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Yu Yu Hakusho- Granddaughter of Genkai pt. 1

Sarayashiki Junior High is the school I go to, my name is Akari Nagata but sometimes my best friend calls me Kari. I'm just like most of the people in my middle school except I have a secret. My grandmother is the famous Genkai but no one knows. My parents are rich but since I stay with my grandma most of the time I have to get up real early to get to school. Sadly, I have a crush on the schools delinquent Yusuke Urameshi but I've promised myself to never to tell him because my best friend is Keiko Yukimura. I don't want to get in the way of her having a chance but if he noticed me I wouldn't turn him down.
School is never one to talk about the teachers are fine, but that is just about it when it comes to this place. I keep my grades up so I'm passing getting through life as usual nothing to stand in my way when it comes to my future. During lunch I normally pack whatever grandma makes and eat in quiet as I normally do but today Keiko walked over.
"Kari, can you try to go talk to Yusuke. He's probably up on the roof as usual." Keiko said "yeah, sure but why can't you go?" I ask her "If I go he'll just probably say nice skirt and pull my skirt up." Keiko said
The image in my head being in Keiko's situation made my heart skip a little but I still kept my calm as I finished the bite I hadn't taken till after talking with her. Then I closed my lunch as I got up heading to the roof top. I imagined what grandma might do in this situation. Truth be told I'm not her but I've been her student for about almost six years now. I opened the door and looked around when I saw him just kneeling there.
"Hey Nice sk-" Yusuke started but noticed it was me "Wait a minute, where's Keiko?" "She didn't feel like coming up here and she wanted me to see if you'd listen to me." I said "You?" Yusuke said as he got up and walked over but I held my ground "Let's see, you're Akari." "Yeah, so." I said He smirked "You skip every so often something about a retreat with your grandma, she that big of a deal?" He asked
"Something like that, you'd have to meet her sometime." I said
Yusuke seemed to look at me up and down which was a typical thing. I mean I'm not like Keiko who has her hair in pigtails and would just let him do whatever he wanted..I noticed he got a bit close and I closed my eyes for a second but when I opened them he was gone that I didn't know where he went till I felt the skirt be pulled up. "Nice Uniform." Yusuke said
I lost it for a few minutes as I turned and pushed him a bit forgetting about my spirit energy that grandma warns me to keep in check. Yusuke fell but he was seeming to lose balance and walk funny. I realized I might have hit him too hard as I covered my mouth but then he looked at me with a serious look.
"Well you're not what I expected as a friend of Keikos. Are you a secret fighter?" Yusuke said "Like you'd ever find out. Just go to class." I said
I walked down where I saw Keiko calming some people down as I went and finished my lunch. My heart felt like it could leap out of my chest if I let it but I had to keep concentrated as I had to figure out what I was going to do. I had training with grandma after school and it'd be a long trip back.
Almost six years and she still makes me endure all the difficult. More now than when I first started. Akari thought
After school I thought it would be just usual but I skipped my last class when I noticed Yusuke leave early. Mr. Takenaka had stopped him so I had to wait. I was able to avoid the principal as I went to follow Yusuke wondering where he was. I mean I wasn't missing anything by ditching my study hall but I couldn't help but wonder about him and I could catch the bus early to my grandmothers.
I merely watched from afar as he walked down till he came across a kid and seeing him tell the kid to stay out of the road and make the funny faces. I had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from being caught. Everything was just fine until the incident happened. Yusuke saved the kid but by his own life, I covered my mouth and well I was shocked.
Everything for the next few minutes just seemed to stand still, but I called my grandma to tell her I'd be late getting back. I stopped at an apartment my dad had and got changed as I started to cry. I felt foolish for not saying something sooner and it was too late.
Later that night I went to the wake for him where I saw Keiko. I walked over and hugged her as I'd made sure to make it not look like I'd just been crying for two hours. She was the one crying. I wanted to comfort her and tell her that everything would be ok but it wasn't.
Yusuke's pov:
I was dead so I figured everyone would be happy about it, this grim reaper named Botan said her boss had a proposition for me since they didn't have a place for me. I didn't believe it one bit but she wanted me to watch my wake as I went to look. I saw a lot of people mostly ones that seemed laughing.
"Oh they're probably glad I'm dead." I said
I heard crying and saw Keiko as she was comforted by that girl..Akari. I remember Keiko had sent Akari to talk to me this morning but when I'd lifted her skirt she hadn't even slapped me like Keiko did. I went in the house to watch as Keiko was led off and Akari went in. I saw her kneel like the rest of them and place her head down but I got a closer look to her but I heard her whisper. "Damn it..Why...Yusuke, you never noticed me but I..I loved you." Akari said softly as I actually saw her crying.
I was in shock at her confession even though it wasn't infront of me but still I thought only Keiko liked me. Akari wasn't bad looking for our age, she had this peculiar purple hair and her eyes matched her hair along with she was defiantly noticeable in the chest area a bit. If I wasn't dead I probably would have dated her.
"Why didn't you ever say anything?!" I yelled knowing she couldn't hear me.
She seemed to be startled like she could hear me but I saw her wipe her eyes before showing respect to my mother who was crying. I was in shock that even my mother was grieving over my death. Still when Akari left I saw her leaving before Iwamoto or the others could talk with her. I was curious so I followed her to see her walk in an apartment and pick up a few things.
"I promised myself I'd never tell him, Keiko deserved a chance...but now it hurts to even think of going back to school." Akari said
"Hey..hey now don't do anything stupid." I said but she just seemed in her own world when her phone rang and she answered it.
"Hi Grandma, I'm on my way. Can we take that trip now...I'm ready to continue my training..." Akari said over the phone "training? What does your grandmother train you with?" I asked
Akari's pov:
I walked out of the apartment locking it as I headed to the bus station to say I didn't know something was near me was an understatement. I walked for awhile and got my ticket it would be a long night. I called my dad who arranged for my work to be sent online for a few days.
I stayed out of school for a couple weeks, feeling that something was always watching me and sometimes I felt it was gone. I was never going to be the same but I was able to get some good training in and keep up with my school work. When I came back to town for school I stretched as I was walking on school grounds.
"Kari!" Keiko said I went to turn around with a smile but stopped when I saw Yusuke standing there alive.
"Yo" Yusuke said "Hey." I said
I went to class as usual nothing out of the ordinary but when it came to lunch I was up on the roof. I'd picked a spot as I looked around seeing it was clear or so I thought as I took a seat and started to eat. Grandma had packed my lunch and I loved her cooking but I knew that I was good cook too. My eyes were closed thinking about how crazy all this was.
"Hey Akari, can I talk to you?" Yusuke asked as I looked up seeing him.
Yusuke wants to talk with me? How the heck did he even get back alive?! I thought
"Uh sure." I said
Yusuke didn't sit just looked at me as I opened my drink and I had a second one grandma packed as I offered it to him. He took it as I waited for what he wanted to ask taking a sip.
"Keiko said you've been her friend for awhile, I asked her if you were seeing anyone and she said no." Yusuke said
I was shocked as I ended up putting my drink down and coughing to clear my throat as I wondered what was going on. "Are you seeing anyone Akari?" Yusuke asked
XD What will Akari's answer be? Will she lie?
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