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#1291th_Urs_Mubarak Aap Sab Ko Meri Taraf Se. ♦️ imamul Aimmah ♦️Kashiful Gummah ♦️Sirajul Ummah ♦️Basharat E Nabi ♦️Dua E Moala Ali ♦️Sartaj E Mohaddiseen ♦️Abul Fuqha Wa Mufassireen ♦️Ustazul Mujtahideen ♦️Islam Ke Mudawwan E Awwal ♦️Aabide Shab Zindadaar ♦️Moh'yuddin Wal Millah ♦️Jabalul ilm Wal Amal ♦️Hafizul Hadees Hujjatul Hadees Haakimul Hadees Amirul Momineen Fil Hadees Wal Fiqh *Huzoor Pur'noor Sayyedna Wa Maolana Wa Maljana Tabibe Qulubina Sarkar imame Azam Abu Hanifah Noman Ibne Sabit Ibne Zoota Koofi رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ* Ka 1291-Salah Urs Aap Sab Ko Tamam Muqallideen Ko Bilkhusus Tamam Ahnaaf Ko Dil Ki Gehraiyon Se Mubarak. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 *Be Khatar Khuld Me Yun Jayega Kaleem,,,* *Hai Gale Me Patta Noman Ki TAQLEED Ka.!!!* Aaj Ba'roz Juma'atul Mubarak 27 March 2020 Yaani 2 Shaban 1441 Ko imame Azam Ka urse Pak Hai, Gharon Me Niyaz Dilayen Esale Sawab Karen Aur Apne AAQA WA MAOLA IMAME AZAM رضی اللہ عنہ Ki Pak Rooh Ko iska Sawab Nazr Karen......
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Some of the scholars in Syria have just informed me that the ministry of religious affairs and a board of scholars have decided that there will be no lessons, prayers or Jumm'ah Salah in mosques from tomorrow until the 4th April due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Similar has been announced in Lebanon. Subhan'Allah, it truly shows the extent of the uncertainty and difficulty that the world is currently experiencing. This is the same nation that has been going through war for the last ten years or so - yet still tried their best to continue on as best they could with worship and classes of knowledge. Even though things seem hard right now, this is not a time to lose hope or despair. We must start to recite more Quran, send more salawat, give more charity, make more dhikr, increase in supplication, pray 5 times a day wherever we are, and try our best to get closer to Allah through acts of obedience. Ultimately, no one can take us out of any predicament, hardship or pain besides Him. The Prophet also ﷺ said that Allah continues to assist His servant as long as the servant continues to assist his brother. The one who alleviates his brother of a difficulty in this world - Allah will alleviate a difficulty from him on the Day of Resurrection. This is a time we need to assist eachother as a community spiritually, mentally, emotionally - and in terms of helping our neighbours and close ones who might be struggling during this time, even if that includes giving them a call to find out how they are, sharing food, nappies, milk, sugar, coffee, etc. This is a time of service and open heartedness. We are not an ummah of 'Nafsi! Nafsi!' We are from the nation of that Prophet ﷺ whose only words are 'Ummati! Ummati!' We ask Allah to relieve us of these hardships, forgive us of our sins, overlook our shortcomings, protect us from all harm, and accept our du'as. (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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📜Know more about this miraculous tree --------------------------------------- Known for “The living Sahabi tree” 😭 . . Or “the Blessed Tree Of Jordan” 🌳the Blessed Tree Is Situated In Jordan, Where Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Had Taken Shelter More Than 1400 Years Ago. After That Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) Made Dua For This Tree. So, Believe It, The Tree Is In Same Condition, And Yet Not Dry And Withered Away. Indeed, This Is Perfect Proof For Those, Who Have Faith On One Allah. . . The 1400 Years Old Is The Same And Standing Despite Of Several Difficult Seasons. You Can Find This Tree In The Northern Part Of Desert Of Jordan. For Those, Who Think About Creation Of Universe Actually Made It, Perfect Evidence As There’s No Tree In This Desert For Many Kilometers? The Tree Life Proofs The Confirmation Of Prophet-Hood Of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Without Any Doubt, The Tree Life Appears The Prophet Tree Is Intentionally Kept Alive By Allah Subhanu Waa Ta'Yala Keeping In Mind The End Goal To Serve As An Update, Recollections And Proof Of Past History. This Tree Is A Tree Brimming With Favors, Enchantment Trees, Oaks And Weird Trees. . . So, if you read out history, you’ll came to know that, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) set out to Syria with Maisarah (House Keeper Hazrat Khadijah رضي الله عنه ) for exchange of goods. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) never takes cover under this tree, the branches and twigs move shade him from the warmth of the sun. Moreover, the friar (cleric) who saw this occurrence then went “Maisarah” and demonstrated to him a tree safe house the Prophet saying: “Just a prophet who covers under the tree.” . . Knowledge . . Considered the ‘last living Sahabi (Companion)’, the tree was rediscovered by Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad and the Jordanian authorities, who found references to it in texts found in the Royal Archives. Several well-known scholars travelled to the area, including Shaykh Ahmad Hassoun, Grand Mufti of Syria, who later related to Prince Ghazi that he had had a dream in which the authenticity of the tree as being the one under which the Prophet (ﷺ) rested, was confirmed to him... . . أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ ضَرَبَ ٱللَّهُ مَثَلًا كَلِمَةً طَيِّبَةً كَشَجَرَةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ
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at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels
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(तवाफे काबा)सिर्फ नमाज के वक़्त ये इबादत रुक जाती है लेकिन हालिया दिनों में कोरोना वायरस के चलते मक्का शरीफ में ज़ायरीन पर पाबंदी है जिसकी वजह से मताफ खाली नजर आरहा है
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Eid E Chishtiya Mubarak Ho
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March Umrah Package Hurry! Book Your Seat Now For More Details Kindly call our head office on 0265 2255313 or Whats App on: 92745 18 786, 8980 786 700 for all the details. Alternatively, you can also visit our Website or Page Like us on: Follow us on: Tweet us on: Subscribe us on: Reach us on: ❶ Like ✔❷ Comment ✔❸ Share ✔ #ALAKHTAR_TOURS_AND_TRAVELS #UMRAH2020 #BAGDAD #MARCH_UMRAH #KARBALA #UMRAHVADODARA #NAZAF #UMRAHGUJARAT #BAITULMUQADDAS #UMRAHINDIA #BUDGET_UMRAH #DELUXEUMRAH (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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He is one of the oldest migrants residing in Madinah. Over 80 years ago - he walked it from India to Baghdad. After visiting Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jaylani and spending time in Baghdad, he walked it o Madinah just so that he could neighbour Rasūlullāh ﷺ. That's what you call love and sacrifice! I once made du'a for his health but he beautifully said, 'I'm waiting to die and get buried in Baqi' so I can finally reunite with our Master Muhammad ﷺ! That is going to be the happiest day of my life.' I then asked him to make du'a for me. He looked towards the Rawda and said, 'May you be granted life and die in Madinah whilst serving Rasūlallāh ﷺ.' May Allāh accept. (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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This is the day that one of the greatest woman Allah ever created was born - Sayyidah Fatimah al-Zahra. Can you imagine how happy Rasūlullāh ﷺ would have been? A noble woman who lost her mother, sisters, brothers, father ﷺ - and experienced hunger, migration, war and unbelievable tests yet her nobility, reliance upon Allāh and patience only increased. No words can do justice to her elevated station. رضى الله عنها The greatest way to commemorate days like this are to emulate Sayyidah. She was described as a mirror of her father ﷺ. She was an ocean in generosity and a mountain in patience. Her worship was indescribable, her modesty was incomparable, her mercy was undefinable, her kindness is inexpressible and her elevated rank is unmatchable. It is time we return to her path and her way. The way of righteousness, self-dignity, humility, worship, piety, taqwa, simplicity and abstinence. When our sisters begin to emulate her again with worship, recital, fasting, charity and they adorn themselves with knowledge and true hijab in a way that will bring pleasure to Sayyidah's heart - the men of this ummah and the future generations will be given victory, for behind every great nation and behind every great man is a great woman. (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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#Happy_Republic_Day He Jurm Agar Watan Ki Mitti Se Muhabbat Ye Jurm Sada Mere Hisabo Me Rahega. ❶ Like ✔❷ Comment ✔❸ Share ✔ (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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Aalam E Islam ko 25va Urs E Turki Mubarak Ho
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January Umrah Package Hurry! Book Your Seat Now For More Details Kindly call our head office on 0265 2255313 or Whats App on: 92745 18 786, 8980 786 700 for all the details. Alternatively, you can also visit our Website or Page Like us on: Follow us on: Tweet us on: Subscribe us on: Reach us on: ❶ Like ✔❷ Comment ✔❸ Share ✔ #URSEALAHAZRAT #ALAKHTAR_TOURS_AND_TRAVELS #UMRAH2019 #BAGDAD #jANUARYUMRAH #KARBALA #UMRAHVADODARA #NAZAF #UMRAHGUJARAT #BAITULMUQADDAS #UMRAHINDIA #BUDGET_UMRAH #DELUXEUMRAH (at Al Akhtar Tours & Travels)
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Gyarhvi Sharif Special Offer Hurry ! Book Your Seat Now. #Umrah #RamzanUmrah #VecetionUmrah #AlakhtarUmrah #Alakhtar #Hajj #Ziyarat #Iraq #Iran #Makkah #Madinah #Vadodara #AlakhtarTravels #AlakhtarGroup
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It's really weird. When you get your degree, people ask you when you're getting a job. When you get a job, people ask when you'll get that promotion. When you gain weight, they'll tell to shed some pounds. When you lose it, they'll say you're too skinny. When you haven't passed, they'll complain you've got no car. When you buy a Toyota, people will ask when you'll get that Merc. When you don't wear the hijab, people will tell you it's time. When you put it on, people will say - 'What's the point if you sin?' When you are single, people ask you when you're getting married. When you're married, they'll ask why you have no kids. When you are blessed with a couple - they'll ask why you have so many. If you get divorced - they'll ask why? If you move on, people will say, 'Why so quick?' Moral: People will never be happy and they'll never stop talking. Forget them. Focus on pleasing the Creator not creation.
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Alhamdulillah Al Akhtar Group 3 Buses Going to Makka Sharif ❶ Like ✔❷ Comment ✔❸ Share ✔
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Tamam Ashiqane Mustafa Ko Madinah Sharif Ki Purnur Baharo se Jashne Wiladat Mubarak Ho. (at All Madina All Mamanawara)
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