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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Memang aneh kalau sebuah festival yoga tidak menawarkan hadiah mat yoga tetapi buku. Tetapi saya justru suka hal yang aneh-aneh semacam ini. Dan mungkin karena itu lebih sesuai dengan semangat komunitas Yoga Gembira "Beryoga, Bergembira, Berilmu dan Beramal". Membaca buku bisa dibilang salah satu bentuk konkret "berilmu". Jadi badan sehat berkeringat, jiwanya gembira, otaknya tambah cerdas dan semua kegembiraan dan pengetahuan itu ditularkan demi kemaslahatan bersama. Bagi Anda yang membeli tiket full pass, akan mendapatkan sebuah buku MENEMUKAN MAKNA, MERAYAKAN CINTA (yang jika dibeli terpisah nilainya Rp85.000). Bagi yang ingin membeli tiket #yogfest2016, silakan langsung hubungi segera Catur Ferdaniel 08989988157. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang buku yang dimaksud ada di tautan berikut ini: http://maknadancinta.blogspot.co.id/?m=1 – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Jangan lewatkan kelas yoga bersama Silvia Hendarta, Minggu tanggal 10 Januari 2016 pukul 7 pagi. with Ricky Iskandar, @caturferdaniel, Ed, Desi , Adi, Farida, venita, Rosa Liebra, Irma, dewi hasti, jonathan, Donnie, Ranti Pramesti , Lucy, Gracia, A. Awaludin, Fairy 👼, onan, Fiska, agustar, Rully, Fina, Nha, Hasan, Ade, Pipit, Dandi, edkurniawan, A. Rachman, dian, Dian_iNdRi, Valen, Jonathan, Sudarman ॐ, Syarif, Oktapa, Rian, ay, and Glenn – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Latihan #yoga pertama di Taman Suropati Menteng tahun 2016 akan dibuka oleh inisiator Komunitas Yoga Gembira Yudhi Widdyantoro. Catat tanggal mainnya: 3 Januari hari Minggu pukul 7 pagi. GRATIS! – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Whatever you do or celebrate, be happy... Namaste! – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Before executing this twisted tripod headstand, make sure you're comfortable enough in your regular tripod headstand and of course warm your torso up with some deep twists. – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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BERBAGI KEBAHAGIAAN MELALUI BUKU Teman-teman yang baik, Mari kita tutup tahun 2015 ini dengan berbagi kebahagiaan dengan anak-anak dari Poso melalui Proyek SOPHIA. Kami mengundang Anda semua untuk bergabung dalam pertemuan akhir tahun dan kelas yoga GRATIS untuk semua pada: Hari: Sabtu Tanggal: 26 Desember 2015 Pukul: 10 pagi- selesai Tempat: Studio Yoga KALYANA (Kalyana Yoga) , Jl. Wolter Monginsidi no. 112D (sisi jl. Kapten Pierre Tendean) Jaksel Kami imbau teman-teman untuk bisa membawa buku-buku cerita anak (baru atau bekas bukan masalah), buku pelajaran, peralatan menulis, atau alat bermain untuk disumbangkan pada mereka melalui proyek ini. Setelah kelas yoga bersama akan ada juga makan bersama. Sekelumit tentang proyek SOPHIA: Proyek ini dirintis sebagai sebuah perpustakaan berjalan bagi anak-anak agar mereka bisa mengakses informasi dan menjadi ruang fasilitas interaksi yang damai antara anak-anak dan keluarga dari berbagai latar belakang. Pastikan kedatangan Anda ke acara sosial ini dengan menghubungi Kalyana Yoga Studio atau penyelenggara Siska Marsudhy (+62 812-9973-328) P. S. : Bagi Anda yang tetap ingin berdonasi buku tetapi berhalangan hadir, silakan kirimkan barang yang akan disumbangkan ke alamat studio Kalyana Namaste. – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Join tomorrow's free ‪#‎yoga‬ class "Flexibility for Everybody" with me and @socialyogaclub , at Taman Suropati 7-8:30 am. Bring your own mat and fat (to burn). ‪#‎yogakhlis‬ – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Don't miss our donation-based, all levels #yoga class at Taman Suropati, 7 am tomorrow! – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Just had a rough night... – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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ON INJURIES. "Should a yoga teacher be voluntarily open about his or her injury?" Bruce nicely opened their conversation. It was one fine Sunday afternoon and some breeze blew the three gentlemen's hair. Yet, the enquiry felt as though it had been an unexpected typhoon. They just reminisced about how inspiring the class they took with a guru had been so far. And suddenly the conversation turned to an utterly dissimilar topic. "Gurus are people, too. Even Buddha admitted in his old age that his body ached and that he had pain continuing day and night," Aaron the wise guy replied. He's been into Buddhism recently and thought it was time to cite some lines he can recall from those heaps of books the monks generously lent him. In his most convincing tone, Aaron who worked for an agency argued before the other two,"You need to be open about it, but not to impose it onto your students. Asanas are just a tiny portion of yoga; even smaller than the tip of the iceberg. Honesty, truthfulness -- asteya -- is one of the first steps of 8-limb ashtanga yoga -- Raja Yoga." "And your final verdict is..." Bruce impatiently leaned his body forward on the wooden desk where they had eaten their lunch. "So yes, you should be open about it. If a guru cannot teach how to be truthful, how to follow the yamas and the niyamas, what good are they to the spread of this deeply rooted knowledge that is part of Yoga?" Being left out of the exchange of thoughts, Chip joined in. He sipped his combucha, that new agey beverage a little and swiftly blurted,"Well, the alternative is to be closed about your injury. Opening and closing would seem to be two sides or aspects of a whole unified thing. I know a lot of yoga focuses on opening up, but that is as a remedy to the many things in life which are closing us up. Like heat is a remedy for the cold, but neither heat nor cold in themselves are better. It's just a matter of balancing." Chip kept on opining,"Perhaps you feel you need to protect your injury and so not be open about it. A lot of traumas are literally like wounds, you want to bandage them up for a while until they have healed. If you feel that you want to remain closed there's no reason you 'should' be open, just as if you had a client who didn't want to open their legs for a pose, you wouldn't force them to." Bruce was leaning forward, readying himself to argue Chip's stance but this youngest participant in the chat wouldn't seem to give in,"And they wouldn't have to tell you why! You would just ask that if anyone has an injury that they listen to their own bodies." The cool breeze blew them once again, while Bruce was retreating, leaning back on the rattan chair with his eyes transfixed to his interlocutor. "I know a gal who knows a gal who taught dance, and had no arm, she didn't tell anyone and lots of people never noticed. So if she could teach dance without telling people she had a missing arm, then it must be possible to not higlight an injury. Presuming you have a lesser injury than a missing limb. But if you feel like you want to share the injury tell your story, bring people into that story. Then do that. You can visualise telling people and see how your chest feels, does it feel like it wants to hide behind a tree? Or jump out and shout it at everyone with a smile?" There was a pause for a moment. Aaron and Bruce glanced at Chip and said nothing. They felt simply exhausted. Blame it on the overly sunny day. "Only you know what you should do..." Chip ended his somewhat lengthy argument and decided to remove his shirt and jumped into the pool to get cooled in the hot, damp, and cloudy November weather. ‪#‎yogicfiction‬ – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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ON INJURIES. "Should a yoga teacher be voluntarily open about his or her injury?" Bruce nicely opened their conversation. It was one fine Sunday afternoon and some breeze blew the three gentlemen's hair. Yet, the enquiry felt as though it had been an unexpected tycoon. They just reminisced about how inspiring the class they took with a guru had been so far. And suddenly the conversation turned to an utterly dissimilar topic. "Gurus are people, too. Even Buddha admitted in his old age that his body ached and that he had pain continuing day and night," Aaron the wise guy replied. He's been into Buddhism recently and thought it was time to cite some lines he can recall from those heaps of books the monks generously lent him. In his most convincing tone, Aaron who worked for an agency argued before the other two,"You need to be open about it, but not to impose it onto your students. Asanas are just a tiny portion of yoga; even smaller than the tip of the iceberg. Honesty, truthfulness -- asteya -- is one of the first steps of 8-limb ashtanga yoga -- Raja Yoga." "And your final verdict is..." Bruce impatiently leaned his body forward on the wooden desk where they had eaten their lunch. "So yes, you should be open about it. If a guru cannot teach how to be truthful, how to follow the yamas and the niyamas, what good are they to the spread of this deeply rooted knowledge that is part of Yoga?" Being left out of the exchange of thoughts, Chip joined in. He sipped his combucha, that new agey beverage a little and swiftly blurted,"Well, the alternative is to be closed about your injury. Opening and closing would seem to be two sides or aspects of a whole unified thing. I know a lot of yoga focuses on opening up, but that is as a remedy to the many things in life which are closing us up. Like heat is a remedy for the cold, but neither heat nor cold in themselves are better. It's just a matter of balancing." Chip kept on opining,"Perhaps you feel you need to protect your injury and so not be open about it. A lot of traumas are literally like wounds, you want to bandage them up for a while until they have healed. If you feel that you want to remain closed there's no reason you 'should' be open, just as if you had a client who didn't want to open their legs for a pose, you wouldn't force them to." Bruce was leaning forward, readying himself to argue Chip's stance but this youngest participant in the chat wouldn't seem to give in,"And they wouldn't have to tell you why! You would just ask that if anyone has an injury that they listen to their own bodies." The cool breeze blew them once again, while Bruce was retreating, leaning back on the rattan chair with his eyes transfixed to his interlocutor. "I know a gal who knows a gal who taught dance, and had no arm, she didn't tell anyone and lots of people never noticed. So if she could teach dance without telling people she had a missing arm, then it must be possible to not higlight an injury. Presuming you have a lesser injury than a missing limb. But if you feel like you want to share the injury tell your story, bring people into that story. Then do that. You can visualise telling people and see how your chest feels, does it feel like it wants to hide behind a tree? Or jump out and shout it at everyone with a smile?" There was a pause for a moment. Aaron and Bruce glanced at Chip and said nothing. They felt simply exhausted. Blame it on the overly sunny day. "Only you know what you should do..." Chip ended his somewhat lengthy argument and decided to remove his shirt and jumped into the pool to get cooled in the hot, damp, and cloudy November weather. ‪#‎yogicfiction‬ – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Unroll your mat and do yoga with me (yes, I'll be leading there) and the Yoga Gembira Community this Saturday at 7 am, Gelora Bung Karno. On Sunday morning at 8 am, still at the same place, come and do some pilates with Ray Subrata ,too. It's FREE of charge and NO registration needed. – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Jangan lewatkan kelas gratis Fun #Yoga Yoga Gembira di Taman Menteng 14 Nov pagi pkl7. – View on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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SOTO KUAH HUJAN. Melempar pandangan ke langit, ada kabut putih tipis mengapung di tulisan DBS raksasa itu. Lain dari kawannya di Sumatra dan Kalimantan, kabut satu ini penanda sebuah pertunjukan alam bernama musim hujan sudah digelar. Sebuah penampilan dari musisi pembuka, semacam itulah. Sebelum akhirnya masuk ke penampilan utama: banjir kolosal se-Jakarta. Saya duduk santai, menikmati pertunjukan agung itu di beranda. Tak sendiri. Ada dua mangkok soto panas pedas di meja. Siap dikulum lalu ditelan pelan-pelan. Asyik nian. Hujan tak kunjung reda. Lalu sebuah panggilan menyela. Saya hentikan suapan, menerima permintaannya yang ingin saya membatalkan permintaan di aplikasi Gojek yang tampaknya selalu apes di Senin malam. Error melulu seminggu sekali di waktu seperti ini. Saya tak bisa memenuhi permintaannya, karena riwayat di aplikasi itu tak muncul jua. Kesal, saya refresh lagi. Gagal. Sudahlah, lebih baik makan. Saya pikir doa-doa mereka yang tempo hati sholat istisqa dipanjatkan amat tekun. Sedikit agak terlalu tekun. Buktinya, hujan itu makin deras saja turun. Bahkan berkat bantuan angin, air hujan itu sampai terpercik ke mangkok-mangkok soto lezat saya. Ah, enaknya. Soto kuah hujan. Suatu sajian yang tak akan kautemui di mall besar atau pusat jajan kesukaan. – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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Something is -- wait, many things are -- wrong with this country. The regressing tolerance, the censorship happening in Ubud Writers Readers Festival related to the 1965 upheaval and of course the most talked about environmental man-made disaster of the year. What a year. – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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NALURI MENYEMBAH. Dalam kantuk yang merayapi kepala ini, terdengar seseorang berucap tegas,"Sebut saja Yasunari Kawabata..." Terkesiap, saya fokuskan pandangan pada si sumber suara. Saya rasanya setengah bermimpi, berada dalam salah satu kelas di sebuah kampus yang saya pernah masuki dulu, saat ada satu mulut di depan kelas yang membahas panjang lebar, dalam luas, mengenai sejumlah sastrawan dan pujangga masa lampau dan karya-karya mereka dan berjajar beberapa manusia lain mendengarkannya untuk menyerap ilmu, serakus spon kering menyerap air. Suaranya menggema, tertahan dalam ruangan yang muat 20-an orang mahasiswa. Namun, suara dan suasana ini berbeda. Ini bukan suara dosen saya dari masa lalu yang menyapa tanpa disangka-sangka karena saya terlihat menunduk takluk karena kantuk sampai tidak menggubrisnya. Orang-orang di sekitar saya juga bukan teman-teman kuliah dari jurusan sastra yang berwajah super serius. Suara itu dari seorang khotib dalam sholat Jumat yang terdengar berapi-api, sambil berdiri terpasung di suatu podium nan agung. Rupanya di sela nasihat kebajikan itu, ia menyinggung nama sastrawan pemenang Nobel Sastra dari Jepang sebagai satu contoh kasus kegagalan upaya pencarian manusia dalam mencari sesembahan idaman. "Yasunari pernah mengkritik budaya harakiri, mencapnya sebagai suatu keputusasaan dalam menjalani kehidupan, tetapi kemudian di akhir hidupnya, ia justru menempuh jalan yang sama," tutur sang khotib yang cendekia. Sungguh di luar kelaziman mendengar seorang ulama membeberkan studi kasus dari luar kumpulan sosok besar Islam. "Apakah ia juga pernah belajar sastra?" batin saya. Khotib itu terus menjelaskan analisisnya tentang si pengarang yang buku terjemahannya pernah saya nikmati tetapi kurang saya hayati karena tenggat waktu tugas makin mendekati. "Yasunari bisa mengetahui asal-muasal makhluk dan benda di sekelilingnya tetapi gagal menemukan jawaban mengenai apa atau siapa yang menciptakan dirinya. Kerisauan menghinggapi batinnya, mencari sesuatu untuk ia sembah. Itulah fitrah manusia, menemukan sesuatu yang lebih besar darinya, hingga ia bisa bersandar, menyerahkan segala yang tak terjawab akalnya pada-Nya." Ini seperti suatu kajian sastra, bukan ceramah agama, pikir saya. Tetapi siapa peduli, karena saya menyukainya. Karena ini yang lebih mengena, terutama bagi saya. "Yasunari gagal menemukan Tuhan", imbuh khotib."Tetapi kita jangan sampai demikian. Islam memberikan tuntunan mencari jalan menuju Tuhan..." Kajian sastra itu pun tutup, disambung dengan ceramah agama. Lagi. – Read on Path.
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akhlis-blog1 · 9 years ago
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DAFTAR KELAS YOGA DONASI/GRATIS DI INDONESIA Sering saya ditanya mengenai informasi kelas yoga donasi/ gratis di Jakarta atau di daerah lainnya lalu saya pikir akan lebih baik jika dikumpulkan saja semua informasi itu agar saya tak terus-menerus menjawab satu persatu dan memudahkan setiap orang yang ingin mencoba kelas-kelas ini di daerah terdekatnya. Silakan informasi ini disebarkan. DAFTAR KELAS YOGA DONASI/ GRATIS DI JAKARTA 1. Taman Suropati, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu pagi pukul 7.00-8.30 2. Lenggang Jakarta, Lapangan Parkir IRTI Monas, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu pagi pukul 8 .00-9.00 dan Senin malam pukul 19.00-20.00 3. Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) (dekat patung panahan), Minggu pagi pukul 7.00-8.30 4. Intiland Jl. Sudirman, Jakpus, Rabu malam pukul 18.30-20.00 5. Taman Honda, Tebet, Sabtu pagi pukul 7.00-8.30 6. EcoPark Ancol setiap Sabtu pukul 7 pagi. 7. Jl. Haji Saidi, Cipete, Jaksel (kediaman Vera Voisin) hari Sabtu pekan kedua dan keempat tiap bulan pukul 06.30- selesai. DAFTAR KELAS YOGA DONASI/ GRATIS DI LUAR JAKARTA 1. Bandung: Kelas yoga donasi NGAYOGA di Taman Centrum/ parkir restoran Centrum, setiap 2 minggu sekali hari Minggu jam 7 pagi. Informasi lebih lanjut di Instagram @ngayogabdg dan akun Twitter @ngayoga_bdg. 2. MarTasya Yoga Shala Bogor setiap hari pukul 8.30 (jika Martin Elianto dan Tasya Dante tidak keluar kota). 3.Yoga Prenatal (khusus untuk ibu hamil) Minggu pagi pukul 07.00- selesai di Universitas Indonesia, Depok - Contact Person: Arsanda Prawisda Kemang Pratama (Bekasi) - CP: Diana Elsa Vonie Semarang - CP: Arina Molitha 4. Kota Wisata Cibubur, Parking area Ruko Trafalgar tiap Minggu pagi pukul 6:30-selesai. 5. Bajra Sandhi Renon Denpasar, Senin s/d Sabtu , Pagi pukul 7.00 wita - 8.00 wita. Sore pukul 17.00 wita - 18.00 wita. Minggu hanya pagi pukul 7.00 - 8.00 wita. 6. Pantai Sanur Grand Bali Beach. Hanya Minggu pagi pukul 7.00 - 8.00 wita. 7. Pantai Karang Sanur, Senin - Sabtu pagi pukul 7.30 - 8.30, sore pukul 17.00-18.00. 8. YAP Square Yogyakarta setiap Minggu pagi pukul 6.00. 9. Foodpark SunMor UGM Yogyakarta, tiap Minggu pagi pukul 07.00. Silakan jika ada yang ingin menambahkan. Boleh juga dimasukkan kelas gratis yang diadakan secara rutin/ reguler (bukan sporadis/ hanya saat ada event tertentu) di luar wilayah Jabodetabek bahkan di luar Jawa dan Bali. Terima kasih. – Read on Path.
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