albaaurum · 7 years
i don’t want to have to see anyone defending juala and kouala anymore! i’m sick of it!
1) regardless of laws or age of consent in the setting, if one person is 15 and the other is 20+, they should not be in a relationship! no adult should be interacting with a 15 year old in a sexual setting! if you wouldn’t allow it in real life, don’t allow it in fiction!
2) allowing people to draw, roleplay, and write child pornography is allowing real-life predators to indulge their behaviors! pedophiles involve themselves in fandom activity too, and defending adult/minor relationships validates them! 76% of people arrested for child porn have molested children!
the fact that people would defend this type of behavior is disgusting! it wasn’t okay when aladdin was 11, and it isn’t okay now! stop it!!
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albaaurum · 7 years
i don’t want to have to see anyone defending juala and kouala anymore! i’m sick of it!
1) regardless of laws or age of consent in the setting, if one person is 15 and the other is 20+, they should not be in a relationship! no adult should be interacting with a 15 year old in a sexual setting! if you wouldn’t allow it in real life, don’t allow it in fiction!
2) allowing people to draw, roleplay, and write child pornography is allowing real-life predators to indulge their behaviors! pedophiles involve themselves in fandom activity too, and defending adult/minor relationships validates them! 76% of people arrested for child porn have molested children!
the fact that people would defend this type of behavior is disgusting! it wasn’t okay when aladdin was 11, and it isn’t okay now! stop it!!
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albaaurum · 8 years
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albaaurum · 8 years
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albaaurum · 8 years
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this is spierce she has a djinn named seere and she’s a living wreck
she’s over at @starlightfanfare this is in fact a self promo
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albaaurum · 8 years
hakukin: you can’t mess with me
judar: k bye
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albaaurum · 8 years
felicitasculpa replied to your post “magi au where it’s centered around hakukin and kourin (and titus too)”
honestly thats a solid cast
you got two protags with a good dynamic, you got both good and bad influences, you got innumerable ways they could fuck up the plot by getting metal vessels and interfering,
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albaaurum · 8 years
magi au where it’s centered around hakukin and kourin (and titus too)
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“But he… I heard from Kougyoku that he found it thanks to Sinbad but… yes we can find more ally’s outside of Kou..!  You’re already strong… once we find one, it’ll be easy!”  She finally smiles and bounces a bit. “Okay!”
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“That’s the spirit.” He smiles back, glad he could help Kourin calm down. “And you’re right. Anything can become easier if you have people to back you up. If we make more allies, we’ll be sure to find something useful.”
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albaaurum · 8 years
i like how all of kourin and hakukin’s magi issues would be solved if they just...switched verses
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“Good, you do that.  Maybe Kouen will even pat you on the head for finally almost catching up to the rest of the family!”  He smiled, “I’m sure you’ll love to stop being useless!  Not like I’d know cause I’ve never been in that position but…. hopefully you won’t fail and prove to be the most pathetic among all your siblings~”
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“You’re not going to make me upset again.” He’d already made up his mind that failing wasn’t an option. It was as simple as that.
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“It’s true I don’t like him either… he’s an awful person but he’s made our country so much stronger that we have to deal with him… we always will as long as he’s Kou’s magi,”  She frowned, “B-But maybe there is another way… it’s just much harder probably..”
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“Not maybe, Kourin. Hakuryuu did it, didn’t he? He got a djinn without Judar’s help! If he can do it, so can we.” He squeezes her for a second, in an attempt to comfort her. “We just have to keep looking forward.”
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albaaurum · 8 years
it’s a good thing i was liveblogging to xavi
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“Yeah sure only because that stupid king is a scavenger, picking up Yunan’s spare dungeons like it was week-old peaches lying mushy on the ground.  Plus Sinbad is special, he’s a once in a millennium prodigy which is more than I can say for you.”  He waved off the argument.  Sure he could find some lowbrow dungeon just sitting around as a leftover but how pathetic was that?  If you had a magi, they raised one specifically suiting you.
“Either way, candidates are still just candidates to me and not a threat.  You all run out of magoi so easily… but whatever, if a Djinn inflates your ego, good for you kid.  Maybe you’ll go alone and they’ll have no other choice than to pick you!  Good luck scrapping for dungeons!”
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“Fine. I will go search for a dungeon, and I’ll prove that I don’t need any of your help.” He crosses his arms in a very indignant manner. Almost pouting. Almost.
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“I want one of those! Judar is a jerk. He’s mean to me and Kourin.”
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“Hey, the rukh’s rattling about. Something about someone really wanting a super cool and not mean magi…”
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“There are only four in the world!!  How will you have time to find them and appeal to one..!  Especially when there’s one living right here at home that you’re suddenly against!”  She didn’t understand what would possess him to change his mind and now try to avoid the easiest way to getting a metal vessel.
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“All Judar does is torment people and act like he’s some sort of god! I don’t want anything to do with him! I want to prove him wrong! He thinks I need him to get a metal vessel, but he’s wrong!”
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albaaurum · 8 years
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“Yeah you are, don’t worry; that’s way more entertaining than watching you trying to seem calm and collected.  Like a kitten trying to be a tiger…”  He snickered, “Here’s the thing about magi… we are the ones who raise dungeons and the only reason you’d have a chance in hell of getting one.  You’ve gotta make one of them think you’re worth being a King.  Only we know if you have the strength, you’re just lucky if we see you among the other worthless bunch.  You should thank us for even giving you an opportunity to escape being pathetic.”
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“Oh yeah? What about all of the people who’ve gotten djinns from dungeons that weren’t raised specifically for them? Y’know, like Sinbad? Y’know, the guy who has seven?” He’d done his research! Now that he knew what he was talking about, all he had to do was wait until he calmed down some more.
“You’re not the one who gives the final judgement just because you raise them! The djinn gives the final judgement.”
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