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agentmilayawithshield · 3 hours ago
OR f@#$ and make out idk ig
Me @ Lucy because she's been playing friends with Tim for a little too long
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agentmilayawithshield · 3 hours ago
Here was my dumb ass thinking that they were gonna fight, turns out they're gonna F@#$%!
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agentmilayawithshield · 8 hours ago
Peeta Mellark is an integral member of the four D12 victors. He is literally the sunset on the reaping! How is this not clear? I’ve never wanted to report people for bad literary analysis more and I’m only half joking. It has forced me to commit a cardinal sin: analyze in anger!
1. Him being chosen by absolute accident is the point. Not only does he represent every single other tribute who simply gets chosen because they live in a messed up country but he represents how even with some odds being in your favor (older siblings, merchant family, being white, being popular, etc.) you are still very likely to be victimized by the oppressive structure of Panem.
2. When Haymitch says, “But she was smarter than me, or luckier” - the luck is all the people around Katniss who created the circumstances for her to lead a successful revolution (her father teaching her to hunt, the arena having woods, Rue healing her with leaves, Thresh not killing her, Haymitch consistently giving her support, her mother teaching her aspects of medicine, on and on and on) and Peeta is the number one, most important part of her luck in the first book. She has someone in the games actively putting her life before his… are you kidding? There is legitimately no better luck than that.
3. Even if we take Katniss out of it, Peeta is so impactful as a victor because most of his scenes would not be cut/doctored. What’s there to edit out? Instead, the viewers get a full view of him loving a girl so selflessly, using trickery and strategy instead of violence, keeping himself alive through art, joking on literal death’s door, and sharing so much of himself with the audience it becomes harder for them not to see him as a real human boy. How rare do you think that is for the games? Haymitch and LGB are caricatures of themselves in the games, playing roles that flatten them down. Even Katniss becomes one dimensional on screen without Peeta (and Rue, of course). It is also heavily implied that he does not kill anyone during the games (in a straightforward way) and even if you count Cato or the girl from 8 or even foxface, it’s never him hunting them or seeking out a kill - again how rare do you think that is to see on screen for Games viewers?
4. I didn’t think this needed to be said but: Katniss dies without Peeta in the first games. a) she goes for the bow and dies in the bloodbath; b) she is hunted and killed by Careers; c) she is killed by game makers because there’s no love story angle to keep them from just burning her entirely; d) she dies from tracker jacker stings or Cato because Peeta doesn’t defend her or tell her to run… I could go on…
5. But even if she does win and wins alone - the victory means as much (I would argue less than) any other rebellious victor winning, certainly less than Haymitch’s win. The biggest rebellion for their games is that two of them win! This is legit the only thing that distinguishes them from any other sympathetic, kind child who would have won the games. Like if Haymitch or Finnick or Wiress winning isn’t jarring enough for the Games to end… why do you think Katniss killing Peeta and winning solo would be? It would not.
6. And finally, I cannot stress this enough: There is no peaceful end to the rebellion or the trilogy without Peeta. “Peeta’s a whiz with fires” (HG) for a reason! Collins, over and over, shows us how fire can get out of control and destroy even those who are innocent and who you love (Gale, Beete, Peeta’s family, Haymitch’s family). If everyone really burns, there’s no one to clean the ashes. The reason not everyone burns is because of people like Peeta who can coax the flames in a way that is nurturing and consistent. I mean…. “Peeta fashioned some kind of incubator” is such an obvious detail. Those goslings don’t hatch without Peeta, life does not go on in peace and joy without Peeta.
It is no coincidence that when Maysilee says Lenore Dove got the “jump on us all” (in being a rebel), she is referring to LD using orange paint to make protest art!
We must stop pushing Peeta Mellark out of the narrative! He is literally the sunset on the reaping!
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agentmilayawithshield · 9 hours ago
Me @ Lucy because she's been playing friends with Tim for a little too long
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agentmilayawithshield · 9 hours ago
Me @ Lucy because she's been playing friends with Tim for a little too long
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agentmilayawithshield · 3 days ago
This is even better when you realizes they met before alcoholism and wigs and makeup
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agentmilayawithshield · 3 days ago
i love how suzanne just gives us a little treat by mentioning the katniss plant every book. like here u go. ik u miss our girl. she's fine. enjoy lowercase katniss
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agentmilayawithshield · 4 days ago
Love how he found some time to be offended by that
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this is so funny to me for some reason 😭
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agentmilayawithshield · 4 days ago
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[id: It's two headshot drawings of Haymitch from the Hunger Games. In the first, he's facing the side, wearing a gray suit and white shirt, and in the second, he's looking forward, wearing a white collared shirt that's unbuttoned. He is depicted with brown skin, dark eyebags, gray eyes, unkempt facial hair, and wavy black hair that has some gray strands. /end id]
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agentmilayawithshield · 4 days ago
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here’s a little meme I made
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agentmilayawithshield · 5 days ago
some of my favorite woven tapestries, by Cecilia Blomberg:
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Point Defiance Steps
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Rising Tides
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Vashon Steps
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agentmilayawithshield · 5 days ago
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#1 buddie warrior Maddie Buckley Han strikes again
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agentmilayawithshield · 5 days ago
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the rookie as incorrect quotes (26/?)
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agentmilayawithshield · 5 days ago
Suzanne collins wrote a trilogy where a main media propaganda strategy was to market a horrific act of violence as a love story to distract ppl and then it got adapted into a box office breaking movie and ppl made it all about the love triangle. so then since they didn’t get the point the first time Suzanne collins wrote a prequel story about the main dictator and she makes it so that you as a reader want it to be a genuine love story so badly even tho it’s so very clearly not and instead feels extremely unsettling to make her point even more meta which then gets adapted into another box office breaking film and now ppl are making romantic snowbaird tik toks. do u think she’s gonna write another book that’s somehow even more blatant or just give up and start executing ppl? hard to say but I wouldn’t blame her for the second one
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agentmilayawithshield · 6 days ago
It's the smallest thing maybe but it's funny to me Sunrise on the Reaping has given me another reason to dislike Gale.
Thinking of Madge on reaping day, wearing her nice dress and Gale giving her shit for it. Like she has a choice. Like she has say. Like it's her fault who she was born to. It's such an interesting example of class vs culture wars. This idea that the people up the road who have a nice house are the enemy and not the faceless people thousands of miles away who profit on their poverty.
Thinking of Maysilee who was very conscious of the way she dressed. Who liked looking nice and dressing up. Who is Madge's aunt that she never met. Who Madge heard stories of growing up about her moms twin sister who always loved fashion and knew the importance of masking and the power of how you present to people. Don't let them treat us like animals.
And when Madge lifts her head and says "I want to look my best if I go to the Capitol" and Gale has the audacity to scoff at her.
It also speaks to how quickly history is lost. He probably doesn't even know her aunt died in the games. Doesn't care. You never ever ever know what hurt people are carrying. What their history is. What their familial struggle has been. Don't punch down. Don't punch sideways. Don't even punch up. Break the chain and destroy the person holding the reins.
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agentmilayawithshield · 6 days ago
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agentmilayawithshield · 6 days ago
i cannot get over how much of a loser snow is honestly 😭😭 puked his guts out in front of haymitch, divulged how he's hung up on a covey girl from FORTY YEARS BEFORE, finally said something pathetic like"don't make fun of me again 😠" ffs be cool man
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