All that you would like to read in!!
12 posts
Hey! Now that you are here and reading this I would love to consider you as my friend. Why consider?! Lets be!! Here goes the first friendly question…..How are you? Hope you are doing well and having a good time. Well I am not that good at writing but I just love sharing my thoughts. Hope you’ll like reading my blogs. Here you go!!..
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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माझ्या आठवणीतील वारी.🚩🚩
दर वर्षी शेकडो लोक ही पंढरपूरची वारी करतात. पंढरपूरची वारी करणे म्हणजे आपल्या घरातून निघून पायी चालत पंढरपूरला आपल्या आवडत्या विठ्ठल रखुमाईच्या दर्शनाला जाणे. भरपूर मैलाचा प्रवास. पण थकेल तो वारकरी कसला. संपूर्ण प्रवासात, फक्त दोन जोडी कपडे घेऊन वाटेत मिळेल ते खाउन, रात्री जागा मिळेल तिथे पाठ टेकवून हा वारकरी हरी नामाचा जप करत फक्त पुढे चालत राहतो. प्रत्येकाच्या तनात, मनात, ह्रदयात फक्त विठ्ठल कोरलेला असतो. मी हे वर्णन कुठे वाचून नाही तर स्वतःच्या अनुभवावरून लिहीत आहे. मी आजपर्यंत तिनदा आळंदी ते पुणे असा २५ मैलाचा (इतर वारकऱ्यांच्या तुलनेने) छोटा वारी प्रवास केलाय. खरंतर वारीची आणि माझी ओळख माझ्या शाळेमुळे, मी आठवीत असताना झाली. तेव्हा मी माझी पहिली वारी केली. त्यावेळी फार कळत नव्हतं पण आम्ही ४० लहान मैत्रीणी एवढा मोठा प्रवास करणार, तेही शाळे अंतर्गत यातच एक thrill होतं. मला आठवतंय, एका वारीला आम्ही मुलींनी वाटेतील कचरा, कागद, केळीचे सालं, plastic च्या पिशव्या हे सगळं उचलून माउलींसाठी वाट स्वच्छ केली. ८वी व ९वीत तुलनेने कमी अंतर पार केलं. १०वीत आळंदी ते पुणे अशी वारी केली. त्यानंतर २०१८ व २०१९ या ��ोन वर्षी देखील आळंदी ते पुणे असा प्रवास झाला. या संपूर्ण प्रवासात खूप वेगवेगळे अनुभव आले. इथे सगळेजण भेटणाऱ्या प्रत्येकाला 'माउली' अशी हाक मारतात. कारण देव कधी कुठे कसा व कुणाच्या रूपात भेटायला येईल हे सांगता येत नाही. या प्रवासात वेगवेगळ्या दिंडीतील वारकर्यांशी बोलण्याचा अनुभव देखील खूप काही सहज शिकवून गेला. एकदा एक आजी आपल्या ३ वर्षाच्या नातवाला सोबत घेऊन आलेली, कारण नातवाने सोबत यायचा हट्ट केला. आता एवढ्या प्रवासात जिथे या वयात स्वतःला सांभाळण अवघड, तिथे ही आजी आपल्या नातवाला बरोबर घेऊन आलेली. जसं जमेल तसं चालत नाहीतर नातवाला कडेवर घेऊन ही माउली पुढे चालत राहीली. एक काका घरची शेतीची सर्व कामं मार्गाला लाउन पांडुरंगाच्या दर्शनासाठी निघालेले. काही जणांच्या पायात फाटक्या चपला व काहींच्या पायात तर त्याही नाहीत, पण मनातील हरीभक्ती व विठुरायाला भेटायची इच्छा तेवढी दांडगी. इथे एकात्मतेचं जे दर्शन होईल ते इतरत्र कुठेही होणार नाही. गरीब - श्रीमंत, जात-पात, धर्म-पंथ, आपला- परका असा कुठलाच भेद इथे पहायला मिळणार नाही. इथे दिसतील ते फक्त भक्तीरसात न्हाऊन निघालेले हे लक्ष दशलक्ष वारकरी. उन, वारा, पाउस, दगड, चिखल, काटे, माती या कशाचीच पर्वा न करता प्रसंगी एकमेकांना मदत करत, उभारी देत ही यात्रा अखंड चालत राहते. ती थेट आषाढी एकादशीच्या दिवशी पंढरपूरला जाउन थांबते. या यात्रेत वाटेत भजन, हरीनामाचा जप, कथा, मुक्कामी किर्तन असे विविध कार्यक्रम चालू असतात. वाटेतील लोकसुद्धा आपापल्या परीने जमेल तशी या वारकऱ्यांची सेवा करतात. या वर्षी जमलं तर आळंदी ते पंढरपूर, अथवा पुणे ते पंढरपूर अशी वारी करण्याची माझी मनापासून इच्छा होती. परंतु ह्या lockdown मुळे ते काही जमले नाही. माझा इतर वेळी देवावर फारसा विश्वास नाही, पण वारी म्हटलं की आवर्जून जावसं वाटतं, आणि याचं मला नेहमी आश्चर्य वाटत राहतं.
असो. वारीतील अनुभव, किस्से यासाठी हे व्यासपीठ पुरणारच नाही. बाकीचे अनुभव पुन्हा कधीतरी सांगीन. शेवटी आम्हाला शाळेत (आषाढी एकादशीच्या निमित्ताने) शिकवलेल्या व मला आवडलेल्या एका अभंगांच्या चार ओळी लिहिते आणि थांबते.
तुझी आण वाहीन गा देवराया ।
बहु आवडसि जिवांपासुनियां ॥१॥
कानड��या विठोबा कानडिया ।
बहु आवडसि जीवापासूनियां ॥२॥
बापरखुमादेविवरु विठ्ठलु राया ।
बहु आवडसि जीवांपासूनियां ॥३॥
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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Candid talks 🌸
It is always surprising when people have conversations these days. About life, about faith, about achievements, about failures, about any random thing in this universe. Like REAL conversations. I always loved people who would converse in such a manner that it felt like it should never end. I just love the vibes these people share when they talk about anything. They mean every word they say. I have always hated small talks and still do. Small talks suffocate me and I end up not talking to that person. I love talking, I love discussing, I love listening and this continues. We’ve lost that thing these days. People don’t even greet with a smile. They don’t even smile at a person they know happen to pass by forget about giving a smile at a stranger. My mom once told me that when I was just a year old or so, I used to smile at every person that passed. May it be a bus, or a rickshaw, or if anybody visited us. So this was me. I loved spreading happiness and making friends. Deep conversations are so appealing that you instantly connect to a person and get a best friend for a life time. I had always longed for forever friendships. I love that connection which stays with us for a lifetime. I love sharing my life events with a human diary rather than writing it down. I always wonder how I connect to a person of any age group. But that is why I never had so close friends. Yes I do have a lot of them. I also have had these deep conversations with many of them. But somehow I end up getting short term friendships. Once I had my exam and at the exam center I was alone from my college and I ended up reaching there 1.5 hours prior. There was this girl sitting there, who was also there for the exam. We started talking and I didn’t stop till we realized 1.5 hours just passed like that. We decided to meet after exam gets over and we did meet and had Maggie together. Again ended up talking for an hour or two. Before leaving we asked for mobile numbers to stay in touch and while saving numbers we realized that we didn’t know each other’s names. Those real talks were more than enough for us to be such good friends. Such people are so rare these days. People end up making friendships over knowing names, judging by ones clothes, ones appearance. And these things make my heart ache. Are these even friendships? Are these our friends for real? Why people make friends for sake of having friends? Also I have seen REAL friendships too. I have witnessed such pure friendships and felt jealous of them. (in a good sense though, najar nahi lagayi unhe. LOL). I wish everyone starts having talks, like real talks. Even a random smile to a passerby can make his/her day. Maybe a talk over a coffee can heal a person. I wish everyone makes pure friendships and REAL ones. I just can wish happiness to everyone around.
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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Certainly uncertain or uncertainly certain??
Believe me, before writing this title, I had that uncertainty in my mind whether it will suit my blog or not. I typed and discarded it several times until I was sure of this. Okay so coming to the point, I was always a confused little girl since childhood. It took me hours/ days/ months/ years (depending upon the decision) to be firm on my decisions. This uncertainty always was on my mind. Be it a decision of my career, selecting a stream, buying a dress, ordering food on my menu, deciding which flavor of chips I should have, finalizing a plot for my drama, posting a picture on internet….and this list continues. My confused state of mind always made me overthink and end up choosing something I won’t choose at a first go. Of course not always have I chosen something that I didn’t like, but a little failure made me rethink over my decisions and regret not choosing the other (maybe) most suitable option. To avoid these regrets, unknowingly I started asking for opinions, for that matter make my friends/parents/well-wishers select the best for me. I started copying the ideas of people around me and selected the exact thing for me. And this certainly was a ‘not so good’ way of dealing with situations for me. I ended up not being so successful in whatsoever I did. I left many opportunities and often failed recognizing my talent, potential and capabilities. I always did what people were good at. This made me loose confidence in myself for no reason, because I failed to understand that it was not my cup of tea in the first place. I always urged to become ‘the best’ in all fields and in turn, never succeeded (entirely) in any. My capability of adapting and grasping things easily made it more difficult for me to choose. New and creative things attracted me easily, and I never got bored of the old ones, and that was the biggest reason of my confusion. Before starting anything I thought I certainly would do best and as soon as a new idea entered my mind, I became certain about it and eventually spotted the uncertainties in the previous one (and still choose to stick to it by improving myself). This certain uncertainty in my mind always made me doubt myself, my potential and my capacity. Because of this, I never took firm decisions in my life and still am unable to take. We always know that life is uncertain in many ways, and exploring, enjoying, knowing, loving it, is what is called as “living”. These small uncertainties in life make it “worth living”.
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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To the most BEAUTIFUL SOUL I know,
Hello you! Yes YOU! Who am I? You breathe, enjoy, cry, laugh, explore, feel, love, care, respect, and most importantly LIVE when I am with you. Yes I am your 'life' addressing you. So how are you doing, beautiful soul? Hope you are enjoying me being with you. There are many of you who are giving up on me. Many of you are throwing me out like a piece of shit. Am I that priceless? Am I a burden on you? Am I not treating you well? Or you yourself are not treating YOU well and making me the culprit? All these unanswered questions make me feel worthless sometimes. Today I am going to vent out all my feelings to you. Maybe you'll consider my worth. I am not the same for every person. I come with different versions, forms, obstacles, challenges, happiness with me, for each one of you. And trust me, I design myself according to your capabilities of dealing with me. Rich person is rich because I know he can't take the challenge of being poor. A beautiful person is beautiful because I know he won't carry "not so beautiful" face with that poise and grace that a "not so beautiful person" carries. I give challenges to a person to make him strong enough and, when I know that this person will overcome those, and make me feel proud. I am your best friend, a well wisher, a soulmate. Not even exaggerating. I am with you from the day you become a tiny zygote in your mother's womb, and loving you since then. But you always carry my enemies with you, ALWAYS. Depression, anxiety, worthlessness, self criticism, all these and many more that create darkness around you, and make you throw ME out of your beautiful world. I know world is not always beautiful, but as you say, "beauty lies in eyes of a beholder" why do you separate yourself from me? Couple of days ago a 25 year old girl, Preksha Mehta hanged herself and separated me from her. What was my fault? Why do you make me leave you before time? This takes me into depression. I get shivers when someone decides to end me. It takes me 9 months to bring you to this beautiful world and you kill me in couple of seconds. I agree that there are times I don't come easy and bring ups and downs. But using these DOWNS to 'lift yourself UP' is beauty of our relationship, "YOU AND YOUR LIFE".You have people around you to TALK. Don't hesitate to ask for help. If you are doing this you are giving me a privilege to live with a beautiful soul like YOU. So not for your sake, but for mine, I plead you not to give up on me. Let me stay with you till your NATURAL last breath.
From truly and happily ONLY yours, LIFE.❤
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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What is love???💞
Okay! So the question seems to be quite interesting isn't it?😉 WHAT IS LOVE? Oh my god! When this word "love" pops up there's always a person who flashes our mind. May it be your life partner, your friend, your crush, your girlfriend/ boyfriend, your parents, your pets and many more. This feeling is considered as purest of all since ages. And yes movies are there to glorify it in many different ways. Some such pairs have created the most evergreen lovestories. Radha-Krishna, Bajirao- Mastani, Rama- Madhav, Veer-Zara, Romeo- Juliet and this list continues. These movies or just heard stories have always made us believe in "Once upon a time to Happily ever afters". There are many theories out about what exactly love is. For some love comes with conditions and for some it is unconditional. Some think it is something that happens at first sight and for some it is an eventual process. Some believe love is peace and for some it is mental disturbance. For some its their strength and for some it is a barrier(caste, race, religion, career etc). For some it is letting go and for some it is holding on. I always wondered what is love and never found an exact answer for my question since then. But still I have a theory about what it is or let's say what it can be.
Loving someone is out of self love. Yes you read it right! Hold on and read. Maybe you will get what I say... Every person loves himself and that love for others comes out from this selflove. We always love a person that makes us happy, the one who cares for us, one who thinks of us before even themselves, one who prioritizes us. That "US" is always common in all those sentences. We love a person when that person loves us. Or maybe just makes us feel good about ourselves. Because we love ourselves more than anyone else this feeling of love for others is out of selflove. We never love a person who makes us unhappy. Even a mother loves her child because she has her part with that child. It's all out of self love. Many times we see love vanishing between couples, families, friends etc. That is because the other person stops making us happy. Or maybe someone else starts making us feel loved. And we can't see ourselves unhappy(because we love ourselves), so we say there's no love left. Even the unconditional love comes with a condition of making ourselves happy. Even a pet loves it's owner when he feeds it right and takes care of it. If I had to put it in simple words, we love people, things, pets, warriors, parents, children not for their sake, but for our sake. This self love is what makes us love anyone else apart from us.
So love yourself unconditionally. You are the only one who will love yourselves till your last breath. Excel yourself, improve yourself. Make yourself loveable by making others happy. If someone loves you, and you say you do it too, keep making them happy and inturn, that will make you happy.
It is wisely said, "falling in love is easy" but "staying in love is not so easy."
#loveyourself #spreadlove #whatislove #fallinlove #beinlove #stayinlove #love ❤
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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April (2020) favorites💕
We all live our lives and forget to appreciate those things that were your favorite once upon a time. So here’s something I am doing to appreciate all those things that made me happy, or brought a smile on my face. I am going month by month. So here are my April favorites.
April is that month in which all my girls have their birthdays. So yes we have like 4 out of 6 birthdays from our girl gang. Not to forget, even my sister has her birthday in this month. We made videos and did video calls which we wouldn’t have done if it was not quarantine. I hope all of them who had birthdays this month felt really nice and were happy.
Some hands on video editing:
So this was my first time editing a birthday video for my sister. I asked her friends for a video of themselves wishing her a happy birthday and then compiled all of them with effects. I know this is a really basic form of video editing but I hadn’t done it before hence felt happy. And after showing it to her and looking her smile and laugh and cry out of joy, made me the happiest!!
Video calls:
When you are forced to stay and home and not meet friends, you miss them a little more. Hence we all drama friends decided to have a video call. Actually we didn’t decide, one of us just scheduled a meeting and popped a message to everyone. And we had our call. Felt so refreshing after looking at those familiar friendly faces.
Pencil sketching was my new found love this April. I sketched many faces from photographs. Of course they all were of my family members. Even tried water color and pencil color portraits. They didn’t turn out super nice. But yes one could identify person looking at those faces.
I have started loving to cook. Basically to bake. I even made a homemade vanilla ice-cream and baked a lot of biscuits, cakes and what not. Cooking is really energizing at times. The reactions of everyone after eating what you cooked for them is really worth experiencing.
First blog:
After reading a blog written by my uncle (maternal) and having a talk about it with him gave me a boost to start writing my blog. On that day itself I wrote my first blog. But it took me entire April whether to post it or not. But after posting it on 28th April, I felt so nice reading all those DMs of appreciation.
Okay, to be honest I did not do yoga each and every day throughout April. But yes when I did, it felt so nice and so energizing. I started off with basic warm up, 12 suryanamaskar followed by some stretching. I will for sure continue this.
I read a Chetan Bhagat novel, “2 states” this April. It felt nice after reading a book after 9825367 days! I loved reading once upon a time. But since approx 4 years I didn’t read anything apart from syllabus and my drama scripts.
So these were my April favorites. What were yours? Make a list and appreciate all those things that brought a smile on your face.
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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Silver in his hair, and gold in his heart.✨
The angel of a person with that one year old is my Grandfather. My mom’s dad he was. And above it, he was my best friend. Grandparents are truly the best family members you have. They have a truck fully loaded with memories. “Baba” I used to call him. My favouritest family member amongst all. A man full of life, a foodie, a well wisher, a best husband, a best father, a best brother, a best child(yes I have my grand grandmother) , and of course not to forget, a BEST GRANDFATHER. Unfortunately we lost my dad’s father before my birth, to fill up the place(it never truly gets) , my Baba doubled the love. He was the first one to scold my parents if they scolded me, and not to mention, I would love that! I would look forward to vacations to visit him. He used to make ‘Aamras’ for us. We had a tank where we would feed the fishes together. He was a man full of empathy and would help all those in need, no matter how close they are or whether he knows them or not. No one would leave our house without having atleast a cup of tea. He would alert the person in the kitchen well before the guest arrived. It was crazy to see him work even after his retirement. He was a civil engineer by profession. He would cook, and let me tell you he was best at it, more than my grandma or my mom. The taste of ‘sheera’ he use to make is still lingering in my mouth! When my mom had to stay in Baramati for her job, Baba came to stay in with us, me, my father and my little sister. He would cook everything for us. He even taught my father to cook. We never felt that we are staying without our mother, as Baba played her role and took care of us. He was strict, yet caring. He would scold, yet love us. He loved eating spicy and always brought a packet full of hot chips for us whenever he visited. My mom always scolded him for bringing a lot of it. But he would giggle and enjoy his chips with us. My grandma is a strict vegetarian and never let my grandpa eat nonveg meals. But Baba loved egg curry made by my mom and insisted her to cook it whenever he visited Pune. However the person who is loved by all is loved by god. 7 years ago today, I lost my Baba. The worst day of my life, because first time in my life I lost a person so close to my heart. Since then, I never prayed to god as I did before. I became a person who lost the belief in god. We all know, the one who is born has to leave this world one day, but the attachments never make it easier to you. I just wish he’s in the more happier and less painful world. I wish him all the happiness of the eternity. He is truly a man with “SILVER IN HIS HAIR AND GOLD IN HIS HEART”.
Here’s a poem I made for him today,
कष्टाने संसार केलात तुम्ही,
नातवंडांवर भरपूर प्रेम केलेत तुम्ही ,
निस्वार्थीपणे दान केले तुम्ही,
प्रियजनांच्या चेहर्यावर हास्य फुलवीले तुम्ही,
गरजवंताला मदत केलीत तुम्ही,
आयुष्य भरभरून जगलात तुम्ही,
म्हणूनच ��ेवाला आवडलात तुम्ही.
परंतु बाबा, तुमची आठवण येते आम्हाला क्षणोक्षणी.
- आकांक्षा ❤
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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No‘body’ is perfect!
“Butterflies come to beautiful flowers” they say. But is it the case? No one would say it was my picture when I showed it to them, I was so full of weight when I was 2 to 3 years of age. But then I never put on weight. Even if I ate a lot. I was this skinny little girl then, and still a skinny grown up young girl today. I never felt offended or shamed when I was in school. But when I entered college I felt uncomfortable in my own body. I tried choosing long sleeve clothes just to hide my bony hands. That is what I called it myself. I even had my jacket always on be it winter or summer. I was my biggest body shammer if no one else. People used to say I can fly along with wind, even paper would fall down before I touched the ground if two of us were set on free fall. I would dissolve in water. Even asked me whether my parents didn’t water me well. All this got suppressed as there were people who told me I was beautiful the way I am. Many people made fun of me comparing me, oh not me, my body with pen, pencil, scale, even the electric wires, basically with everything that matched my body character. Some of them even said, I won’t be able to fulfill ‘male desires’ (yes! That is what they said. I was not sure of putting it up here, but at last made my mind). I used to ignore it considering friends can always make fun of you. But then deep inside somewhere I had started hating my body and had frequent breakdowns. But let me tell you one thing (incase you don’t know or it has skipped your mind), the bodies we have is all natural and we don’t get to engineer our bodies the way we want to. Many people out there think that calling someone fat, calling someone dark, calling someone flat, calling someone short is considered as body shaming. And calling someone white, or thin, or curvy, or tall isn’t body shaming. Basically commenting on anyone’s physical appearance/characteristics IS CALLED BODY SHAMING. Its not shaming if you care for the other person and help him/her improve themselves. Ofcourse people sometimes don’t mean what they say, but it can affect the other person directly or indirectly. Inferiority complex is the biggest curse to an individual and it keeps destroying the person inside out. Thankfully I never got affected that much but there are people who ruin their lives being victims of bullying or body shaming. And putting someone in that state is a biggest social crime. Yes butterflies come to beautiful flowers, but not just beautiful by appearance. They get attracted to the flowers having sweetest nectar and that’s the inner beauty of flowers. So being like butterflies one should get attracted towards beautiful souls. Let’s stop this “not so beautiful” body shaming ritual together, and make this world a better place to live in.
#liveandletlive #saynotobodyshaming #saynotobullying #loveyourself #ignorebodyshamers #spreadhappiness #dontbodyshame
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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Yes #notallofthem but, #someofthoseALLOFTHEM
Reading about all the locker room crap, again made the society think about what are the features of a decent society. Reading the forwards and even the chat on that group, social media is now burning with all the rage and hate towards the young generation of our country. Okay now let us think of what are the after effects of the viral group chat.
Every parent reading or knowing about the situation now will tell their girls to use social media wisely! To make it a point let me correct them here, no your girls are not misusing the platform.
Whereas no parent will tell their boys what’s wrong and what’s right, because they think that their boy will never do such things. “Hume humare bete par bharosa hai!” okay to correct you here, jinke baachon ne ye sab kiya hai unke parents ko bhi unpe bharosahi tha.
Not all, but yes a few girl’s parents will check out on her mobile whether she is uploading good (decent) pictures of hers. But no parent will check their boy’s phone to see if he is a part of such group or what he does on social media.
Some boys will make it a point to tell their respective female friends they are not involved in such groups. So first, we know #notallmen are a part of such groups, but tell us how do we differentiate between them? And second, don’t victimize yourselves here, try and understand what we as a society heading towards.
Some person putting out such posts will be called as feminists, cutting this crap, no gender is wrong. It’s the behavior, social illiteracy and non-decency that makes the difference.
This was just a trailer that came out and became viral on internet planting an outrage all over the internet. But there are men with their friends (including nonmale friends) who are still out there, not on groups, but sit there and talk shit about girls around objectifying them. And there are their other male and even NONMALE friends who give them hi-fives, laughing and supporting what they said. Not just bragging, I have witnessed them(overheard them to be precise). And feel disgusted about myself not questioning them right there. I apologize for not standing for women there. It’s not just those kids talking shit, but its about US not opposing them.
I may sound kind of feminist here, but I never have heard a girl say something on man’s sexual characteristics. I have never heard a girl expressing her desire to rape men. I have never heard a girls group planning about how to rape a man. I have never heard a girl objectifying a man. When I hear this, I will always stand there besides all men taking their side no matter what. But yes the fact that some GIRLS ALSO objectify other girls can’t be denied. It is not about boys or girls, it is all about what small thoughts are imparted in. Because what is right is always right! We don’t want all the girls standing for themselves. We also want some literate, decent, responsible, sensitive men to stand behind us fighting this #menwillbemen culture.
#nomoremenwillbemen #womenwillbestrong #educateyourgirlsandboys #growupkids #incorporatedecentculture #notallofthem #butyessomeofthoseALLOFTHEM #sexeducationbyparents #sextalkbyparents #notafeminist #nogenderiswrong
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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To the one who is at home during this lockdown,
Hey how are you doing? I know its been a month you haven’t stepped out of your house and this is increasing day by day. Its crazy staying indoors, I know its tough, but let me tell you one thing, we are TOGETHER in this. I know this is not easy, but also not that hard. It is totally okay if you are not feeling good, its okay if you are sometimes feeling lonely, its okay if you have been cribbing about being stuck every now and then, its okay if you are feeling anxious, its okay if you don’t know what to do all the time, its okay if you feel like running out of your house(but please don’t do that), its okay if you are feeling worthless sometimes, its okay if you are sleeping all the day. This all will just make you strong enough to lead your life in near furture when all this will get over. Till then you just have to breathe and have patience. Everything and everyone around you will change, or maybe won’t. Nobody knows what will we face, everyone is uncertain as your are. But what’s life if we would know everything about future. Lets see to it in a beautiful manner. Flowers will still bloom but with some more freshness. Birds will still sing but this time, it will sound more melodious. Sun will still rise giving some more beautiful shades to sky. You will feel the warmth of sun and coldness of those raindrops which will touch your skin. You will feel that breeze caressing your body with so much of gentleness. And what about you? You will meet your friends, this time the excitement will be different. You will go and have your favourite food from your favourite food joint, this time you will realise how you missed the food joint wale uncle/aunty. Every passing person will have brighter smile. There will be relief on every face of getting through this pandemic. People will stop taking the world for granted. There will be some more love in every heart. Some more kindness in every person. Some more happiness on every face. Some more smiles, laughter, positivity, empathy, respect will pour in. This world will become a better place to live in. And YOU will be fine ONCE AGAIN. Until then, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
The one like you stuck at home. (sending big virtual hug and also hear me saying, “you will be fine”)
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
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Craziest days – Straight down the memory lane!
I was always eager to enter my graduation college and experience that exact college life we see in movies. As I entered my college for the first time (actually not the first) it felt like I had come to those fancy big campus college. We were alloted our divisions and a board read the divisions and their classrooms. Loved the total vibe, but inside I felt a little nervous as “being an introvert or extrovert according to situation” type girl, I was constantly thinking of how would I settle here. So after reading the classroom name, I started to find that building and then my class. There was no one when I reached my classroom. Even the classrooms were locked. I thought that maybe I came to the wrong place. But then I saw a girl there standing in the corridoors. I approached her and asked, and to my surprise she was from the same department that I was and even her FE division was 7 and mine was 6. So this was my first friend in college. So now I was proud of myself for making friend on the first day itself. After which I made plenty of them. First year went in making new friends and adding to the list almost everyday. At the end of the semester I had a whole baraat of friends. We used to chat everyday(face to face chat) bunk lectures, attend lectures in each others classrooms, go for outings, have lunch together, localites would bring extra tiffins for those who are in hostels, we had our own katta in front of fruit center where we would sit for hours and talk about every topic that came in our minds. As years passed we drifted a lot because of our different departments. Now there were more new friends in department that added to the long list of mine. I rarely attended lectures as I was also a part of drama circle since my FE. This was my new found love. College life ka pehela pehela pyaar you can say. I used to practice the whole day in practice halls, and never got tired. In SE and TE I even held the position of stage play head in cultural core committee of SCOE. This position in the core team taught me all those things that I may not learn sitting in class. With my department friends I used to hangout in mandar which is a food joint in our college. Mandar ki paobhaji and cold coffee being my favourite. Fruit centre ka niimboo paani, amul ka wadapaav, NPB ka rumball and paneer pattice, dental snack centre ki masala maggie, lipton ki chai, café crème ke french fries and kuka. It’s the biggest list. You will be missed Mr. SCOE including all my scoe fam. That bheed at xerox center at the time of submissions, not loving to and still attending carnival and karandak just to enjoy with friends, not attending lecture after lunch time just to celebrate friend of friend of friend ka birthday, watching all those youtube gift DIY videos to help your friend in celebrating uske gf/bf ka birthday, random plans of watching movies, group studies, random panipuri cravings, and sooo on. This year being my last year in college and unfortunately my last semester in pandemic, looking back at those days is really making me nostalgic and sad that we took college for so granted and now leaving it is harder than I thought.
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akankshawritesstuff-blog · 5 years ago
Hey! Now that you are here and reading this I would love to consider you as my friend. Why consider?! Lets be!! Here goes the first friendly question.....How are you? Hope you are doing well and having a good time. Well I am not that good at writing but I just love sharing my thoughts. Hope you'll like reading my blogs. Here you go!!..
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