aisyahfarzanaa · 29 days
Grown up
"It dawned on me that I am no longer getting younger. That I can’t just keep stepping forward in unknown directions and spend more time finding my way back. I can’t take bold risks, but at the same time, I can’t always play it safe. I am in mid-air, so I have to carefully decide if I will choose to soar or just land in one piece. And at this age of my life, little by little, I can't afford to make reckless mistakes because, not all the time, the world would let it all slide. I have to slowly let go of my playful days and childish mindset―the stages when I was not really scared to waste time. Now, the pressure grips me so tightly that I need to move towards something certain. And I can’t toss my life away like I used to―that this time, I can't gamble on my chances."
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aisyahfarzanaa · 29 days
The X
Sometimes we have to shift our way of thinking from being happy when we reach X to find pieces of happiness now. It's not always possible, as sometimes that big goal can help us reach a more stable environment, and in those cases, it's okay to stay more focused on it. As much as we can, let's remember that life is filled with all the little moments we make of it, and let's spend it with things that fill our hearts!
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aisyahfarzanaa · 2 months
Allah knows who belongs in your life and who doesn’t. Trust and let go. Whoever is meant to be there, will still be there!
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aisyahfarzanaa · 2 months
“Shoutout to myself because after everything I’ve been through, I still have a good heart”
— Unknown
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aisyahfarzanaa · 3 months
“Maybe someday we will be two people meeting again for the first time.”
— Unknown
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aisyahfarzanaa · 6 months
“We assume others show love the same way we do — and if they don’t, we worry it’s not there.”
— Unknown
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aisyahfarzanaa · 6 months
Maturity is seeing rejection as divine redirection and protection because what's meant for you will never say "no" and turn you away. A person who is okay with rejection is a very powerful person.
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aisyahfarzanaa · 7 months
The truth
The truth that always hurts me is that I cannot turn back time.
Life will not always revolve around happiness. I will not be a child forever. There are moments when I get to realize that I am still this young, yet there’s already too much responsibility served on my plate. Although I’m enjoying every moment and allowing myself to dive into mixed emotions, still I get overwhelmed by the thought that these times will end, too. You know it’s just that, I want to slow down life and give me a while to sink everything in my mind because lately, a lot is happening around and it exhausts me. This is my starting point in reality, so I want to cope with it one by one.
And when I think about my childhood, I suddenly feel like I already missed too much in life. I want to go back or simply experience being alive and free again— the one who doesn’t worry often, the one who sees a lot of dreams and is willing to achieve them. Now I only feel how pressure it weighs upon me. Now I only go to one path and let it lead me where it wanted me to be.
It’s hard to find a room for myself because I easily get distracted by people who never really see the same worth I see for them, I lose focus on the things I used to be passionate about before, and I find it difficult to continue what I started. I’m honestly scared that these burning passions and little wishes will slowly slip away from me. I hope the future is still as bright as what I always thought it would be.
(To my younger self, I will be strong for our dreams.)
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aisyahfarzanaa · 7 months
“It’s okay to leave someone who doesn’t see the light that you see in yourself.”
— R.H. Sin
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aisyahfarzanaa · 8 months
“You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.”
— Unknown
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aisyahfarzanaa · 10 months
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9 Disember 2023.
Dearest Madam, Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement towards us. I mean look at how you supported us and have faith in us in every aspect. Even though we meet in the shortest moment during short sem, you play a crucial role in our journey to become a teacher. Semoga madam dan keluarga sihat2 selalu, ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi di lain waktu. Madam made me believe what Aristotle said “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. Tapi sebenarnya madam bukan sahaja “educating the heart” but also the soul!
“I have no power to engrave your name, but your name will be surely in my dua, always”.
P/s: madam jangan lupa jadi tetamu podcast saya season 2024 tauu!
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aisyahfarzanaa · 10 months
If you want to be successful in this world as well as the hereafter, the equation is simple. Be consistent in being beneficial to people in some way or another. The Prophet ﷺ said “The best of people are those who benefit people.”
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aisyahfarzanaa · 10 months
Wahai Yang Maha Hidup Kekal, Yang Maha Mengurusi Semua Makhluk, dengan kasih sayang-Mu aku memohon pertolongan.
Perbaikilah semua urusanku, janganlah tinggalkan aku untuk mengurusi urusanku sendirian walau sekejap mata, selama-lamanya.
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aisyahfarzanaa · 11 months
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"11,078 and counting have died in Palestine. Never stop talking.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation."
Art credit: @flyingkikii
Reposted from @frxchix
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aisyahfarzanaa · 11 months
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We will never forget.
لن ننسى.
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aisyahfarzanaa · 11 months
“If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.”
— Malcom X
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aisyahfarzanaa · 1 year
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Sudah di atas ranjang. Siap dengan selimut dan kipas angin yang menyala. Usai dengan doa dan syukur padaNya.
Namun, seketika rasa takut muncul menghalangi mata dari pejam.
Hantu-hantu pertanyaan bergentayangan.
"bagaimana jika ini malam terakhir?"
"bagaimana jika terbangun di tempat lain?"
Tuhan, masih banyak dosa yang belum tertaubati dengan sungguh. Masih belum tergapai ridhoMu untuk mendapat surga. Belum tercapai impian membahagiakan orang tua dan keluarga. Mohon beri kesempatan sedikit lebih lama. Jangan biarkan pulang sedang Engkau belum menerima.
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