Just Another One.
975 posts
Taken, metal head, writer, Slytherin, weirdo, wanderlust, proud. Hear me now, words I vow, no f*cking regrets. Determination, Pride, Ambition, Conning.
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shoutout to trans men who are repeatedly mistaken for lesbians
Including, but not limited to: 
–gay trans men who just want a man and don’t have any interest in women and are repeatedly mistaken for lesbians, or even as straight girls
–straight trans men who are still read as women and are repeatedly mistaken for lesbians
–bi/pansexual trans men who aren’t romantically/sexually exclusive to women, and are not women themselves, and yet are still mistaken for lesbians
–nonbinary/genderqueer transmasculine people, regardless of sexuality, who may not be 100% men or women or are both or neither or somewhere inbetween and who still are repeatedly mistaken for lesbians when they don’t ID as such.
Guys, you rock and you’re important. you’ll find someone who loves you for who you truly are. don’t let others’ misconceptions of you hurt you. 
Rock on, brothers. 
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You’re not less of a boy for liking to wear skirts You’re not less of a boy for wanting to wear makeup You’re not less of a boy for knitting or sewing You’re not less of a boy for expressing “softer” emotions You’re not less of a boy for wanting to feel pretty.
Boys come in all different types. It’s okay to be a soft boy, a pretty boy, a femininely dressed boy. You’re still a boy. The only thing that determines how much of a boy you are is how YOU define your boyhood. And no one, nothing in the world, can take that away from you.
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O yes, I walk down this path so many men have walked before
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Friendly reminder.
No relationship ist easy, no matter in what way. Just ask yourself if the person is worth for or not.
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A Friendly Reminder
Despite what many books and movies portray, you can’t magically fix someone by loving them.  Don’t expect someone to suddenly not have depression, or whatever mental illness they struggle with, just because you’re in their life now.  I find a lot of people get frustrated because “I’m with them now. Why are they still depressed?” Would you expect someone’s broken arm to suddenly heal because you’re there?  It’s not a magic fix. It’s comforting, and you can offer support, but your love is not the magic cure all. 
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The fact of the matter is that sometimes staying closeted for your own safety isn’t just about fear of physical violence. Sometimes it’s because you don’t think that you could handle the rejection, judgement, and/or emotional abuse that could come with coming out. Sometimes it’s because you don’t know what coming out would entail and you’re scared to find out. Staying closeted (with everyone or with some people) is your choice. Put your wellbeing above all else. I love you, stay safe.
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“Your parents don’t deserve that!”
I didn’t deserve to be abused my whole life. They very much deserve nothing from me.
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Being gay? That’s punk as fuck.
Being bi? That’s punk as fuck.
Being trans? That’s punk as fuck.
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My dear lgbt+ kids, 
Just because someone has had a crush on you for a long time doesn’t mean you owe them anything.
Just because someone has asked you out multiple times doesn’t mean you owe them anything.
Just because someone “would die for” you doesn’t mean you owe them anything.
Just because someone is heartbroken because you’re not interested doesn’t mean you owe them anything.
You don’t owe anyone a date. You don’t own anyone to “at least give it a try”. You don’t owe anyone sex. You don’t owe anyone a hug or a kiss. You don’t owe anyone a second chance. You don’t owe anyone any feelings - including anyone who has feelings for you.
Never let anyone tell you to feel bad for “not loving back who loves you” - You don’t owe anyone your love. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Mom 
PS: If you feel like you’ve seen this before: Don’t worry, I didn’t steal this - I published this first on my personal blog which I deleted a few days ago but I wanted to keep this post. 
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Here’s an unpopular opinion that shouldn’t be unpopular: Not wanting sex is a reasonable boundary to set for literally any reason. Be it your trauma, your mental health, your sexuality, or any other factor. Your partners should respect that and they should respect you. This shouldn’t be a debate.
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Okay, so let’s get this straight!
Today, I got told that the picture of me in a dress (Hi, I’m a trans guy!) meant that I was nonbinary, or a woman. I was kind of taken aback. So what if I wore a dress? Its just clothing.
So I’m making this post to say this.
If you’re trans male, you’re not confined to being 100% masculine. If you want to wear a dress, you’re still a man. If you want to wear makeup, you’re still a man. If you want to do anything that is perceived as feminine, you’re still a man. Because your gender is not determined by a set of ideas of what certain people should wear.
If you’re a trans female, and you choose to wear a suit, you’re still a woman. If you choose to have short hair, or not wear makeup, you’re still a woman. If you want to do things that society deem as a ‘male’ thing to do, you’re still a woman. You shouldn’t have to conform to rigid and outdated views of what a woman should do.
The same goes for people who are non binary. If you choose to wear clothes that are deemed too ‘masculine’ or too ‘feminine’ that doesn’t make you any less valid. If you still use he/him or she/her pronouns, that doesn’t make you the gender that is attached to the pronouns.
Gender is what you identify as. There is no rules as to what each gender should or should not do. Every single one of you deserves to wear what you want, do what you want, and be who you want. Dont let someone tell you that you can’t be the gender you identify as because “what you’re wearing doesn’t fit the rigid role that I’d expect your gender to play” or anything else like that.
And if anyone does say that to you, tell me, and I’ll fight them over it.
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Wait, can you join the club if you're panromantic?
It says “pan” and not just “pansexual”, so yes, yes you can :-). 
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Reblog in support of they/them pronouns!
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You’re not less of a boy for liking to wear skirts You’re not less of a boy for wanting to wear makeup You’re not less of a boy for knitting or sewing You’re not less of a boy for expressing “softer” emotions You’re not less of a boy for wanting to feel pretty.
Boys come in all different types. It’s okay to be a soft boy, a pretty boy, a femininely dressed boy. You’re still a boy. The only thing that determines how much of a boy you are is how YOU define your boyhood. And no one, nothing in the world, can take that away from you.
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if you see this post it means::
- you can vent to me - you can follow me - you can spam me - you can message me any time - you can send me your thoughts - you can tell me anything - you can trust me
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