megan thee stallion
18K posts
She/Her. NYC. Pomegranate queen. I like a lot of things.
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afghanmenace · 2 years ago
he really is so young and beautiful and bright eyed with all the love and ambition and kindness you could ever have stuffed into his 23 year old 6'2" body like love is real and embodied by a boy in florida who just met his best friend for the first time in real life after knowing each other for years and hes smiling and laughing and setting off fireworks with his family that he found and made and loves so dearly and one million people celebrated the fact that he has a strong jawline and fluffy hair and big shining eyes and sharp white teeth and he is surrounded by people who love him tonight. and nothing else matters except that.
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afghanmenace · 3 years ago
hey y’all i’m still alive lol
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afghanmenace · 5 years ago
already broke my new years resolution in trying not to want to die
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afghanmenace · 5 years ago
hi, yeah I'm alive
this blog has been dead for over two years now but it's also been exactly 7 years to this day that I made it so I just came back for the nostalgia lol
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
Are you okay with sharing your other blog?
It’s a lame fandom blog you wouldn’t be interested
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
I hope you're doing okay!
I’m doing alright all things considering, thanks for checking up on me hon
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
When your stuff from four years ago still gets reblogged consistently
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
If only I had the words to describe how tumultuous the past ten days have been
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
really wonderful how my grandma is the same age as trump yet while she’s fighting for her life he’s gleefully dropping giant bombs on her native country
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
Can someone please take one for the team and drop an M.O.A.B on the Trump administration
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
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Tears fill my eyes as I read the words on my screen. The world seems to stop spinning for the slightest second as I re-read the anonymous message over and over again, gripping on to the hope that the words will magically disappear. But they didn’t. Anon had done it; they’d figured out that the only way to make me take off my hijab was to call my hair ugly. My one weakness.
A tear streams down my left cheek.
Eight years of academy hijab training…wasted. I had to prove this extremely relevant and good-looking anonymous person wrong, I cared too much about what they thought. How could I live my life knowing that there is one person out there who thinks probably my hair is ugly maybe? How could I look myself in the mirror? How could I face my family? My shoulders shook as I cried silently, and my chair squeaked ever so slightly at the vibrations; as if it, too, was crying in sorrow.
It wasn’t until that moment that the second part of the message dawned on me… how would I prove them wrong without breaking the rules? Was it really against the rules? I reach into my hijab and pull out a scroll. At the very top, in cursive jet-black inked letters, the word ‘Rules’ stares back at me. My heart is racing as my eyes frantically read the scroll.
‘Rule #1: no killing people,’ it reads. I let out a whimper. There go my evening plans. 
Suddenly, my eye catches the next words. The scroll is rustling in my trembling hands as I turn my face away, tears spraying out of my eyes like the spit of a white person as they try to justify racism. The cursive words felt more like a curse of words, vivid and refusing to disappear as if I were still staring at them even through my closed eyes.
Rule #2: don’t show ur hair girl it’s ugly lmaooooo
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
I’m not active on here anymore, but I know that people who follow me have been getting their college acceptance letters this week, and since it’s the anniversary of the day I got my acceptance letter (and it’s also my birthday) I thought I’d say a few things.
First of all, not getting into your dream school is not the end of the world. But getting into your dream school doesn’t necessarily make your life better. I got into what most people consider a dream school and I currently go there now and it has made my life miserable. Why? I didn’t choose the school for myself.
Which brings me to my second point. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT choose to attend a school just because of its prestigious name or because your family wants you to go there. I can’t stress this enough. DON’T DO IT. THERE’S A HIGH CHANCE YOU WILL REGRET IT. I made that mistake and I now spend every second of my days wishing I could go back and change things. I could have gone to my local college for free, getting great grades and keeping my mental health instead of being where I am now, at a far away expensive private school where my GPA sucks and I’ll be graduating with lots of debt and little future prospects.
If you personally don’t feel like the school is good for you, you’re probably right. Research your schools, see where you’ll fit in best and whether it will be best for you, not best for your parent’s bragging rights or for the name on your college hoodie. Because in the real world no one actually cares where you went to college.  What really matters is what you got out of the experience, and my sister who currently attends the local city college is getting a hell of a lot more than I am. If that fancy Ivy League speaks out to you, go for it! But if not, spare yourself and do you.
So please, it’s too late for me but not for you guys. I don’t want anyone else to make the same mistake that I did.
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
five star goodreads review: great book! really liked it :)
one star goodreads review: okay, here is the beginning of a 50,000 word essay why this book is the worst piece of literature in the world. we begin with chapter one, the novel opens
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
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Oscars, 2017
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
Sure happy George W. Bush said a few nice words about Muslims while his administration was killing at least a hundred thousand Muslim civilians
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
Friendly reminder that The Great Wall is actually not a movie that engages in awful whitewashing of a Chinese story but is a story about a Chinese myth told with a 99% Asian cast, by a Chinese director. If you saw only trailers with Matt Damon in them, that was a deliberate marketing ploy to draw in a white audience.
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afghanmenace · 8 years ago
When you see haram on the dashboard
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