aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
█ ▌◆ moulin rouge sentence starters.
❛ the greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. ❜ ❛ i owe you nothing. and you are nothing to me. thank you for curing me of my ridiculous obsession with love. ❜ ❛ seasons may change, winter to spring;  i love you until the end of time. ❜ ❛ come what may, i will love you until my dying day. ❜ ❛ he will fight for me. ❜ ❛ it’s a little bit funny. ❜ ❛ never fall in love with a woman who sells herself. it always ends bad. ❜ ❛ i can’t carry on without you. ❜ ❛ why does my heart cry? ❜ ❛ i don’t like this ending. ❜ ❛ i don’t need you anymore! ❜ ❛ we are creatures of the underworld. we can’t afford to love. ❜ ❛ i’m paid to make men believe what they want to believe. ❜ ❛ i can’t believe it, i’m in love. ❜ ❛ the difference between you and i is that you can leave anytime you choose. ❜ ❛ when will i begin to live again? ❜ ❛ you’re a beautiful woman. ❜ ❛ i love sex. ❜ ❛ where were you last night? ❜ ❛ you don’t have to lie to me. ❜ ❛ we have to end it. everybody knows. ❜ ❛ i saw you together. ❜ ❛ it’s nothing. it’s just an infatuation … it’s nothing. ❜ ❛ you’re going to be bad for business, i can tell. ❜ ❛ then i’ll write a song and whenever you sing it or hear it or whistle or hum it then you’ll know. it’ll mean we love one another. ❜ ❛ it’s not that i’m a jealous man. i just don’t like other people touching my things. ❜ ❛ today’s the day when dreaming ends. ❜ ❛ how could i know in those last fatal days that a force darker than jealousy and stronger than love had begun to take hold. ❜ ❛ only you can save him. ❜ ❛ i was a fool to believe. it all ends today. ❜ ❛ outside it may be raining but in here it’s entertaining. ❜ ❛ things aren’t always what they seem. ❜ ❛ things are exactly the way they seem. ❜ ❛ everything’s going so well! ❜ ❛ i couldn’t! i couldn’t go through with it! i saw you there and i felt differently! I couldn’t pretend! ❜ ❛ i don’t want to pretend anymore. i didn’t want to lie. ❜ ❛ we have each other, that’s all that matters. ❜
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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Natalie's entire body, inside and out, was burning red from the idea of it. She had such a 'good girl' image to uphold, couldn't imagine the fallout from her own following if anyone were to ever know. That's what made the idea of doing this so hot. The thought that it could ruin her, the risk of it all making it all that more tempting. Biting at her lip, chewing it softly, she climbed onto Ariana's lap. "I... You promise no one would find out? That we're the only two that would know? My sisters might just kill me if I do anything to put my socials at risk."
closed for @aftermiiidniiight !
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“no one’s going to see your face, i promise,” ariana says on the couch, anticipation drawing a lip-biting smile to her features as she invites natalie into her lap. “your pussy is just so pretty. i want to tease my followers with it.” with their friends-with-benefits thing well underway, more accurately mentor and mentee as it may be, she’s getting natalie closer and closer to making her full-blown debut as a guest on her onlyfans. she’s going slow, though. even with natalie’s tiktok following, this is a new world for the younger brunette, after all. “you’re not going to believe the numbers we'll get from just, like, a three second clip of my cock inside you.”
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
Literally all I think about is being absolutely ruined by someone's daughter. Wanna be fucked completely senseless until I physically and mentally cannot take anymore
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
Penelope felt her whole body bristle at once again being called a fool. She was sick of men speaking to her that way, but mostly because the further she got on this little excursion, the more she was beginning to believe they were right. Still, her pride would not allow her to let this stranger know as much. She mustered as much bravery as she could, as if this were a normal conversation, offering up, "This stallion is the only proof I had that might father might still be living. I knew it wasn't much to go on, but I had to at least try. My father is the only protection I have left." If she even had him anymore.
She was quiet for a few beats, letting the swaying gait of the horse sooth her. When she'd found her voice again she felt more the fool for asking, "If you don't enjoy taking care of arrogant and foolish humans, then why would you keep my father in your possession?" It wasn't meant to be an insult to her father, just an acknowledgement of his character. "Surely with such better things, it would be simpler for you to just release him. What could you possibly gain from keeping him captive?"
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He could hear her heart pounding amidst the sounds of the forest around them, and when she all but looked down her nose at him, at his offer, Loren just smiled a tight smile. He detested the kind of royalty she and her father embodied. Even if it was an act on her part, it still annoyed him. It made him feel lowly, and considering he was far older than her father's kingdom itself, the dragon didn't take to such a feeling. He didn't consider himself a god, no. But he certainly was above nobility, above riches, and above royalty.
He begun turning to lead her horse towards his castle, pausing at her question. The dragon found it quite hilarious that she even asked it. "Because I don't believe you would have traveled all this way on a hunch. But if you did-" He turned to start on the path towards his home. "Then you're even more of a fool than your father. Besides, I don't enjoy to take care of arrogant and foolish humans. I have better things to occupy my time with."
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
closed starter for @nghtdsires
Joey had never mastered subtlety - she'd never understood the need for it. If you wanted something, why not just go after it? Ask for it? If you thought or felt something, why hide it? Since the day she'd met her brother's wife, she'd been attracted to her, had never understood why such a divine specimine would find herself with the likes of Josh. But such was life. It was easy to ignore when she was busy working and living nowhere near them, but now, in such close proximity, she'd been unable to hide the desire she felt for Olivia.
She'd been bold in the way she'd gone after her, asking her on a walk along the private beach of the resort. Pulling her into the lifeguard tower. One thing had led to another, and now Olivia was all that Joey could think of.
She'd been itching to get her alone again, to see if it was a one time thing or if there might be something more here. So when the family was leaving dinner, she'd casually mentioned that she'd be down at the infinity pool if anyone wanted to join her. Upon seeing Olivia approach, she didn't hide the beaming smile on her face, swimming to the edge of the pool, hoisting herself out, letting the water drip down her bikini clad body. Hands on her hips, she easily admitted, "I was hoping you'd show up, Liv. You feel like a drink? Or a swim?" Motioning to the completely empty pool she ventured a little further, "We might be able to get away with a little mid-night skinny dipping, if you're up for it."
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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Glen Powell as Tyler Owens TWISTERS (2024) Dir. Lee Isaac Chung
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
Relief flooded her at the news that her father was, at the very least, alive. There was hope in that. Though that feeling was quickly taken over by an instinctual fear as the silver-haired stranger approached her. The horse, which had been whinnying and twitching seemed to calm, but Penelope felt as if she'd taken on all of the creature's anxiety.
There was a moment where she considered running, turning around and heading home and admitting defeat. But then the image of her father's face flashed in her mind, and she just couldn't. Her mother had died when she was young, and while he'd never been the most loving or warm parent, he was all she'd had. Not to mention her pride. The way the men back home would mock her for failing to find him.
The best she could do was pretend she wasn't scared out of her wits. She held her posture stiff, her countenance dripping with royal arrogance but still her words gave her away as she stuttered out, "Y-yes. Take me to him a-at once." For the first time in her life, this spoiled, protected, cared for princess was experiencing true fear. Some small amount of self-preservation must have kicked in because she found herself asking, "But how do I -- How do I know you really have him?"
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The stallion she was perched on was very familiar to him, causing him to tilt his head a little in curiosity as golden eyes watched her. The last king he encountered...oh. So she was that king's daughter. The words 'a great king' threatened to pull a scoff of disbelief from the dragon but he withheld. He appraised her for a moment longer before letting out a sigh and nodding a little. "So it's your father that has been under my care." The last word having a bit of an emphasis to which he stepped closer to the horse and the woman.
"You are the first princess I've encountered." He mused, taking another step closer, reaching for the hanging reigns of the horse and shushing it softly to ease the nerves. "I can take you to him, if you'd like." The silver-haired man offered. "But I can assure you he is in no condition to travel such a distance." Loren didn't mean to lie so blatantly, but there was something intriguing about this woman that he just had to investigate a little more.
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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Daisy Edgar-Jones
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
She'd been called worse than a fool for undertaking this mission on her own. When her father hadn't come back, when his men hadn't come back, it was clear to Penelope that something had gone worse than wrong. Most had assumed the king was dead, and she knew it was only a matter of time until her far-worse uncle decided to take the throne. The only thing that had given her hope was the return of her father's stallion. Maybe it was her grief, but she took it as a sign. She'd begged some of the remaining knights to come with her, pleaded with her uncle to send some of his men, but they'd laughed in her face. So in the middle of the night, she'd mounted that same horse and ridden off toward the keep she'd heard them speak of. Days had passed, and she was beginning to wonder if she'd been crazy to attempt this with nothing more than some now stale bread and a map she wasn't sure she could read correctly. At the sight of the... man? Surely he was something more, given his size, she thought she must have officially snapped. There was a moment she considered turning back, tucking tail and leaving. But she couldn't. Her father wasn't a perfect man, but she was safer under his rule than anyone else's.
Finding her voice she told this creature, "No. I'm not lost. I'm searching for my father. A great king who traveled this way, who I believe is lost. I aim to find him and bring him home."
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Open: F Plot: Think Beauty and the Beast, except with a dragon instead of a beast, royalty and no talking tea cups or tea pots and more NSFW.
They just couldn't leave him alone. That's all he wanted ever since he could remember and the humans had discovered his castle. Every few centuries or so, some king or knight wanted to prove themselves and try and take what he held dear to him. And they either became his meal or he sent them back barely alive as a warning to others. The smart Kings and wise nobles he was more than happy to do business with and live amicably along side them. Some even tried to offer their daughters to him, but Loren never accepted such offers simply because he knew humans were fragile and to try anything with a large dragon like him would surely end in disaster for the poor human.
This king, however, was a rather bold one. Trying to ambush him under the guise of a peace treaty. And yet, an army of the finest, battle hardened knights were no match for the dragon still. When all was said and done, only he was left standing, dragging the king back to his castle to keep imprisoned until his dying days. Then it would simply be a matter of waiting till a new king or queen took over to see how the next century would look for him. He'd been out hunting wild boar for dinner when he could smell the scent of a human on the breeze. A woman. And not too far from his position given how strong her scent was. It was odd but not rare for one to wander so close, so he decided to investigate, abandoning the boar he'd been tracking before catching her scent. "Lost?" He finally asked as he'd been watching her for a while before showing himself. "If not, turn back. I only give one warning."
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
need a pretty girl to sit on my lap. to let me suck and grope her titties, for her to grind against my thigh and tell me shes mine.
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
idk man I guess natalie is in charge now so if you want a thing with her speak up.
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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SABRINA CARPENTER photographed for 'Short n' Sweet'
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
"Don't stop!" It slipped out far too eagerly as he quieted down, his hands stilling. "Just - no. I-I loved it. All of it." As he'd spoken she'd found herself shimmying herself closer to him, able to imagine just how good it would feel, how fun it would be to do all of that and more with him. There was an urgent feeling of arousal, a hunger that she wasn't used to, that had her moving on instinct. After all, Natalie was a good girl, a sweet girl, never one to make anyone uncomfortable. But based on what he'd just said, she didn't think making the move of closing the gap between them, and crawling onto his lap was that big of a risk.
"Don't be sorry. Ever. That was so hot. I'm..." Her cheeks were burning, but she ignored the nerves, admitting, "I'm so wet just from hearing it Isaac..." Biting her lip, worrying it between her teeth, she shifted her hips from side to side, trying to be subtle in the way she gently grinded against his lap. "And I mean... If you wanna.... If you wanna suck on them... or any of that.... I think I'd really like it."
“Well they’re just so suckable!” Isaac exclaimed, the words rushing out of him on a breath as if he’d been holding that in. The thrill of this little game, the pleasure of the sight of her breasts, let alone how they felt, and her breathless enthusiasm? Isaac was so wound up the truth just came blurting out. “I mean I’ve liked a lot of titties before but I can’t think of any that made me so aware of my mouth?
“Oh that was a weird way to say that. Sorry. Anyway, I just—I want all the things, to play with them, to grab them, to squeeze them, to tease your nipples, to rub my cock on them, to have you stroke me with them, and definitely watching them bounce—oh OH and cumming all over them of course! And I—wait what was I saying? OH no the thing I want most is to just suck on them and drool and moan like a dirty little for whore for you.”
He gasped, his hands stilling on her breasts (he’d been fondling them this whole time). “That… was too dirty. I’m so sorry.”
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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once it was out there she couldn't take it back, and hearing carmen's response sent a flush across her whole body. she hadn't even realized she'd like girls until she'd gotten to school, and once she had she'd found herself fantasizing about far more than just kissing carmen. not that she could say that. "I uh..." a nervous giggle bubbled out of her throat, and she nodded through it. once she'd collected herself, she tried to play it off, tried to act a little cooler than she felt, "of course I have. you're like... the prettiest girl I know. i bet everyone has thought about kissing you."
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it had been awhile since carmen and natalie had seen each other. after saying their goodbyes for school, it was definitely bittersweet. she had missed her best friend while she was away at school, but now here they were on natalie's bed practically sharing a bottle of wine. taking a sip of the wine as it traveled down her throat, she glanced up at the other and tilted her head, "i mean.." she paused biting at her lower lip, "i may have thought about it once or twice.." there's a small silence before she speaks up again, "h..have you?"
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
She could hardly suppress her own giggles as she settled onto the soft floor in front of her. There was a giddy kind of excitement in doing something that she knew was naughty, but also doing it with someone that she felt so comfortable with. Not only could she indulge a little, but she could have fun while doing it. "I think the more data the better, right?" Reaching for his hand, she pulled it gently to her chest, pressing his palm to a perfectly perky breast. "So... um... I guess other data that might help." She took a breath, centered herself, trying not to talk too quickly like she did when she was nervous, trying to play it cool. "I think... like... when you've masturbated to my tits.... What did you think about doing to them? Or... what was the context? What about them turns you on?"
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Isaac gave up getting off his knees and just settled his weight onto his ankles. This, of course, made the bulge in his pants (which wasn’t there before but definitely was after Natalie took her top off) that much more apparent. “I love them,” he answered with a sigh, almost deflating with defeat at the fact that there was no way he could hide how he felt. His mouth watered, his cock throbbed, and his hands itched with the need to touch.
“But what I think, what your sisters think—” He’d met both of Natalie's sisters and they were intimidatingly confident and sexy: he knew he’d be afraid to say this to their faces, which meant he felt it was true: “It doesn’t matter. If you want to change them, you should. If you want to keep them as they are, you should. What you should do is what you want to do. No one else.”
He rushed to assure her, to tell her good and comforting things, but he suddenly realized that may not have been all that was going on here. “But if you need, um… more data… to make your decision, to run some experiments then… then we can do that.” He fought so hard to keep himself from giggling excitedly and only managed a barely contained and quivering smirk. He patted the spot on his room’s carpeted floor right in front of him. “Step into my lab, please, miss.”
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aftermiiidniiight · 1 month
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It was hard for Natalie to ignore the stab of jealousy that she felt in the pit of her stomach at the idea of another girl flirting with Missy. Not that it was surprising. She'd always been the other girl's biggest cheerleader, making sure to remind her at every turn how beautiful, smart, capable, kind, sexy, cute, whatever she was. Of course someone else had seen it too. Natalie took a long pull from the wine bottle, before putting it aside, taking in and letting out a deep breath. "I think we've been friends forever." Reaching out, it felt so natural to grab her hand like she had a million times before, lacing their fingers and squeezing Missy's palm. "I think it would only be weird if we let it be weird, right?"
Giving her a reassuring grin, she scooted closer, until there wasn't much space between them. Moving from her bottom to her knees, she dropped Missy's hand, letting those same fingers move to brush through her hair, unsurprised by how soft it was. Even that simple touch sent a thrill through Natalie. If she weren't as tipsy she might have found herself wondering just how long she'd actually wanted this. Wanted her.
Holding her pinky up to extend the offer of a pinky promise she assured her, "One kiss. If we hate it, we pretend it never happened. Promise."
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Missy was happy in a way she hadn't been in forever and she knew it had to be because she was finally back with her best friend. Everything was fun and easy with her. They'd been talking non-stop about anything and everything and yet, Missy could not expected Natalie's question. "Oh, I mean," Missy blushed hard at the question but it was Natalie, she didn't know why she felt shy. "I've thought a little. Some girl at a party hit on me but I so surprised I didn't know what to do." She licked her lips and eyed her best friend differently. She was gorgeous. Obviously. Missy told her this all the time. "We could, uh, always just try? If you wanted to. I'd much rather experiment with you than some random girl at a party." She'd had just enough wine to not overthink things like she usually would have. "You don't think it would be weird do you?" She tried to give an out in case she'd totally misread what her best friend was asking.
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