aghasexxy · 4 years
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aghasexxy · 4 years
The state of the world right now is so scary to me as a Black woman. I do apologize for being offline for a while. I’m just trying to process everything and I haven’t been inspired to write. I believe in quality over quantity so please bare with me and please keep sending me ideas. I could use the distraction.
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aghasexxy · 4 years
maybe do a yugyeom smut where the reader is also a album from jyp and they went to a company dinner and yugyeom gets jealous and takes the reader home and teaches a lesson;) write the dirtiest smut you can hahah
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aghasexxy · 4 years
a lot of people see yugyeom as a sub but i see him more as a dom 😳 or maybe i just want him to dom the shit out of me idk
I FEEL THE SAME WAY! Do you have any ideas for me! I’ve been having the worst writers block 😭😭😭😭😭
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aghasexxy · 4 years
I’m so in love with him
all watching ( ending fairy jackson )
Wang Jackson WOAH !!!
jackson doing (team) wang sign 
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aghasexxy · 4 years
✨Imagine that...✨
Jackson is practicing for comeback and you stop by and surprise him in your favorite oversized hoodie of his. He gets all shy when you walk into the dance studio. You smile because he’s always been so shy when it comes to performing in front of you and his bandmates love to tease him about it. You can’t help but get flustered yourself when you see him. The honeymoon phase hasn’t gone away, even after 4 years together. The sight of him, no matter what he’s doing, still gives you butterflies.
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aghasexxy · 4 years
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aghasexxy · 4 years
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same vibes as:
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aghasexxy · 4 years
GOT7 are so sexy. That’s it. That’s the post.
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aghasexxy · 4 years
okay but ??? demon king jackson au those shots of him in NBTM got me thinkin things
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aghasexxy · 4 years
Ever since the moment I first saw this, I have not known peace 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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aghasexxy · 4 years
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aghasexxy · 4 years
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jaebeom in that gucci blazer.
a belated birthday gift for my cat lady friend, na @defnabeom
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aghasexxy · 4 years
GIMME THAT | Jackson Wang
Pairing: Reader x Jackson
Words: 2495
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Dominate and Submissive/ Edging/ Jealousy/ Daddy Kink/ Post-Orgasm Torture
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Summary: You’re getting ready for a girls night out when your boyfriend sees you looking a little too good. If he’s gonna send you off into the night looking like a full course meal, the least he can do is make sure you don’t forget who you belong to.
“Ah dammit.” My finger flies from the curling wand after burning the absolute shit out of it. That’s what I get for dancing while I’m doing my hair. I shake the pain away and re-wrap the wand with my long hair. I unravel the barrel and let my hair fall. Taking a few steps back, I take in my entire fit: messy curls in a deep side part, a red satin mini dress that really gave my boobs and sternum tattoo some time to shine, and a fresh pair of classic black, red bottom Christian Luoboutin shoes. I hit one pose. Then another. Then another. Then another. Yep, this dress is definitely breathable and able to keep up with me. I look myself over one more time and smirk. “Nice.” I never had much luck finding really flattering and sexy dresses for my nights out with the girls, but this time I hit the fucking jackpot. I swivel to the side and look over my shoulder. My ass looks so good in this I think to myself. My phone rings through my speaker and I quickly answer. “Hey bitch!” I exclaim. My best friend Amber squeals through the phone. “Dude I’m so ready to make this town my bitch tonight! Fuck Travis!!” She screams into the phone and her voice literally bounces off the walls of my bathroom. “Yeah, fuck him!! Tonight we’re gonna find you a new boy toy! Especially if we’re heading to the Roxy. There’s always hot guys crawling around that area.” We switch to FaceTime and I prop her up against the mirror. I take a step back and she gasps loudly. “What do you think?” I twirl for her and I’m met with a round of applause. I bow jokingly. “Fucking hell Y/N you’re literally a goddess!” Her jaw drops and her hand flies to her mouth. “And the girls are out to play tonight?!?” I bust out laughing and give her another obnoxious pose. “I know, girl. My boobs look so good in this!” Our song comes on and we both start to bust a move from our respective homes. “Girl has Jackson seen that dress??” I shrug. “No he’s actually out for the night with Jooheon, JB and Wonho. I wish he could though,” I turn around and smack my ass for Amber. “He’d be absolutely floored though!” She smirks and shakes her head. “You’re so lucky your boyfriend is so damn fine and so damn loyal!” I shush her quickly and snatch my phone from the counter top. “Don’t you start that shit,” I point at her through the camera. “He’s the one missing out, not you! He’s gonna regret it while you’re thriving and in love with someone who’s actually worthy of you! Not some loser that still lives with his mom!” She opens her mouth to say something but I notice her squinting her eyes at something. “What?,” I ask, confused at the sudden change. “Oh hey Jackson!” I scrunch my eyebrows and turn around. There, leaning up against the doorframe in a black turtleneck, black belt and Levi’s blue jeans was my boyfriend.
His expression was anything but warm and inviting. To put it bluntly, he looks mad as fuck. I turn around completely and his eyes grow to the size of saucers as he looks me up and down. “Hi baby,” I say quietly, immediately feeling so small in his presence. He cocks an eyebrow making me squirm a bit. I know this is not the time but holy shit he is so damn sexy when he’s mad. “I’m gonna go,” Amber whispers before dropping our call. I quickly toss my phone back onto the counter, not breaking eye contact with Jackson. “Do you like my dress babe?” He pushes himself off of the door frame and walks towards me, hands in his pockets. He starts to circle me, taking in the sight before him. His hand smacks my ass, making me jump. He grunts as he circles around, his hand dragging around from my ass to my right hip then stomach. He stands back in front of me and lifts his head to make eye contact with me. “What’s the occasion?,” his voice was low and monotone. I put my hands behind my back and twiddle my fingers, a thing I do when I’m nervous. “Well there’s an industry party tonight at The Roxy and we wanted to go. Ladies get free entry and drinks too.” He gives a very sarcastic head nod and smirk. I giggle and roll my eyes as I turn back towards the mirror.
“So are you trying to pull free drinks or a fucking dude?” I immediately whip my head back around at him. His expression falls quickly and I squirm at his change in tone. I swallow hard as he walks toward me. “Answer the question, mama.” His voice sends tingles all over my body and I love it so much. I keep moving back as he continues to approach me. The back of my knees hit the counter and I sit down with Jackson now standing between my legs. He leans down, our noses barely grazing each other’s. “Baby, you know I love and want only you! I just wanna look sexy tonight, that’s all! It’s been a while since I dressed up like this,” I say shyly, avoiding eye contact with him. If he wasn’t standing right between my legs right now, I would be meshing my thighs together. His cologne is overwhelming my senses and I can’t think straight for the life of me. “Look sexy for who though,” he cocks his eyebrow and tilts his head. “I’m not going with you so what’s the point of this shit?” I start to say something when he cuts me off. “You know what?,” his hands sneakily rest on my hips as he yanks me to the edge of the counter, closing the space between us completely. He suddenly kneels down in front of me. “If you’re gonna go out tonight, I should at least give you a few going away gifts, right,” his hands snake up to the front of my dress and he yanks it down. My boobs spill out in his face and I gasp loudly. “Jackson what the fu-“ he grabs hold of one of them and brings it to his mouth. “Wha-,” he drags his tongue over my sensitive bud from the bottom to the top. I hold my breath the whole time, watching him get ready to suck my titties on the bathroom countertop. He grabs hold of it and licks it the same way once again. “W-what are you doing?” I try to keep a steady tone and clear my throat when I feel my voice begin to quiver. He looks up at me, smirks and starts flicking over my nipple with his long tongue while firmly gripping my other breast. I suck in a breath, loving the feeling of his tongue lapping against my titties. “Yeah papi? Is this what you want?” I coo as he continues to suck, lick, and bite me. He smirks and comes up to kiss me passionately. His full lips engulf mine in a passionate kiss, tongue for days. He bites and pulls my bottom lip before going back to work on my titties. I rest one hand in his hair and the other on the back of his neck. “Fuck baby,” I moan out as he meshes into me more, sucking longer and harder on my chest as I slowly start to come undone. “Y-you know my right n-nipple is l-l-literally connected to my c-clit...,” I bite my lip and lift his head to look at me again. The sight of a trail of saliva connecting my hard nipple to his full lips makes me shiver. He smirks at me, probably enjoying how red and flustered my face is. Like clockwork, my phone buzzes again. I whip my head around fast. Dammit. It’s Amber.
I gasp once I feel Jackson’s lips nipping the skin on my neck. He slithers to my ear, taking it between his teeth. “Answer it,” he whispers softly. My pussy throbs at the urgency and demand in his voice. “I can’t when you’re doing this to me,” I whimper as he kisses and licks my neck slowly. “Do it now,” his deep voice rings through the bathroom. I snatch my phone and answer. “H-hello?,” I clear my throat again. “Hey how far along are you? I can be there to pick you up in 10 minutes,” Jackson’s hands slip up my dress and he swiftly yanks my thong off of me. “10 minutes is good,” he yanks me to the edge of the counter once again, gets back on his knees, and positions his face in front of my entrance. “Okay cool! By the way, did Jackson like the outfit?” I feel his lips leave sweet and slow kisses on my thighs. “Uh y-yeah actually he loves it,” he pulls my legs apart as he draws closer. “Aye, I knew he would! Okay I’m gonna finish up and I’ll call you when I’m downstairs!” Jackson looks up at me and mouths the words “hang up”. “O-Okay girl I’ll see you soon,” I hang up immediately and throw my phone god knows where.
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“You have 10 minutes,” I tell him. He smirks and bites the inside of my thigh, making me jolt. “That’s fine baby. Lets see how long you last with my face between your legs,” and with that, he dives in, sticking his tongue right in my pussy. I suck in a breath and throw my head back, letting the feeling overtake me. “Fuucckk,” I moan out. This man is the devil, the way he knows the ins and outs of my body. He fucks me with his tongue before pulling out to take my clit between his lips. I gasp at the euphoric sensation. He sucks on it hard, making my legs shake at barely three minutes in. “Yes daddy, just like that,” I whimper. He pulls away and looks up at me. “Why did you sto-,” his hand shots up to my throat, grabbing it softly. “Say that again and I’ll fuck you for the rest of the night. You won’t be going out anywhere if you keep that shit up,” he comes up and kisses me hard. I taste myself on his tongue and moan in his mouth. He pulls away and tightens his grip slightly. His eyes burn into mine and I wither away right there. “Is that understood princess?” I smile slyly. “Yes sir.” He kisses me one more time before ripping my legs back open to eat me out. He flicks his tongue over my super sensitive bundle of nerves. I cry out at how incredible it feels. My breathing escalates and my legs start to shake again. “Oohhhhh baby please don’t stop,” I cry out. He sticks two fingers in me suddenly, drilling me with so much power. I scream and grab hold of his hair. My leg shakes turn into full body spasms. “I-I’m so c-c-close…,” his tongue laps my pussy again and I come undone almost instantly. Even after I cum, he pushes my legs wider and keeps going. I can’t catch my breath as I try to escape his strong grasp. I start shaking again from the overstimulation. “B-babe st-stop I c-can’t,” I croak out. He pulls away for a moment and I let out a sigh of relief. That feeling goes away abruptly when I feel his thumb rub my clit. I gasp and look down at him.
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“I’m nowhere close to being done with you baby,” he sticks in two fingers and I clench around them instantly. I whimper and run my hand down the back of his neck. “W-why?,” I ask weakly. “Imma keep going until she gets here.” He buries his face back between my already shaking legs before I can even respond. I start to cry. I can’t even move because the pleasure I’m feeling is almost unbearable. But I don’t want it to end. He knows how to make me fall apart just with his mouth. I’m just happy he isn’t fucking me right now cause there’s no way I’d be going out if we were going to fuck. I struggle to catch my breath as he swings one leg over his shoulder and pushes the other down into the marble of the bathroom counter. I grab my titties and squeeze them hard. “B-baby…,” I whimper. He pops my clit out of his mouth. “Cum for me,” he whispers before lapping my pussy again. I cum a second time, harder than the first. He doesn’t stop. “Ahhhhh Jackson!,” I scream out. I try to push his head off of me but he grabs it and pins it to the counter top. “I’m not done until Amber calls,” he says in an intimidating tone. He dives in again, laughing against my throbbing pussy. At this point, my whole lower body is almost numb from the overstimulation and my legs haven’t stopped shaking. Finally, after the longest three minutes of my life, a familiar ringing rips through the sound of my screams of pleasure. He stops to retrieve my phone, leaving me a wet, shaking mess on the counter. “Hello,” he answers as if absolutely nothing is going on. He turns around to look at me. “You’re downstairs?” I breathe a sigh of relief. “Fucking finally,” I say between heavy breathes.
“Alright I’ll let her know when she’s done in the bathroom.” He hangs up and walks back over to my shaking body. I bite my lip and sit up. He takes one of my clean towels and wipes me down. “I don’t even think I can stand up straight,” I say weakly. He looks up at me with a devilish smirk. “Good. Think of it as a reminder of who you belong to,” he winks at me and helps me to my feet. “You really know how to keep me on my toes, huh?” I whisper as he inches in to kiss me. “Gotta keep it like that. That’s how I keep you,” I smile and kiss him again. And again. And again. I pull away once he gets a handful of ass. My phone dings and it’s a text from Amber saying that she’s outside. I look back up at Jackson and kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight,” I hold his hands and bump his nose. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “You bet babe.” I turn around to head out the door and he smacks my ass on the way out. I roll my eyes. “Fuck, you’re so sexy mama.” I open the door, turn back, give him a good look over and say with absolute confidence, “Bye Daddy.” His face drops as I quickly close the door. I already can’t wait to come home.
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aghasexxy · 4 years
That’s my babyyyyyyy
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aghasexxy · 4 years
Oof 🥵😏
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cameraman is us 
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aghasexxy · 4 years
Can we say TASTE!!!
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got7′s playlist of our lives
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