agicida · 4 years
a small cry came from near the carousel as kim approached, trying to decide if riding the carousel as a loner adult was weird or endrearing. as she turned her head to look for the source of the noise, she encountered a small child, ice cream cone in hand, who seemed to have been separated from their parents. the tears came easily, flowing freely down their cheeks and into what appeared to be a double scoop of bubblegum.
normally prickly, kim was easily won over by kids--particularly those in distress--after having struggled throughout her entire childhood with the loss of her family. with a bright smile that was normally reserved for one or two people in her life, she knelt down in front of the kid, taking the napkin from around their ice cream cone and drying the kid’s eyes. “it’s okay, kiddo. my name’s kim and i’ll help you find your mom or dad. i’m like a detective--” she was a private investigator, but that seemed a little too detailed for a kid that age to understand. “--so i’m really good at finding people.” after getting a quick description of the parent, she stood on her toes and looked through the crowd for someone who matched it.
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seeing no one who was wearing a red sweater, kim turned to another person seated on a bench near the carousel. “hey, you didn’t happen to see anyone this kid with anyone or maybe someone in red?” picking up the kid, she set them on the bench and did another sweep of the crowd before turning back to the person on the bench. “do you mind if i stand up here for a sec next to you to get a better view?” @charmingstarter​
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agicida · 4 years
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ambermidthunder Couldn’t feel our fingers, horses spooking at backpacks, and children getting toy slime in places there should not be slime. All events that took place during this shoot and not only is @kimdashnawphoto an amazing photographer, she’s a rad mom, an all around badass in life. There’s no one better to do a series on girl power than her. Humbled that she had me as a part of it — go and follow her page to see her pics and the Q&A we did about life, passion, the whole enchilada.
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agicida · 4 years
kim & lu, lutezel.
Location: Equestrian Park
With: Anyone!
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lu muttered under her breath when she was asked yet again how old she was. At this point, she should just keep her ID on her at all times because it seems like security here keep mistaking her for a highschooler, which wasn’t even flattering since she was and had been trying so hard to prove that she was now an adult. She was so lost in her thoughts and her anger that when she turned a corner and bumped into somebody, the coffee that she had in her hand spilled all over her shirt. “Could this day. Get. Any. Worse?!” Lu exclaimed as she pulled the dripping front of her shirt away from her chest, letting out an exclamation of disbelief when the person who bumped into her just ran off without an apology. “The nerve of some people,” she scoffed. “You don’t happen to know where the nearest bathroom is, do you?” Lu asked the person closest to her. 
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if it wasn’t for the horses, kim would’ve never come out to fair. she probably could’ve waited til the crowds died down, but one of the only things that she remembered from her childhood before she lost her family was the ranch. it was a modest one--a few horses, goats, two cows, and a mess of chickens. they grew some flowers and fruit that they sold at a farmer’s stand in town. most of the memories have a haziness to them, like sepia photographs they’re worn and idealistic depictions of how things were. she’d pored over ever photograph from her childhood. every one in the case files. she knew them all by heart, but the only time she could feel that deep, visceral connection was when she was around animals. 
so she’d shown up on her own, hoping to ignore the crowds and just have a day where she could enjoy things again. lost in her thoughts, in ephemeral memories that she couldn’t quite describe because she’d been so young and they only remained as fragments and feelings, she jumped as the reverie was broken by a collision that sent the other’s coffee flying and kim’s phone into the dirt with an unsettling thud. the perpetrator of both annoyances was lost in the crowd before kim could yell a satisfying  ‘fuck you.’ this sort of thing, when she was younger, would’ve had her wondering if it was intentional. she’d been bullied over what happened to her family her whole life, but she was working hard on trying not to attribute everything that happened to her to that.
looking up at the owner of the coffee, she wiped some droplets from her face in palpable annoyance, but the exclamation had her feeling sympathetic--clearly she was having a worse day than kim was. “shit, yeah, i think there’s one where the food is.” untying the hoodie from her waist, she offered it. “you’re--uh--shirt is drenched. you wanna borrow my sweatshirt?”
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agicida · 4 years
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HIGH FIDELITY 1.04, "Good Luck and Goodbye" DIR. Andrew DeYoung
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agicida · 4 years
📱 kim & nina.
kim: okay, i know i don't seem like a horsegirl.
kim: but i'm kind of a horse girl.
kim: are you going to the park opening tomorrow?
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agicida · 4 years
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agicida · 4 years
kim & james, jameslaine.
Location: Mayhem Maidens Open: @charmingstarter​
The flashing lights blinked throughout the entire room the seemed to sync with the music the performer on stage was dancing along to. It was just another Saturday night at work for James as she looked around, trying to spot anyone who could give her their time, but most importantly their money. She always came dressed to impressed, in clothes that barely covered her body, but that was the job. Sure she had women (and men) who called her a slut, but James thought it was ingenious. She was going to have sex one way or another, at least this way, she’d get paid for it. 
She felt a body come up to her as she gave them a smile,  “A conversation is going to cost you.” It was Mayhem Maidens and she was working, if she just gave out free things, she wouldn’t be able to afford rent and all the other luxuries she was accommodated to. 
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mayhem maidens wasn’t a bad set up, but it wasn’t really kim’s scene either. she preferred a quite place to drink a few beers and maybe have some $2 tacos if it was tuesday or some fries if it was any other day of the week. so it wasn’t her scene, but she was still present there with some regularity. she had the fortunate distinction of being neither a wolf nor a disciple--investigative, sure, but not a cop. she was switzerland in a town so contrarion it was almost shakespearean.
“yeah, sure.” kim knew the drill. bribe money was factored into her retainer always. pulling out cash from her left jacket pocket, she handed the slender woman $80. each pocket had a different amount and combination of bills depending on the read she had for the person. she kept the amounts separate, so it always looked like it was the full amount. eighty was a pretty good amount for a conversation, but these girls made much more in a night’s work. what was a lot to kim, was tips on a slow lunch hour to them.
“have you seen this woman around?” she asked, holding up her cellphone. it was obvious she wasn’t a cop in the way she carried herself, the way she dressed, but not ever maiden knew her as a pi. “her mom hasn’t heard from her in about a week.” the woman on the screen smiles at the brunette in from of kim, but her big blue eyes are sad. “i heard a rumor she was working here like ... a few months ago? maybe march.” she hoped that the girl was just being a flake, but because of her history the disappearance wasn’t taken too seriously. the mom had hired kim instead, sending her venmo payments from chico. “i’m not a cop, for the record, just trying to make sure she’s okay.”
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agicida · 4 years
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Whether they be friends or relatives I’m fortunate to be surrounded by really strong and strong willed women who know how to own their womanly qualities with grace and class wherever they go. I look up to them and I’m grateful for them and I hope to be like them as I grow throughout my life.
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agicida · 4 years
pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many 
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agicida · 4 years
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“so--” kim began, stabbing a fork into a steak fry and dipping it into the ketchup she’d haphazardly poured into the hale’s diner to go container after finishing her burger. it made it easier to work late nights as a private eye when she had a shift meal from hale’s to pack with her. “--i caught your show the other night, connolly.” she spoke with her lips mostly closed, trying to disguise the fact that she was talking with her mouthful--the implication of manners. “i gotta tell you, you guys don’t suck.” quite the contrary, she thought they were pretty good, but don’t suck was a kim liu special. don’t suck was high praise. “here i’ve been waiting tables on the side and i find out that you’re a burgeoning rockstar.” it’s not disparaging to nina, more self-deprecating. “you’ve got serious cool points. you sure you’re not a character from scott pilgrim?” she was teasing her, sure, but it’s because she sincerely thought it was pretty neat. kim could play guitar a little, but it was mostly just from looking up tabs of fleetwood mac or jose gonzalez songs. @ninaconnolly​
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agicida · 4 years
cat and bonfire
cat - do you bite your nails?
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“that’s disgusting. no. no way.” kim did used to chew her cuticles when she was little, but then her foster mother had put something bitter tasting on her nails and it had broken the habit. somehow cuticles weren’t near as bad as nails. 
bonfire - are you a hot or a cold person?
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“i guess i run pretty hot.” maybe it’s a throw back to childhood, but kim’s never been able to sleep under much more than a sheet or a light blanket, half uncovered. “the last person i dated said i was like a furnace at night. it, uh ... it didn’t work out.”
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agicida · 4 years
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Name: Kimimela Autumn Liu
Gender: Cis female
Pronouns: She / her
Age: Twenty-five
Face Claim: Amber Midthunder
Occupation: Private investigator and waitress at Hale’s diner
Length of stay in Charming: Twenty-five years
Trigger warnings: murder mention, family annihilator killing mention, suicide mention, bullying mention ( all brief, not detailed )
+ resilient, perspicacious, witty - sardonic, reticent, cynical
How do you feel about Charming?
“i don’t really know what you want me to say.” kim shifts uncomfortably in her seat. it’s clear she’s annoyed–arms crossed, jaw set. she’s felt like the town pariah for most of her life, which was truly saying something in a town like charming. “it doesn’t love me, so i tend to respond in kind–you know what i mean?” she should’ve left as soon as she could drive, but there was no way she could leave her family’s murder case unsolved. so she stayed; it was the punishment for surviving.
How do you feel about the Devil’s Disciples and the Wicked Wolves?
“i couldn’t really give a shit about either of them.” she’s projecting, but in actuality kim is more than certain that all those years ago the devils probably aided whomever killed her family. how else could they have escaped in such totality. “both of them make my job interesting and without the wolves, i wouldn’t be able to pay my bills. i’m pretty sure half the men i’ve been hired to track for infidelity have showed their faces at either their club or at the mayhem maidens.”
What’s the most important thing to you?
“the most important thing to me?” if her family had survived, it would’ve been them. although, if they’d survived, she thinks she would’ve likely taken them for granted. she’d have the good fortune of being annoyed with them or embarrassed by them instead of memorializing and canonizing them in her head and heart. if she liked her job, reallymeant to become a private investigator instead of using it as a means to an end, she might’ve said her job. “it’s proving that my father didn’t kill my family.” she’s spent her whole childhood as a pariah–local celebrity victim. the daughter of a family annihilator who was met with either tempered dislike or pity. solving her family’s case–or at least having it reopened–wouldn’t change that. at least it might clear her father’s name.
What are you most scared of?
kim sucks her teeth is sardonic amusement, breath leaving with a huff. “seriously? everybody wants to hear what little kimi liu is scared of.” it’s changed over the years and been many forms of the same shapeless figure that she can barely remember from childhood. like ‘it’ she thinks that it takes on whatever her latest fear is and turns itself into her latest suspects or, worse, the latest object of affection. “crickets.” she answers finally and it sounds like a joke, but the crickets were so loud that fateful night. she can hear them in that liminal space before she drifts off to sleep. she can feel her skin crawl when she hears them outside the city limits at night. she doesn’t think that even if the state didn’t take her parents’ ranch, when they died and she was sent into foster care, she’d ever be able to sleep there again.
Do you have any plans for your future? If you could have a million dollars right now, what would you do with it?
“you know all of those true crime specials that bring new interest in cold cases? i’d pay for a really good netflix one, so that charming pd would finally reopen the case.” it’s not news to anyone that the official ruling was that kim’s father killed the family and then himself. it wasn’t enough that reddit didn’t think that johnathon liu did it. reddit’s true crime conspiracy boards wouldn’t grant him a post-humous exoneration. “people love that kinda stuff. you’d have a new investigation within the hour.”
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agicida · 4 years
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introducing you all to my beautiful, angry 25 year old daughter kim liu ! she’s a private investigator and server at hale’s diner. her bio is under /bio and trigger warnings are posted up top so you can avoid it if need be ! below the cut are some highlights. trigger warnings for death mentions, murder mentions, child death--all very brief here, but a little more in dept in her bio.
kim grew up in a large family on a ranch just outside of charming. life was great for the liu kids, kim being the youngest of them at seven years old when she lost them. the family massacre was sparsely investigated and it was determined that her father jonathon was the perpetrator, with some versions being that her mother esther was in on it too. kim knows that’s not the truth. the story of the liu family ranch is considered a true crime mystery, though some redditors have also circulated urban legends or stories about cryptids having been responsible.
kim grew up in foster care as somewhat of a pariah. she had a scarlet letter as being the daughter of a murderer and feels like she’s grown up with half the town hating her, though her attitude doesn’t help ( which came first, the attitude or the ostracizing? ).
she started serving at hale’s years back to pay for her private investigator certification and has stayed since. it’s a good place to town gossip and it helps supplement her income over dry spells. she became a PI to solve her family’s case, because there was another person on the ranch that night and she’s certain of it.
she’s a little cynical. a little surly. mostly from having to grow up on the defense. it’s hard for her to make friends, but once she does they’re mates for life. she makes the assumption that folks are either pitying her or judging her right off, even after all these years and with so many transplants in town. 
i’d love to see someone who thinks she’s trash or thinks her parents really are guilty. or maybe someone who thought that in high school and is since reformed, realizing how fucked up that was.
she’s gotta have some friends !
i imagine she’s in tight with the wolves because they basically afford her a source of income with so many of charming’s men hopping over to mayhem or rendevous, so maybe one of the ladies tips her off on the down low when one of her clients’ spouses is up to no good and they split the payment?
anything ur little heart can dream up tbqh !! 
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agicida · 4 years
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ambermidthunder Couldn’t feel our fingers, horses spooking at backpacks, and children getting toy slime in places there should not be slime. All events that took place during this shoot and not only is @kimdashnawphoto an amazing photographer, she’s a rad mom, an all around badass in life. There’s no one better to do a series on girl power than her. Humbled that she had me as a part of it — go and follow her page to see her pics and the Q&A we did about life, passion, the whole enchilada.
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agicida · 4 years
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agicida · 4 years
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agicida · 4 years
🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ KIMIMELA LIU ❜   /  TD.
🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ a lake of extravagant tenderness◝ a howl of silence in the shadows ❜   /  aesthetic. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ there is something bleeding to death inside me but i don’t know what it is ❜   /  visage. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i know when the coyotes howl they are hungry and hoping to taste blood ❜   /  musings. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ don’t tell them too much about your soul◝ they’re waiting for just that ❜   /  answers. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ and may your bones sing◝ no longer with pain but with roses ❜   /  music. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ there’s something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold ❜   /  history. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ we can stare into the fog until it shines◝ we can force it to unfold us ❜   /  mentions. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ you’ve put the living underground and kept the dead up here ❜   /  family. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i was the girl full of talk of coffins and keyholes ❜   /  edits. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i have pasts inside me i did not bury properly ❜   /  headcanons. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ nothing is safe sacred or sane ❜   /  memes. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ godly as a child’s shriek ` spiderlike i spin mirrors ❜   /  ooc. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ these nights the air is full of spirits ❜   /  charming. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ yippie queue yay motherfucker ❜   /  queue. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i need someone to pour myself into ❜   /  wanted connections. 🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ home is the first grave ❜   /  the liu family ranch.
#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ a lake of extravagant tenderness◝ a howl of silence in the shadows ❜   /  aesthetic.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ there is something bleeding to death inside me but i don’t know what it is ❜   /  visage.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i know when the coyotes howl they are hungry and hoping to taste blood ❜   /  musings.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ don’t tell them too much about your soul◝ they’re waiting for just that ❜   /  answers.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ and may your bones sing◝ no longer with pain but with roses ❜   /  music.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ there’s something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold ❜   /  history.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ we can stare into the fog until it shines◝ we can force it to unfold us ❜   /  mentions.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ you’ve put the living underground and kept the dead up here ❜   /  family.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i was the girl full of talk of coffins and keyholes ❜   /  edits.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i have pasts inside me i did not bury properly ❜   /  headcanons.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ nothing is safe sacred or sane ❜   /  memes.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ godly as a child’s shriek ` spiderlike i spin mirrors ❜   /  ooc.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ these nights the air is full of spirits ❜   /  charming.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ yippie queue yay motherfucker ❜   /  queue.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ i need someone to pour myself into ❜   /  wanted connections.#🔍 . ˚ ◝  ––––––  ❛ home is the first grave ❜   /  the liu family ranch.
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