AHO Interactive Products 2017
51 posts
An undergraduate interaction design course at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design
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Interactive Herbarium - Find 5 Weeds
Interactive Herbarium is inspired by Korsmo’s weed charts and the WEEDS - FRIEND OR FOE exhibition at @naturhistorisk_museum_oslo. This work was created in attempting to represent a herbarium in a new way - not as a lying flat sheet but as a picture with a strong visual potential. Combining the herbarium with a game - Find 5 Weeds - I have tried to attain several objects: to make this product helpful for training memory by recognising plants and learning about them, to show that the weed/not weed division is conventional by demonstrating the beauty of both “classes” in its variety. Try to guess right the 5 weeds - it is not so easy!
Photo: Ella Shegai
Model: Lisa Siegel
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“What happens to the wildlife as the rainforest disappears?”
Outcome of the ‘Inventing Curious Installations’-brief An installation where the user put on a sound blocking headset that plays different animal sounds from the rainforest. When the user starts removing the trees, the sounds will disappear one by one. The user may not noticing the change before they’re half way, but when they do, they’ll understand whats going to happen in the end. The silence after removing the last tree (and therefore the last animal sound) is suppose to have a big impact on the user. They’ll maybe get to feel the consecvences of the deforestation of the rainforest - wich some people dont’t know of, or try to overlook.
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Interactive cloud lamp - turn the light on by hugging
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Something interesting to round of the semester. Thanks for a great course!
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School assignment at AHO, fall 2017
Curious interactive installations Designing an interactive museum installation for The Natural History Museum.
Theme: Mimicking movement.
Phototaxis Apparatus
– the locomotory movement, that occurs when a whole organism moves towards or away from stimulus of light.
Music: “The Day Awakes” by Tritonus
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“Terapilampen” i samarbejde med Max Tomren
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We made a Rube Goldberg machine at school! It was a brave/hilarious attempt. I also made a brave/hilarious attempt at gathering iphone film shots and putting it together. Fun stuff!
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Nice to see more and more sketches being documented.
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Tegninger fra London
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The Web and the City
Over the last decade, digital technology has become another layer in the already dense and complex context of the city, and urban life has become an important new site for interaction design. The city has become interwoven with networked technologies, and ever more sophisticated mobile phones are shaping how we understand and experience our urban environments.
Over the next weeks, you will be working on a creative task where you are going to be introduced to the basic tools and methods for designing for and with screens and the web.
For this project, you have been approached by Oslo Kommune to explore how mobile applications might enhance and expand how citizens interact and related to the city. They want you to design and communicate a small scale application for mobile phones. Small scale means your application doesn’t have to end poverty or fix city government. It should be rather small and humble, yet interesting or useful, playful or effective. It doesn’t have to be for everyone, it can have a small and very specific user group. It doesn’t have to be designed for eternal relevance, it can be valid for only a specific period of time.
The application should focus on one core function, and it should do that one thing really well.
They point the following, non-exclusive,  points as possible areas for explorations:
Information dissemination. How may we improve how we distribute information in order to make it more understandable and accessible?
Engagement. How may we make citizens more engaged and involved in city development?
Service offerings. How may we improve our service offerings? How can they be more understandable, approachable and engaging?
Playfulness. How can we make the urban environment more playful, inclusive and make people take part in new and delightful ways?
Feedback. Can we improve how we collect data from citizens and environments?
Awareness. Are there ways we can make hidden aspects of the city more available so that citizens might become more aware of their surroundings?
Provocation. How can we bring attention to undiscussed topics?
You may choose from the following branches of city administration as your starting point:
Helse og omsorg
Natur, kultur og fritid
Plan, bygg og eiendom
Gate, transport og parkering
Miljø og klima
Trygg by
Vann og avløp
Choose a thematic area quickly. Then start to research that area. What is the city doing, what is it about, what are interesting areas for exploration? Talk to people about their experiences within your area.
You need to start investigating ideas for your project and develop a basic concept that will be refined through the process.  Methods such as observing people and situations, in-context sketching and ideation workshops are useful here. You need to quickly decide on concepts and move on to thinking about and defining users, use situations, user flows and further to sketching and prototyping both by hand / paper and digitally. Iterate. Iterate!
We want to see bunches of sketches, variations, and testing. The emphasis of this module is design through making and we expect a hands-on approach to all aspects of your process. Overall we expect you to progress from ideas, through research, concept, and prototyping quickly and to iterate.  We hope to see you working efficiently and evidence and prototype early so that you get the chance to evaluate and re-design.
You will present your product / service / app in the form of a website. This should convey how the application works and what is great about it. Why is the app useful, fun, delightful or interesting? The site needs to contain one or more films that present and communicate your app. The website and film(s) should highlight the core functionality and concept of the app and why others should care and eventually buy or download your app. So, you have to make three things, an app,  video(s) and a website. That means you will have to think about these things interconnected and related to each other. To repeat, the deliverables are:
An experience prototype of an app. This means that you have to design interactions that can be experienced, not necessarily work technically.  You do not have to make a functional app or make a technically sophisticated prototype, most importantly it must clearly and convincingly convey how it may be used and experienced. There are several prototyping tools available for this.
One or more short (max 60 sec) films that present the app’s functionality and use. Think about what you learned from the filmmaking brief and apply this to the app. The video(s) should both present and explain the core functionality of the application in an engaging and delightful way. You should also keep the video in mind when you design and prototype the app itself. What are the interactions that you want to show in the video, and how do you communicate these well? Please: no intricate stories or acting and no music (use contextual sound). Focus on communicating what the application does and why that’s interesting / useful / fun.
Make a functional single page website that presents the app and service. The site is your final presentation.
You should plan your process early and delegate tasks within the team. Try to map out all that needs to be done, and figure out how long you have on each part of the project. Part of the challenge of this project is to put together the skills and approaches you have worked on so far in the semester and run a design process using these.
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Interaksjonsdesign, teknologi, samfunn og kultur
Neste uke starter vi opp en forelesnings-serie om historie, teori, politikk, industri, design, teknologi og populærkultur. Som en slags oppvarming kan dere høre på denne podcasten om teknologi, design og samfunn som Fredrik Matheson fra IxDA Oslo og BEKK, og Einar, spilte inn i sommer:
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Some of Eila’s documentation of the demonstrations of the outcomes of the ‘Inventing Curious Installations’-brief
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Sluttgjennomgang - Noen av prosjektene.  Her: @martharisn, @lelkadesign, @clementinerusten, @legolai, @idalahm @marterennemo og @hkvilla
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Presentation of the dinosaur museum installation 🐉
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Martha’s early bathelmet prototypes. Using sound to see.
Testing of the bat-brille prototype for the brief curious interactive installations.
When first assigned the brief I wanted to look further into animal senses. After some research I decided to focus on bats ability to echolocate. By sending out high frequency sound signals bats can use the echo bouncing of objects or surroundings to generate a “vision”, maybe similar to our vision.?
The next step will be to make a more solid bat-hat, and test out some games that I have in mind.
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Good preparation notes from Ann Kristin
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The night before visiting the Natural Histiory Museum, I wanted to give myself a quick task, to open my mind and start thinking about cultural experiences, and what kind of impact they can do. So I made this list over things that moved me, in different ways, and why they did.
What moved you, and why?
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Hanna’s fieldwork notes from the Natural History Museum
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