aether-realm · 2 months
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Au fucking revoir Mister Prince
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aether-realm · 2 months
grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode
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aether-realm · 2 months
this whole “never repeat outfits” shit is not working for me. i get attached to one oversized sweater and that’s all you’ll see me in for a week
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aether-realm · 2 months
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Barto just like me fr
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aether-realm · 2 months
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aether-realm · 2 months
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I love my kpop boys so much
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aether-realm · 2 months
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aether-realm · 2 months
This comic takes place a couple years after luffy has become pirate king btw, the crew are probably adventuring somewhere in the South Blues rn
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He never even heard it from him directly, he had it find it all out from eavesdropping. I feel like that's gotta hurt right?
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aether-realm · 2 months
Prolly takes place during one of jinbeis first adventures with the strawhats where nothing super big happens (well 1 big thing)
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kinda like when you remove a blobfish from a high pressure environment I suppose
Quick shoutout to my favourite jinbei post which I thought about while making this comic
also I made this all before watching this filler episode in particular but OUGHHH ROBINN!!!! (ep 131)
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aether-realm · 2 months
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aether-realm · 2 months
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#36 - blub blub
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aether-realm · 2 months
I read somewhere that Luffy is so keen on being friends with Law because Law is the first person in his life to ever approach him first. In every other relationship, it was Luffy asking, or demanding, to be friends first.
And I haven't been the same ever since.
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aether-realm · 2 months
I feel like a chore to you, something you have to put effort into but really don't want to, an obligation
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aether-realm · 3 months
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How I think Kid got his devil fruit 😂
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aether-realm · 3 months
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never lose hope
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aether-realm · 4 months
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aether-realm · 4 months
Dude for real though your worth as a human being is not dependent on how productive or “useful” you are. You could do nothing but lay in bed all today and you’d still be worthy of respect and care. Bro you are a living breathing human being and your life has inherent value. Like straight up you don’t have to do something impossible or world changing with your time on earth in order for you to matter. We are all specks of dust in the cosmos and the fact that you exist at all means you are important. Dude you don’t have to earn the right to live bro, like I swear bro, like no cap.
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