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agentbaguette · 20 days ago
not to be a dirty commie or anything but i don't think any one person should have enough money to solve world hunger and then get to decide not to
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agentbaguette · 20 days ago
"oh you still use tumblr? can I see?" no. that's where I keep my demons
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agentbaguette · 20 days ago
whys combat and military gear always got to look so fucking cool when the people wearing them just objectively arent. thats unfair
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agentbaguette · 1 month ago
"We have a new AI feature!" "With the power of AI..." "Our AI..."
I am going to abandon technology and start only inscribing things on clay tablets
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agentbaguette · 2 months ago
all the building bricks for 002/ijin bitter exes are there. their dynamic should be strife with drama and UST: 002 was supposed to be the leader, yet then ijin comes along and steals that spot and 002. accepts it wordlessly and follows his orders to everyone's confusion. that's interesting!
the tropes, the backstory, this SHOULD be the easiest ship in the world and yet. zero chemistry
there should be insecurity, mind games and push and pull co-leader activities! but like, the only tension actually there in canon is of a "rookie coworker who got a promotion over you but you sucked it up and didn't let it affect the teamwork" and NOT "this other child soldier who came later is better than you, the prodigy, isn't this a mindfuck"
only thing 002 was hung up on is "did 001/ijin betray us" and when he finds out he didn't he chillaxes. "enjoy your life. the one you gained by betraying us that is" but he doesn't MEAN it he's just saying words recreationally. he doesn't actually resent 001/ijin at all, nor does he particularly like him. he's just NEUTRAL about him. somehow. baffling.
then when 003 comes along I thought "oooh we will finally get drama!! the tension of being The Top Trio, best of the best, but 002/003 are together and 001 has to watch as a sort of satellite to the couple" this also doesn't happen. Ijin watches wide eyed along with the rest of the kids when 002/003 met again. he acted like it was watching your parents kiss and not two people you might be attracted to in any capacity.
and I think this might be it. that couple of year age difference is not enough to make this a problematic age gap situation, yet as teens/preteens it's enough that it just doesn't occur to them to see each other any type of way. 002 seemingly only thinks of ijin as some kid, not worth it to hate. and ijin is fond of 002 the same way he's fond of all the numbers but not in a special way. the fact they're BOTH completely blank faced and repressed does not help, they're two stone walls talking to each other. dissapointing but the yaoi isn't yaoing despite my best efforts
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agentbaguette · 2 months ago
I think maybe the most ironic part of the white supremacist “Muslims are taking over Europe, save European culture and its people!” rhetoric is that they’ve been saying it for the past 1,300 years. No exaggeration. This is something they’ve been fearmongering about since the 8th century.
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
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David Bowie's songbook with the Marauders for my university assignment. I was happy...
(Unfortunately Idk how to attach the full book file here😔)
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
Someone give me a fic where Regulus and Tom Riddle/Voldemort have a similar dynamic to Yosano and Mori or Dazai and Mori (from bsd) pretty please
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
i don't wanna be on my phone but i need my phone to figure out where i'm going on a walk and i need my phone to get to my audiobook and i need my phone to call my brother and i need my phone to get in touch with my friends which is fine but i don't want to be on my phone.
so i walk and that's fine and i'm using the phone in an okay-way in that moment. but sometimes i am using the phone like it is a weapon and that's stupid because no it's not. ive seen a weapon those are different this is a phone. but it's also in my hands until 2 AM and i haven't slept. at 4AM. i don't even mean to do it half the time i'm opening the phone to check the weather or to check my email which are things-that-are-okay but then i am in my phone for hours somehow, and i missed the dawn while i was on instagram. i don't even like instagram.
i don't want to be on my phone im not good at it so i try to put distance there but then i'm distancing myself from my friends. we meet up in person but my pictures are on my phone and the menu is on the phone (mon dieu) and so is venmo. so i need the phone to be with my friends and that's fine because it can record concerts and fun activities and i can take pictures of them smiling with pumpkins.
but i don't want to be on the phone because i go to look at the pictures of the pumpkins and i hate how i look in it but it's fine. and somewhere between the pumpkins and 3AM i have lost so much time. i don't even know what i'm doing on it only that i don't enjoy it any longer. it is this long blank void. forever and ever. restless like how mushrooms feel restless beside a dead body.
i don't want to be on my phone so i pick up the phone and i type into google things to do in my area and i save them to my phone and i'll need my phone to get to the tickets and i'll need my phone to book the appointment and i'll need it, i'll need it
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
we put so much importance on romantic love in queer spaces that i think we can forget about how important queer friendships are. having queer friends makes it so much easier to accept yourself and learn to accept others. queer friendships have so much love stored in them
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
having audio processing issues is so humiliating like yeah i heard you and yeah i was actively listening but the problem is i dont know what the fuck you sayed
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
Platonic bartylus has a chokehold on me but like... no one gets them like i do i fear.
Their level of friendship, of trust , is something else. If Sirius has James then Regulus has Barty, and I will die on that hill.
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
i love it when authors make sirius only a little bit ‘cool’, but almost in the lucius malfoy-kind of pretty way. he may be a rebel but he’s still posh and vaguely traditional. his pronunciation becomes unbearably ‘stiff upper lip’ when he’s emotional. he wears his hair long because his father and grandfather also kept it long, because it’s tradition for wizards who are of age. he wears jewellery because wizards wear jewellery, not just witches, and the look of it is great. his tattoos, if he even has them, are runes like the old magicals used to have. he only wears muggle clothes when he has to because the feeling of denim makes his entire body cringe. he smokes cigarettes but would rather smoke a pipe.
sirius black, whose rebellion is purely political, utterly ideological, and not rooted into aesthetic like what this generation is so obsessed with. he appreciates modern and muggle things because they’re interesting and fun, not lesser, but he’ll always prefer dragonhide over cow leather. his favourite leather jacket is just a transfigured outer robe for the motorbike, for the off-chance that he rides it on the roads and needs to look the part.
he can be an activist and argue for muggle and muggleborn rights while dressed like a wizard. let him be as whimsical! let him be utterly out of his depth when he needs to blend in! he can be woke AND dressed all fancy please!! ideological rebellion is a mindset NOT the way you dress omfg
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
Every once in a while I am reminded that the title of one of the most heartwrenching shows out there, that had me in absolute tears at the end, can be abbreviated to Ass Class & I have yet to figure out how I feel about that fact
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
figuring out how to get rid of screen addiction is like trying to figure out how to stop a nicotine addiction while also having a job centered around smoking cigarettes and having half your social life be in smoke breaks
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
reblog to thank ur mutuals for providing enrichment to ur enclosure
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agentbaguette · 3 months ago
james x remus should be called eclipse btw
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