akiw0 · 27 days
is it just me or I daydream about my dr more than actually shifting there… does anyone have any advice for it 😭
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akiw0 · 27 days
‘why do you read “various x reader stories?”’
first, i’m a narcissist and will not read it if it’s not about me
second, I love the feeling of people liking me
third, I was ignored as a child
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akiw0 · 1 month
heyy shiftblr community! im wolf, 19, they/them, i’ve been trying to shift for about 4/5 years ( to no avail ) and these are my main drs!
- marauders
- jujutsu kaisen
- fame dr
- haikyuu
uhh i have a few more but these are the ones im mostly fixated on!
lets be moots :)
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akiw0 · 1 month
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akiw0 · 1 month
just started watching blue lock i actually know nothing about this except tbat its ab football
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akiw0 · 1 month
not me skipping again today… 2 weeks left of school i acc just cant help it bed was 2 comfy🙏
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akiw0 · 1 month
falling asleep on haikyuu men
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⋆˙⟡ featuring : bokuto koutaro & kageyama tobio ⋆˙⟡
⋆˙⟡ gender-neutral reader
⋆˙⟡ warning : no warnings!! pure fluff ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ enjoy !
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BOKUTO KOUTARO would suddenly go still ( which is a shocker ) when he would feel the weight of your head fall onto his shoulder. you were both on the train home from school, and it was fair that you were tired from the exhausting school schedule. peering over to you carefully, he'd try his best not to burst from how adorable you looked, and he'd lean back against his seat, lounging his arm softly around your shoulder, to keep you still and comfortable in the moving train. he'd also anxiously check the stations every second, as to wake you up when you were nearing yours. he'd also sneakily try his best to sneak a picture. ( failed ) ( akaashi laughed at him when bokuto told him the next day )
KAGEYAMA TOBIO would shut down. you probably would be tutoring him in the empty club room, sitting next to him on a couch, and trying your best to make him understand. after giving him a particularly hard excerise to solve, you leaned against the couch and closed your eyes " for a second " to give him some time to try to solve it. clearly, it was taking a bit too long, as 15 minutes later you found yourself snoring and slightly drooling with your head against the hard couch. when he heard the noise, he finally looked up at you. blinking repeatedly, he shut down for a second. what should he do? what is appropiate for him to do without making you uncomfortable? looking around, a bit panicked, he sat up and carefully moved your upper part on the couch, taking off his jersey and putting it on you to make up for not having blankets in there. awkwardly shuffling, he sat down on the floor and continued trying to solve the exercise ( he didn't , with his heart beating way too fast )
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credit : i used @cafekitsune's dividers! <3
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akiw0 · 1 month
thinking about itadori yuuji having a crush on you and trying SO hard to not be obvious about it ( but he obviously is ) . when he does subtle things like finish off your food, share the same straw , give you an umbrella even though it’s not even cloudy ( bro has a gut feeling and IT IS right )
itadori’s heart beating out if his chest when you sit close to him in a booth or in class :( sharing earphones with him is a MUST! u just know when a love song comes on he’s blushing and looking anywhere but you.
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