jessica jones
640 posts
a hard-drinking, short-fused, mess of a woman
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
akastartatthebeginning · 9 months ago
"They dropped the charges, don't be a bitch," Jessica replied, tossing the twisted part of the gate aside. "Besides, it was fun." She led the way towards the old warehouse cautiously. Empty places did not stay empty for long in NYC, opportunists lurked around every corner. "This isn't about justice. It's about a paycheck. Just for the record," she added, glancing around. The building cast long shadows and it was hard to see anything inside through the dust-covered and cracked windows. But Jessica strode forward unafraid, pushing open a side door. It creaked loudly, nearly fell off its hinges. She turned back to Casey. "You're my favorite cousin, so relax. I won't let anything happen to the last good Jones, okay?"
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Casey raised an eyebrow, his skepticism etched on his face as he glanced at the fence Jessica had just breached. "Scout's honor, huh? Last time you said that, we ended up in a high-speed chase with the NYPD," he remarked dryly, following her through the gap in the fence. "Fine, but just so we're clear, if this goes south, I'm blaming you and your rusty sense of justice." He smirked, half teasing, half serious.
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akastartatthebeginning · 9 months ago
"If it was, I couldn't exactly tell you that, now could I?" Jessica said, giving Darcy a wry look. "But let's just say if you were to let me hang around you and get close to some of your... higher level superfreak friends -- I'd really appreciate it." She shrugged a shoulder. It was bold, but you had to play the cards you were given. Jessica was good at her job because of that. "Oh, I believe it, Lewis. There's nothing about that sentiment that shocks me. But let's start with you getting me into one of those more exclusive parties, hmm?"
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Darcy grinned at Jessica's grudging acceptance of the lei, pleased that she hadn't outright refused. "Camouflaged detective it is then," she replied with a chuckle. The mention of Jessica's current job certainly piqued her interest, her brow shot up in hopes of getting more information on who she was after. "Sounds intriguing. Anyone I might know? And just so you know, if you need any backup or distraction," Darcy offered playfully, "just give me a shout. I'm a pro at causing diversions."
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akastartatthebeginning · 9 months ago
"It's only a felony if we get caught. That's how the law works. Probably." She walked over to the locked fence and yanked the padlock with one swift motion. "Besides. It's been a while since I've been arrested. I think I'm overdue." She looked back at him. "Relax. It's for a case. We're just gonna take a look around, okay? Scout's honor."
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“You have to tell me why we're committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
Jessica scowled, but didn't fight it when Darcy slipped the lei over her neck. She looked down at it, considering for a long moment. "All right. I'll call it cover. Camouflaged. Whatever," she said, gesturing around. She took a sip from her flask and capped it, swapping her camera into her hand. "I'm actually a badass stalker today. Someone hired me to tail someone important."
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"Well, I can be pretty persuasive," she admitted with a wink. She reached into her bag and pulled out a vibrant rainbow lei, holding it up triumphantly. "How about this? It’s subtle, but still festive." Without waiting for a response, Darcy gently placed the lei around Jessica's neck. "There! Now you're officially part of the rainbow brigade," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "And don't worry, you still look like a badass detective. Just a more colorful one."
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
"Well, if it costs the government money, I'm all for it," she quipped. She slammed the battery pack back into her camera and gave him a quick once over. "You walking somewhere specific or just wandering?"
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“I mean I don’t have to pay her. Government does that for me, so that I’ll actually go to a theraprist.” He shrugged. It was either seeing her every week or ending up in jail. He didn’t really know what was the worst choice.
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
Jessica had nothing against pride -- liked it, in fact. Anything that made the uptight assholes of the city either shrink in terror, or go wild for the occasion was pretty welcome in her book. It shook things up, and that was good for business. People would cheat on each other, and then jealous spouses would need pictures, and that's where she came in. Unfortunately, that sometimes meant she got roped into the festivities, when she was really just scoping out a case. "Color's not really my thing," Jessica said, looking down at herself. Black jacket, white shirt, blue jeans, her standard array. "But I feel like you're gonna look at me like a kicked puppy if I tell you 'no,'" she said, narrowing her eyes and arching a brow.
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With a rainbow boa draped around her neck and pride flags waving in her hands, she felt like the embodiment of pride. As Darcy weaved through the vibrant crowd, her eyes caught sight of a familiar figure standing out amongst the sea of colors. Determined to inject some rainbow flair into their look, Darcy approached with a grin. "Hey there, you look like you could use a pop of color."
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
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"You pay someone two hundred bucks for that little chestnut of wisdom? Because that's a rip-off."
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“Always prefer nighttime walks. Helps clear the head, I suppose, or that’s what my therapist likes to tell me.”
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
"Speedy, I had to dodge three different rainbow glitter bombs to get to this bar. It is really not the night to test my patience." She kicked the barstool again, but in her defense, she didn't throw him. Yet. She crossed her arms to stifle the urge, but somehow she was smirking. "Pride month always starts off with a bang."
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He knew he shouldn't, but the bear was just begging to be poked. "I didn't see your name on it." Childish, Barry. So childish.
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
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"Look, I don't want to be a bitch -- but I am." She kicked the barstool. "That's my seat. Move or be moved."
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akastartatthebeginning · 10 months ago
"Yeah, good call," she replied. With a cock of her head, she considered it. "Guess it could be worse. Cab fare and all." She grabbed another drink, but just nursed it in her hand. "Yeah, it does. I can jump pretty high, but that's as close as I come." A small sip. "How'd you end up as Speedy Gonzales?"
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Barry chuckled at Jessica's suggestion. "Yeah, I'll pass on the spleen removal, thanks. As for flying, I wish. But no, just the super speed. But hey, at least I can save on cab fare, right?" He grinned, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. "Flying always looked fun though."
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akastartatthebeginning · 11 months ago
"Well, having no spleen helps. You could try that. They give you a fun bracelet and everything," Jessica said, smirking over at him. She picked up another drink at his suggestion and tossed it back. "I thought my superfreak powers were a bitch. Yours don't even let you get drunk? Tell me you at least get to fly or some shit to make up for it."
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"Kinda jealous, honestly. I don't even think the amount of booze here would do much for me, sadly," Barry replied with a forced sigh. Liquor didn't have quite the same effect on him since the particle accelerator incident, and it took a considerable amount for him to feel even the slightest buzz before his metabolism could phase it out of his system. "Drink one for me?"
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akastartatthebeginning · 11 months ago
"Appreciate it. Done the mind-control-forced-to-fancy-parties thing -- wouldn't exactly recommend it," she quipped, plucking a drink off of a passing tray. It was a little delicate for her tastes, but it had that distinct Asgardian shine to it, so it'd work. She smirked over at Sam, taking a sip. "Might be," she said, shrugging a shoulder. "Or maybe I'm just hoping to see something I can blackmail one of these rich assholes with."
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"I was just making sure you were actually you because, as I said, this is a weird place for you to be. Unless you're here on some kind of assignment." She raised her glass, but then paused, and lowered it to look at her. "Wait, are you? Because that'd be scandalous as shit."
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akastartatthebeginning · 11 months ago
"Is that an actual question?" Jessica asked, arching a brow as she met Sam's eyes. Shrugging a shoulder, she lifted her glass. "You're right. But Asgardian booze is up my alley, so here I am." She downed the last of her glass and shoved it back carelessly, sending it flying towards the other side of the table. "Plus these things always end in some kind of goddamn disaster, so I figured I'd come make sure you got home safe. Rent's a bitch to pay on my own."
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"Objections to sneaking out with this bottle I snagged? Because I have a migraine from mingling. Also -- " Sam stopped and looked at her. "Not that I mind seeing your hot ass face, but why are you here? Super freak party doesn't seem up your alley, baby cakes." ; @akastartatthebeginning
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akastartatthebeginning · 11 months ago
"I really only came for the booze," Jessica replied with a smirk. She gave him a quick once over. "Considering it's an Asgard party, should be a halfway decent night for both of us."
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“I really only came for the food.”
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akastartatthebeginning · 1 year ago
"You could. But will you?" Jessica asked pointedly. And then the cat streaked by and she caught an actual glimpse of it. She arched a brow and turned to Loki. "You got a second demon cat? One wasn't enough for you?" It wasn't exactly the most pressing issue, just the one that made the least amount of sense. Assholes in powerful positions doing shady shit didn't really shock her anymore. "Yeah, something tells me you're spot on," she muttered, setting her glass down. She paused a moment. "Pissed works better," she agreed finally. "Usually."
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"I could let her suffer for a minute," he replied, dryly, having not missed the exchange between them. Loki watched as Jessica looked through the file without touching the drink in his hand. Head tilted to the side, he replied, "If I'm correct? Yes." He finally brought his glass to his lips and continued, "And I don't think I'm wrong." Loki met her gaze and shrugged. "I'm more pissed than worried. She's not coming near her again, that's for certain. Pissed is taking more priority." He nodded at the drink she was holding. "Already have it waiting for you."
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akastartatthebeginning · 1 year ago
Jessica snorted at the interaction. Gave Eisa a thumbs up to continue her cat-terrorizing behind Loki's back. The little girl gave her a too-obvious wink, and Jessica smiled for her as best she could, with a file like this in her hand. "Yes you will," she said dryly to Loki's remark, rolling her eyes. Her gaze settled back down on the picture of the woman, and she huffed out a low breath. "Oh really," she murmured, feeling a wave of irritation wash over her. She rolled her shoulders back, eyes flicking up to his. "So, she's not just a CIA operative, she's a goddamn terrorist. You really know how to find trouble." Another sip of the Asgardian liquor, the burn so much more intense than the cheap whiskey she usually settled for. Jess made a face, then held up her glass. "I want a case of this shit and no judgemental looks when I finish it in two weeks," she said simply, tossing back the rest of the glass. "You're not just pissed off, you're worried," she said after a moment. "It's a big can of worms to open up."
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"I told you not to threaten me with a good time -- Eisa, leave the cat alone." His usual remark to Jessica's response fell flat when he looked out the door to see his daughter was still tormenting the damn cat. Loki lowered the silencing spell long enough to get her attention and she glared at him in a too-perfect imitation of himself. "I swear, if he bites your face off, I'm not going to care." He raised the spell again, just as she picked the cat back up again after waiting a beat. "Whatever." Loki rolled his eyes and looked back at Jess. "She went after Kate." He nodded at the file. "Clint said it was because of how involved he got in things after Thor's wedding. Kate said it was because Hydra following us back that day Barnes went batshit, but I think there's more to it." He leaned back against the counter. "Especially since the Hydra agents at the wedding seemed to know exactly how to take all of us down specifically."
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akastartatthebeginning · 1 year ago
🎡 -for our muses to attend a holiday event Matt @amanwithouthope
Getting arrested during a Christmas party was probably a new low. Jessica didn't really remember exactly what had led her to the hotel bar -- maybe it was just the nearest source of liquor. She definitely remembered what made her throw the first punch, but tossing him through the mirror had been overkill. And it hurt her goddamn knuckles, too.
It wasn't her first time sitting in an interrogation room, but that really only made it more aggravating. She stared at the two way glass, waiting for them to get on with it. But the next person who entered wasn't a cop, or even the detective who'd been questioning her. "You're a lawyer," she said, arching a brow. "What the hell are you doing here? I'm not paying you, and if Hogarth sent you, she can kiss my ass."
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