agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
"Tati? She's wonderful. You'll feel right at home with her, she has a talent of making everyone like her." Agnieszka smiled at the memory of her cousin and directed an encouraging smile at Svetlana. "Don't worry too much. I've told my family so many nice things about you, they'll love you."
“It’s in two months.” Agnieszka explained. She was almost bouncing with giddiness. “I can’t believe I’m not dreaming right now.” Quickly, she leaned across the table and kissed Svetlana’s cheek: That was innocent enough.
“You should be careful not to out shine the bride though” she gave the pianist a warm smile, rubbing her cheek in appreciation of Agnes’s peck. Of course she wanted to kiss her back but she’d have to be patient and wait till they were alone. 
“Is she nice your cousin?” She didn’t know an awful lot about Agnieska’s family. Seemingly scraps of information about her parents thought she knew a fair bit about Jan, her dearly beloved best friend. Although Svetlana knew Jan knew about them she still felt weary around him and especially as they had yet to meet. “Feels a little weird to go I will admit. See if your family and Jan approve of me” she smirked, biting her thumb.
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
"I just don't like getting drunk, that's all." Agnes said, pouting. She rested her chin in her hand, looking past Vlad. "When Svetlana and I go out, we don't really drink much. We do find some nice spots to eat at, though." The redhead pulled back as Vlad leaned in. "I don't agree with Vitaly's work policy, that's all." Now she was cautious.
“I swear, Vladimir, if you’re trying to get me drunk just so you can hook up with me.. It’s not going to work.” The redhead declared. She downed the skittles vodka. “I can have fun without this stuff, you know.”
Vlad pouted as he looked over at Agnes. “I never said I was trying to get you drunk so we could hook up. I just wanted you to loosen up and let your hair down.” He said with innocence leaving his mouth. If she wanted to hook up that was a bonus but he was still fairly well established that she wasn’t going to open her legs for him. “We have lots of fun without alcohol, Nush. Why are you complaining anyways? You can get drunk for free” he pointed out as he downed the bubblegum shot. “Does Svetlana just stick to boring stuff with you when you guys go out? Whenever we’ve been out she is always down for shots” he commented, picking up another one with an apparent apple taste. “I know she likes wine but maybe that’s for all the wining and dining with Vitaly” he rolled his eyes, alcohol showing a bit more courage in the young dancer. “Why do you hate him so much anyways?” He asked , leaning in towards her after downing the shot.
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
"I swear, Vladimir, if you're trying to get me drunk just so you can hook up with me.. It's not going to work." The redhead declared. She downed the skittles vodka. "I can have fun without this stuff, you know."
Agnes downed the content of one shot glass and grimaced. “You couldn’t have picked something tastier?”
With a wicked laugh, Vlad downed another shot. “ Aw come on. You can’t have cocktails all night. It���s nothing but fruit juice… Washes away the taste of the alcohol entirely…” he raised another shot glass and downed it, not being the type to mess around. “ Anyways…” he pointed to a couple of the glasses. “ That one is bubblegum flavoured and this one like skittles so you can’t complain too much.” he hoped the alcohol would loosen her up a bit. She always seemed uptight as if she was hiding something and he wasn’t quite sure what. 
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
"It's in two months." Agnieszka explained. She was almost bouncing with giddiness. "I can't believe I'm not dreaming right now." Quickly, she leaned across the table and kissed Svetlana's cheek: That was innocent enough.
Agnes’ eyes lit up with joy. She reached over the table and clasped Svetlana’s hands in hers. “Would you, really? That’s.. I don’t know what to say. It means so much to me.” The pianist was getting chocked up.
With a bright smile, Svetlana rubbed her thumb over Agnes’s hand after she grabbed them. “Of course… You know I love to spend time with you… “ she knew eyes could be watching from all around so wanted to ensure she was careful in her words but wanted to make sure she also said something significant to her secret lover across the table. “ You’re my best friend” she pulled her hands back to her side and picked up her cup of tea, taking a sip. “When is the wedding by the way?”
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
Agnes downed the content of one shot glass and grimaced. "You couldn't have picked something tastier?"
“I’ll have what you’re having.” Agnes said, smiling confidently. As the young dancer made his way to the bar, she looked after him, a strange longing churning in her chest. Why did her life have to be so complicated? Why couldn’t she simply look at this man and think yes, I want to be with him, a life at his side would be good. Even now, her thoughts strayed to the tempting ballerina.
Having headed back from the bar with a tray of various shots of alcohol, Vlad placed the tray onto their table and smiled down to Agnes as he joined her at the table, splitting the drinks so they each had 5. “I figured we should go wild. Wine is so boring you know.” he winked as he picked up a shot of vodka and downed it, enjoying the burning sensation. “ Hope this isn’t too strong for you now, Nush” he teased with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows.
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
Agnes' eyes lit up with joy. She reached over the table and clasped Svetlana's hands in hers. "Would you, really? That's.. I don't know what to say. It means so much to me." The pianist was getting chocked up.
“Well, I am inviting Jan, of course. He doesn’t mind playing the decoy for another night.” The redhead smiled humorlessly. “I’d just really like you to be there, too. It’s a special day for me, and I’d like to share it with you.” When Agnes looked at Svetlana again, her eyes were shining with hope.
“Jan hm?” a rather relieved smile crossed her lips, knowing he was absolutley no threat to her, knowing he’d never reveal anything with how important Agnes was to him, best friends always kept secrets after all. She had no idea how much she’d told Jan but she still chose to be careful around him just in case. “ I’d like to come… I’ll ask Vlad to come along or something….” she quickly wished to assure Agnes in case she may get the wrong end of the stick. “ I’m sure he’ll enjoy the lavish women around” she snickered, reaching under the table, giving her knee a soft squeeze. 
“Does this mean we get to go dress shopping?”
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
“Well, I am inviting Jan, of course. He doesn’t mind playing the decoy for another night.” The redhead smiled humorlessly. “I’d just really like you to be there, too. It’s a special day for me, and I’d like to share it with you.” When Agnes looked at Svetlana again, her eyes were shining with hope.
Agnes chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Now that Svetlana was actually here, she was at a loss for words. Finally, she tapped her spoon against the glass. “My cousin is getting married soon.” The pianist explained quietly. “I was wondering if you’d like to come, too.”
Svetlana’s smile dropped for a moment as she invited her a long to her cousin’s wedding. She’d been silent for at least a couple of moments now and knew she needed to speak even if she wasn’t fully sure what to say. “ Oh how nice for your cousin.” she nodded her head, smile capturing her lips again. “Of course I would like to go but are you sure your parents would allow me to come?” she cleared her throat as she looked Agnes in the eyes. “ I mean don’t they want you to go with… a man?” she didn’t like the idea of her going with another man or another woman for that matter but she was a little shocked as to being invited to a formal occasion as this since she’d always seen it as more traditional to go with a date opposed to someone her parents would see as a friend as after all, from her understanding they were very traditional as most people were in Russia. 
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
“I’ll have what you’re having.” Agnes said, smiling confidently. As the young dancer made his way to the bar, she looked after him, a strange longing churning in her chest. Why did her life have to be so complicated? Why couldn’t she simply look at this man and think yes, I want to be with him, a life at his side would be good. Even now, her thoughts strayed to the tempting ballerina.
“Well, I can’t be a good girl all the time.” Agniezka joked. Things with Vlad were so easy: There were no ulterior motives on his side, he simply enjoyed her company and always found a way to make her laugh. For tonight, she appreciated the company. “Thank you for having me.”
“You’re know I’m always in fully gratitude of spending time with you, Nush.” he grinned as he reached across and touched her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze; knowing to be careful and try not to be too much with her as she’d only try find an excuse to get away. “What would you like to drink? Something you are in the mood for or would you like me to surprise you?”
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
Agnes chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Now that Svetlana was actually here, she was at a loss for words. Finally, she tapped her spoon against the glass. “My cousin is getting married soon.” The pianist explained quietly. “I was wondering if you’d like to come, too.”
Having met up at the local rose cafe around the corner, Svetlana made her way inside and located the flame haired beauty sat by one of the tables at the window. She took to the counter and ordered herself a blueberry herbal tea and then went to greet her secret lover who seemed to be sitting so peaceful like the angel she was. “ Good Morning, Nezka.” she reached over and gave her a quick hug,ensuring not to hold her too long in case for any suspicious eyes watching around. “You look lovely as always” she chirped as she moved away from  her, smiling down at her as she removed her long camel coat and placed it on the back of the chair opposite and took a seat. When Agnieszka had invited her to the cafe to talk about something, her head had exploded with possibility of what it had been. Assuming she knew her well enough, she had invited her here to ask her about something but she was not all too certain what that could be. “Is everything alright?” she asked as she crossed a leg across the other, playfully nudging Agnes’s leg with her foot.
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
“Well, I can’t be a good girl all the time.” Agniezka joked. Things with Vlad were so easy: There were no ulterior motives on his side, he simply enjoyed her company and always found a way to make her laugh. For tonight, she appreciated the company. “Thank you for having me.”
“Wow, Nush.” a laugh left Vladmir’s lips as he greeted Agnieska with a kiss on the cheek. “ Never thought you were actually going to show up for drinks. I thought you were gonna ditch me but I am so glad you finally gave in to your temptations” he joked with a wiggle of his brow. The dancer was true to his words, he had been trying to get her to come out for a drink with him for a long time and she always politely declined. Even though she insisted this was just as friends he certainly hoped he’d find a way to turn it into more but only the night would roll the dice on the fate of this. “Let’s sit out here and then I can get us some drinks from the bar in the moment.”
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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agneskaramzova-blog · 5 years
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