akid4 · 10 years
What's happening lately
Hey there, long time no see^^ I am currently deciding in which direction I should go in my personal career^^ It's a long process...which takes some time^^' I also composing a new track lately which I want to be perfect, because of that this track is released maybe 2 weeks after this post, maybe a little bit before^^ Hope you understand my situation and I hope that you are with me this time :D See ya soon, Aron
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akid4 · 10 years
Hey guys, finally a new track! This time I finally started using FL Studio instead of MAGIX Music Maker :D I am quiet satisfied with the result, hope you like it to :D Aron Kliewer (c) Rave
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akid4 · 10 years
Erster deutscher Post / bald ist Wochenende!
Habe schon in dieser Woche eine 6-stündige Deutschklausur hinter mir. Eine Hörverstehensklausur in Englisch habe ich am Mittwoch geschrieben. Zwei Klassenarbeitstermine sind auf nächste Woche Montag und Dienstag angesetzt.
Um mich kurz zu fassen, habe gerade keine Zeit etwas zu posten oder irgendwie an nem neuen Track zu schrauben, deswegen müsst ihr euch bis Dienstag nächste Woche gedulden bis wieder was neues kommt XD (Ok, ich denke täglich hier was schreiben geht bestimmt klar, wenn ich mir ein paar Minuten Zeit rausnehme^^)
Was euch bestimmt auch aufgefallen ist, ist, dass ich das erste Mal hier in Deutsch schreibe. Hat einfach den Hintergrund das es viel einfacher ist mehr zu schreiben und ich somit auch an meinen nicht allzu guten Zeichensetzungsfähigkeiten arbeiten kann^^ Wollte mich auf jedenfall mal für 44 Follower auf Soundcloud bedanken, auch für die 5 Downloads spreche ich meinen Dank aus XD
Und damit ihr nicht mit vollständig leeren Händen von dannen zieht, kann ich hier ja noch eine kleine Koloration, die ich angefertigt habe zeigen:
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Ja ich weiß, nichts besonderes XD
Ich habe glaube ich auch vergessen, dass ich auch bei meinem Moeru Bild weitergekommen bin:
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Ok, ich bin eigentlich schon ein bisschen weiter, heißt ich habe schon angefangen Licht und Schatten zu setzen XD
Wünsch euch ne gute Nacht und noch n schönes Wochenende morgen :D
~mfg Aron
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akid4 · 10 years
I released a brand new track on soundcloud
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This is how a perfect day should end, sit down and relax, if you can :) Maybe someone of you don't like my way to relax XD
SOUNDCLOUD LINK: https://soundcloud.com/chromashift/chromashift-perfect-day
Of course this track is downloadable^^ If you want to use it, link my soundcloud-profile in the description :D
If you are to lazy to go there by clicking the link, just press play here to listen to the sound (I think it doesn't work on smartphones^^'):
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akid4 · 10 years
New Era [Future Bass/Progressive]
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akid4 · 10 years
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What a beautiful day ^^
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akid4 · 10 years
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Eye Study
Hey there^^ Today I worked on a eye study^^ This is the result^^ I know it's extremely ugly, but I tried it :P
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akid4 · 10 years
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This time I tried to paint two parts with aquarelle colors and another with points^^ Hope you like it :)
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akid4 · 10 years
Still posting after midnight^^
I sketched something into the corner of my sketchbook page^^
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akid4 · 10 years
Posting digital art after midnight, I'm a genius!
Hello there :D
Here are some of my best digital artworks I've done so far^^
Akuma Profile Picture
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Moeru Churchtower
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Leyla Stonecold
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Hänsel and Gretel
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Detective Conan
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ChaosEliteCrew Banner
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Robbie Williams
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Akid4 Winter facebook title picture
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akid4 · 10 years
What I was working on lately...
Today I worked on a tiny, extremely bad drawn animation for a video I'm working on^^
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(I accidentally forgot the shadows^^' )
And after some background-inserting and coloring the final animation was finished:
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(The spoken text and the steps are in the final video, but I hope you like it anyway)
I don't know how many hours I've spent working on this, I think it was 1h 30min^^ I love the stick figure-look of it XD
The video is about the video game <<STARBOUND>>
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...maybe you heard of it, it's like Terraria but ten times better^^ I wish you a good night and I hope I have something for you tomorrow,
see ya,
Aron :)
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akid4 · 10 years
Sunrise was my first track I've created^^ You can call it a Instrumental/Progressive track :D Perfect for getting up or for the way to school XD Hope you like it^^
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akid4 · 10 years
Rainy days...
This week was a very cloudy and rainy one. Every day the same, at the morning some sunshine, in the noon clouds and rain and in the afternoon a little bit sunshine. At some days there wasn't any sun, only clouds, but I think it'll soon be better^^
For days like these I have my sketchbook with colorful and beautiful paintings in it^^
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(I especially love the sheep on the left^^)
A friend of mine tried to make his 18th birthday party this week, grilling and stuff you know^^ But unfortunately this week wasn't that perfect for grilling in the garden. Maybe at the end of my summer holiday he can make it, I don't know, but I hope the weather gets better in a few days^^
I couldn't stop myself from sketching something about this whole weather thingy... XD
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So, enough of that^^ Maybe I have the time tomorrow to upload a new painting, if not, I'll upload some old digital art or some translated comic strips of mine (They're German, ya know XD )
So have a nice day!
See ya,
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akid4 · 10 years
Two tracks of mine...
I thought I show you two tracks of mine here on Tumblr^^ I think these two are the best tracks I have produced so far. Let's start with Above the Sky:
It's a remake from a old version I uploaded on soundcloud, the previous was a genre mixture between Jazz and House and I wanted it to be a pure electronic track without any trumpets and other stuff^^ Now the second one, Conquest:
I think you can call it a desert march^^ It's a pure Dubstep track. I called this style Epicstep, but you can call it what you want XD Hope you like these tracks X3
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akid4 · 10 years
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Here are more paintings and one sketch^^ I painted the first painting on the second day of my holiday :D The second painting I created as I heard a live band in a Cafe near our hotel. The sketch is Sasuke Uchiha in my version^^ On the 6th day we went on a trike-tour and after this awesome tour I painted the last painting, a trike.
See ya,
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akid4 · 10 years
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This painting is the header of my blog, I painted it for my girlfriend. She is a very good musician and componist :) I integrated a composition from her into this painting, the original German title was “Donnervogel” in English “Thunderbird”.
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akid4 · 10 years
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So, let’s start with posting some art^^ It’s a painting of a palm tree, I painted it on the first day of my holiday :D
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