ahumanafrodite · 11 months
What is an Unreliable Narrator? And How to Write One.
An unreliable narrator is a storytelling technique where the narrator's credibility or truthfulness is questionable. The narrator either intentionally or unintentionally provides a distorted or biased account of the events, characters, or situations in the story. This narrative approach can add complexity, suspense, and intrigue to your writing. Here's how you can create an unreliable narrator:
1. Establish a motive: Determine why the narrator is unreliable. It could be due to personal bias, mental instability, deception, or a hidden agenda. Develop their backstory, motivations, and beliefs to understand why they might present a skewed version of events.
2. Use subjective language: Incorporate language and descriptions that reflect the narrator's personal viewpoint and biases. Their opinions, emotions, and interpretations should color their narration, influencing how readers perceive the story.
3. Include contradictions and inconsistencies: Allow the narrator to make contradictory statements or present conflicting information. This creates doubt and keeps the readers engaged as they try to unravel the truth.
4. Reveal information selectively: The unreliable narrator might withhold or reveal information strategically, manipulating the readers' understanding of the story. This can create suspense and surprise as readers discover hidden truths.
5. Showcase unreliable perceptions: Explore how the narrator's perceptions and interpretations of events differ from reality. They may misinterpret actions, misremember details, or even hallucinate. These discrepancies add depth to the character and raise doubts about their reliability.
6. Use other characters as contrasting sources: Introduce other characters who present alternative perspectives or contradict the narrator's version of events. This contrast allows readers to question the reliability of the narrator and form their own interpretations.
7. Employ narrative techniques: Experiment with techniques like foreshadowing, symbolism, or unreliable memory to emphasize the narrator's unreliability. These devices can help blur the line between truth and fiction, leaving readers intrigued and uncertain.
8. Provide hints and clues: Drop subtle hints or clues throughout the story that suggest the narrator's unreliability. This allows readers to piece together the truth gradually and encourages them to engage actively with the narrative.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
what's your most controversial writing opinion? i'll start:
i actually kinda love reading purple prose??? like, it just sounds nice in my noggin.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
WRITEBLRS if you're seeing this, you're legally obligated to reblog with an answer, and then a new question for the next person!
Here's the start:
Which of your OCs is most likely to punch somebody in the face?
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
I don't write for other people. I don't write for myself. I write so two characters can finally call each other by their first names, breathless, after 70k words of denial... preferably under a full moon, covered in blood and inches away from death
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
4 truly nasty scenarios ahead (no cnc tho, ofc 🤢🤮)
you've been warned ♡
There was no way for me to escape the monstrous cocks that rammed into myeach and every hole. They were ravenous and slimy. These creatures were hungry for my sex, and I couldn't do anything but give it to them. These particular monsters that now violated my sex were humongous, leathery, and canine. They slammed into my vulnerable holes at a horrifying pace. I was losing my mind from the speed and violence of these creatures dicks. I had the power to regenerate immediately- which was a terrible curse nowadays. It meant that I could take monstrous, colossal meat for as long as any creature wanted. Each time felt like the first time for me, and the hormones in all monsters made me crave this horror. Monsters could smell me from a mile away, and I never went long without getting pounded mercilessly by their disgusting sexes. I was the last person on earth after the apocalypse, and I couldn't even go out. It's been about a month and I've only had time to suck and be fucked. I couldn't even process my plight properly before nasty monster shoved it's uncouth length into my ever-virginal holes.
... He kissed along the inside of my thigh, humming a soft "mm" at every peck. It was too dark to see who it was, but they had sturdy, soft hands and hungry wet lips. His fingers found their way under my skirt, squeezing my squishy hips.
"Is this okay?" he whispered. His voice was both gentle and rough, and very low.
"Y-yeah." My heart was somersaulting in my chest. 
Father Bell hugged me from behind, pushing his giant cock inside my pussy. I screamed in agony and felt the tip of Father Bell's cock twitch as it slipped out of me to lurch up between us. "It is about time," he muttered and held me down firmly against him.
His cock began its frantic thrusts, sliding into me again and again with each stroke, and I realized suddenly that what I had thought was just a shudder running through the length of my vagina was actually rippling throughout the whole of my body.
A violent trembling erupted deep within me, coming in waves until they seemed almost one. It was an ecstatic sensation, and I began screaming again with increasing intensity, no longer restrained by my will. The air in the room seemed to thin out as though we were in the mountains.
This perfect priest was ravaging me. He was filling me up over and over, squeezing so hard that I could not take any more; my own sex demanded satisfaction too, offering something equally strange, equally delicious: Here came the cream, waiting for this man who was also going to quell the thirst in me.
"Take off your clothes," Father Bell growled at me, his face sweaty. Suddenly the tremors were getting stronger, and I could feel myself about to fly apart. With incredible effort I gathered all my strength together and did so.
He softened and became kind. This magnificent being forced his hips upwards, grunting beneath me, groaning his pleasure in my ear.
"Come now," he whispered, urging me on relentlessly. I fell to my knees, legs quivering, heart pounding with abandon, and lowered my sex onto his hungry dick.
A strangled cry escaped my throat and I slammed into him once more, feeling his flesh tearing into mine as we hungrily rubbed ourselves together. "Give yourself to me," he gasped in my ear. "And fuck me again."
With another jerk, he pulled his arms around me tighter, he slammed up into me. At the last moment I locked my thighs against him, keeping him where he was, giving him what I needed. He groaned, "Do you hear how loud you are? Your screams. So beautiful!" And he lifted me off him.
He placed me on my back and began to throttle his dick into my pussy, like he couldn't get enough. My body shuddered with orgasm after orgasm, high and then lower as my own pleasure leaped higher still.
Exquisite surges of energy filled me and then drifted away leaving nothing but empty space in their wake, rolling across me like powerful stars fleeing into the distance.
His mouth found mine and he kissed me long and deeply. When he withdrew his lips there was white foam at the corners of them. It was the taste of my juices, overflowing with pleasure for the divine joy he gave me. "Your passion is intoxicating," he murmured softly in my ear. "Now we will find out if you can come properly without our fingers or tongues making things difficult for you."
With that he removed his hands from my breasts and eased his cock into my tight ring, his fat cock bursting into my deepest depths.
The first hot liquid poured forth to join the rest, filling the emptiness of my channel. Instinctively my body began to convulse as orgasm , slowly growing with greater and greater force, took possession of every cell in my poor worn-out frame.
"Oh God! Ah! Agh!" These were pleas for the heavenly light rising within me, unleashing the divine energy. But, little by little, I began to lose track of reality. Everything went blurry as Father Bell's rhythm grew ever quicker.
Yet the fire inside me seemed somehow to last forever, unending with pure delight. Now my toes began to tingle. He shot another load in me.
Soon, he left another, younger priest to use me up. Father Brian prayed as he ate me. At least that was what he called his lovemaking, his worshipping of his divine beauty. Each time he put his penis between my cheeks I knew it would be different than the others. Perhaps because he cared more, perhaps because he loved this sublime moment more. So when he impaled himself upon me, sending his sperm into me with great vigour, he made sure that the way he entered me added to the ecstasy of our joining.
For long moments after, his body stayed deep inside mine and I surrendered myself fully to him as the sound of their giggles came from above.
I could not contain the moans erupting in me, nor did I try. It was amazing when he started ramming into me again... he was just so kind and handsome.
He moved faster now, taking charge with a hunger like none other before. He drove his huge cock further into my pussy, stretching me out until I began to cry out with both pain and pleasure. "Oh Brian," I said...
"And if you're gonna talk dirty then get on with it."
"Oh, God! Yes... yes..."
He laughed softly at my words and one hand cupped my cheek, while the other explored my belly with finesse. My lips pushed up to his ear...
"Please don't stop fucking me... oh Brian! If you keep going for much longer we'll have one little white pup at the door, waiting to jump on your belly!"
His eyes widened briefly before he continued.
I walked out of church that day changed.  My panties were covered in cum.
The slimy, throbbing tentacles roughly fucked my pussy.
I started screaming again as a set of the same jerking began on my clit. I felt fingers gripping me harder and slapped at them before realizing what they were doing to me: Fucking my clit!
Jesus fucking Christ... It was horrible but... it felt so good. So good. That orgasm that threatened to sweep through me had me moaning with pleasure while my walls contracted around those squid things inside me as if milking their captive for its milk. I moaned loudly, sweat dripping down my face and over the slitted eyes in this nightmare mask.
Then the mass began moving against my vagina. A wet mouth pressed to my lips and a tongue tasted my neck like sugar syrup. A grip on my hips made me want to rise up from that fake bed, but the multitude of tentacles held me In place.
They forced my legs open wide to hold even more of them inside me. They formed my thighs into vaults upon which I could rest my butt, holding them spread like boudoirs in a whorehouse full of cockhungry customers. One wrapped around my neck, and another fucked my throat.
My ass presented itself for some further penetration, spread wide to let them have a hundred tongues on my cheeks, moistening them.
Their sponges were mashing up inside my rectum; and when they pulled back, squeezing out an ejaculation. The hideous thing was using me like a toy. This wasn't bad enough—what else could happen? What?...
My eyeballs rolled wildly in my head. What next? I squirmed out of one of those arms, finally free of their shameful clutch. Even if it was only temporary, I had to escape them all.
Yes, yes, escape them all... until there were none left! Then I would close myself off forever and become what God intended me to be. "Oh!" I cried aloud to break away from the tentacles' delicious grasp.
They were hitting all the right spots. Each claw and tentacle clenched something sensitive deep within my mind. Every movement was like someone forcing their hand up my rear, twisting until... I groaned.
The intruder was rubbing its filthy tentacle along my uterus. It pinched my cherry in its rubber grip.
Grinding over a large, rocklike object, it shook me to my very foundation. For God's sake! They were taking turns performing... excursions... inside me, pretending to work a dildo! And... ugh... One of them sucked on my clitoris!
When I looked in the mirror behind the reptile mask, I didn't recognize myself anymore! Where was the woman I knew to come into being, anyway? Who was she...?
Why did she have this creature's ugly-cum in her womb? But why couldn't I feel anything besides this beastly desire to survive its squishing thrusts?
I recalled how sweet agony made me want sex earlier. There was no end to its capacity to arouse me. It became to my sensitive, virgin parts.
How badly my heat needed satisfying.... This... creature.... Oh, God! What sin I committed by having such a wishful thought about it. Sinning to make it hotter than hell, at least for a little while.
So much more fun than just... burning it out and letting these impaling tentacles inside relax, while watching these fishtanks die. No. This one wouldn't perish; it would take my body as far away as it could, and return after any trespass or malice I did toward it was met.
It enjoyed its carnal domination so much, while still maintaining that sense of well-being with each strike that toyed at my feelings, making it respond immediately.
All its' milking techniques' worked exactly as planned—only this time, it became mine! Without me even remembering consciously having wanted such results—my pussy was shaking and tingling with desire.
Between the two twisting tentacles in me, some rippled quickly and drove into me hard. Which taught it how? Pleasure blossomed in my pelvis as my scent heightened.
A feverish lust had begun brewing within me, while all of my senses got conqueredby this fucked-up monster. It bit my earlobe .
Such wondrous sensations no mortal should ever experience. Being intoxicated on this fake 'ole pussy juice, sending shivers up to the roots of my hair. At one point, the thumping, pumping commenced in both directions.
I had a long time ago stopped believing that two cocks, even of the same kind, could ever truly fuck in the same way at the same moment without the other feeling jealous—at least this one couldn't!
Its rapid spinny thrusts caused different jolts of electric sparks throughout my insides. Two, three, four! No! Wait, five....
Yeah, six orgasms snuck up onto my hungry cunt while that tool inside got stuffed tighter to simulate some completely separate penetrating. It was done.
Eight magnificent ones came whizzing through my body, buzzing past the salty seeds it scattered in every corner of my womb.
I got coated in dark brown semen again. Only then could I taste the undeniable flavor of its acidic sweetness.
He put me on my hands and knees and sucked the life out of my pussy. Once it was wet enough to his liking, he shoved his cock in, piercing the threshold of my virginity. Soon he was buried inside of me, twitching and throbbing from my tightness. He said, "This is your life now. I go out, get supplies, and protect you. Your job is to take my loads."
He slammed into me with all of his pent-up might. The speed became unfathomable. He rubbed my clit with one hand and gripped my neck in the other. "It's been three years since I've felt this way... I can't believe you've been right under my nose this whole time."
Electricity surged through me as he pounded me from behind. I'd never imagined my first time this way. Not doing it during a zombie apocalypse, and not being pinned by someone three times my weight. He was handsome and athletic, with pale skin covered with tattoos and messy black hair.
He was completely deranged. I knew it was a risk befriending him when I met him, but he was strong and knew the woods. He had taken me in to his cabin because he "liked the way I smelled." Red flag #1.
He put me in a different position every ten minutes, making sure to push all of his length into my pussy, no matter how roughly he had to manage it. He pulled out to eat me out again, licking away the cherry blood. My exhaustion was evident.
"Mm... take a breath, cuz... mm..." he gave my clit a kiss. "We're going at it all day and night. I'm so glad I can't have kids."
He couldn't. And we did. Again and again. He had endless loads, and my womb was painted with his cream. He liked the way my body jiggled, so it was an extra incentive to keep going. He put me on my side and pulled my leg up on his shoulder. He held my other leg's thigh in an iron grip, pushing himself deeper and deeper in me.
When he finished his final load he laid down on top of me, keeping his dick inside. I fell asleep after awhile, until I woke up to him gently fucking me again. After a bit he gave up on controlling himself and wildly jerked himself off in me. It was if the realization of accessible kitty hit him every ten minutes. His stamina was insane, he could go hours and not break a sweat.
The next day he went out to get supplies. He came back with something extra: pairs and pairs of black, shiny stockings. He put me in them and tore the crotch, fucking me from behind. He fingered my g-spot until I was shaking from orgasm. He spread his cum all over the back of my thighs.
"Turn around," he said. Instead of waiting two seconds for me to do so, he spun me around himself and played with my now exposed boobs. His hands were large, his palms fitting my ample breasts perfectly.
He sucked on my nipples and roughly fondled them with his tounge, sending waves of pleasure through me.
Then, in two swift movements he picked me up, stuck himself in me, and started bouncing me on his cock. He licked all over my neck, and heat rose in me like crazy. I dug my nails viciously into his back. The fear of being dropped and the violent thrusts of this guy made me drive my nails deeper and deeper into him. He seemed to like it- He let out a tiny moan and tightened his grip on me, putting me into a position to truly drill me.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
A horrible feeling swelled in my chest as the boy pressed the clay into my skin. He was pale and tired-looking, and little bits of dark coloring stuck to to his creme-white fingers. I could only sit and watch, pondering over what he'd just told me.
The boy's hands found their way to my eyes, and touched them like he was sick of looking at them. (They were my least maintained feature, so...) He tugged at my eyelashes as a rainbow of little not-so-black widows began to envelop me, laying their silk on my body. My underwear were shrouded by a loose and iridescent dress.
He pulled them out and inserted the new ones he had on his tray. Eventually he said, "I didn't mean to scare you, I was just making sure you were alright with the ingredients. Natural products last the longest."
"That's... okay." It wasn't actually, it really wasn't, but this was my first fancy squish, so I didn't want to seem rude or difficult or anything, so I just shoved it to the side.
I mean, it wasn't that weird, right? Just a little recycling. No different than with hair or clothes...
The older lady, the main hostess of Sweet Stall, sat in one of the salon chairs, tapping away at the holograms buzzing into existence near her. Voluminous red hair fell around her shoulders, and her light brown skin glistened. She was tall and super-model skinny. Her entire vibe screamed, You want to be me. I am beauty.
The boy started touching up my slightly-less-queasy belly. The chimes at the door starting to glow, as more people entered the salon. The glare shone against the glistening red walls. Flowery black designs were scrawled across the surface.
Just as they'd done for me, Sweet Stall spiders crawled from the opening and yawning crevices of the shop, finding themselves coming up the legs of the latest customers.
The three faces ranged from cracked to rotting, general signs that their forms and glamors were faltering. With the holograms fizzled away as the older lady (Terra?) greeted the group without a moments notice. Her arms were spread wide, and she already joking and fluttering and flirting, making the now infested clients comfortable. It was the same amount of fluttering she did with me.
Just a few feet away, the three newcomers went off on each other, ranting away:
"I swear everything takes years off of my life nowadays," said one of the three. "I start bleeding with every other breath."
"At least you don't make you look like a chipped cup. I feel like I'm only half human like this!" said another.
The boy shook his head, like he had something to say about the people's words, but he just started sculpting my cheeks.
He was handsome himself, looking like he squished himself together every other day. He had full pink lips and brown freckles scattered across his body. He had his hair in sleek, neatly braided cornrows. He was straight lines and edges, and looked athletic, too.
And, to be honest, he didn't seem like the sort of guy who would be a squisher, but looks were definitely deceiving. Once he was done, I peered at myself in the mirror.
"Perfect," I whispered to myself. He restored my round face and dark brown everything. My hair was in bantu knots that he sprinkled with gold. My new eyes were clear, and my sockets had been pulled up just a bit bigger than before, with my button nose no longer melting and drooping. I pressed my fingers to my belly fixed the scar on my scar so that it was healed rather than fleshy.
The best part was the freshly spun spider-silk dress. It was short, form-fitting and had an illusion neck-line. I glittered like one of those fancy actors on the red carpet.
I turned to him, not exactly knowing how to thank him. Before I could decide, a transaction bubble flew into my face.
I conjured up my own bubbles of hundreds, the entirety of my savings drifting toward into other. The transaction sucked all of my money into it, and popped out of existence.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
Hundreds of little kids drop into the Nowhere Space every year, reducing themselves to abstract concepts. Newie Breda is one of the latest victims, being led away from the park and into a a pathway to NS. Soon, Newie becomes the past, a wispy version of who he once was. He wonders the inbetween, looking for a way home.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
Thea: First Contact.
Thea didn't want to be the kind of person he used to be. Stepping into the school, head hung low, he was determined to know no one, be no one, and glide through the year.
He scanned his schedule, ready to hunt down his homeroom. He caught slow, sluggish swarms of tanned white kids in his peripheral. He began checking their outfits, shoes, and groupings- then stopped. No observations.
There was no need for that.
Thea spotted a questionable water fountain and made a beeline for it. He leaned down and drank the leaded water. He needed to clear his head of any thoughts of... information. Of almost any kind, really. He only needed to focus on what was in the books (and Google), and nothing else
A bell trilled, signaling (Thea assumed) that it was time to get to class. He had been a little late for breakfast period, since he had to run to school (yes, he needed to get on the bus lol). Of course his parents couldn't drive him, they were "busy" (busy sleeping) so it was up to Thea to map out how to get here.
He walked up to the first adult he could find and asked them where Room 318 was. The woman directed him upstairs, "near the vending machines". In the next fifteen or so minutes, he found himself in 318. With a sigh of relief, he found a seat closest to the window. He could watch the silly birds flutter way over the rooftops.
He wished he could do that. Just fly away, up high, and watch everyone down below.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
She had traveled the entire world to find the last Venus.
In turn, the world went and traveled to find her.
But, after all this time... she failed.
Now she stares out into oblivion, helpless and dazed, watching the stars explode in slow motion. The planets were now magnified for her eyes only, and they collide against all sensible reason. Eons of annihilation ended in seconds before her.
All because her. For she was the scorned beloved of gods.
"It was a regular, quiet Monday," I said with a laugh. Dr. Able nodded from the screen; it was the nod he did when he was trying to be encouraging. I hugged my knees to my chest and, against my better judgement, kept going:
"I was five, and ready for bed. Ma was still at work, so it was just me and Mom striking out for the night.
"I rememberMom pulling me close to her, burying my face into her shoulder. Everything suddenly became louder, too loud. There wasn't enough space in the world for this moment, but the kitchen closet was the first thing that popped into Ma's mind, I guess.
"I was small, but aware, you know? I knew that these people were bad somehow." I'd seen them lurking near our houses, or slinking near my school. They were gaunt, tall, and always watching.
"It was strange, though- I wasn't really scared. I was mad, of course- but ... I don't know."
Maybe it had been my mother's steady grasp, or the gradually fading footsteps of the intruders, but my heart had been stilled.
"That was until the thing." I got sick to my stomach right then. The thought of Mom's hair slowly turning white was burned into my psyche.
Somehow knowing I wasn't going to continue, Dr. Able said, "Thank you for sharing what you could. I know how difficult it must be to talk about it."
He probably didn't. There was no way to explain anything that happened that day, so there was no way for him to know.
My new room, devoid of decoration (and life), started to feel claustrophobic. I did a quick stretch and left my room. I turned up the volume on my earbuds and went into the box-infested living room.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
Thea was fine with being nothing.  Wondering about "Oh, Who am I?" concepts bored them to death. (They were kind of boring themself, to be honest, so put two and two together.)
If they were Rahim Bali, the kind of person who had pet dinosaurs and went to space for the weekends, they'd probably care a little more. They'd have a bunch of interesting shit to say at parties, and they'd have to fight the urge to write logs about themself.
Case in point: While Thea was at the back of the class, head down and crying over scientific equations, Rahim was detailing his latest trip to Athens (because of course he was) to Mr. Lam. Thea didn't even have to look up to know he was in full-on charmer-mode- leaned back, relaxed, with a grin a smile wide. the world was chirping away by the time he actually shot his mouth, all wondering what the dirt tasted like over there. They acted like it was some other planet and not somwhere people fucking lived.
Thea buried their face face into their notebook, hoping to inhale the leftover eraser shavings and die. The period dragged on, and they went on to strain their ear for any conversations that didn't include Rahim's titillating escapades (or whatever Mr. Lam was talking about).
Oh, somebody was ranting about Homecoming... wait, no, they were talking about how they weren't going to go... Well, that was at least a start.
Thea gave up on 500 questions Mr. Lam decided to assign (they were a week into the year, dude, chill ). Instead, they pulled out their phone and started logging what they had heard:
Venus - September 17, 2022. Alexander Williams isn't going to Homecoming. He is sad about not having a date and shit*. His ex girlfriend broke up with him (mentioned August 12, 2022*). He ____
The System was going to flame them for this log, but the boredom was melding their mind. If they were left just themself, they'd have to think about self-things, and they didn't have much of that- and what they did was nothing good.
Is it getting hot in here? they thought to themself. It was definitely getting hotter. Thea started fanning themself with their notebook. The bad thoughts were trying to creep in...
Then their phone dinged. They looked over and saw a single green bubble of text jump to the top of their notifications: u okay?
They wrote back I'm good and clicked off their phone. They could barely think right now, let alone explain what was wrong. Besides, Golden Boy would pitch a fit, and then the whole System would bug, too. Rahim always had to be nosy about something.
u don't look good. Thea's phone buzzed from the dead. They hated when he did that.
Go back to Greece
"Five minutes to the bell," Mr. Lam said.
Five minutes too long.
Mr. Lam continued, "Remember, you have a senior assembly next period! Go straight there!"
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
He's here, I thought, fiddling with the toy cat in my hands. Thank goodness.     Standing in a crowd with everyone else, I instinctively made way for him, and so did everyone else. This guy had a strange effect on people... He made you stop, stare and admire. It was as if he was different from everyone else, like he wasn't from this world.     He was laughing light-heartedly with his friends; he had that romance-novel chuckle and sweet, dark eyes. I wanted reach my hand up to him and caress his beautiful tan face.     Soon, he was way past me heading to whatever class he had this period. I stayed where I stood while others made their way to their own classes. My watching spots were convenient. They were always right near my classes. He had the perfect route every year, it seemed.     I sighed and walked into class, letting the smell of paint and bread envelope me.     I knew.     I knew who he was. I knew the life he came from, and knew how others saw him; and in the back of my mind I thought I'd be yet another set of eyes focused on him. I had thought I could be happy that wat, just seeing him be wonderful amongst the masses.    Little did I know, he had other plans. ..
I went out to the bus stop and looked for his flash of pale hair. My friends had already gone to their own busses, so I waited outside my bus to spot him and his two friends getting into his luxury sports car from the other side of the parking lot. I nodded to myself and went on got on.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
No one else's star shook, and no one else bat an eye at the task. Everyone was chatting and laughing, like they didn't have a giant ball if gas in their palms.
Master Timothy kept eyeing me, his fiery skin flickering with distaste. He traveled row to row, glancing at everyone else's work and glaring at mine. My charge was glowing to unsavory amounts, and it took everything in me to keep myself from screaming. It was painful; I didn't know why, but it was.
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
I was so excited. It was my sophomore year; I had such pretty friends now, my crushes actually like me back, and I had a date to Homecoming! Not a platonic one, but a romantic one! (It was cringey to point it out, but it was true!! 😅) Handy gave me an iridescent glass rose, asking me to HoCo. I said yes (DUH) and that was that.
I looked over at the rose that sat on the kitchen counter. I was in the living room, waiting for Lily to finish her makeup. Tasha was getting ready to go shopping with Leslie in her room, so I was anxiously waiting alone. The parents would be here in twenty minutes for pictures and an intense lecturing which would be rendered into a more threatening scolding at Handy over things he had yet (or ever) to do.
I was wearing what I thought was the cutest thing ever: a fitted grey-cream colored dress with puffy, off the shoulder sleeves, and a boned corset in the torso. There were pearls all over it. Under it was a makeshift shirt made front white, pearl-covered fishnets (there was an obvious theme going here). The HoCo theme was "Dinner in Paris". It sounded cringey at first, but I warmed up to it real quick. Now my afro was short and beautiful (with pearls laced into it, YES). The thought of Handy matching with me made my heart skip a beat.
He had asked, "What color are you wearing?"
I had showed him a picture of the shade and he said, "Alright, I'll wear that."
I couldn't stop myself from feeling all blushy and happy-buzzy inside. He, such a hot and popular guy, was going with ME. I almost couldn't believe it. AND he was my friend, and maybe soon-to-be boyfriend? The thought was killing me softly.
Then, the front doorbell rang. It was either God or my friends (probably the former). I rushed into our house's giant lobby and checked the door cam. As expected, it was the three (our dates + Samir).
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ahumanafrodite · 11 months
Despite the hazards of love, I was happy. Despite the hazards of being loved, I was happy. I was suddenly enveloped with the very thing I had been pining for since birth--- adoration.
But was it worth it?
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