akashiceventhorizon · 4 months
Goodbye Beautiful Bastard
BB is dead.
Blog is reborn.
Akashiceventhorizon (Akasha is fine)
I wear a badass trenchcoat and shades and have a big flame sword of satan-murder that kills your blog for infinity no backsies
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akashiceventhorizon · 4 months
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Exuviate - Exuviate (2000)
This is an amazing, nuanced, yet seldom-experienced death metal record. The guitar playing is twisted and dizzyingly elaborate, the growling vocals are just top-notch, the drums pummel your eardrums just like any proper death metal drumming should, and each track is structurally unique not just in comparison to each other but in contrast to the majority of brutal death out there. It's an album that's gotta be heard to be believed, and for people who appreciate the CRUSHING yet genuinely left-field, multi-faceted death metal.
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akashiceventhorizon · 2 years
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Blessed is the Flame by Serafinski
One of the most compelling nihilist texts I’ve come across. Absolutely phenomenal, I absolutely think anyone that is interested in or aligns with anarchism and/or nihilism should check this book out. And honestly, anarcho-nihilism is such a fascinating ideology. A call to action not to make the world better, but a call to action simply for the sake of action. Serafinski’s retelling of prisoners within Nazi concentration camps resisting despite the immense, almost guaranteed possibility of failure perfectly drives home the very foundation of anarcho-nihilism.
To read this for free, head over to the Anarchist Library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/serafinski-blessed-is-the-flame
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akashiceventhorizon · 2 years
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i love this goblin creature so much he looks dumb as shit and not even like a real person
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akashiceventhorizon · 2 years
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The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute
Frances got me into the weird wide world of music and I’m forever grateful for it. This is one of the most exciting, daring, and unique albums to ever be released. Ever. If you love a good, challenging listen and you’re tired of prog rock being nothing but King Crimson copycats and Pink Floyd wannabes, then this is an album you have to check out. It’s just a damn shame that The Mars Volta were never able to capture this level of greatness again but fuck, De-Loused is damn close and imo the rest of their discography is still great.
Except Octahedron.
I don’t really like that one.
10/10, one of the best albums ever made
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akashiceventhorizon · 2 years
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Duster - Stratosphere
sweet album, got me into a lotta indie and rly soooooothes me. 9.4/10
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