a girl + her hund
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a girl = Rebecca. Human. Married. Iowegian. Chicagoan. Now in LA. Actor/Improvisor. her hund = Trond. Black Lab. Not Married. Iowegian. Chicagoan. Now in LA. Dingus/Best Pal.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
agirlandherhund · 5 years ago
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WE HAVE BEEN A FAMBLY FOR A DECADE! TEN YEARS AGO TODAY (7.2.10) this clunky Clompus Whompus chose us to cater to his every need + grace our lives with head tilts + snuggles. Even during a pandemic, we plan our day around him. He’s the best hund we could have ever hoped for. Thank you for making our Fambly complete. We love you, Captain Trond Kildahl Ryder! Always + Furever. 💜🐾💜
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agirlandherhund · 5 years ago
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Today! Saturday! April 25th! 2020! We celebrate TEN YEARS of Captain Trond Kildahl Ryder! One Decade of Hund! This head-tilting, food-loving, tennis ball-destroying, ocean-swimming, snow-digging, bed-hogging, couch-snuggling, sleep-twitching, friend-making, nearly non-barking boy was born was TEN YEARS ago today! We are most blessed to have this hund in our family, in our lives + in our hearts. Happiest of Birthdays to The Best Pal in the Whole Wide World. We love you, Trond. Please, Everyone - Celebrate this Dingus. 💜
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agirlandherhund · 5 years ago
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Yes. It has been officially announced that MST3K will not have another new season on Netflix. It’s a total bummer + while I’m sad about it, Gratitude is what I’m truly feeling. I’ve been a fan of this show for over half of my life. I started watching this creative collection of Midwesterners on this ridiculous show as a college student + they made me laugh so hard, my stomach would seriously ache after our viewing-marathon sessions. We’d quote episodes + bust out laughing all over again. It was as much of an education to me as my theatre classes were. MST3K inspired me to move from small town Iowa to Chicago to pursue comedy. I Did Not Ever think then that I would be on the other side of it someday - writing, voicing, performing, shooting + touring with it! And after years of performing then hitting a plateau in Chicago, MST3K gave me the courage to come to LA. It provided me the opportunity to be in a Writer’s Room with people I highly admire - I actually made THEM laugh!?! I got riffs in!?! I wrote a sketch!?! To later see that sketch come to life in The Gauntlet still brings me tears of joy. I’ve met so. many. phenomenal. people through this already incredible experience. The cast, puppeteers, crew, writers, directors, MSTies - old + new, MARK HAMILL!!! (I freakin’ hugged freakin’ Mark Hamill. He was thrilled that a female was actually now voicing Gypsy. I’ll never forget those words coming out of his mouth when I was introduced to him.) And Now MSTies are quoting riffs that I’ve written. They’re giving each other awkward Synthia hugs. They know my voice (literally as Gypsy + figuratively if they’ve seen me in a live show). I still can’t believe I’m a Mad AND a Bot!?! All of this is precious, precious Gold to me that I’m so incredibly thankful for. Please know how thankful for + honored I am by you. No matter what is next - and I have no idea what that is but I’m hopeful - I thank everyone involved in all levels from Backers to Joel - Many Thanks; Mange Takk - for making this Iowegian’s Dream Come True. 💜
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agirlandherhund · 5 years ago
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The 3 of us rolled into town 2 years ago (10.7) today to start living that indoor/outdoor SoCal Hollywood Red Carpet Lyfestyle™️.
What can I say about all of this? Our li’l house feels like home but LA doesn’t necessarily feel that way - yet? Still? Year round Farmer’s Markets are amazing. There have been personal + professional ups + downs. Having a lemon tree in your own yard is dreamy. I truly hate the traffic here. I continue to thrive on gluten. The Burbank Airport freaking Rules. I absolutely do NOT miss humidity. One. Bit.
But no matter where you live, it’s about the people. I’m very happy to have reconnected with so many people out here + made a few new people friends but I’m definitely in need of more connection with people here. Sincere connection not ‘networking��� connection, more regular interaction, face to face stuff + closer relationships. All of that takes time + time is a real trip in LA so ... I’m looking forward to what is yet to come.
I’m thankful to be living this life, closer to the ocean, experiencing All The Things with Tim + Trond. Which is the same way I felt two years ago today. 💜 Thanks.
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agirlandherhund · 6 years ago
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3 homes, 2 cities, 1 cross-country move, 2 nationwide tours, 1 hund, 1-der what will be next = 10 years of us being married! It’s our 10 Year Anniversay Today!!! Hot Love for 10 Wedded Years! Thanks for marrying me, Tim Ryder. You’re stuck with me forever!
(6.12.09-6.12.19, Baby!!!)
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agirlandherhund · 6 years ago
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YES! MST3K Live will Tour again!
YES! I am currently writing on it right now.
NO! I will NOT be performing on ‘The Great Cheesy Movie Circus’ Tour. It’s with mixed emotions that I share this news - I’ll miss meeting all the sweet MSTies across the country but for personal + professional reasons, I had to bow out this time around. Everything is cool - y’all are stuck with me as Gypsy + Synthia as long as the Creator wills it, I just won’t be on the bus in 2019 + 2020. I’m riffing my brains out right now for it so please go see it when it comes to your area. Give Joel awkward Synthia hugs when you meet him. Have fun or Gypsy will make you go to the ball-pit! Thanks for understanding, Friends! 💜
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agirlandherhund · 6 years ago
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We wrapped up the MST3KLive 30th Anniversary Tour about a month ago. It’s taken me a bit to post about this cuz the end of tour was bittersweet. It’s no secret that living on a bus isn’t ideal but working, traveling, performing, laughing, singing, drinking, joking + kicking it with this extraordinary group of people is. Thanks for a ridiculous six weeks, Friends!
And thanks to everyone who came to the live shows and/or expressed encouragement + praise while we traveled. (I think this is the best pic of all of us?)
Now lets never watch ‘The Brain’ ever ever ever again!
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agirlandherhund · 6 years ago
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[Drawing of a pink cat and a blue cat under a purple blanket with a caption that says “I’m here for you if you need to talk. If you don’t feel like talking, but want company, then I’m here for that too. And if you’d prefer just having some space alone for a while, that’s okay too. I love you and I’ll help however I can.”]
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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Celebrating 9 Years of Wedded Bliss Today (6.12.18)!!!!!!!!! Thanks for wanting to marry me, Tim Ryder! I love you to the Moon (13) + Back! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Also - thanks to Matt Oswalt for taking this Epic Candid Picture of us just casually hanging out in our backyard ... as we are wont to do ...)
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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Fall Tour, Friends! We’re comin’ to your town, we’re gonna Riff you down! Hope to see you! (People have asked and: YES, I am in alllllll of these shows. And Y E S - JOEL is riffing this Fall, too!)
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
ONE YEAR!!! One year ago today (5.22.17) I decided to give up caffeine. I quit cold turkey. The first 2 - 3 months truly sucked. My withdrawal was terrible. That horrible withdrawal helped me realize I never want to go through anything like that again. I truly didn’t think giving up Diet Coke was something I could do. BUT here I am, one year later - I made it to my goal!!! I wanted to get to the point where soda (I never liked nor will I ever start to drink coffee) no longer controlled my day, my plans, my moods, my headache, my Life... I wanted to be able to enjoy it if/when I wanted to but didn’t need it. I’m happy, proud + relieved to say I no longer need it. I can enjoy it from time to time without having to have it all the time. I did enjoy ONE Diet Coke today - which I get the irony - BUT I only had one and didn’t want or need to partake in any more than that... If you’re someone who is giving something up for your health OR doing better things to improve your health + you’re struggling - I encourage you to keep going + give yourself grace when it’s starting to get too tough. Thanks for reading all of this!
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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Thanks for all of the well wishes! I had an amazing birthday on the 22nd! I’m rolling into this new year with a Grateful Heart but also as a Badass in a Rat Rod.
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday, Captain Trond Kildahl Ryder! Our sweet hund is 8 years old today (4.25)! This dingus has made our lives, our family + the internet better than we ever thought pawssible. He’s my Very Best Pal in the Whole Wide World. I’m so happy he was born + even happier he picked us to be his fambly. I love you forever, Pally! (Couldn’t decide between the 2 picks so enjoy both!)
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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My Very Best Friend Forever, Erica, came to visit me this weekend + while, no, we did not eat the entire time she was here; we did laugh. A lot. The whole time. I feel a little more like myself now after being with her this weekend. May you all have someone in your life as amazing as Erica.
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring! Happy April! Happy Everything!!!
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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A Blessed Palm Sunday to you All. It’s our first Palm Sunday with actual palm trees!
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agirlandherhund · 7 years ago
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We witnessed + joined children, celebrities, friends + DeadHeads all marching for the lives lost due to gun violence in this country. Let’s all vote + create change for a safer nation.
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