll have a higher chance of people stopping you on the street for photographs/modeling scouts/etc
to be more attractive
you'll use less products (body wash, lotion) if there's less of you (so you'll end up saving money too!)
people will take you more seriously
you'll be able to move through crowds easier
to boost your self-esteem, feel better about yourself, and be happier
you can purchase the smallest size when shopping online and you won't have to worry about it being too small
to be able to shop at cute online shops that only carry smaller sizes (brandy, yesstyle, other asian stores)
to look good while eating, instead of like a fat, greedy pig...
to finally be in control
so you don't feel jealous/sad when you see other people's bodies/thinspo, because THEY'LL be envying YOU
to have your pics/bodychecks put in a thinspo compilation
to finally feel pretty
to take up less space
to be able to wear low rise bottoms
so you can talk about your weight and not feel ashamed
if you actually stick to it and restrict, your appetite/stomach will be a lot smaller once you reach your ugw, so you'll naturally eat less!!
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albedo05 · 5 months
Hello! I am finally back after a long ahh break.
I have suffered from huge binges the last month and I just now feel like I have gone past that. I have fasted for a few days already. I just ate today but Im gonna go on for a few more days again. Ive lost a bit again so I am finally confident that I am back on track again. I want to lose as much weight as I can before school ends on the 11 of may.
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albedo05 · 7 months
February 25, 2024.
Started a longer fast yesterday. About 11 days. So far so good 😻 I want to see progress faster, so fasting is always a go to for me. I also like pushing myself to the limit no matter how shit I feel like.
Coincidentally, the last day of my fast is also the day I'll be going on a school trip! Which means I'll probably eat a tiny bit and then nothing at all for six days. I wanted to fast for those days anyways, so I kinda have to do this. It's either that or I eat one apple for those six days gone.
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albedo05 · 7 months
drinking water to make myself full is all silly & fun until I’m peeing every 3 minutes 😑
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albedo05 · 7 months
ed tumblr is literally my double life. like my friends and family have no idea that i come on here to look for motivation to literally starve myself. i feel like hannah montana but with an eating disorder.
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albedo05 · 7 months
Not posting everyday because I'm at my parents' house 😻 I know I've gained 1kg ugh. Also because water weight is back and I feel like my stomach isn't working properly 💀
Anyways, I'll be back to school in exactly one week. I'm gonna start another fast then 😻 so excited! Gonna start posting daily then too.
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albedo05 · 7 months
February 14, 2024.
Just weighed myself and now I am 65,8kg!! It's seriously going fast for me now 😭❤ I'm sadly gonna have to break my fast a day too early, though. It's mainly because of a horse riding competition (dressage) and if I strain myself too much I might pass out. But! I'm happy with the results. Almost 10kg down JUST from that. Crazy! I'm gonna drink some soup soon to ease my stomach into digestion again in an hour or something.
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albedo05 · 7 months
Please reblog if your an active ed account in Feb ‘24 my feed lately is so empty it’s mad.
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albedo05 · 7 months
When I am finally underweight and have the body I want, I WILL cosplay Howl. I love him and the books / movie so much y'all have no idea 😭❤ that reminds me.. I really need to finish the one I'm reading ahem.
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