aglowmoments · 6 years
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Nothing was more meaningful than spending a day at the Blossom Seeds (BSL) Volunteers Appreciation Purple Party together with ardent supporters and volunteers of BSL. The event, graced by MP Mr Ong Ye Kung was filled with enthusiam and emotions as the CEO brought us through the milestones and journeys that had been crossed thus far and of course, a look into the promising future plans. We had a really enjoyable and fun day amid all the food, songs, dance and laughter. Thank you BSL for preservering this far. Thank you to all the supporters and volunteers. 💖
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aglowmoments · 6 years
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Nothing was more meaningful than spending a day at the Blossom Seeds (BSL) Volunteers Appreciation Purple Party together with ardent supporters and volunteers of BSL.
The event, graced by MP Mr Ong Ye Kung was filled with enthusiam and emotions as the CEO brought us through the milestones and journeys that had been crossed thus far and of course, a look into the promising future plans.
We had a really enjoyable and fun day amid all the food, songs, dance and laughter. Thank you BSL for preservering this far. Thank you to all the supporters and volunteers. 💖
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aglowmoments · 6 years
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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7/3/18 @ bwmonastery: Rejoice to myself and all who participated in the 88 Buddha Repentance Puja led by our Abbot Jing Yuan. We repented through the singing of the Buddhas’ names, made praises and dedications wholeheartedly. The Venerables also led us in the Offering of lights to the Buddhas. Feeling blessed to be at such an auspicious event.
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ 17/12/17 What a wonderful and fulfilling time to spend my Sunday at BWM Fiesta with friends, Krystal, Shu Mei, Jane and Jennifer. We had a great time soaking in and experiencing the rich culture and arts while bonding with one another. Feeling blessed and am extremely grateful to Venerable Zu Guang for her detailed and patient explanation of the artifacts and Buddha’s sculptures at each station booth that we visited. We are honored to meet the artist, Chen Hui Fen and have a photo taken with her too. Thank you BW Monastery for such an awesome event! #https://bwmonastery.org.sg/bwm-fiesta
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands: 30/9/17 我万分的感恩祖广法师。因为他的引导, 我才能鼓起勇气踏出那第一步做现场报导。 也因为在祖广法师的坚持推动和引导下, 我开始学会用社交网站。 诚心诚意地感谢祖广法师。 尊敬的祖广法师 弟子nancy 顶礼 #bwmonastery
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery : 📽CAMERA ACTION Last Friday, we started our first interview for the MRD video "快乐的一群人" We were honored to have the opportunity to do an interview with Chinatown's area manager, Mr Kok Chee Choon on the milestone of Chinatown's Lamrim classes and activities. We had a most enlightening and enriching interview with Mr Kok as he passionately spoke of how he aspire to do what pleases the Teacher most. After the one and a half hour interview, we were all so touched and our biggest take away was how we can aspire to practice the Buddha's teachings, regardless of where we are or what we do. Thank you Boss Kok. Thank you Shifu. 🙏
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands: Many turned up for the Joyfeast Free Vegetarian Meal held at the Monastery on the first Sunday of September. A warm welcome to all ! #bwmonastery
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery: Again it was time for our BWM Media team meet last night at Chang's Building. It is just another 2 months away to our Master Remembrance Day event and we got to put our heads together for some brainstorming, grueling discussions, spilling out our creative juices, amidst intense discussions and humorous banter........to get ready the videos for the coming event. 加油加油💪
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery Lamrim class @ Chinatown:
Our class of S15G027E were pleasantly surprised by an honored visit from our BW Monastery’s Managing Committee CEO Dr Oh Kheng Ho, CEO Mr Lim Peng Ching and Committee Member Mr Jereme Wong tonight.
They came to say ‘hello’ while at the same time also shared with us some of the objectives of our Monastery, as spearheaded by our Abbot Jing Yuan and the whole Managing Committee in making our Monastery, the HOME for everyone. Our CEOs encouraged all to step forward to contribute to the growth of the monastery.
Of course, everyone was most delighted to have a photo taken with our honorable guests together with Mr Kok, owner of the premise where we held our Lamrim classes.
We love surprises!
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands @ 27/8/17: On a Sunday afternoon, a group of admirable people gathered together at our Monastery's Hall of Jewels to attend the Bliss Lion Event for a similar objective of building an entrepreneurial platform base on good virtues and mutual trust. This event was led by Venerables and Bliss Lion Cadres, and also joined by a group of youths who would like to share how they can play a part in buliding up a virtuous society with our entrepreneurs and leaders. Coming from all walks of life, these talented professionals and business entrepreneurs were also able to provide help and advice to the younger generation on start ups and potential in the entrepreneur world. The purpose of this objective is to be able to work together positively to benefit oneself and others so as to to create a better and harmonious future for all. Great aspiration for a better and more exciting world for all to live in. Thumbs up 👍
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands: 'A Moment to Reminisce' Two weeks have passed since we participated as volunteers for the BW Monastery opening. Looking back, we are really grateful to Venerable Dao Ci for motivating us on our very first day of our on-the-job training. Thank you Fashi. 🙏 #bwmonastery
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands : BWM Media Team sharing by our Deputy leader, Jen Tan Xueni
我觉得, 常师父给我们最佳的礼物之一, 即是一群同心同愿的大乘善友。
荣幸身为吉祥宝聚寺的媒体组(Media Team) 😊. 我们每次出任务, 在每一场法会中, 透过摄像镜头, 见证在大善知识的引导下, 利益有情的事业, 是如何一波又一波的展开。
看到的, 是许许多多参与者,在三宝的护佑下, 露出的虔诚, 露出的喜悦, 露出的幸福, 三宝功德真实不虚!
One of the best gifts given to us by Master Jih-Chang is to have a group of virtuous friends moving along the great Buddha path together with one heart and mind. I am honoured to be part of the BWM Media team.😊 In each and every event that we volunteered, every task that we undertook, we have witnessed through the lenses, the great teachings of our Excellent Teachers in benefitting all sentient beings. We truly believe in the great virtues of the Triple Gem, as we have seen lots of devoted participants, who under the blessings of the Triple Gem, displaying bliss and happiness. COMING together is the beginning. WORKING together is progress. KEEPING together is success. - BWM Media Team
万分随喜与感恩 🙏 For this, I am extremely grateful and I greatly rejoice! 🙏 #bwmonastery
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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BW Monastery @ Woodlands : 'Have you found the code to get onto the path of Happiness?' Venerable Zu Guang taught us how in her discourse tonight. Feeling blessed and grateful to Venerable...... https://bwmonastery.org.sg/.../8/21/-8/31-weekly-programme
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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aglowmoments · 7 years
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