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Merry Christmas!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Br2-D-AgSTQviwiVP_j7DPAnXK71wdLnWRad-Y0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jcuzdfu9clfv
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I love dennys new double berry pancakes. Thank you
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November has been so intense. I lost my beloved pet, and I gained new friends. I had sleepless nights full of anxiety, and vibrant, exciting days in new places. I cried on the shoulders of my friends and family, and then helped them through tough times too. My creativity was drained away from me, but I signed hundreds of books and prints for people who generously supported my work. I felt hollow and depressed but also alive and full of purpose. I cried many tears. Tears of grief, exhaustion, joy and gratitude. Thanks everyone who supported me this month by saying kind things, buying my books and prints, and showing kindness and empathy ♥️ It’s time for me to unwind and try to find some peace of mind again.
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When the pants rolled and ran away
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pencil sketch colored in with procreate. 
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I’m not saying Tumblr is dying, but we have a Twitter. We have for awhile now, but I often neglect it. Now that I have a personal twitter account (took me long enough, right) I’m going to be on Twitter a lot more and I will promise to look at the things you tweet to the out of context dnd twitter account.
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Hang on im testing something if these go through god is dead
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Gorgeous acrylic set I did today. Thanks to my friend Keith at school. He needed nails and I needed to do them! https://www.instagram.com/p/BrDo5GLgph3r1x6Y8nIBt4CUGDiQ93z9fV1YB40/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=yuzimbjvzjqn
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Happy holidays from Sevchenko! (at La Porte, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6WDZZAw8HGGYi2uZSHIwJZBOOyQSaKT--eIM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mfkewcb22jxs
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How is this comfortable? (at La Porte, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq6V3lbgUj5iysA3Hxs63K42tZzfS2g4_3mxm00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5ulveelnl5gu
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On having kids.
I keep thinking about how my life would be like with a child. I wish I could explain the feeling of longing that I have. I brought It up to my boyfriend. He says he can see us with kids, but hes not ready right now. I wish he was. And who knows if i am. I just feel like theres something missing. And that is a child. I was thinking about how there will be no kids to celebrate this Christmas in our house. I want to have a reason to celebrate. I buy for all of my nieces and nephews but its just not the same.
I find myself walking around the house and expecting a kid to come around the corner and laugh and want me to chase them. I just know that when the time is right, i will be ready. I will be happy to sit in labor for 24 hours or more in pain. I will be happy to do it.
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Journal Entry #1
That’s what this shit is, right? A blog site? Anyway I’m gonna start writing stuff to get a rational understanding of things in my head on paper. Or pixels. Whatever. You actually taking the time to read this is an undertaking in futility and I can’t be fuckered to care whether or not you actually do. So with plenty of further ado, here is my brain.
My life is in shambles. That’s mostly from neglect so I guess the only person I have to blame is myself. Regardless, shambles is a perfect description of the swirling vortex of chaos that I find myself in. I have no time management skills to speak of and even less personal hygeine. I’m so far removed from skin-care it might as well be called skin-abuse at this point. But despite my own inadequacies I’m gonna make an attempt to cultivate some sense of self-worth out of the travesty that I call my life.
Attempt #1 - Exercise. Been doing that shit. Got my resting heart rate down to about 50 BPM. That’s scary btw. My heart takes so long between beats that I think I’m dead every other second. But I’ve heard this is a good thing and I seem to be able to run 4+ miles on the reg now so whoopity fuckaloo I’m a runner, baby.
Attempt #2 - Diet. Fuck food. It’s too complicated. You are what you eat and I can’t stop shoveling dick inside me long enough to actually care. But at least I can log it. So I’m gonna do that. Go me.
Attempt #3 - Scheduling. Alright now fuck this shit right here. I can’t think 2 seconds ahead let alone a full day. How the squiggly tits am I supposed to think A WEEK ahead. Either way, I downloaded an app to help. Hate it already but I already hated scheduling so nothing’s really changed. The only thing I really need to focus on is taking time to do said shit. Could probably find some free time in between my heartbeats. Which is a long time now.
Attempt #4 - Lists should stop at 3. Listen, I’m gonna level with you… I wrote this line before I actually knew what I was gonna put here. I know the previously 3 attempts might make me seem like some overachieving douchebag (and you’re RIIIIIIIIIIGHT) but even I have limits. So let’s just all pretend I put something profound on this line and move on with our days.
Well that was painful. Also I slept like shit last night. Still reeling from time-traveling over the Pacific Ocean. Australia was fun but oof ow my jet lag. But that’s not why I slept like shit. I couldn’t sleep because Henry kept waking up to shoot liquid poopy out every 2 hours. He’s a good boy though and woke us up every time he needed to go outside. What a good boy. What a good poopy boy.
Much love. Stay woke. Poop well.
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Here’s some artwork I created for Earth Draw, a crowdfunding campaign by 3Dtotal to help raise money to conserve the rainforest. I was lucky to get to collaborate with some of my favorite artists to make a painting of the earth.
By buying a limited edition poster of this art, you can help conserve acres of rainforest. Please take a look at the campaign! You can find it here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/earth-draw
It would mean a lot to me if you could consider contributing to this charity 💙 🌍
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Hey kids, remember, if you internalize all of your feelings, no one can hear you scream.
Go ahead, eat that fuckin cupcake.
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I want to be a parent.
I’m 23 and I’m realizing now that i would love to be a parent. I want to take on the responsibility of raising a wonderful child and sending that child into the world. If i had a girl, i would want to bond with her over books that i have read and help her decorate her room the way she wants. I want to teach her about great women of the world and bond over a talk about womanhood. When shes small, ill teach her how to dress herself and how to talk to people nicely. We will watch all of the disney princess movies and when she picks her favorite everything will be about that princess. Halloween costumes and pjs and socks even. Ill teach her how to do her hair and nails and makeup.
If i have a boy, i would teach him how to be a good man. How to respect other people and how to treat a woman. Ill teach him how to dress and we will decorate his room in amazing stuff. We will also watch all of the disney princess movies and he can pick his favorite too. And of course both of them will watch all of the other disney movies that i loved and we will all debate on which ones are the best.
I want to be a parent so bad. I know im young and im in a relationship and i want to be married first but thats not happening for another 3 years mabye. And I’m not going to force him to give me a kid when i know he his not ready for anything like that. We have only been together for a year. But damn im so ready. And i want all of this with him and only him. So for him, I will wait. I love him. And I would wait for him forever.
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jacksepticeye, the best space captain
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