alavasgaming · 2 days
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alavasgaming · 4 days
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Edgeworth nation how we feelin
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alavasgaming · 4 days
apparently almost no one’s seen the video it’s free real estate comes from so here it is
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alavasgaming · 4 days
I'm not gonna tell you how to vote, BUT...
Here are some truths about the upcoming United States election.
Either Trump or Biden will win.
Our political system is designed around ensuring that either the Democrat or the Republican win. There is no "but if everyone rallies around a third party candidate..." argument, because...
Grassroots campaigns can't work. There are areas of the country that don't have internet or television. Congress just allowed the Affordable Connectivity Program to lapse, denying internet to even more people. There is literally no way for some candidates to get their message to huge parts of the country.
The Republican and Democrat candidates are backed by huge donor machines that enable them to tour a campaign trail. Independent candidates do not have this luxury.
Our country still uses a First Past the Post (FPTP) voting system, which is specifically designed to support only two candidates.
Our country uses an electoral (all or none) system, which is why you hear that voting for a third party candidate "takes votes away" from one of the major party candidates. For example, if Trump gets 48,999 votes, Biden gets 50,000 votes, and a third party candidate gets one single vote, Biden takes all the electoral votes in the state. All of them.
I really hope you make your peace with this now. Please, vote how you want, but with one candidate saying he will essentially outlaw transgender people, I can't imagine NOT voting for the only other candidate who can possibly win. Right now the polls are 50/50, which is absolutely insane to me.
In my experience, it's usually younger people who talk about either voting their conscience, or not voting at all to "send a message." I assure you, not voting doesn't send a message to the candidate who loses. Your message is only received by the millions of Americans who will suffer as a result.
I don't want to argue. I have no desire to fight with anyone over this anymore. And if you want to ask me "so I have to choose between two killers?" as a gotcha, then I'm sorry to say... The answer is yes. Those are the choices we've been given. And because the United States is no longer a true democratic republic, there's not a whole lot we can do to change that right now.
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alavasgaming · 5 days
Edgey comic timeeee
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Based on this one bit Gumshoe talked about:
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alavasgaming · 5 days
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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more adhd things
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alavasgaming · 6 days
this is the only text post im gonna make about voting for the US president:
under a 2nd biden term, cops will continue to shoot protestors in the head with rubber* bullets and suffer no consequences.
under a 2nd trump term, which may not end in 4-8 years, cops will go back to shooting protestors in the head with normal bullets like they used to, and suffer no consequences.
that’s where we’re at and that’s the choice you get. i am not willing to keep my own hands clean in exchange for a drastic and immediate increase in state violence, both direct and disguised as policies and regulations.
if you vote against trump, you might increase by a small amount the chance that you will live to see a presidential election where you get to make a good choice. if you don’t vote against trump, living to see that happen gets less likely.
voting is not even close to sufficient, but it is necessary, and it costs me little to nothing to do it.** to me that is the only possible ethical conclusion.
*rubber bullets are actually metal bullets with a rubber coating and they can and do kill people. nonetheless, they kill people significantly less often than regular bullets. also the bullet thing is a metaphor for all the varieties of state violence that will be committed by a trump administration. but also there absolutely will be an increase in the number of people murdered by cops if trump wins.
**there are a great many people in the US for whom voting does take considerable effort and sometimes sacrifice. if you are one of these people, you don’t owe anyone any loss of income or safety. but it may be even more strongly in your interests to vote against trump if you can.
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alavasgaming · 6 days
okay here's my "never going to happen" nintendo direct wildcard prediction: new 2d zelda - but with playable zelda.
it's a soft launch of the idea by putting it in a 2d game. 2d zeldas are not the massive console seller juggernauts as 3d zeldas, so its a safer "test" AND more realistic to put at the end of the switch's life cycle.
the game itself would be somewhat lighthearted, but not condescendingly simple like the peach game. it has a similar artstyle/feel as the links awakening remake. there's a bigger focus on puzzles than fighting.
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alavasgaming · 6 days
Sound designing a vampire being hit in the face with a shovel is... challenging. Who would've guessed.
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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alavasgaming · 6 days
Yeah, both US Presidential candidates are old as shit but Trump is a literal fascist. If your criticism of either candidate is as shallow as "they're old" or their ability to string a sentence together without stumbling then I got some bad news for you: you gotta think a little harder. That's a garbage skin deep analysis of what's at stake. Read a single policy page, I'm begging you.
Trump is a fascist. That is not hyperbole. Trump is a fascist whose entire platform and goal is to destroy what limited democracy the USA has. The land of the "free" should not mean "free from consequences for being a literal criminal if you're a fascist billionaire." Trump belongs in jail. That's a far damning reality than "Biden should retire."
It's not a difficult choice. It's not. This isn't ignoring Biden's flaws it's simply acknowledging the vast gulf between "mediocre" and "horrifying nightmare of fascism." If you find it difficult then I wonder what priorities you have.
If voter apathy, indecision, or low turn out returns Trump to the Whitehouse then America is well and truly fucked beyond belief.
If you're American: fucking vote.
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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alavasgaming · 6 days
This is an absolute religious experience that I was not prepared for
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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When Azi finally upgrades his computer it will be to like Windows 95 :). 
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alavasgaming · 6 days
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