agaricandmoss 12 hours
We ask your questions so you don鈥檛 have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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agaricandmoss 12 hours
the creator of Webbed (a super cute, 2D pixel puzzle platformer where you are a happy little jumping spider on an adventure to save her boyfriend from a big mean bowerbird) is working on a game where the main character is an isopod!!! it is yet unnamed, and the creator doesn't appear to have a Tumblr, so I'm spreading the good news here!
game progress and sneak peeks on Riley Neville's twitter!
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agaricandmoss 16 hours
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the restrained sniffer
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agaricandmoss 18 hours
I don鈥檛 have to worry about "chemicals you can鈥檛 pronounce" in my food and my shampoo because I can pronounce every chemical flawlessly and without effort. Butylated hydroxytoluene. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Fenugreek. I am saying these out loud and laughing at you. I鈥檓 immune to all known carcinogens. I can never die. Fight me.
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agaricandmoss 20 hours
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flint friday moodboard
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agaricandmoss 20 hours
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national elections so fucked someone's out to become king of the franks
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agaricandmoss 20 hours
one of the most frustrating moods is Desperate Need to Create Something, Anything聽+ persistent lack of motivation/attention/ability/time/inspiration/energy to do so聽
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agaricandmoss 21 hours
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agaricandmoss 1 day
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happy 4th of july to this image the official boston fire department made and posted to twitter like 3 years ago. i will not let it die.
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agaricandmoss 1 day
we don鈥檛 talk enough about taskmaster being on youtube for free. i don鈥檛 mean someone uploaded the episodes to youtube i mean The Official Taskmaster Youtube has every single episode on their channel, in their entirety, For Free. they want their show to be internationally available for everyone to watch. every episode goes up the day after it airs in the uk. you can just go watch the entire show legally. for free. on youtube. go do that!!
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agaricandmoss 1 day
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Increasing morale.
Going back to my self insert era. Drawing little versions of myself. To increase morale.
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agaricandmoss 2 days
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Even if your love was unconditional/it still wouldn't be enough to save me!
They're in such an emotionally complicated and fraught situation, and I want to see them break down a little more. I want to see more conflict. I want to see Wyll's reassurances and outward optimism start to grate and feel like bullshit sometimes! I want Karlach's stubborn refusal to go to Avernus up until the very end to hurt a bit!
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agaricandmoss 2 days
It is Thursday and I am having my fourth job hunt related breakdown of the week
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agaricandmoss 2 days
If it keeps you from killing yourself it's not stupid. This applies to anything btw.
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agaricandmoss 2 days
yeah i have an outside husband lol i know its unethical but he just loves exploring
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agaricandmoss 2 days
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agaricandmoss 2 days
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Good for her
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