Adventures In Solitude
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Karasuma’s staring through him as he lies on the floor… knuckles bloodied, eye still freshly bruised. It’s indecipherable… the expression he’s looking at Kiyoshi with now… but he knows one thing for certain:
It’s not pride.
He starts to take a step forward, but Kiyoshi stops him: speaking up in a trembling voice.
“Don’t. ‘ts dangerous in here. You don’t wanna step on the glass.“
Karasuma’s eyes drift towards the ground… and widen slightly as he notes the shattered mirror. He takes a step backward, reaching his hand out to block where the dog had been following him.
“Taro. Stay,” he commands, shutting the door behind him. There’s a persistent scratch on the door outside, but Karasuma doesn’t seem to note it. His gaze is fixed solely on Kiyoshi.
It’s not that long ago that Kiyoshi had noted he’d never seen his dad afraid. But the expression his dad is looking at him with right now… it seems pretty close.
“Kiyoshi,” he repeats in an empty voice. “What… what happened?”
His mouth hangs open for a moment after he speaks. He doesn’t dare take another step closer, but his hand’s stiff as a board.
Kiyoshi feels a twang of shame at his father even seeing him in this state. He scoots backwards… careful to avoid sliding against the glass, and shakes his head.
“I… I can’t- it- it doesn’t matter-” He sputters. There’s too much to explain. Too much that makes him want to bow his head and shriek. Too much he knows his dad would be ASHAMED of him for. He can’t breathe a word of it.
“What happened to me… it- it doesn’t matter. I just want to know about mom-”
Chapter 39 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for… Karasuma being a (questionably?) good dad.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
The worst part is Fumiko can’t even cry.
She wants to… and she does, just a little. But she knows she has to stop before she gets home. And so she cries her heart out confronting Kiyoshi, and then Makoto… she weeps and sniffles and screams running down the mountainside, and then, with eyes wet, she breaks through the underbrush and back into the real world.
…The real world… where she’s expected to be home in thirty-something minutes now.
The thought scares her… going home now of all times. Her head is spinning and she just can’t stop shaking, but she knows she doesn’t have much of a choice. If she bails on her parents now, who knows what kind of trouble she could get in?
( ‘Your whole life… everything you’ve worked for… it could all fall apart,’ she thinks, before remembering the way Kiyoshi had looked at her, and wondering if it already has.)
She knows they’re going to make it worse. She knows they’re going to make her more upset. But there’s nothing she can do! If she runs off to Nagisa’s place now, she’s never going to be able to do it again. She… she needs to be strong. She needs to protect herself.
…She needs to stop crying.
Chapter 38 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fanfic is up! Give it a read for [squints at smeared handwriting] …suffering.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
“Awesome,” Fumiko says. “…So what is it you wanted to talk about?”
Kiyoshi pauses, staring at the ground for a long moment as he briefly considers plopping down on it. He ends up deciding against it, however, when he remembers just how pitiful that would make him look. He doesn’t want to guilt Fumiko. He’s been cruel enough to her as is. He just�� he just…
…Wishes this could be easier.
But it’s not. And it never will be. There’s no backing out. If he ever wants to save the things he cares about, then now’s the time to speak. He just… hopes at the very least this won’t be too hard on her, even if it is for him.
Bracing himself for the worst, he stands tall… takes a deep breath… makes himself look as big as he can, and prepares to unmask himself for the second time this month.
“…It started a little after the class election.”
Chapter 37 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for… uhhhhhh…- EVERYTHING GOING TO SHIT.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
“There was an incident with your mother,” Dad says, and Kiyoshi feels something inside of him crash and burn.
His dad looks so tall, standing there- shoulders stiff. There’s this blank look in his eyes. He can’t tell if he’s staring at him with disappointment or pity.
“…An… incident,” Kiyoshi repeats, making his way over to the couch. His legs feel stiff.
“Yes,” Dad says. He doesn’t follow Kiyoshi. “An… incident.” He’s quiet for a long moment. “She’s not dead,” he admits. “…We know that, at least.”
He says it awkwardly… as if offering up some sort of reassurance. And briefly, a weight lifts from Kiyoshi’s chest. But quickly it peters off, and he hears the flinch in his father’s voice. She’s not dead… yet? She’s not dead, but there are things worse?
(His mind flashes back to those years in the hospital and his heart catches in his throat. No. Nononononono. If it’s anything like that he thinks he’ll… he’ll…-)
“W… what is it, then?” he asks, panic in his voice. “What happened to her!? Is she going to be okay!?”
Chapter 36 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up. Give it a read for me doing horrible things to the Karasuma family.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Megu whips out her phone. “I can jot down notes on any ideas we have,” she says. “So you two don’t need to worry about that. What are we thinking about for this year?”
Nagisa mulls it over. Huh… he’s dedicated a lot of thought to that, hasn’t he? But they’re running out of new things they can try. They’ve already done laser tag, and the pool party is gonna have to be a no go after the time Yoshida almost split his head open on a rock. Potluck, maybe! Or they could always retry the ‘commemorative baseball game’ idea…
“Well, this may sound a little boring…” Isogai says with a laugh. “But… I was thinking something pretty simple for this year. I know we’ve had some big events in the past… but sometimes it’s good to just spend time together, you know?”
Megu gives a firm nod. “I was thinking the same, actually. Just last year we had the fifteenth anniversary. And as fun as it was going all out… I’m not sure I can deal with Karma attempting to break Terasaka’s nose over a game of Just Dance ever again.”
“Hey-” Nagisa interjects. “He wasn’t trying to break it, for the record. Just… give him a bloody nose.”
“I’m not sure I can deal with your delinquent husband engaging in acts of senseless violence ever again. Is that better?”
“…Much,” Nagisa admits with a laugh. “Though I’m not sure anything, even the guise of a casual get together will be able to keep him from throwing a punch if the going really gets tough.”
“If ‘losing a game of Just Dance 2 to Boney M.’s Rasputin’ is that man’s idea of a tough time, then I do have to pass on my sincerest apologies to you and your family.”
“Thanks,” Nagisa says. “We appreciate your condolences.”
Chapter 35 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for discussion of class reunions and more making fun of Karma.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
“It’s time you tell me the truth,” is the one phrase Kiyoshi least wants to hear.
He freezes in his tracks, Makoto’s grip still tight on his palm. A bead of sweat trails down his forehead, and his breath hitches in his throat.
‘The truth.’
…Does he know?
For one horrifying moment, Kiyoshi lives in that world. Heart pounding- ears ringing- he lives in a world where Makoto’s seen through his disguise. But as his eyes drift to meet Makoto’s, and he’s met with some form of annoyed pity, not the righteous anger he expects, his heartbeat slowly returns to normal.
A… ah. So he hadn’t meant that kind of truth. Of course. He’s just… talking about something else. Like a normal person.
(Kiyoshi hasn’t been able to get his mind onto anything else in weeks.)
“…The truth?” he repeats, his voice hushed. “I’m… er - not exactly sure what you’re talking about.”
The words slip out of his mouth as if they’re rehearsed. He tries gently to tug his hand away from Makoto, but Makoto’s eyes narrow, and his grip only tightens.
“Y-you don’t know!?” he asks, sheer disbelief in his voice. “Oh, come on, man! Cut the crap!”
Chapter 34 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up. Give it a read for physical confrontation, unexpected reactions, and homoerotic subtext.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
To be honest, Gakushuu’s a little hesitant to even confront him. When Nagisa’d said he’d been worried, he’d thought it was mostly just a ‘the kid was spooked’ thing. (And damn, he’d felt that. Nagisa had scared him, too.) But this is something more. He looks utterly destroyed.
All the same, he gently snaps his fingers in an attempt to draw attention to himself. When that doesn’t work, he clears his throat, speaking up in a careful voice.
Even that takes a second for Kiyoshi to process. When his eyes finally drift up towards Gakushuu, they go wide and startled as he stumbles back. Quickly, he straightens himself up and brushes awkwardly at his pant leg.
“A-ah! Asano-san!” he says. “I didn’t expect you to… I didn’t realize you’d-” he fumbles over his words, nervously gnawing at his lip. “I thought you were just upstairs. What happened?”
He’s got this big, fake, manufactured smile on. Gakushuu’s met his mother before, and to be honest, he’s starting to see the resemblance. She’d do the same thing, straddling herself over the table and ruining whatever family gathering she’d been invited to.
He sees no point in beating around the bush. Nagisa can use his kind, vague words all he wants. They most certainly have their place. But he knows full well a ‘I’m just checking up on you’ isn’t going to do him any good today.
Chapter 33 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up. Give it a read for Gakushuu giving a literal war criminal a pep talk.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
There’s a lot going on in Nagisa’s life all at once.
As usual, he’s mostly concerned with the kids: making sure they’re doing okay. The start of a new trimester is always hard, especially with the grades from finals rolling in. To destress, he lets them participate in assassination a little more than usual. They can’t go outside much, considering the weather, but there’s a spare classroom from the Kunugigaoka years he clears out to give them some room.
For the most part, they actually seem to be doing pretty well. Spirits are high, and even if he’d ended up feeling a little embarrassed about how little the kids took his ‘class election’ seriously, it does seem to have gotten their minds off of the more serious things. Friend groups are thriving, and when he brings hot cocoa in for the whole class, there’s a smile on every face.
More than anything, he’s worried about Kiyoshi.
Chapter 32 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for Nagisa being a big dumb moron.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Murphy’s law states that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. And to any optimists, this may seem like a rather negative worldview to hold. But for someone who’s only 13, Kiyoshi’s actually pretty well acquainted with the world… and he knows within the deepest recesses of his soul that, if for no-one else, Murphy’s law at least applies to him.
He was born one month prematurely, and to a family that wouldn’t be around for most of his major milestones. At age 3, he received Taro: a silky white Samoyed for a birthday gift, and approximately one month later Taro just about bit his hand off for one too many curious tuggings of his tail. At age 4, to his complete and utter surprise, he was the most popular kid in his kindergarten class.
“You know how to work with people,” his mom had said cheekily. “You must have gotten it from me.”
But by age five, they had gotten bored of him. And in a flash, most of what his mom had addressed as his ‘groupies’ had vanished.
The rest of his life has been much the same. Through Elementary school, and up until the start of Junior High, he’s always felt like happiness has been held ever so slightly from his reach. Like he’s a mouse on a wheel… running in circles, never once realizing he’s as far from his destination as he started.
Dad missed his elementary school graduation, and he’d never really kept a consistent friend group in grades one through six. He was born with a ‘genuinely troubling’ genetic disposition towards anxiety, and a life that only seemed to amplify it. Not once - Not twice - But thrice he’s knocked out shiny Pokemon, and it seems like every time he starts to get attached to a jacket or pair of jeans, he inevitably tears a hole in them.
His mother’s overseas risking her life, and more often than not the door hits him on the way out. Yes, in both major and minor aspects, Kiyoshi’s luck is fucking terrible.
But this… this is a new low!
Chapter 31 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for Kiyoshi angst!
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
…Fumiko gets the idea when Nagisa doesn’t mention it.
She doesn’t know if he just forgot, or if it was intentional. But when he goes all of the first day of third trimester without mentioning the new class representatives, she gets a crazy, wonderful idea.
“We should ask!”
“…Excuse me?”
She pitches it on the way home from school. And Makoto and Kiyoshi must not get what she’s prattling on about, because they’re staring at her like she’s a crazy person.
“To be class representatives,” she says. “Shiota-sensei didn’t assign anyone as the new representatives for this trimester. We should talk to him and see if we can get the position.”
Chapter 30 (Wow! THIRTY) of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up. It seems innocuous at a glance, but trust me when I say it’s a DOOZY of a chapter. Game-changing. Give it a read!
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Nagisa doesn’t get what Karma’s going on about. He’s fine. He’s fine!
Yeah, sure, he’s doing a lot of work, but he knew what he’d be in for when he signed up to be a teacher. And besides, his work’s rewarding. In fact, it’s been more rewarding than ever as of late! Winter has been awesome!
For one, the kids have been off a ton. And snow days are always a delight. Sure, it’s a little stressful falling behind on his lesson plans, but hey! No-one can control the weather. And not only has he gotten to watch Makoto and co have snowball fights in his backyard, but he’s also getting some of that ‘much-needed sleep’ Karma’s so worried about. It’s a win-win!
Once or twice, he and the others even go outside to join them in their little competitions. Which is fun until Karma inevitably pegs Kiyoshi straight in the face with a half-frozen snowball. Now that sends him tumbling over on his ass… and is gonna make for a delightful story to have to explain to his parents! It takes him thirty minutes to stop crying, and even longer for Karma to stop freaking out. Turns out he is capable of feeling guilt once in a blue moon!
“What?” Gakushuu snarks. “I thought you enjoyed winning?”
“I enjoy besting those who deserve it! Delivering recompense upon the evil, you know!? Karma! Giving a thirteen-year-old a concussion is hardly my proudest feat!”
Chapter 29 of my Reincarnated!Korosensei fanfic is up. And in this one… uh… a lot of things happen, actually. Give it a read for mostly silly fluff!
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Posted the latest chapter to ao3/ffnet/wattpad but gonna wait until afternoon to post it on Tumblr/Twitter/ect for visibility's sake.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Fumiko takes a deep breath. She’s starting to wish she’d taken her own offer and sat down, but it’s too late now. It’s time. Kiyoshi takes a step closer to her… comfortingly grabs her hand, and she knows there’s no putting it off a moment longer.
“So… I’m not sure if you remember, but a few weeks I asked you about something. About how you knew you were Korosensei. And you said it was a lot of things. Weird dreams… unexplainable hunches… that sort of thing. But mostly you said it just boiled down to feeling like you were finally coming home. And I’m not sure I got that at the time, but I think I get it now… what you meant.”
“To be honest… I wasn’t entirely truthful with you when you asked me why I was questioning you about the topic. I said I was just curious. But that’s not true. I’ve been… having similar dreams, Makoto. Similar hunches.”
Makoto takes a step forward, wonder dawning in his expression. But when he doesn’t meet her eyes with recognition, she knows he doesn’t really get it. Not yet.
“Oh my god, Fumiko!” he says. “That’s… that’s awesome! There… There really are other people like me! What did you remember!? I mean - who do you think you are!?”
The next chapter of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! And in this one… Fumiko finally spills the beans! Give it a read!
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Fumiko unlatches the door and lets herself inside.
“We really should not be here,” Kiyoshi admits. “What if Shiota-sensei-?”
“Shiota-sensei won’t care. He is the most lenient man I know. We could tell him we were using the teacher’s lounge to discuss Pokemon spoilers in secret and he’d believe us. We’ll be fine.”
Kiyoshi gives her a deadpan look and a shrug as he steps into the room. “Touche.”
“Besides. I’d argue I sort of have every right to invite myself into this room, Aguri thing considered. This was mine before it was his.”
Kiyoshi blinks, dumbfounded. “You’re going mad with power!”
Fumiko pulls out a chair and sits down. “I’m joking, dumbass. It’s true, though.”
Kiyoshi sits across from her. “So you’re certain, then?”
Fumiko clasps her hands. “Let’s talk about it.”
Chapter 27 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fanfic is up! And in this chapter… Fumiko and Kiyoshi confirm her suspicions, and talk about their insecurities! I hope you enjoy the early morning chapter!
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
“So you want to talk about Aguri?”
Kiyoshi gives a tiny nod, plopping himself down on Kayano’s (…And Nagisa’s, and Karma’s, and so-on and so-on’s) bed. Her back to him, Kayano digs through the armoire as she glances over her shoulder and back his way.
“…Uh! Yeah!” he says. “If you don’t mind, that is-”
“No! No! I don’t mind one bit,” Kayano says. “…It actually… makes me really happy to hear. You’re not the first person to come to me asking about Aguri lately. It’s sweet to think that you kids care about keeping her memory alive.”
…That’s… one word for it. But for the sixtieth time this week Kiyoshi decides against mentioning the fact that Aguri herself might sort of be alive. There’s a time and place for everything, and dropping that bombshell on Kayano while she digs through an armoire seems like a pretty solid way to get her to have it fall on her. That’ll have to be a no-go.
“Of course!” he says. “I mean… she was important to you and Makoto. It’d… it’d feel weird not to do at least a little bit of research.”
Kayano nods. “I heard about your book,” she says, to which Kiyoshi sweats. “Makoto seemed really excited.”
Kiyoshi’s silent, shifting ever so slightly. He hadn’t expected this to get so out of his control. And although he’d like to believe it’ll all be forgiven in the end, seeing as how this is for a good cause, Kayano is the one person he doesn’t feel comfortable lying to. Not about her own sister.
“I… Uh… I’m not actually writing a book,” he admits.
Chapter 26 of my reincarnated Korosensei fic is up! Give it a read for more of Kiyoshi being a bad compulsive liar, and some deep introspection on Fumiko’s part.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
Makoto paces in circles in front of Kayano’s bedroom.
He’d been so certain about this plan this morning. But now that he’s actually enacting it in response to Nagisa’s brief explanation, it just feels weird. Is that a topic you can really just breach?
He’s starting to realize his life is a lot weirder than anyone else’s. Literally no-one else on the planet has to consider whether the social ramifications of talking to your teacher’s wife about her dead sister who you technically murdered.
He shakes his head.
‘No. Don’t say that. You didn’t kill her. She didn’t want you to think that.’
But even so, he feels her blood seep into his shirt, and he knows he’s at least partially to blame, ‘her rock’ or not.
He’s never cared about what was socially acceptable before. What’s happening to him? He knows what he needs to do. He just needs to barge in there and force it out. Otherwise he’ll overthink this. And if he’s learned anything from Kiyoshi, (Aside from the fact that Pop Rocks and Diet Coke are a goddamn awesome combination) it’s that he can’t let himself do that.
Aguri wouldn’t want him to. Kayano was… important to her, right? She deserves to know that he knows.
He catches the faint smell of smoke, and stiffens. But sooner than he can wave his hand in front of his face, it’s gone. And he’s left with nothing more than the memory of wrathful, smoldering eyes.
Chapter 24 of my reincarnated!Korosensei fic is up! And in this chapter we experience the Dramatic Irony of a lifetime because Makoto doesn’t know what skeletons Fumiko is hiding in her closet like right now.
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ais-fic · 5 years ago
“Hey. Can I ask you a kinda dumb question?”
She sits with her back to the wall. She can’t see him, but she knows he’s looking right at her.
“I don’t see why not.” His voice is thoughtful, and cool as ice. It’s funny how much he makes her think.
“What do you think I’d be like?”
“In another world. Where I’m a different person.”
“Is this the same one where I’m stubborn and goofy?” He says it like he’s making fun of her. But even all the same, she can hear the smile in his voice.
“…Yeah. Sure,” she says. “…Maybe one where I grew up like you did.”
His voice grows serious. “You don’t want that.”
“I know. But just… Like… Theoretically.”
Chapter 23 of my reincarnated Korosensei fic is up! And in this one we delve into the fact that he may not be so alone after all. Give it a read!
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