This happened to me!
my fun, indulgent fic is becoming something i need to plan and outline, send help
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agoodboysforeverhole · 10 hours
My hot take is that Santiago only wanted to do the whole trial bit to have an occasion for that outfit and I kinda get it.
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agoodboysforeverhole · 10 hours
personally I think it's funny if when louis had sex with lestat for the first time and levitated he just thought that was something gay people could do and never questioned the vampire implications
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agoodboysforeverhole · 10 hours
It's funny that Louis is canonically always on the grind. He's investing he's a real estate mogul he's a multi millionaire he watches the stock market open and all his husbands are cringefail jobless art guys who also suck so bad. Except for human Daniel who has two pulitzers.
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agoodboysforeverhole · 11 hours
When you write a story and suddenly realize that if there is a god it is in fact super likely they created us to suffer.
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when you die almost instantly and your colleagues eat your face and then centuries later people who write forced feminization porn about you throw a party to celebrate your mandible being found
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Madam Zhang is a bit JGY, too. So many JGYs in those books. And they all hate and understand each other.
(And will absolutely collaborate with people they hate.)
would wang baoxiang and meng yao kill each other on sight because of their hatred of self recognition through the other or would they unionise to maximise their joint slay? discuss. they can kiss either way
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I don’t even take pictures most of the time. I see a rare bird and just feel lucky.
I really don't understand the behavior of birders and wildlife photographers that risk an endangered species. But then when you look at Instagram you see that there is a tendency to post rare birds and animals in very close-up perfect pictures. And even in birding there is a quite substantial amount of birders who see birding as a kind of competition about who sees how many species with rare birds giving extra points. Just two month ago I encountered some of those in a bird hide and they immediately left after they only saw he "usual" birds, because they were only looking for rare birds that were on their list. That is not birding for me.
I just don't get it. I mostly take pictures of birds in my neighborhood that are used to being around humans, but I also visit wildlife reserves and love good bird hides that allow you to see birds up close without disturbing them. I would never stray from the allowed path to search for rare birds. Humans already take away so much from natural habitats that the remaining one should belong to the wildlife without human disturbance. And there are so many interesting things to see without disturbing nature, like wildlife in the city that is used to be around humans. You can make so interesting observations of behavior and take so nice pictures (and make crow friends) without endangering a rare species.
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What’s it called if the day before your period is the only day you can get anything done?
Pre-menstrual depression is always depicted as like "He He! I had a box of icecream bars and cried while watching the Titanic!" But in reality, it's more like, "I'm standing the edge of an abyss. There is nothing good inside of me, I'm filled with rage and desperation."
It's crazy that being told how to deal with that is never a part of anyone's menstrual sex education.
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reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a fucking break
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I think I’ll just assume the next person asking for no-stretch, skin-tight but suuuuuper compfy jeans is from an alternate reality.
In time travel movies, when the time traveler asks 'What year is this?!?' they're always treated like they're being weird for asking.
When in reality, if you go 'What year is this?!?' people will just say '2024. Crazy huh.' and you go 'Wtf where has my youth gone.'
And if you ask 'And what month??' people won't judge you, they'll just go like 'SEPTEMBER!!! Can you believe it?!?!' and you go 'WHAT?!? Last time I checked we were in May?!?'
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Hello! Does anybody want to do a chibi Lan Xichen art for an event?
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terror and erebus disappeared in the northwest passage because they didn't have a flared base send tweet
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Maybe this is the most deranged (affectionate) fandom…
taste - the rat trinity
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