↟Aiyana Tribe↟
14 posts
This is an international therian/otherkin tribe that welcomes those who are looking for a home! Please message us if interested!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
Y'all. This is a fucking global emergency.
Some quick facts:
The Amazon rainforest is responsible for 20% of the world's oxygen. (**edit below)
It's home to numerous species of wildlife.
It is referred to as the lungs of the Earth.
And it's been burning for weeks, and no one is talking about it.
What is happening right now is an emergency that should be concerning all of us. The air we breath is at stake. This isn't exaggerating. Our lungs are destroyed as we speak and we are only just finding out.
This is our future. Are you upset about Spiderman? Same. Were you sad over Notre Dame? Same. But this is so much more important.
SPEAK UP. GET THIS KNOWN. Even if you can't do anything else, at least raise awareness to put some pressure out there on those who can do something. OUR HOME IS AT STAKE. The skies in São Paulo turned black. We are losing our most valued rainforest. WE CANNOT JUST SIT BACK.
**Edit: Many of you pointed out how the 20% oxygen phrase can be misleading (and many thanks, don't want to misinform). So, to clarify, it means that the rainforest provides us with an amount of oxygen that is then used by living organisms to survive. It is not a surplus, however; its carbon footprint is neutral because all this oxygen is used up. However, it remains essential, because, without it, we are left with less oxygen to sustain the organisms living now, which means some organisms will die. Also, without the forest, we will have fewer sources that absorb carbon dioxide, so greenhouse effects will be more pronounced. Many thanks for pointing this out.
If you want to help, I have reblogged a list of links with ways to help. Will keep it on the top of my dash for the next days.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
Be free and get lost into the beauty!
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Rain Forest Treasures by Patricia Thomas
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌱 Leader Auditions 🌱
Hello everyone! For now, we only have one leader hounding the tribe. We are looking for additional 2 more to join us! The only requirements:
🌿 Must be 13+
🌿 Answer a few questions
🌿 Have discord and or instagram ( discord more preferable )
🌿 Be active in the tribe for a month
🌿 Prove your positive role in the tribe
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
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Thanks for showing up every day. Things are better when you’re here. °˖✧*•  Shop, Patreon, Book, Mailing List *•. ✧˖°`
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌿 How to join? 🌿
You must DM us this information and must have discord and or instagram; Discord is mostly recommended
🌳 Name:
🌳 Age: ( Must be 13+ to join )
🌳 Theriotype/Kintype:
🌳 How were you awakened or knew you were a therian/otherkin?
🌳 Have you experienced in any other packs?
🌳 Do you identify as spiritual, psychological, or both?
After reviewing, you will need to have download discord on your phone, tablet, or laptop in order to join!
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌺 Where to find us? 🌺
For right now, we have discord and Instagram only. You will have to get one of the two to join, though discord is recommmened to have voice chats and more games! We are working on having a Amino and a website for more!
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌿 Who do we accept? 🌿
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We accept all therian/otherkin!
🌿 Therian : A person who identifies as an earthly non-human creature that is living or is extinct. ( Examples : Wolves, Tigers, otters, beavers, horses, smilodon, dinosaur, etc. )
🌿Otherkin : A person that identifies as a non-human creature that did not thrive on earth. ( Example : Angels, demons, aliens, mermaid, sirens, starseed, etc. )
Otherkin is used for ALL type of kins that identify as non-human. Therians, fictionkin, mythkin, etc. fall under otherkin.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌺 Games and Contests 🌺
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We also hold game and contests for members to show out their skills and be confident in their works or how they did! Some games are just for fun and does not have prizes, but some others do and we encourage them to do the best they can and enter in many contests and games as possible for a chance to win! The main thing for games and contests is to have fun and not all about the glory and fame.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌿 Activities 🌿
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The pack does activities mostly everyday or weekly. These activities include video chatting, art, puzzle games, lessons, and more! In order to keep the members entertained, we try to give them these qualities to keep them satisfied.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌺 Our Goal 🌺
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Our goal in this family is to spread information throughout the community and help those who are lost or need help and support. To give them confidence about themselves and to remind them that they are perfect the way they are, even when the world is against them. To bring them love and respect they need to help them in life. And to give them everything they need to feel supported.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌿 Ranks and Hierarchy 🌿
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There are no specific ranks or have a structure of who holds the "power". But we only have leaders who are the helpers, teachers, and watchers over the pack. They are gained through experience, understanding their mistakes and accepting them, wisdom, loving for others, and supporting them no matter how different they are. There is only one, Ralphina. Though, we are looking for more leaders in the future.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌺 History of the Tribe 🌺
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It was started by Ralphina on June 1, 2019. She did have other packs, but it slowly started to fall apart from other members and from past leaders, but this is a new beginning for not only to her, but how this will last with the goals and inspiration to keep it as a safe home.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌿 Introduction 🌿
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Welcome to our page the Aiyana Tribe! The name Aiyana means “Eternal Bloom”. With this name, it inspired this pack to be forever be radiant and to be supportive of everyone and everything around us! This is a pack tribe for all therian and otherkin to join and to be a part of the family! We strive for education, love, and to make long lasting memories.
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aiyana-tribe · 6 years ago
🌺 Aiyana Tribe 🌺
Welcome to our page the Aiyana Tribe! The name Aiyana means “Eternal Bloom”. With this name, it inspired this pack to be forever be radiant and to be supportive of everyone and everything around us! This is a pack tribe for all therian and otherkin to join and to be a part of the family! We strive for education, love, and to make long lasting memories. We began on June 1, 2019.
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