agentwriter · 7 days
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agentwriter · 8 days
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OMORI RAREPAIR WEEK - Cuddling - Goldrush
EEEEK!!! them .. the gold and rush
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agentwriter · 13 days
God I just had the coolest dream ever but at the same time I’m so frustrated, cuz like- I WANT to write about my dream because that scene was badass as FUCK but how am I gonna make a crossover between Stranger Things x Club Penguin?!!!
Anyways for those who have watched the show, my dream was basically Will in that season 2 scene where they’re trying to make sure they’re talking to the real Will and it’s not the parasite possessing the body pretending to be Will, but with Rookie and who’s questioning him is his friends from the EPF
Worst thing is that swapping Will with Rookie works surprisingly well, Rookie would totally know morse code with how many languages he knows so the part where he’s able to communicate that way could happen! Or you can just have him talk crab with his flipper and have Klutzy or Herbert in the scene as a potential translator, would also work…
God I can’t stop the rookie angst grind even when I’m asleep tf is wrong with me
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agentwriter · 13 days
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agentwriter · 13 days
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director a second popcorn bomb has hit the sports shop
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agentwriter · 14 days
Grief (in OMORI)
After unspeakable tragedy, the five friends left behind grieve differently.
A study of Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Hero, and Kel's grief. Soul-Crushing Angst. Part Fanfiction; Part Analysis. Cross Posted to AO3.
(Warnings for Soul-Crushing Angst, Grief, Depression, Referenced Canonical Character Death, and Heavy Themes. Canon Typical OMORI warnings and MAJOR Omori Spoilers)
Sunny’s grief is quiet. He fades into shadowy corners watching his mother’s wailing with stormy eyes, but he doesn’t make a sound. He hasn’t spoken a word since Mari died—not that he talked much to begin with, but now there’s nothing he could even want to say. He can’t stand speaking to an empty room, waiting for that familiar laugh or the lilted, tinkly voice of his sister that would never come. He’d never hear her voice again, never hear her laugh, never hear the sounds of her piano playing.
The house is quiet without her. There’s no laughter. No music. No sound besides the violent sobbing of his mother. Silence has never been so deafening. He hides in the comfort of his mind where she’ll laugh and talk again, forever because the guilt of knowing why the world’s gone silent is too much for him to bear.
His father thinks him cold and unfeeling because he won’t talk—won’t wail and weep like his mother or his friends, but painful tears struggle free from the corners of his burning eyes. They catch in his eyelashes, trickle down his cheeks—pained but silent. He feels the loss of her like losing a part of himself. It’s more painful than he could ever have the words to explain, so he doesn’t even try. His mother says that talking about it might make him feel better, but he doesn’t feel he has the right to that anymore, not after what he’s done. He silenced Mari and the world along with her, so he silences himself. 
(Continues Under the Cut)
Basil’s grief is destructive. It eats him alive from the inside until tears stream out of his bloodshot eyes like a faucet. He weeps unconsolably from the moment he gets up in the morning until he cries himself to sleep at night. He doesn’t think he will ever stop crying. He doesn’t think he deserves to.
Even thinking about Mari brings tears to his eyes to the point where he can’t even remember her—can’t even hold on to the good memories. The pages of his photo album are all colored out now as if that could somehow erase them. He doesn’t feel he deserves them anymore. He doesn’t deserve to remember her happy—to remember her as anything more than contorted, still, and lifeless at the bottom of those stairs or swinging limply in the wind from the limb of that tree outside.
It almost doesn’t feel real. A part of him still wakes up hoping it was all some horrible nightmare, but it wasn’t. It isn’t. Mari’s gone and playing a role in that means he doesn’t deserve to remember her. His grief will destroy him.
Aubrey’s grief is volatile—loud. She cries and screams as if the sounds of her wailing could somehow bring Mari back. But she knows that it won’t. Most days, she feels like she’s falling down a dark, bottomless pit without anything to catch her—without anything to hold onto. She can’t make sense of it—how something like this could happen. Why it would.
Her hands clinch into fists, throw things at walls of her room, pound into her pillow as she screams because she doesn’t have the words for the pain she’s feeling. Then, everything goes quiet, and she weeps.
The weight of a world without Mari is too heavy for her small, trembling shoulders. She’ll have to make them stronger.
Hero’s grief is overwhelming. It crushes him until he can’t breathe. He hasn’t been able to catch his breath since he heard she was gone. He feels like he’s drowning in pitch black darkness—dark water seeping into his nose and mouth if he tries to breathe, drowning out any cry for help he could possibly make. But he doesn’t make them. He doesn’t deserve to—not after he didn’t love her enough. If he had, maybe she’d still be here. The truth that she isn’t constricts and strangles like a chain around his heart, a crushing weight he’ll carry for the rest of his life. He crumbles under it.
Every time he thinks he’s finally stopped crying, the tears keep falling again. He can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t do anything but stare blankly at the ceiling of his room, tortured by guilt, by “what ifs,” by questions of if there was anything he could have done, if there was any way he could have saved her. But he is too weak. He can’t even save himself.
He always believed the sun shined brighter whenever Mari smiled, but he knows that better now because losing her has completely snuffed it out. The world is dark now, and Hero drowns in it.
Kel’s grief is aching like the dulled pain of an old injury when it rains. There’s an empty space in his heart now and it pangs every time he finds himself turning to say something to her or wanting to show her something or tell her a story only to realize that she isn’t there and that she isn’t going to be there ever again.
He doesn’t cry as much as Hero or Aubrey or Basil, and he worries it isn’t enough—worries it means he didn’t care about her enough. But he knows he did. He had to because even if it doesn’t always bring tears to his eyes, something breaks a little in him every time he realizes he’ll never make her laugh or make her smile again.
He tries to think of what would make her happy, if there’s anything he could do to make her happy now. All he can think is that she wouldn’t want another person crying for her, so he tries his best to heal, to remember the good times, and to smile when he thinks of her, even if his smiles are a little bittersweet, a little empty now.
He worries that his friends don’t remember how to be anything but sad and grief-stricken. Worries he’ll never see his brother smile again, will never see Basil without bloodshot, weeping eyes, will never see Aubrey without gritted teeth and clinched fists as she blinks back tears, will never see Sunny again at all. Kel’s grief isn’t just losing Mari—it’s losing everyone. It’s watching them suffer without anything he can do to fix it. Left wondering if any of them will ever truly be happy again. Wondering if they even can be in world without Mari, even when he knows that’s what would make her happy.
He’s never felt so helpless, and maybe that’s what hurts worst of all.
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agentwriter · 14 days
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agentwriter · 15 days
Fact #593
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agentwriter · 15 days
The Penguin Games comics are the source for this right? Can someone send them to me please because Rookie, the ever loving ball of sunshine that he is having a random beef with construction guy Rory is so funny to me and I never quite got the context beside seeing the lil nods to it everywhere in cp fan-content
Rory: *say anything*
Rookie: Rory what the f*ck are you talking about.
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agentwriter · 15 days
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Level 1 and 3 of System Defender in a nutshell
(Yes I know Dot wasn’t in Level 1 nor 3, but it feels wrong not to include her)
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agentwriter · 17 days
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“are you fucking stupid”
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agentwriter · 17 days
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agentwriter · 19 days
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back at it with the fop:anw x qsmp au 💪💪
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agentwriter · 19 days
JPG: Have you heard Rookie? People are shipping us
Rookie: TO WHERE?
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agentwriter · 20 days
basically gary just went
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Based on last poll’s results:
You picked: Netted
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Oh boy…. Uh- w-what do I do- uh… oh-! Rookie!!
Rookie! Whatever you have on hand please use it now!! We kinda have a problem!!
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Wait what-?!?! Oh gosh!! Is that a puffle!!?
Don’t worry Ace!! I got you guys- just hold on one second- G gave me something for this mission just in case-!
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There we are- the Net Gun 3000! Imma coming you guys!!
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*suspicious whine*
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Gotcha!! You leave my friends alone-! ….oh now I feel bad- it’s still a puffle-
You guys ok!!?!
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Rookie where in the hell did you pull that from-
You had that the whole time?! Why would Gary give you a gun!?
Yeah that’s a better question- why did G give you a gun-?!
To catch things, duh- it’s a net gun✨
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Of all the things…and he trusts you with an invention like that-?!
Yknow what- I’m just not gonna question anything…. I’ve already seen too much today- say what’s all over your beak-??
Oh don’t worry about it- you guys didn’t answer my question- you guys ok?? It didn’t bite you right?? No injuries-? Missing feathers??
No Rook… we’re ok-
I’m not- the…the other puffle- I’m still gonna be sick…
We uh- can discuss that with the Director when we bring this puffle back to HQ….
Say…didn’t that book of yours say something about wolves like…hunting in packs or something??
Yeah…? Why??
Isn’t this a wolf??
…………oh boy-
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Prologue End
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agentwriter · 21 days
now this is is the best club penguin hc
jet pack guy being trans is very correct but also so funny when you consider that his real actual name is Guy. apologies if im not the first person to point this out but it is actually so in character for him to have gone "okay im transitioning what should my new very masculine guy name be" and then doing the funniest thing ever
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agentwriter · 22 days
Ayo someone ordered some old penguin yaoi around here?
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