AI Activism Community
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Case Studies
You can find all the case studies from the Skillshare under the relevant sessions in the activism database:!OpenView&Start=1&Count=60&Expand=9#9
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Engaging young people & activists using participatory approaches - "Youth Engagement in AI Activism in Nepal"
Youth Engagement in AI Activism in Nepal
Shradha Thapa, AI Nepal
Amnesty International Nepal has been enhancing human rights impact through advancing the central participation of young people in the protection and promotion of human rights for all, by engaging them in upholding universal human rights values, by empowering them to take action in their local communities, and by integrating them at all levels of its organization.
For this purpose, AI Nepal has been issuing "Youth Network Membership" in November 2007. For the purposes of the AI, youth is defined as those aged 14-25.
We have 55 Youth networks across 25 districts. Of over 7000 members, over 58% comprises of youth members with 42 % being female. 5-member National Youth Advisory Panel (NYAP) advice AI Nepal's Board regarding plan and policy related to involvement of youth in human rights campaign.
To engage the youths in AI's campaigns, the youth are imparted with theoretical and practical knowledge on AI and AI Nepal's campaign methods and techniques through Orientation, Trainings: Trainings on Campaigns and National Youth Camp (annual event). During such events, Indoor sessions (Introduction to AI, role of youth network, Campaigning framework and techniques and Letter Writing) and Out-door activities (taking part in the activism types of program such as rally, demonstration, signature camp etc.) are conducted for the youths. For example, AI Nepal is conducting 3 regional workshops on My body my rights Campaign this December and January 2014.
Youth takes part in the event and activities organized by AI Nepal. They organize events in their local areas. Besides they also organized events solely or in jointly with other groups and youth networks. For example, for IHR Day 2013, 7 local groups and 8 Youth Networks are jointly organizing a Rally on 11 December 2013 in Kathmandu.
To mobilize the youths in campaigns and activities, different means of communication postal service/ email, telephone calls, SMS are applied. The youth are timely communicated on the campaigns and upcoming events and encouraged to take part on it. AI Nepal supports them with the advisory support and campaign materials. 
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Games for Actors and Non-Actors: Augusto Boal
Sets out the principles and practice of Boal’s revolutionary Method, showing how theatre can be used to transform and liberate everyone – actors and non-actors alike!
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Three things you need to know about your activism strategy
You do not want a document that sits on a shelf. 
Don't think about the length of time used to develop an activism strategy
The purpose is to help you think - not a template or a work plan
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Hear it from the GGA: What's so awesome about it?
At the Global Activism Skillshare 2013, the Global Group on Activism (GGA) shared with the participants why the GGA is so awesome!
(We had some trouble capturing everything that was said so this is not the entire group - sorry!)
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Gabriela, AI Czech Republic: We have a chance to propose new things.
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Ruben, AI Puerto Rico: We pick the right projects that define us.
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Kieran, AI Ireland: We’ve integrated parts of the global movement and promoted activism.
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Erik, AI Denmark: We are all on equal terms and produce tangible results.
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Fadoua, AI Morocco: We all have different experience with AI and it brings a lot of benefits.
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Valentina, AI France: The GGA is an example of a very close and effective collaboration of the IS and S/s. We should carry on working on all the innovation, tools, and ideas, and how the activism community can work all together.
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Champa, AI UK: I’m really proud about how we fought for this space because nobody gave it to us. And a space to create a community where we can do tangible work. 
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Natasha, Activism & Youth Unit: In a short amount of time, we achieved a lot. One of the successes is the Activism Skillshare.
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
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Four future/current/possible worlds! Have you planned for them?
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
A challenge to the participants
"I would like to encourage you to be campaigners within your section, because I heard too often that it would be great to change the structure of activism but it would never work or it would never be approved by our boards and AGM. I know it's difficult, I know the challenges of having leaders who are reluctant to accept changes to what is the traditional structure and I'm not simplifying the difficulties. But, we have to try, how we can bring change to the world if we don't first try to change our section? Being able to work effectively is very important to bring human rights impact. So, at least try to influence power structures. Be brave." - Barbara Dettori
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
La Barbe collective: Spurred on by the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case, our collective is taking direct action to challenge sexism in French society
A newspaper article on the example given by AI France of an organising models that focuses on humour and sarcasm.
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Supporter Journey – Active New Member
My name is Darryl D. I watched a video on Miriam, who was tortured in Mexico. I felt moved by her story so I “liked” it and chose to click on it to find out more. I was presented with a petition which I signed; it was very easy to do so. I gave my email which is necessary and my postcode but not my mobile number, although the option was available. Two days later I received a thank you from a local organiser in my area, it was very personal; showed Julia was a real person, (with a photo!) and how I helped her campaign. She asked if I wanted to know more about the campaign and I clicked yes. If Darryl had said no, a follow up email would have been sent a couple of weeks later with an update on Miriam’s campaign and the petition.
The link took me to an informative page on the website about Torture and Miriam’s case. At the bottom I was asked if I wanted to know more about what I could do by phone or if I didn’t have time if I wanted to donate some money to help Miriam’s video go live on TV. I was a bit wary about giving my phone number, but the email had been personal and it’s difficult to find out what is going on in my area so I chose the option to be phoned to find out more. I had the option of times and chose Saturday between 10 – 1. At the office the person in charge of the back end passes this on to the coordinator in the area. This coordinator has a group of volunteers and one of them phones. The volunteers are trained and have a script.
On Saturday morning, sure enough, someone from Amnesty phoned. I talked with someone called Julia and she told me about her story at Amnesty and asked a little about me. After I expressed I was interested in getting involved but I wasn’t sure how much time I had to commit she asked me to join a one off live demonstration they were having relating to Miriam. I was a little nervous about going alone but she said I could find her or any one of her colleagues who are happy to talk by looking for people in pink hats. I agreed. Julia, the volunteer, had 4 different options to offer Darryl depending on whether he wanted to get more involved, he expressed wanting to donate, etc.
I attended the demo and it was very easy to find the coordinators in pink hats who made me feel like it was really important that I came and like I was part of the group.
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Legitimate consultation versus tokenistic consultation
If people can't influence the process, then it's not legitimate consultation
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
Activism impact and the Torture Campaign
What is the story AI should tell when reaching out and calling to action potential activists around the torture campaign. What tone of voice should we use in the call to action? Amnesty has one of the strongest names for the past 40 years in the fight against torture. This history/story can show how people fit into a larger picture. This can also help re-connect activists who worked with Amnesty 30 years ago on the campaign and have drifted from Amnesty the scope of work has grown. The problem with focusing on factual history is this can encourage complacency and might imply that Amnesty doesn't have impact. To counter these negative effects it is important to show how it is urgently action is needed and that there is hope at the end of the tunnel; the time is now. Another tone Amnesty can take is from the well tried and tested branding of "shining a light on darkness": No government admits to torture, it is secretive. Some will send the victims to other countries, where it is acceptable to be tortured, on their behalf. Amnesty can "shine a light” on these dark practices.  How can we effectively engage youth activists on the issue of torture, including those who may not agree with absolute prohibition? Identity and choice is very important to youth. The best way to engage is to ensure the being against torture is seen as a positive thing to identify with. This can be done in a series of ways. The innocence and trust of those who agree with torture is important: "If my government did it, the victims were definitely guilty". One way to deal with this is to put the issues into context for the youth by comparing it with issues they can understand e.g. posting on facebook, witnessing an event, bullying, feud with a neighbour. This can be done via role play which helps people see it from the perspective of both sides, particularly effective on people who may think it is fine to torture. The youth are smart and want to be engaged in debate. This has been used for the death penalty to get people engaged on an issue where there are split opinions. It has the effect of helping them understand view of their peers which can be very persuasive. This also links to the increasing engagement of youth in advocacy and engaging them further in debate. An observation in the US is that campaign slogans used in older campaigns are no longer relevant i.e. the famous ��The America I believe in would not torture”. However since 9/11 torture is something that people are becoming more comfortable with, and accepting their governments do. A new spin needs to be taken for new generations
Posted by Amber Macintyre, IS
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
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Attention! Decoration isn't a responsibility role.
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
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Tons of creativity and artistic talent within AI teams!
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
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And back to my room, just saw those #LWM cards from Thailand. Letters save lives. So cute!
Posted by Jandira Queiroz, AI Brazil.
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aiactivism · 11 years ago
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So we’ve had this amazing community building session, in which we also built a wall of successful campaigning and engaging initiatives. One that called my attention was this one on violence against Egypt women, brought by AI Germany. The idea is to create a great wall of the image, colored by activists from the groups, in front of the Parliament, in Berlim. There are also masks and stencil patterns to stamp in ecobags. Great idea!
By Jandira Queiroz, AI Brazil.
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