"Well, I dunno, to be honest," Zack replied. "Most places here are owned by moogles." He gave a light shrug as he walked up to the cafe door casually and opened it, holding it open for Rhyme. "They all say the same thing, though-- that no one really has a clue where this place came from or how it came to be. The moogles discovered it first, I guess, 'cause they're... well, they're all over the place, hah~." He smiled at this, sky blues falling on the form of one such moogle.
Zack grinned, shaking his head slightly. ”I wasn’t offering ‘cause I felt obligated!” he said. ”But alright, if you insist.” He nodded lightly and straightened, though instantly intrigued by the apparent transformation of her money. He wouldn’t have known whether it all had worked that way or not, considering he had been broke when he arrived with Aerith, but it was interesting.
“Huh, well, alright! The cafe’s this way.” Turning on booted feet, the ex-SOLDIER more than willingly led Rhyme in the direction of the cafe, right across from the Fluffy Pom-Pom.
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Zack laughed at her little quip, an easy grin passing over his features. "Well, it's a good thing you've got nothing to worry about!" he replied, watching as Lebreau confidently pulled out a couple glasses and mixed them both a drink. Her motions were smooth, fluid-- and the end result looked pretty awesome, if nothing else.
As the glass slid toward him, the young swordsman lifted his hand and caught it with ease, raising it to take a closer look at the color a moment before taking a drink. As expected, it tasted just as good as it looked-- she wasn't at all bad at this. The comment about his eyes made him smile lowering the glass as he leaned a bit over the counter. "Like them, huh?" He straightened, thinking suddenly of Aerith and his smile widened, gaze falling to his drink a moment. He couldn't say what he had to her those years ago now with the same attitude-- Shinra left too many shadows in his life. But, oddly, he was still proud of his eyes and what he was.
If possible, he was more proud than ever, considering he saw himself as someone above Shinra's influence. He lived by the pride and honor his time in SOLDIER had taught him. "They're the eyes of SOLDIER, a military branch in Shinra. Enhanced by mako, though I guess it's less impressive now, after the war and everything." He straightened a bit and took another drink from his glass, quirking a brow at his new boss. "This drink's pretty good. Got a name for it?" he asked with a teasing smirk.
“You better, otherwise I wouldn’t know what to fo with you,” she joked, getting two glasses and placing them on the bar. Feeling inspired, she mixed a drink through improvisation, looking proud with the result when a few cubes of ice made the liquor she’d added look bright blue.
She pushed one of the glasses towards him as she took a sip from her own, nodding to herself in satisfaction at the taste before leaning forward, elbows on the counter as she offered a friendly smile. “There you go—a drink that matches those pretty eyes of yours.”
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The mention of Aerith tending gardens for others made Zack nod, pondering. It was true, she had a way with plants-- that was undeniable. Aiding those flowers to grow in the slums of Midgar was a feat none before her could have pulled off, he was sure. And, as for him, he was sure there'd be plenty of opportunity for work. After all, he could do just about any sort of menial labor-- from lifting boxes to construction to rescuing cats from trees. It was just a matter of putting himself out there, and encouraging Aerith to do the same. He had confidence in himself and in her.
Zack's demeanor brightened considerably as the employer came to speak with them. Smiling gratefully, Zack nodded to the other man then glanced to Aerith. "Well, something warm would be really appreciated," he suggested, meeting the brunette's gaze with a warm smile. "Tea, hot chocolate? Or maybe just a nice soup and toast." He then returned his gaze to the employee.
Aerith smiled and nodded as she considered what to do. “Maybe I can take up some gardening work for people, just until I get one of my own started.” She suggested. While she had enjoyed selling flowers, until she had a place to grow them she needed something else she could do in the meantime. Her thoughts went back to her church wondering how her flowers were.
She glanced up to Zack. “You may not be SOLDIER anymore but, I’m sure someone could use a strong guy like you for work.” She said with a laugh. “Who knows maybe there are monsters this town needs protecting from.” She continued remembering when Zack had fended some off back in the slums when he had come to visit her.
“I wonder if there are others here we may know. I mean we ended up here randomly.” Aerith started. “Maybe we will luck out and find a friend of ours to stay with.” She continued with a smile. “In the meantime I don’t mind roughing it.” She said.
As she continued to consider this thought as the employee from earlier returned. “Well, given your situation we’d like to help you two out. So today foods on the house.” He explained with a smile. “What would you like.” He questioned. Aerith thought for a moment, not entirely sure what to get. She glanced at Zack for a suggestion.
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Zack grinned, shaking his head slightly. "I wasn't offering 'cause I felt obligated!" he said. "But alright, if you insist." He nodded lightly and straightened, though instantly intrigued by the apparent transformation of her money. He wouldn't have known whether it all had worked that way or not, considering he had been broke when he arrived with Aerith, but it was interesting.
"Huh, well, alright! The cafe's this way." Turning on booted feet, the ex-SOLDIER more than willingly led Rhyme in the direction of the cafe, right across from the Fluffy Pom-Pom.
Rhyme raised both her hands up, similar to an act of defense. She could feel her cheeks blush a little since she was brought up in a household constantly reminding her that she shouldn’t be accepting gifts from strangers. “Oh, that’s alright! You don’t have to treat me! Maybe we should go to a money changer first… It doesn’t look like this place accepts the money I have…”
Rhyme fished her pockets for the cash she had around before she woke up in the strange place and realized that her currency was changed. This is a strange world.
“Oh, never mind then. Cafe indeed!”
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She seemed a little bummed, something Zack really couldn't blame her for-- after all, it seemed like this Beat guy was a pretty important friend! With her thanks, he smiled and nodded, straightening a bit. If nothing else, he could try and help her out a bit, get her mind off her troubles for the time being. Her friend had to show up eventually, right?
"A park? Well, I think there was one a little ways down the road in that direction," he said, pointing. "As for a restaurant, there's a cafe right across the street from the bar I work at! Why don't ya let me treat you? Least I can do. It's not far, not even a block." He nodded at this and smiled-- no good leaving a kid by herself in a strange place with an empty stomach, right?
Rhyme sighed. So this stranger wasn’t familiar with her partner. She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or even more worried for the fact that Beat might be hassling others. But… to find him, it would be hard and she thought it was wise to follow this young man around to get the feel of the town before looking around.
“That would be great, Zack! Thanks a lot. Is there a park nearby? Or maybe a restaurant? I’m pretty hungry!”
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#ooc;#Gee- thanks Tumblr. Never notifyin' me when I get new messages.#//flips tables#:|#HELLO- FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SOLDIER FIRST CLASS HERE
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At the mention of the Goddess, his mind shifted to Minerva and he hesitated, steps faltering ever-so-slightly as he lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. Genesis had to be right on that one, if his own personal meeting with Her had been any indication. But, at the change of subject, the raven's smile widened, relieved at the shift. It was a little too depressing for him to think of his mentor's passing, though... he did continue to hope that perhaps at some point he'd return.
"Ah-- yeah, I've been here a few weeks, maybe a month or so now," he replied. "I haven't exactly been keeping track." He grinned a bit sheepishly, his hand falling back to his side. "What about you? How long've you been around here? Last I saw you--" Quickly, he cut himself off, remembering Genesis telling him off earlier for bringing it up. "Uhh... heh, y'know." He grinned sheepishly, taking that moment to catch up a little.
With a deep sigh the red head pushed a few strands of hair out of his face. For once he wished the younger soldier to be right. But afterall, what had caused them to die, had been him. They’d probably only be mad for it. And so he felt better with discarding the thought of them comming back again.
“Only the goddess might know if it is possible at all. Life itself is what she gives to us. I came to that conclusion.” It was the realization he had needed so much time to come upon. And yet, he still wasn’t sure if there was more behind it. He shook his head. Just where was this conversation leading? never would he have guessed Zack - the puppy - to be able to talk about something that depressing. Hadn’t he always been the one being in good mood? At least from what Angeal had been telling him…
“How long have you been here by now?”, he asked, leading their conversation into another direction than it had been going before.
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"A drink, huh?" Zack grinned and stepped closer to the bar table, easily sliding onto a stool. Something like this was definitely worthy of celebration and he could drink to that, no issues there. It'd been awhile since he had a drink, though-- man, not since Kunsel had dragged him out to their usual bar a couple nights before his mission to Nibelheim. It'd been... several years now since then. The crazy things he and his SOLDIER buddies used to do...
"I can go for that!"
“Great! I definitely will,” she grinned, nodding once with an air of accomplishment. Though she was energetic by nature, there was something about Zack’s brightness that rubbed off on her, and she found herself slipping into an incredibly good mood.
She made her way to her usual spot behind the bar, placing her hands on the counter and drumming her fingers on the surface. “So, how about a drink to celebrate? No better way to get to know a new coworker than that, if ya ask me.”
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"Great!" Zack grinned once Cloud accepted his offer, letting his hand fall back to his side. "I'll let you take the lead on this one." Of course, that was partly Zack trying to cover for the fact that he was particularly lost, stumbling upon the blond a byproduct of his wandering about in the maze of backstreets along the outskirts of Moogletown.
So, he followed, keeping pace at Cloud's side and making the occasional comment. His friend's silence was comfortable and Zack didn't push conversation; he was happy to simply be in his company again. After all their experiences together on the field and in the lab, words really weren't necessary between them. As Cloud led them toward a small cafe, Zack smiled, recognizing the place as the little eat-in he and Aerith had stumbled upon when they had first arrived some weeks ago now. He had come back a few times since, though it had been awhile since his last visit. Kind people, good service, and a fair dose of quiet. It had reminded him of a similar place in Midgar he had frequented in Sector 8 when Cloud was still a cadet, working in the infantry.
As they were led to their seats, Zack exchanged greetings between their waiter and took the menus offered, glancing at Cloud as the two sat. He smiled at the blond, thanking the waiter and passing his friend the second menu, his placed on the table in front of him unopened. As the other's Mako-tainted hues scanned the outside world, Zack watched his expression, waiting patiently with his hands curled casually around his glass. The question that finally slipped through Cloud's lips, though, was... an unexpected one, raven brows rising in surprise before his gaze lowered to his drink and they furrowed slightly.
"...The Lifestream?" he asked, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Lifting his glass he took a sip and leaned back, shoulders shrugging a little. "It was peaceful. Honestly, I wasn't... all that aware of anything till Aerith came." He turned his head to glance out the window and lowered his drink, recollecting. "It was a little like dreaming-- vivid dreams. Not much I could do, though. Made me restless!" At this, he smiled wider and took another drink, straightening in his seat. "And, what about you? I hear you've been running a delivery service?"
The return; The puppy and the lone wolf
Cloud couldn’t help but smile at his old friend. They were reunited again, the past now irrelevant here. They were in a different world, he needed to learn to cope with this persistent depression of his and just sit back, relax and enjoy everything. He didn’t need to run anymore and more importantly, he didn’t need to deal with everything…alone.
“Yeah,” the blond replied, nodding after Zack’s offer. They needed to catch up. It’d been too long since they last spoken—he had so many questions. He…missed him.
The two began to walk back into town, Cloud remaining silent as they soon came to a small cafe. They were seated and were given drinks to start off with, but…the quiet blond didn’t know what to say first. So, instead, he focused his eyes out the window, watching as the people strolled passed.
“…What was it like?” he finally began, his voice soft and barely audible, “The lifestream, I mean…”
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Zack smiled at her suggestion, following the young Cetra as she looked around and decided on a particular window seat. "Window view it is," he commented without any complaint. Whilst she slid into her seat, Zack pivoted into the seat across from her, gaze falling first on her before drifting out to look upon the snow-littered streets outside. The smile on his lips turned contemplative as he watched passersby a moment, Mako-tainted hues flitting about to follow their movements casually.
It'd... been such a long, long time since he had seen a sight like this... Before the nightmare in Nibelheim, the experiments, living on the run, his death... now. It was... definitely quieter here than in Midgar, but not nearly as sleepy as Cloud's hometown. It all... gave him a cloud of mixed feelings; he wasn't sure what to make of everything. The how and why were mysteries the ex-SOLDIER wasn't sure either would ever solve. Perhaps... he simply needed only accept it, accept that he and Aerith were alive.
"Mm..." A sigh slipped past his lips at Aerith's question, causing him to lean back and cross his arms over his chest casually-- Mako-enhanced blues flitting to the brunette across from him. Smiling at her, he studied her a moment, pensive as he considered their options. "It's a fair question. Honestly, I don't have too many ideas. We could look for a place to at least take shelter for the night, if we can't find a way to make a little Gil for a room at an inn." Zack had experience living on the road without any gear-- just the clothes on his and Cloud's back-- and he had managed it for a couple months, how bad could this be? After all... at least Aerith wasn't in a vegetative state and... there had to be an empty building around somewhere around this town. "Then... I guess our best bet's to find jobs quickly, huh? Can't count me as SOLDIER 1st Class anymore. Not on a technicality." At this, he grinned, head cant slightly as he watched the woman across the table carefully.
Aerith gave a quick glance around the place. “Hem, well how about by the window.” She questioned and decided to make her way over to a table with a window view. She mainly wanted the chance to look out and see what she could of the town, while still being in the warmth of the restaurant.
She glanced out to look at the other various shops and homes. She smiled a bit. Since they didn’t exactly have a place to stay at the moment. She wondered if they’d be able to make a home here. She looked up to Zack and pondered whether to question him on this just yet.
She watched as he took a seat. “So.” She started. “While we have the moment, we should discuss what to do after lunch.” She said. “I wonder why we were brought here. Any ideas?”
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With a smile and a nod, Zack straightened. "That won't be too big a problem for long!" he said with confidence. Though, at her question, the raven paused, a hand rising to his chin as the other rested on his hip. "Beat, huh?" The name didn't ring any bells, so he shook his head, hands falling back to his sides. "Can't say I have, but I can keep an eye out for him, if ya like!"
Rhyme clutched her fingers to her sweater and smiled at the spiked haired man. “Yeah, Zack, that would be a good thing to do, I guess. I don’t know much about this town.”
Rhyme pondered for a moment before asking. “By any chance, have you seen someone named Beat around here? He’s my partner and I can’t seem to find him anywhere!”
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Zack watched his friend a long moment, waiting for him to speak with a quiet patience his own mentor had beat into him specifically for times like this. The blond, for sure, had always been quiet and didn't always speak what was on his mind-- challenging the ex-SOLDIER's ability to wait for the answers. But Zack didn't mind. If it meant finding a way to help his friend, he'd do just about anything. He had already proven that, hadn't he?
So, he studied the smaller male, his smile widening a fraction once he finally spoke; though he sensed Cloud was holding out on him, Zack didn't push the issue. More than anything, he wanted to help make his friend feel comfortable, ease him up. They had time to talk whenever Cloud was ready and Zack could finally be around to listen and do whatever he could.
"You, too, buddy," he said with a smile. Straightening, the raven-haired swordsman shifted to stand at Cloud's side, hand sliding back to clap his best friend on the back. "You busy? Wanna get some lunch and catch up? On me!"
The return; The puppy and the lone wolf
Cloud forced his eyes away when Zack moved closer. Despite his friend’s words, he was ashamed to even face him now. He had forgotten Zack after his death, his mind undergoing a traumatic change, his personality and memories mimicking his fallen friend’s, leading him to believe he was the SOLIDER he had always desired to be. If it hadn’t been for Tifa and—dare he mention—Sephiroth, he would not have remembered…his best friend.
Yeah, Zack was his best friend and still was..
He sighed. He shouldn’t be so hard himself? His mind couldn’t comprehend that, no matter how many times he’s heard that same exact sentence. His entirety was stuck dwelling in the past, he was unable to crawl out of his self-made hole of regret to fully embrace this…miracle. Zack was back in his life and this is how he showed his elatedness?
“Yeah, you’re right,” he finally said, giving the other a slight nod as his eyes lifted back up from the ground, “It’s good to see you again, Zack…”
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...But it was. It was definitely Zack, more alive than ever thought possible. Honestly, being alive never felt greater, but how could he even begin to express just how great it felt? The Lifestream had be peaceful, sure, but man, it had just been too quiet.
Cloud's reaction to seeing him, though-- it quickly sobered the energetic male, grin fading to a weary smile. Of course it'd be a shock to the blond-- he... he had been there, he had seen the infantrymen gun him down and leave him for dead. It was almost too easy for him to forget sometimes, with the advent of a new life, some of the darker moments of his own past. He just... didn't like to dwell on those things, yeah? And when they all piled on and it became difficult to handle, well-- he just didn't let that happen all that much. He'd stick it out, like always.
"Yep, that's me--" he said with a nod, before leaning forward as the younger's gaze dropped. Cloud's words, they cut-- like a dagger into his gut-- but it wasn't betrayal he felt at a supposed failure, it was a deep concern for an old friend.
No-- Cloud never made Zack feel any sort of disappointment. A lot happened, a lot he wasn't exactly clear on (hard to pick out details when floating around in a stream of consciousness), but he knew none of it was easy on the other. How could he ever blame Cloud for any of it? If nothing else, Zack felt Cloud had done an amazing job.
"Hey-- hey," he said, trying to catch Cloud's gaze as a hand rose to rest on the other's shoulder. Gently, Zack shook the other and leveled him with a serious gaze, Mako hues gentle and concerned as he looked down at his friend. "Cloud, you're you-- y'know? And, if it really means anything, you did what you could-- if not more. You stopped Sephiroth, didn't you? And not just once, three times. That's more'n I can say for myself." At this, he cracked a smile and gave his friend's shoulder a squeeze. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself."
The return; The puppy and the lone wolf
Hey! Cloud! It is you!
That couldn’t be…he thought to himself briefly, hesitating for a moment before lifting his head. His eyes widened and his body immediately tensing up and paralyzing. Raven black hair, pale complexion, a reflection of his own pair of mako-infused eyes staring straight back at him. There was no mistaken…
Was all he could mutter out before rising to his feet. A face from the past, was this a cruel dream, or…a ghost? He shook his head, his mind not fully grasping the presence standing before him. He was dead, but this is an entirely different world than the one he once knew, he had to remind himself.
Flashbacks of Zack’s unconscious body laying on the wastelands on the outskirts of Midgar flooded his mind. He had died in front of him, yet here was. He couldn’t grip to this reality and accept that he was alive…again.
“I-I’m sorry…” he then said, his eyes falling to the ground as if he was too ashamed to stare into the eyes of resurrected friend, “I…failed at being your living legacy…”
#nibelheimwolf#ooc; nopenopenope y u give me these feels#MUSE DENIES ALL LIKENESS TO A PUPPY#//sadpuppyfais
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#ooc;#Times like this- I wonder... HOW DO I ZACK.#But- well- there he is... in all his puppy glory. cries
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Let off for his shift at the Fluffy Pom-Pom, Zack stretched his arms above his head and took a breath of fresh air. It had been a good day, still getting used to the change of pace and... well, living again. Nothing quite like having a second shot at things, right? Especially when it had come so unexpectedly.
But, despite all the good things and his general positive outlook, Zack's mind still wandered to Cloud-- for all his time in the Lifestream with Aerith, he'd been able to watch over and keep an eye on the blond warrior... But, now that he was alive again, things were different. He didn't know where Cloud was or if he was doing alright; if he was still dragging his feet and letting things eat him too much.
"Heh." A crooked smile touched his lips at the thought, lifting a gloved hand to rub the back of his neck. It had been hard watching that, but there wasn't much he could do as a spirit. But now... now, as a part of the living once more, maybe if he ran into Cloud again, he and Aerith could straighten him out-- right?
Till then, Zack just wanted to explore and get used to his new environment. So many places in this town he had yet to see!
That in mind and a grin on his lips, the black-haired swordsman wandered about, letting booted feet carrying him wherever his whim willed it. He kept to the outskirts, as he had already wandered through the town square and all the major market areas-- losing his way somewhere along the way. But, part of the adventure was getting lost, right? So, this didn't particularly bother him as much as it probably should have. No, he just kept going, poking his head around every bend with an inquisitive nature that knew no bounds.
Approaching one out-of-the-way corner with an energetic smile, he stumbled to a halt at the sound of a familiar voice, sky-blues wide-- maybe he imagined that?
"Uh--" Quickly, Zack straightened and moved to make his way around, peering about with an anxiousness not typically worn by the ex-SOLDIER. "Cloud...?" he tentatively ventured just before his gaze fell upon the familiar blond, anxiousness gone and simply replaced with excitement upon stumbling across his old friend. "Hey! Cloud! It is you! I thought I recognized your voice!" he exclaimed, bounding toward him, hands rising to rest at his hips. "What are you doing, lazying about?"
The return; Open!
Cloud repeated silently in his mind, approaching the entrance to the familiar town. It had been quite some time since he had last been here, he needed to depart and recollect his mind. Once again, he had left behind the people whom he considered family to him, though this was nothing out of the ordinary with him.
He was never to remain in one place. He’d often travel elsewhere, finding some sort of purpose elsewhere, avoiding the past that continued to haunt him. Exhaling, he kept his eyes down as he merged into the crowded streets of the town, carefully weaving through the bodies, managing to slip passed the persistent merchants unnoticed.
He contemplated on visiting Tifa at the bar, but figured the sight of him might distract her from work. Instead, he found a secluded sitting area near the edge of town and decided to waste away here before retiring to an inn. Resting his fusion sword on the side of the bench, he then took a seat, tossing his head back to gaze up into the sky.
His mako-infused eyes glimmered underneath the beryl sky’s hue as he quickly became distracted by wandering thoughts. Too distracted to even hear approaching footsteps.
“What is it?” he said, hearing them cease in front him though he kept his eyes away, still focused on the sky above.
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Moogletown, huh? Zack cant his head slightly at the name, trading a glance with Aerith, a ponderous smile on his lips. A hand rose to rest on the brunette's shoulder as he leaned forward a bit, adding to her explanation. "Y'see, we're... kinda hungry and, well, we don't mean to impose or anything and, if nothing else, I'm willing to make up for whatever favor you give us!" The hand on Aerith's shoulder gently squeezed, his other hand rising to clench in front of him in determination.
The clerk eyed them a long moment, lips pursed together as he considered the request, before he slowly nodded. "Alright, hold on. Let me talk to the manager, okay? Feel free to sit down and I'll see what I can do," he finally said, imparting them with a smile before turning around and, after exchanging a brief word with one of his coworkers, disappearing behind the door Zack assumed led to the kitchen.
Pleased, Zack straightened and looked down at Aerith, a grin on his lips. "See that? Reasonable, right?" He then glanced around the small restaurant, looking for a table nearby they could snag. "Where you wanna sit?" he asked, turning his head back to meet Aerith's gaze.
Aerith paused a moment to gather her thoughts. “Um, well its difficult to explain.” She said looking at the man. “We sort of appeared here.” She started. She hoped the man wouldn’t decide they were crazy and throw them out. “We were wondering if you could help us. We don’t know anything about this place.”
The man nodded to her. “Well you are in Moogle town for starters.” He explained. “Lots of people have been coming here from all over.”
Aerith smiled looking over to Zack. “Well at least thats a familiar term.” She said, having a small idea of what a moogle was. Another thought came to her, if other people have been coming here, maybe their situation wasn’t so bad. “Well that brings us to another issue. We are a bit short on money” She explained. “Anyway you could help us out?” She asked hopeful giving the man a bright smile.
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Immediately at the greeting, Zack turned his head and glanced around till his gaze fell to rest upon the head of a young girl. He blinked, somewhat surprised to see a child wandering around on her own before he gave her a friendly grin and a nod, shifting on booted feet to face her. "Hey, there!" he called out in turn, hands coming to rest on his hips. "Nice to meet you, Rhyme. I'm Zack." Leaning forward with a smile still on his lips, he cant his head slightly as he inquired, "New here? If you need someone to show ya around, I'm free!"

Rhyme smiled at the crowd of people and waved her hand, her bell necklace jingling a little as she does. “Hi, everyone. My name’s Rhyme, short of Raimu Bito. It’s nice to meet all of you.”
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