Week 12
During the last week of class before Christmas I am really not managing to split my time well and I feel like it really held me back. I Spent the first part of the week finishing off my “Seeing the World” comic as it had to be submitted to Animate Europe by the 15th. The last part of the week I focus fully on my RSA work and finish my “Living and Dying well” zine and get both it and my “Seeing the world” comic, I am not so happy with the outcome. It is evident that I didn’t manage the multiple projects and working part time well.
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Week 11
Bringing the paintings to the printer to get them scanned. The scans cost £50. I did not anticipate them to cost this much. Now I need to work out the narrative which is something I struggled with at the beginning of the project, and I feel like it is still an issue now. I do some research in forbidden planet. I bought some “New World” Comics. These comics and the Jayde Perkins zines work as inspiration for the layout of my 8 page “Seeing the world” comic.
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Week 10
Bruce likes the new colour palette much better. Worried about time limits now. I am starting to feel like I am not managing the 2 projects well along side each other. Time management is not so good as the semester goes along with having more projects and my part time job needing me to work more hours. I bought some Jayde Perkins zines.
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Week 9
Continuing to develop large scale finger paintings of my photos of Augsburg to get as much work done as possible to make the December 15th deadline. I must get the paintings scanned by the end of next week to have time to edit them for the deadline on the 15th
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Week 8
Bruce didn’t like RSA. Experimenting with colour. Still unsure about direction of animate Europe, unable to make progress. Near the end of the week, I decide to play with scale and a new “squeezer ink pen”. Playing with finger painting and get good feedback.
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Week 7     • Animate Europe •
Feedback from new direction of RSA Giffs is good. Brainstorming for new competition briefs. Decided to go with Animate Europe. Unsure about narrative, feedback to not worry so much about it and to just make work. Start making my own sketchbooks.
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Week 6
Continuing with development and exploring how to best show narrative. Working on a few short gifs. Would love to eventually make the full animation. When I graduate I would love a really strong animation piece in my portfolio. I feel like this projects direction would make a really interesting animation.
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Week 5
Adrien Merigeau Research lead to a big development in the direction of this project. I am getting good feedback. Continuing with 3 colour Patel: black, white and yellow.  
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Week 4    • RSA •
Choosing Living and Dying well brief. Brainstorming and initial drawings. My original idea was to have really simple line drawings that would flow into one another. Feedback was not great on this. Back to the Drawing board.
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Week 3
Printing and experimenting. Hand in of our first brief! With my lack of time management I managed to meet the dead line and be happy with what I handed in!
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Week 2
Cutting plates, woodcut, vinyl. At the beginning of week 2 I realise I hand in this project in one week. So I begin my first woodcut. After a group grit in class Christine suggests to head up to print and talk to Camilla in the print workshop. I buy some Vinyl and discuss printing in the workshop. Feeling very excited about the project! As I am craving the wood for the first print I realise just how pushed for time I will be with this project. The woodcuts takes me 4 days. Thank god I had bought the vinyl from Camilla earlier in the week. Thursday night to Sunday morning I cut out the rest of the Vinyls and begin printing and iterating. I think here a strength of mine has been experimenting. It would normally be something I felt would have been a weakness of mine but I was aware of this and really worked on it this time. Using a critical eye I didn’t want my inability to self iterate to hold me back on this project. I play with colour and paper textures.
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Week 1    • Breaking news •
Briefing, brainstorming. First week of final year! We start off with a bang and are given our breaking news story brief. For the first 2 days I’m wasting time looking at articles online not “Feeling” any of the stories. I have in my head that I’d like to do something with manual printing. After my experience with manual print during my Erasmus year, I wanted to use these skills again. I’m aware of how time consuming this is so these 2 days could have been much better spent. Wednesday morning I call into the newsagents and bought the guardian. Not thinking so much about the “feeling” of a story. It’s not a personal project! Don’t waste time on this. Eventually decided to go with a story about a boy who was lost adrift at sea. This week I focused a lot on research and coming up with concepts for my prints.
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